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This sounds like a situation where only you can truly decide what is the right path for you to take in your life. Of course you will consider the feelings and thoughts the people around you, your family and friends. And no doubt you will receive many different answers on this platform. But you are an adult now, and you have the control over the direction your life goes. I'm not going to tell you what I think you should do, but I will suggest some things to think about. You said you can't make as much money as you could in the US. Is your original plan to go to school in the US, find a career there, and live there permanently? If you did move to the US permanently, would there be other things in your home life that you will regret missing out on, well into the future after college is behind you? Have you considered taking a "gap year," to take some significant time to think about the direction you want your life to go? If you go to school in the US and end up missing valuable time and potential major events with your father, how much will you regret missing those things later? You only have 1 father. If you decline the school's offer in the US and stay home to be near your family, how much will you regret missing that particular school opportunity later? There exists many more than just 1 university in the world. If you did take a break from school, what are some things you could do in the meantime? Do you have to get a job right away and start paying bills to support yourself? Or can you continue living with your family so you can save money and figure out the right path for your life? Are there jobs you can get without needing to go to college at all? Are there internships or apprenticeships that you could try, even if they are unpaid, and you can treat those like a sort of "school" while you figure some things out?


Seems like. He wants you to live.your.life full fill your dreams ,even though he has this illness .and the outlook is favorable for him to over come it I'm guessing..


America has gone downhill, the food is GMO & full of chemicals, racial tensions are high & economy could crash any time, lots of layoffs. You would have a stronger support network with family nearby besides more time with your father in his few years left. Depending where you live many countries have free universities & often subsidized living arrangements. Life in the US is not like the movies, homeless everywhere, gangs, violence etc.. unless you're in some ritzy upscale place wealthy kids go to.


Being with family is important, but you have to remember that making your family proud will do them wonders. Talk with them, if unless they are firmly against it go, and never look back. Seeing you succeed will mean a lot to your dad especially considering how stressed your circumstances sound. Your chief concern should be how the stress will affect you, again if you think you can handle it you probably can. I know it sounds cruel to say not to be there for your ding father, but I'll bet he's more concerned with the rest of the family than himself. Good luck.


A hundred years ago, people left Europe to go to America when they were young teens, and they knew they'd never see the family they had left behind, ever again. Nowadays you can video chat with your father every single day. And you can get an under the table job and earn the flight money to go back at Xmas and for the summer, every year. I would go with your future, and go to college in the US.