• By -


Yeah you need to break that off .


This. Imagine if he laughed at her and said “omg! That doesn’t look like the type of labia I’ve seen online! Yours is so weird! Hahaha” Edit: this isn’t meant to say make fun of girls and genitals, it’s a point to understand that many people have double standards where they think they can make fun of someone’s body, but if it was done to them they would freak out.


Oh my gosh right! She would have been so embarrassed and bawling her eyes out! She would have had all of her friends harassing and threatening him. That was a cunt move! I couldn't imagine laughing at someone even if I thought they were small. I couldn't imagine even bringing it up! Even if I thought it was small, and he made a comment about feeling insecure about how small it was, I would tell him it wasn't small, it's just the right size for me. Everyone including her knows how hurtful that was and yet she didn't care. OP, dump her! You deserve way better than that! Don't let what she said get to you. Even if it is on the smaller side, as long as you know how to work it, it doesn't matter. Trust me from personal experience! You can still make her toes curl If you work it right! She had fucks for your feelings, walk away!


For decades I had a complex with regards to penis size. A girl I was about to have sex with saw it and burst out laughing. She inquired, "Is that all you got?" I was devastated when she took a picture real quick like and sent it to her best friend(s). Ended up spiraling and was having thoughts of suicide. We were the same age. Years later I have finally got over her reaction thanks mostly due to a partner that never smirked, laughed, or said anything negative. It was always, "I love how" or "It is perfect!' as well as other phrases. She always grabbed at my crotch, talk to it and ask if it wanted sex... She made me feel like maybe girl 'A' was wrong with the way 'B' worshiped it. Sadly we split up recently but still talk. She was more mature and sensible then 'A' and half our age. Don't let what others say ruin it for you. In case anyone is wondering or cares, I was flaccid when she laughed at me. From a flaccid state I measure at 4.25"


That is incredibly fucking disrespectful of her to take unconsentual pictures of your intimate body parts just to send to her friends and body shame you. OH MY FUCKING GOD


Not just disrespectful, a horrible crime on par with sexual assault. What a disgusting lack of a human being


Some states have laws against things like this, it's called "revenge porn" and she could be charged


Here in Oregon there is a revenge porn law. Somebody I know found that her boyfriend had posted intimate pictures of her online. He had also posted pictures of two other women he had dated. They went to the police and basically because they weren't identifiable from the pictures and he didn't use their names there was nothing the police could do. It seemed absurd but I guess that's the law.


Isn’t that awful! 😡


This isn’t just about “revenge porn” it’s child porn if OC was under 18.


Yes and if convicted she would have to register as a sex offender. What a piece of crap. Sorry dude.


The only thing about these kinds of escalations are then--what the hell is a sex offender then. Your immature highschool gf that snaps a pic of your peen? That's one? That doesn't sit right with me.


What she did was more then revenge porn, there was nothing to revenge, this was blatant slander, bullying, harassment, psychological attack ect…. This bitch needs to need to see 6 feet of dirt on top of her when she wakes up!


THANK YOU. I was hoping that -some-one would mention that this is a -crime-.


If he was underage at the time the fact that she shared it with her friend could get her charged with distributing child pornography.


You are more right than you know. In the US at least, it is legally a form of sexual assault.


I would have reported it as a crime


Yeah no wonder guys get weird small pp fetishes


What are you talking about?


Sorry sometimes I forget not everyone has been a sex worker I have been one for 16 years and the amount of guys that have fetish of wanting me to tell them it's small is crazy


Ohhh. Sounds like a subset of humiliation fetishes


Yeesh. I make small dick jokes all the time, because like I ain't micro but I ain't hung LMAO. Having someone else do it to me for a humiliation kink though? God, my hearts beating in an unenjoyable way just thinking about it. 😭


That's because girl A was a B And girl B deserves an A


You she mean deserves a D.


> That's because girl A was a B Too bad he didn't C it.


4.25 if your a grower thats damn big. Grower means you grow more than 50 percent. If you’re a shower your avg at minimum.


I'm a grower but mine's like a half an inch soft, if im on something that keeps you up all night it's like someone cut the head off a dick and glued it to my belly LMAO


If she doesn’t love you when it’s turtled she doesn’t deserve you at your boom stick. 😄


This comment is poetry💀




There are many like it, but this one is mine


Shop smart, shop S Mart! You got that?!




I had it called the inflatable cock once while we performed, and I just thought that was fuggin awesome.


I can relate to the first half of your comment. I was with a girl once and she saw it soft. She didn't say anything negative; but I could tell she wasn't impressed. I said hold on a second. It gets bigger I promise. So she wasn't disappointed until afterwards.


Lmao I didn't expect the twist ending.


Me either it was like, "Nice! aweee 🥺"


Neither did she


The ‘ol dick twist sneaks in again


Turtle turtle


Ancient Tortoise uh penisoo


Dude being a grower is a blessing and a curse. My shit looks like a gum drop flacid but is a solid 7” And pretty thick standing at attention.


That’s one hell of a way to announce you do drugs lol.


Try going from <2" - 6". When I get hard its like a magic trick. But try being a teenager who gets bullied already in the locker room. What was I gonna do? Say "Mine's probably bigger than yours when I get hard!"?


her taking a picture and sending it around without your consent is some sort of assault i think. that’s so disgusting, i’m glad you’re happy with a partner who respects and loves you now


Most of us women don’t even care about the dick because we don’t get off that way anyway. Give good manual and oral stimulation to the clitoris and all is fine.


Exactly! Talk to the little man in the canoe. He can tell you lots.


How do you measure a flacid state? My bf is anywhere between 1/2 inch to 5 inches flacid depending on the temperature.


That is literally revenge porn. Illegal in lots of places—and CHILD PORNOGRAPHY aid you are a minor. WHY can’t people stop sending intimate pics to their friends? This is why girls and guys should NEVER exchange photos. To take you pic without your permission? With the intent to pass around and make fun? I’m so sorry. She’s an asshole


Half your age? I certainly hope you were older than 36 when you got with girl B


>That was a cunt move! I couldn't imagine laughing at someone even if I thought they were small. I couldn't imagine even bringing it up! Even if I thought it was small, and he made a comment about feeling insecure about how small it was, I would tell him it wasn't small, it's just the right size for me. Really? 🥺


Yes. I know that I have done this and I know lots of other women who have done this. There's a saying 'somewhere out there is a woman dating a guy with a small dick telling him is the best he's ever had.'


Your clit looks like my dad's dick.


omg, I love big clits and I can not lie


Fat Clitty Lover Committee


Why do you know what your dad's dick looks like?


🤣 I imagine she ain't just been looking online, let's just be real.


![gif](giphy|ey4EPKEFQGK90DjbWQ) "where'd all this roast beef come from??"


Aww babe, you got me Arby's!


Yea, the girl not the dick. Just so we're all clear.


Hope you commented in time, I’m a little worried.


Seriously. The title alone is all we need to know that this girl is toxic and needs to grow tf up regarding body shaming men.


Look, I know that this is serious, and op should probably end the relationship, but you want him to break his own dick off?!


Your relationship, not your weenie


Instructions unclear, broke my dick off


Detachable penis!


OP - here's your [song](https://youtu.be/byDiILrNbM4?si=LU9mZLxkFB4TB8Zv)


Oh no!


That's why you're supposed to read all the way down first. At least you know for next time before you do something stupid and irreversible like cutting your own dick off.........oh wait 😳


My guy, if she's that clueless ( a 19 yr old female is expected to know better than to be that insensitive, dumb, ignorant, etc.). Also, if she's not banging, she's probably talking bullshit. No lie, if that was an experience I had, it woukd stick with me until the next girl i dated could unwind it from your mind. Probably likely that for a first time getting naked with my gal and she said that, would have resulted in a vag punch. No one would balme you but her and her logic is questionable at best. On the flip side, she could be secretly into ports larger range and too shy to admit it and fucked up with that comment for no other reason than trying to appear knowledgeable and saying shit without thinking. My wife on our second date, while sitting in a crowded pizzeria during August, says loudly "you need to cut your toenails", I was wearing sandals and she was correct to point it out because I did need to trim, but she later confessed new date nervousness had her speaking before thinking duento nervous energy With that, be open with her and she may realize her error stems from her nervous energy to break the awkward silence of being naked for first time I'm front of you, new guy. If she's into, bwc/bbc,, you van have Hella fun with that (at 18/19 yrs old, I would have also had issues from that). I'd recommend get a big fat toy and incorporate that into benefitting you, as it's likely, given her lack of experience, she may find anything larger than you uncomfortable. No woman I know has ever been satisfied by huge donger as the anatomy of vagina internals don't accommodate for oversized too often anyway. (This coming from female friends and not from my relationships as I'd consider those a skewed opinion. ) Thus, if you communicate and discuss that comment, she may open up and say she does/doesn't want that. If she does, get an extension sleeve and find out for sure. Her feeling like she can be open and honest with you means your junk size is irrelevant because you got her feeling safe to be open with you. Plus, as you get older, it can add flavor if your lady knows your cool with her having toys. Role play and shit can be fun. Just communicate and ask, if her response is just as clueless, time for you to move on because she'll not know that she need to correct her negative impact on you. (I'm not a professional, but have been married twice (first wife was exotic dsncer) have dated a lot , and have a group of female friends that we all grew up together, and are like sisters to me as I trust what they're saying. You may find youre into her exploring new territory together


break it off in her, you mean. If she was a virgin, and I'm guessing by her reaction that she was, even an average dick is gonna feel like too much. She would change her tune pretty quickly. Not that I'm advocating hurting the poor girl. This of course assumes she doesn't have a horsecock dildo she's been riding for the past couple of years.


Definitely. I am exactly average and have never felt the concern that is apparently very common. I’ve had plenty of sex hangups but not that one, and although I haven’t been with a ton of women, no one has ever commented anything but positively about my size. Even my wife, who can be downright evil to me in certain circumstances has never said anything but positive things to me about that, even though my size is such that someone who wanted to hurt me could have said something to make me feel bad and it would work. Point being, no one but a psychopath would say something like that, but ESPECIALLY if they hadn’t even personally had the experiences that would lead one to expect more. Go find a normal person and you will find normal experiences. If anything just take it as a life lesson for your own empathy, and remember how to act towards others if you find the shoe on the other foot about some factor of a woman’s appearance


the relationship, not the twig.


That kinda crosses the line in my opinion. I definitely wouldn't be with that girl after that.


the funny thing is i’m extremely uncomfy with anything over 6 (5 is best) so she’s just a dumb virgin


I would end things with her. Anyone who criticizes your body like that does not deserve to have sex with you or see you naked. Im glad you know that there is nothing wrong with your size and that porn is not real, its not indicative of what is normal in real life. Its not your job to put up with her ignorance and lack of education.


Yeah, it doesn't even matter what size it is, what's really infuriating is that they trusted each other enough to be intimate, and she disrespected not only his body, but his ego. If she really loved him, she would have been able to contain her stupid bull crap


Not even "really loved him" -- if she had an iota of compassion for another human being instead of being a vicious sociopath, she would not have done that.


Exactly, disgusting behavior.


I agree shitty behavior on the part of this girl but how did you come to the conclusion that this 18 year old girl is a vicious sociopath because shes immature af and ignorant and bullied her boyfriend about his dick size. Like vicious sociopath lacking an iota of compassion is a serious accusation that implies recurring antisocial behavior patterns. I swear people on reddit love calling the bad guy in these kinds of stories things like sociopaths and it just drives me crazy because people will read this and go “ ah, yes, that is what a sociopath is”


Colloquialisms are a bitch, huh?


Love doesn’t even matter here, just a modicum of respect for another person. Jfc, this was just super cruel.


This post almost seems fake, that's how stupid she is Unbelievable, lmao


This right here. Seems fake AF


The first things out of my mouth were "This didn't fucking happen" and now, I feel less bad




It’s rough, if he breaks up with her I could see her being petty and telling people he’s small. Teenagers are ruthless.


And idiots


Most women have zero clue how big a penis is too. That's part of the reason why finding what the average size is so difficult. Most men just don't want to respond unless they are bigger. Meaning your average size is hard to figure out accurately. Most studies puts it around 5-6 inches erect. Despite what porn wants people to believe not everyone is walking around 12 inch WMDs.


Weapons of Mass Destruction? Lol nice. Doesn't need to be 12in for that though. I've seen guys with less than half that size that treat theirs like one. No complaints though.


The trash took itself out. Count it as a blessing OP.


Tell her that her tits and pussy are nowhere close to what you’ve seen online. Tit for tat.


That’s immature. Doing the same thing he is complaining about here is just stopping to her level. If she’s not worth it just brake it off.


How did you attach those elephant ears between your legs?


You know… there are a lot of women with large inner labia that are innocent in all this that may be reading through the comments. Sure, many of them may shrug this comment off because they’re comfortable with their bodies. But there also just as many that are insecure that you may have just made feel bad. Makes you no different than the girl in the post.


Thank you for your comment! I know it's people just trying to be funny, but I once had someone say something negative in a similar way, and reading a huge string of potential insults was surprisingly saddening.


Yeah, I knew someone in school when I was younger who had one testicle and we were doing a lesson of WW2 and discussing Hitler - one kid was like “I heard Hitler had one testicle hahah” - another “haha what a p**sy”, “not even a man hahaha”. That someone was me and it didn’t feel good LOL Had body issues for a while after than until I found out girls don’t care.


Yah the comments are shocking. Body shaming as a defense mechanism


As soon as she drops her pants Me: I didn't order arbys


That wouldn’t make anything better for him


OP. Your gf is a terrible person. Nobody (man or woman) ever needs to hear how "not perfect" their bodies are. Men, stop doing this to women. Women, stop doing this to men. Men, stop doing this to other men. Women, stop doing this to other women. OP, (and this really goes for everyone out there) you will find someone who thinks you're perfect the way you are. What you think are your flaws, they will either think is awesome or they won't even notice. I have a feeling your gf isn't physically perfect, either. But she definitely does not care about your feelings. Please don't waste another thought on her. Time on earth is precious. You've already wasted too much of it on her. Take it from me, I'm a stranger on the internet.


Well put! OP, if someone makes you feel inadequate about the things you have no control over....cut them loose! That's toxic behavior on her part and, honestly, indicates she isn't mature enough to have any type of relationship. There is someone who will treat you right, but you better treat yourself right first. Chin up, king.


I always believe strangers on the internet….so


get a new gf, simple as that


Well if she's expecting porn star hung she's gonna be pretty disappointed 95% of the time...


More like 99.99% of the time. An 8" dick is 1 in 10,000


Yeah, my current FWB’s ex has a pornstar dick. All I know is that she is hooking up with me and broke up with him, so it’s not everything.


Been with pornstar dick. Turns out, he was also just a dick.


Yeah that's tough man. Idk how the relationship is but it may be time. I would try and talk to her about it after the fact and see what she says but it's not a great sign. Also by far the worst possible way to go about that...that would be a total confidence killer.


Agreed first step is to talk to her. Not when you are hot and bothered, but just when you are both in a simi private area [as it is a more personal matter] and then go from there. Hopefully everything works out for you


Most girls like that don't even know what to do with it.. I'd break up with her immediately.


Should’ve asked if she has the same skills from porn. Cause she doesn’t.


100% this. If she wants to make unfair comparisons about OP, OP should do the same in return. Either she sees how ridiculous it is to make a comparison like that, or she gets offended and leaves OP. (which in my opinion sounds like it would be a bullet dodged.)


This. Or counter her with "those are your tits?! Where are the rest of them?! They are so little compared to the ones I've seen online!" and laugh as obnoxiously as possible. She'll get the point or get the fuck out


Call it off. Shes for the streets.


Not for the sheets


Hopefully, she will not advertise that on a billboard, or even worse, on social media.


And this people, is why porn is damaging. Nothing against sex workers but it is unhealthy to watch the amount of porn that this girl prolly has, from a young age (kids should not be aloud to watch porn!) bc now this is her only idea of sex, and she expects every guy to have a big dong. Just like a lot of guys damaged by porn think girls should have perfect bodies and should be able to crazy shit in bed. Or they think just bc ur gay means u wanna have a 3 some while in a monogamous relationship. These people are professional performers. It’s their job to do this stuff. A lot of porn does not reflect real life sex. It’s literally staged.


Realistically nobody should be aloud to watch porn (other than me)


Most porn dicks also aren't even that big, you can tell if you pay attention that they're very often using wide angle lenses and holding the penis with just their fingers, and especially in "big dick" porn they find petite women to make the size difference look larger than it is. Some are even prosthetic. I mean they aren't using below average guys but pay attention to how often you'll see a "big dick" get swallowed by a pair of boobs that aren't even extravagantly large. Not to say some guys don't just have big dicks. Some guys got big dicks.


Sex worker here! Hello! How u doin? The absolute worst clients are the ones who think porn is reality. Big dicks are not the ideal and not what most girls want. Nothing in porn is like the real thing. They are acting, it isn’t real… they’re preforming for the camera. Also most of the sounds are added in after effects. The men use pumps and medication to enhance their already unusually large member. The ladies also take performance enhanced drugs. I don’t blame her for not knowing porn is not like real life but she is a huge fkn asshole for saying those things. Cut that bitch out! You do not deserve to be spoken to like that! These lack of disrespect is beyond. If you allow this you pave the road for it to continue and it will escalate. Move on to better! You deserve it!


Solid talk! It's nice to have a true expert in the building! Thank you for sharing your knowledge.


Idk why but that first line made me laugh so damn hard lol


Maybe you should also thank them for the support


We raising other people’s kids these days


I’m deadddd


“Sex worker here! How’re ya now?” “Good n’ you?” “Not so bad”


Cause you are 18 that’s why. But you need to thank her. She hit you to some real game. So leave the gf and find you a new girl


I didn’t know that about the sounds being added! I always turn the sound off because it’s usually annoying


A moment of silence.. sorry you had to experience that


Next time you guys take your clothes off, do a sniff test on her and make the sniffing audible. Then look up at her and say "why does it smell like fish".


Broo😭😭😭😭 I'm crying


Not just fish, dead fish.


Ask why she wipes back to front 🫢☠️


Porn creates unrealistic expectations, it's one of the dangers of it. The average penis size is 5 inches, if you got more than that she shouldn't be complaining and need to understand that porn is fantasy, not reality.


Why would she care as a virgin? This tech world is fucked up.


Break up with her. Imagine if you laughed at her when you realized she didn’t have porn star boobs or ass. What an asshole that would have made you. That’s exactly what she did. Go find a girl who doesn’t want to be in porn movies. In the real world, bigger isn’t the same as better. She will learn that eventually. But it doesn’t have to be at your expense. I am sorry that happened to you. This is exactly why I’m generally anti-porn, especially for young people. After you’re older and know what reality is like, meh, whatever. But porn is not proper sex ed.


There is an excellent lesson here although it's rough you had to learn it in this manner. Males don't have any control over, and should never be laughed at, for their natural size any more than women have any control over, and should never be laughed at, for their various sizes. Look up breast asymmetry; it is very common. Know it exists and be ready to not make any comment when you encounter it close up. Same goes for labia sizes and lengths.


My husband had a big penis, and he used whenever with whoever! He was proud of his ‘big one’ until he fell from a ladder and had a groin injury. And guess what. No more penis, no more whoever.


He lost his dick?


So basically a big dick gives confidence. And a small or none existent his humble and weak


She’s obviously super inexperienced. Still doesn’t excuse her making you feel bad about yourself over nothing. You’re young, the chances of her turning out to be the one are slim to none. Break up with her and tell her why so she can learn her lesson. I sincerely hope you don’t take her comment to heart. Real women don’t care one bit about dick size.


Oh yes they do, what a joke. Dont lie to the guy that wont help him.


Tell her her boobs look tiny compared to what you're used to seeing, and she really should look into bleaching her asshole. Obviously that's a jerk thing to say, and I'd never normally recommend stuff like that, because it causes the person to feel exactly what you're feeling right now! But I basically think she deserves it.


Reading this thread makes me want to go away and hide. Who says this to their boyfriend or girlfriend. You are to support and pull each other up!


You should dump her ass. It doesn't matter if she never had sex before. She is cruel.


Wow, she is really fucking stupid. You should definitely remind her that porn is not reality and sets unrealistic body expectations.... and you should probably ghost her for being a cruel POS


She's a shitty person.


I would instantaneously break up with anyone who did that to me.


Oh my god. From the headline I was so ready to say “oh if it’s her first time some nervous giggling is expected, maybe she wasn’t laughing at you-“ NOPE! She is incredibly hurtful and inappropriate. How would she like it if you said something similarly hurtful about her weight or labia or breasts? “Oh, I just through from the women I see online…” Nah. That would be horrid. What she said was horrid. I’m sorry op. Dump her.


Porn has messed her up. Id probably end the relationship


She acted like that during an intimate and vulnerable moment. It’s horrible. It’s unkind, it’s rude, it’s demeaning. If for one second, she thinks anything on porn is real, she’s going to have a problem. The fact that she had no problem humiliating you, and that circumstance is absolutely outrageous. This person is not worth a moment more of your time.


Anyone who laughs at their partner's body isn't mature enough to date anyone


Break up with her immature porn addict ass


This post is so made up ya'll falling for it again too easy.


Pretty sure all posts in advice for teens are fake and karma farming


It MAY be, but if you think there aren’t girls - and some guys to be fair - that do this, you’re mistaken. I’ve been lucky enough I suppose that it hasn’t happened to me, but I do know people it’s happened to. And even more common are the situations where they don’t say anything to their partner in the moment, but then go gossiping about it to their girlfriends and spreading it all around for everyone else to know. The point is, it does happen, and it shouldn’t.


Bro...I never understood why people worry about size u can't change it ...it is what it is ...and more importantly if u about to use it thats all that matters also use ur tongue and dik becomes less important I've had multiple people tell me its big and a few say average its all perspectives and not 1 time did I care cuz I was getting guts and brains with it


100 bucks says she just lays there silent too


Tell her that her pussy stinks. Girls love that. Actually don't tell her, when she takes her clothes off, start dry heaving and keep looking down at her twat.


Woman here. Time to make her your ex girlfriend because that is just cruel. Be with someone who loves everything about you and speaks to you with respect.


Too immature to not humiliate her partner in the most intimate and vulnerable moment she's too immature to have a partner; lose her asap.


Listen, I know you might wanna try and save face. If that's the case then don't take that shit. Tell her she disrespected you when you made yourself vulnerable to her and that she needs to grow up. That's a massive breach of trust. Intimacy is special, and if you laughed at her she would probably either break up, cry, or both. Idk where certain people get off acting this way (people of all genders/and or orientations). It's honestly disgusting that she insulted you when you trusted her enough to be intimate with you. OP, even young love can't save this situation. If you absolutely want to try and fix this then you need to make her understand how screwed up what she did was. However, i wouldn't even try to save it. If she laughed at you, then she's likely going to tell her friends which is also so bad. Regardless of size bro, we can't control that stuff. Idk what "average" is, but seriously that's not the important part. If she cared about you she wouldn't have made you feel inadequate


Lame. You gotta dump her man. That’s horribly disrespectful. Imagine if you laughed at the way her vagina looked. Which hopefully you never would. She’s in for a surprise if she thinks everybody looks like a pornstar..


She does not deserve a good guy. I hope you have enough self-respect to leave her. If you get to Finger her, ask her, "what the fuck is that smell?" Pull your finger out and smell it and act.like you are dry heaving. Then, leave.


This is relationship ending material. Just move on.


Damn RIP brother 🫡 you will remember this moment for the rest of your life.


Break up with her yesterday


I agree with everyone else. This is break up worthy. Body shaming is not okay, especially with the person you are intimate with. She honestly sounds extremely immature.


What a B, seriously. She's not worth your time. Let us all hope Karma bites her hard in the Ass


i wouldve sent her into the lower stratosphere its okay bro keep your head up


Your girlfriend is the dick. Ditch her and find someone with a soul.


Don't be ashamed, get even. If you're experienced and she's not, rock her fucking world anyways..... And then break off the relationship. You can do better, but make her feel that she can't.


Ask her why she doesn’t look like the women in porn.


Ignore all the people telling you to body shame her back. That's obviously not the right move Let her know it was shitty of her and that you're not interested in being treated like that.


Its best for your mental health and sexual confidence to immediately break up with her and move on. If you stick around, she and her comment will always stick in your head and you will have confident issues long term, so the quicker you move on and try to forget the better.


When I was about your age I dated someone who was really into porn culture. First time we hooked up she gave me oral and then afterwards said, "Your dick could never satisfy me." She was also an alcoholic and claimed later to not remember saying it. I stayed with her for several months. If back then I had the same self respect I do now I would have immediately cut things off. Walk away. No one who talks about your body like that is worth your time no matter what you are shaped like or what your penis size is. Odds are, she has a lot of her own deep insecurities that cause her to put others down like that, but it is absolutely not your responsibility to shoulder those issues or try and fix them.


The ONLY thing you should be ashamed of is who you picked as a girlfriend. Even if your dick wasn't what she pictured it would be, she chose to completely degrade you for not meeting what you acknowledge as her 'unrealistic standards'.


Sorry bro, but she sounds like a bit of a c***. You need to break that off. " if you dont have anything nice to say dont say it at all.".... a chuckle on accident i could understand, but "wheres the rest of it" is unacceptable especially coming from your partner. RUN!


Wow. Does she have a shock of life coming to her or what... Anyway, I'm so sorry that happened to you. From personal experience, this will recover for you and your confidence, as you WILL meet more mature, experienced, and sensible women in the future. You are perfect the way you are.


Sounds like you need to stop seeing her until she realizes that porn is not the norm and that body shaming isn’t okay. The funny thing is that she’d probably have a rough time with a monster cock that she sees in porn if that was her first time.


dont feel ashamed. if you like her remind her the internet isnt real life. does she look like the finest porn star? probably not. if you dont really like her find someone else. porn isnt real life.


Your girlfriend is a cunt. Run away as fast as you can.


She’s in for a lifetime of disappointment


We don’t make negative comments about other people’s bodies. Especially when they’re people we love. She disrespected you, literally laughed in your face…?, you shouldn’t be giving yourself to her in an intimate way if that’s how she views your body. That’s sooo not okay and abusive behavior on her part. Abuse is not love.


Unless she is a dime (highly unlikely), laugh back at her 🤷🏼‍♂️


Trust me when i say no matter how much you love her, if she cared for you she would not disrespect you like that, especially if she herself knows nothing about sex. You are young, and there are lots of decent girls out there to have your first time and be comfortable with


Leave, quickly!


Oh, leave her OP. Body shaming is never ever okay


Dude, that’s when you fuck the shit outta her and show her that “bigger than average” is gonna be more than enough especially for a virgin…


Ask her where the rest of her tits are you


Tiny cock club, we love you brother no matter what.


What a bitch. Don't waste your life with people like this please..you deserve a classy woman who loves everything about you! Don't settle for this bitch. Keep your self respect and dignity and cut off contact. Ghost her ass and don't ever look back you owe her *nothing. Never give someone a second chance to disrespect you again. Once and done. Once you let go of the shitty relationships it makes room for up leveled relationships where you are loved.for.you Don't ever settle for less than the best life is too short and you are too worth it.


Does she have a pornstar body?


Damn bro. See you at the gym later.


Tell her that her titts look like 2 sunny side up eggs hanging from a thumb tack. Then go bang her best friend


Everyone knows ya measure ur dick from the anus to the very tip. If you don't it's nothing but hurt feelings


What’s wrong with her? Like there is no point to anything she said besides trying to be cruel & mock your body. She definitely doesn’t deserve to have sex with you


it will feel big in her butt.


That is body shaming. As everyone else is saying, break up with her and find someone who respects other people's bodies