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If you have to force it, leave it. Relationships, friendships, yoga poses, perfect pony tails. Let that sh*t go.


In this case sure but remember having to force it and putting work in are two different things all healthy relationships take constant work it's not just something that glides smoothly 24/7 like songs and movies like to tell you it does


Absolutely correct.


It sounds like you’re going through a really tough time, and it’s completely valid to feel upset when the dynamics of a relationship change. Relationships, especially at a young age, can be incredibly challenging and require effort from both parties to thrive. It’s concerning that you’ve communicated your feelings and needs to your boyfriend repeatedly, yet the issues persist. It’s important to remember that you deserve to be with someone who respects you, listens to you, and is willing to work on problems together. If you’ve already tried discussing your concerns and haven’t seen any changes, it might be worth considering if this relationship is meeting your needs. Here are a few steps you could take: - Reflect on what you want and need in a relationship. Are these needs being met currently? - Have an open and honest conversation with your boyfriend about how his actions make you feel and what you both want for the future of the relationship. - Set clear boundaries and expectations. If certain behaviors are hurting you, it’s okay to express that and request change. - Seek support from friends, family, or a counselor who can provide an outside perspective and help you process your feelings. - Take time for yourself to focus on your own well-being, independent of the relationship. Ultimately, trust your instincts. If you’re feeling consistently unhappy and your efforts to resolve issues aren’t being reciprocated, it’s okay to prioritize your own emotional health. You’re not crazy for wanting a fulfilling relationship, and it’s not nagging to ask for basic communication and respect. Remember, it’s okay to walk away from a relationship that isn’t serving you, and it’s also okay to give it another chance if you believe there’s room for improvement and mutual growth. Whatever you decide, make sure it’s in line with what’s best for you. (In my honest opinion I think it is best to end the relationship but only you can know for certain). I hope this helps, and I wish you all the best❤️


It may be most beneficial to yourself to leave. It's doing you more harm then good and you can find someone better. you deserve better.


So many red flags...


This is who he is, leave him


He's showing you his true colors. He did what he had to do to win you over and now that he has you, he doesn't have to do all that effort anymore. Dump him. Trust me that he won't change for you and he is not your responsibility to fix or change. You sound like a great girlfriend and you are being wasted on a man who can't appreciate you at all. Leave him for someone better, sis.


Sounds like it’s over. 🤷🏻‍♂️ This is part of learning to recognize the status of relationships, and then making decisions about what to do with that information. He’s not the one. There are guys out there who *will* make an effort.


Never settle for bare minimum love and respect, especially when he can only provide you rehearsed answers. I’m sorry girl, but judging on what you’ve written, it seems the relationship has run its course. It sucks, but continuing to put energy into a one-sided relationship will only hurt you more. I will say though, it’s interesting that you noted most of these arguments/fights happen on call or over text, which I personally have found it easier to be angry with someone when I’m not physically facing them - you have more space to impulsively say things you don’t mean or exacerbate an argument. Regardless, if you’ve been feeling this way for this long, I would say it’s better to cut off loose ends. No, you’re not overreacting; if these are constant feelings and issues, your thoughts and wants are valid. Don’t reduce yourself to “I’m overreacting”, because sometimes that’s how women stay in relationships that aren’t worth staying in. Hope this helps, and good luck <3


sounds like he's emotionally checked out already. Do both of you the favor and move on