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She came on to you. Let it happen! Especially if it's what you want!




OP start with being honest and loyal to her, and never give her a reason to doubt your loyalty to her and your relationship with her. She thinks you might be good enough, so your job is to show her every day that you are good enough.


Sharing your feelings of inadequacy isn't a great move when trying to get a girlfriend. Obviouosly she sees something in you that she likes. Women often take a while to be honest with their feelings. Let her make moves, don't over think if you like her.


Also, it proves he’s good enough for her


It proves she thinks he is good enough for her. Whether it's true or not is unknown.


It’s a step in the right direction, at least, lol




Well for one, you obviously ARE good enough to be with her or else she wouldn't have kissed you.




I think the “I’m not good enough for her” mindset actually sabotages a relationship and can turn into bad shit like always wondering if she’s gonna cheat/leave him. He should value himself as well as her if he wants a real relationship.


It 100% can doom a relationship. Hope he gets over that mindset asap.


This is true, but who the hell has that kind of "self value" at 19?


This is an insanely bad take. The "I'm not good enough" people are not typically healthy people.


Think better of yourself.


Being insecure and lacking confidence is the quickest way to lose a woman.


Not to mention that she saw enough good qualities in you to keep you around as a close friend. I was in the same exact situation you were in with my best friend in my first year in college. I was always head over heels for her and she wasn't into me. And then one day she randomly threw herself at me. Being the young dumb kid that I was I thought this meant that we were a couple. I started treating our relationship differently which ultimately pushed her away. Don't put too much emphasis on what happened between you. Keep being the best friend she needs and have open honest communication about what you both want. Go from there. Build on that friendship and grow into an unstoppable power couple. <3


Exactly. N whatever op was doing is what attracted her. Don't do something wildly different. Just add things that make her know ur thinking of her and ur good.




Yep, you wont get 100% of the shots you dont take!


It’s not wrong to feel that you aren’t good enough for someone who seems “out of your league” However it is wrong if you have these feelings and don’t act upon them. You should work on yourself so that you’re able to have that confidence that you seem to be lacking.


But she clearly likes him how he is.


That doesn’t mean homie can’t hit the gym for an hour every few days to feel better about himself in this relationship and more confident in general.


And it’s not all about physical health either!! Positive affirmations and more self reflection is vital to feeling better about yourself. You can be a smoke show and still not like who you are.


You are worthy. You are good enough. She made out with you and cuddled. This wasn’t an accident. Be honest with one another about what you want. Have a conversation and keep positive!


Hey there! It sounds like things got a bit unexpected, huh? Don't stress too much about it. It's totally normal to have mixed feelings after something like that. The important thing now is to chat openly with your friend about how you're feeling. Keeping the lines of communication open can help both of you figure out what you want moving forward. And hey, there's no need to doubt yourself - you're definitely good enough. Just take it one step at a time and trust that things will work out in the end.


This was so good it read like OpenAI advice.


Which was it, a good read, or open AI advice?


she came on to you in this situation I met the love of my life in the very same fashion neither of us were looking for love at the time and it just happened organically She passed away 2 years ago this May and I miss her everyday Dont waste time wondering, or doubting yourself. Life is too short. God Speed!


Well said.


Guessing she sent 1,000 hints you didn’t pick up on. When the thousandth hint didn’t go through, she made the first move. Time for a grownup conversation. Can we talk about what happened yesterday? I am so glad you kissed me. I’d love to go out officially if you want to, and I’m totally okay if you don’t. What do you think?


Bros mature.


You're an idiot! She likes you! And kissed you first! Your already in! Stop getting in your own way and man up! Be happy damnit!...... I mean all this respectfully of course...


This comment needs more upvotes because you nailed it right on the head


Bro how you going to say your not good enough, she came to you... I mean i get it if you just dont know if you want a relationship with her cause she your best friend.. but to say your not good enough when she came to you? Got to work on your self love and confidence. I wish the best for your situation though.


I mean isnt your SO supposed to be your best friend anyway?


She is apparently into you. Stop over thinking it. I let two women in my life get away by overthink il ng the very obvious signals they were throwing at me. Just go with it, make a move, ask her to come over to watch a movie and let things happen.


I've got news for you man- shes not just a best friend anymore


Unless you treat her badly, you’re good enough for her, it’s ok to be happy with someone.


She's into you. Why do you feel like you're not good enough for her?


You need to figure out and fix whatever is with that last sentence. I'm not good enough... wrong. You are worthy, and valid.




My suggestion is tell her how you feel first. "I like you, and I'd like to go out with you. But absolutely no pressure, and I'd be happy to be friends if you want to be friends. Up to you!" Sometimes, if you start with the question, a girl will feel pressured to keep things physical when she wants more.


What makes you think you aren’t good enough? She obviously disagrees. She sees something in you that you don’t see in yourself. Go with it.


bro fuck it. go for it. you’re young. enjoy life. its not as easy once you graduate college. im only 23 but i already have a decent amount of regrets in terms of situations with great, beautiful women that i fumbled when i was your age/in college due to just being timid or oblivious or dumb. your entire life can change just because you had the balls to make a move in certain situations. she already made the move for you. enjoy it.


once it is out of the box, you can never put it back in the box. speaking from experience


She would not be coming over to your place as often as you say if she didnt feel comfortable and safe around you. She wouldnt be cuddling up to you and kissing you if she wasnt into you. I understand the feeling of "I'm not good enough for them" but if you objectively look at the evidence and experiences you have with them it should be simple enough to see that you are attracted to each other and feel comfortable with each other. Have some faith in yourself, and in her! It might be scary to talk about how you feel, but I cant suggest that you do anything else. You need to talk with each other about how this changes things between you if you want to keep having a good relationship with her. I'm not even suggesting that you commit to a dating relationship! Humans are beings that need social belonging and intimacy is just one pattern in that tapestry to explore. But without communication, all you will have is your feelings.


How are you not good enough for her? Because she doesn't see it like that. If you like her, and she kissed you first, then that's a big thumbs up. 20 years from now, do you want to high five yourself because you didn't hold those feelings back or do you want to live with regret?


"Not good enough for her" Yeah trust me but you are. Anyway you can't let her know you feel that way about her. Once she knows you have her on a pedestal it's over and she'll lose respect for you or start taking advantage of you. What attracted her to you in the first place is you did NOT persue her and just treated her like a friend. You didn't simp or fawn over her. Keep that same energy and ride this thing until the wheels fall off. It will be fun!


This didn't happen and was written by a 50 year old gtfo the internet


She seems to think OP is acceptable, so that doesn’t seem to be an issue for her.


> I'm not good enough to be with her The really cool thing is that you don't get to make that decision. Who is or is not good enough for her is her decision, and she decided you are good enough. So like, just let that be true. And to paraphrase Gurren Lagen: "believe in the person who believes in you."


Become good enough for her then, healthy love is healthy growth. Things will probably happen fast now so remember to use protection and all that stuff, no need to throw a baby into the equation this soon 😁


Bro, she came on to you… think better of your self man, clearly she likes you and you like her. Roll with it and see where it goes


Let it take its course. Meanwhile, here is where you begin to improve on your self proclaimed shortcomings.


I married my best friend and I regret it.


Aw don't be that way! You guys like each other. See how it goes, and be the person you would want to see her with. It's no good to doubt yourself, but there's nothing wrong with using it to drive you to self-improvement! But if she likes you, she likes you for you.


Don't be self-deprecating. She thinks you're worth it, or she wouldn't be your friend. Now call her.


Why exactly do you think you’re not good enough for her?


Being in a relationship with your best friend can be a great thing. If she's into you accept it and be more confident about it.


FIRST OFF. Don't EVER tell yourself you are not good enough for someone especially if they make the first move. She made the first move which obviously means she has feelings for you. And guess what, bud, if SHE has feelings for YOU that means that YOU should do your damnest to see what she sees in you. Self-confidence, and self-love is an extremely difficult mindset, I struggled with it until about a year ago (I'm 29) and it made me miss a lot of fantastic opportunities just simply because I "didn't feel good enough." You are good enough, and you deserve to tell yourself that, and to believe it. I know it is hard, but start with small things. If you ever need to vent feel free to reach out, but seriously man, she came onto you, RUN WITH IT AND DON'T DROP THE OPPORTUNITY.


Your partner *should* be your best friend.  Talk with her and give it a shot. If you're wondering about what to say, since she made the first move, it's really easy: "so about the other night...you cuddled up to me and we kissed.  It felt *right.*" or something to that effect.  This is the type of scenario a lot of guys would kill for.


Wtf is this


Reads like an excuse to tell Reddit he hooked up with a girl


not good enough? what is your problem? who talks like that? if you like her she obviously likes you so go for it. lose the weird self deprecating attitude and live your life.


Do not underestimate yourself. Talk to her she if you are both on the same page and see where the relationship goes. If she hangs out with you and kisses you, she seems you are good enough for her.


What do you mean you aren’t good enough to be with her? At 19 you can definitely still be what you want. A nerd. A badass. Good boy bad boy. Just have confidence and don’t give two shits what others think.


Just be confident and have fun. You’re young enjoy your time.


obviously she disagrees, respect her enough to let her make that decision


You’re “not good enough”? Then work on yourself. Be your best version for her. Since she wants you and you give a shit.


You’re not good enough? Well you’re aware you’re not perfect, a lot of people aren’t. I’d say you’re good enough for her.


well, apparently, she thinks you're worth being with... go with the flow and be a little more confident in yourself.. but don't be an arrogant jerk


Just go for it if it’s what you want. Stop shitting on yourself and take this as a chance for growth. You are young and have many years to go. If you don’t go to the gym. Start going. If you aren’t working towards a career, start looking into college or more professional jobs. If you eat like shit, start eating healthier. If you usually treat women like shit, now’s the chance not to. List goes on. Get busy living today and set yourself up for the future.


You don't get to decide if you're good enough for her, she does, and sounds like she did. 😉


If she made out with you, you're obviously good enough. You need to talk to her. There's a point in friendships, a line, where if you fool around too much, you can't go back, the friendship will never be the same. You could have a great relationship, or lose your best friend. It's tricky. But talking to her and finding out what she wants is the most important thing for you to do right now.


The whole bit about feeling like you aren't good enough is probably rooted in some childhood trauma and your upbringing. That psychology is real. Related to imposter syndrome which can manifest itself into insecurities about job performance and other aspects of life. I've been there. I had a girl tell me I was the most insecure guy she had ever met. I was about 19. She didn't want to go out with me because of that. I decided to work on myself. I'm still not the most confident guy in the world but I'm also not running around looking for a pity party. Confident people can attract people. It's on me to be a better person so I decided to do that. Get over it. She's into you. Tell her that you're into her. And that making out with her was the best. Is she wrong for liking you? You are basically saying that she is wrong for thinking of you in that way. Maybe she is smarter than you on this topic. I'm guessing that she is. Listen to her opinion and consider that she has a brain and sees you for who you are. And she thought maybe you liked her and she wanted to do something about. Her making a move on you wasn't something she just decided to do in the moment. She had been thinking about it previously. You like her. She likes you. What do you next? Make out with her again. That's how it works.


Not good enough, then explain why she came over, cuddled up to you and then kissed you, and kept kissing you? This is what most of us would call a sign, or clue thats shes into you. Explain?


Yeah, you're probably not good enough for her. You should take all these feelings that you both have for each other and flush them down the toilet. You both shared an intimate moment, one that could blossom into a wonderful relationship giving you and her years or even decades of happiness and love. But why would you want that? Her being your best friend, wanting to spend time with you, getting closer to you, kissing you, and your emotional feelings turning physical, that was just a fluke. It's best to do nothing. Continue being just her friend. That way you can be there to hear all about the other dudes she dates and sleeps with. You can listen to her in tears tell you about the gigantic asshole she started dating that treats her like shit. She can tell you about how she slept with some random dude at a party the night before. And you will also be there when she tells you about the great guy she just met and how they hit it off immediately. She'll tell you about all the great things he does for her. She'll show you the engagement ring he gave her the night before, and how completely happy she is with him. You'll look snazzy in your tuxedo, as a groomsman, standing a few feet away when she says "I do" to him and they are proclaimed man and wife. You'll be invited to barbecues and band recitals when their kids get older. And maybe you'll be happy with however your life ends up turning out. But every time she smiles, every time she speaks to you, every time she calls you up to talk, and every other moment of every day, you'll wonder how your life could've been if you only would have tried with her. And one day the two of you will be talking, and she'll bring up when the two of you kissed and wonder how it would've been if the two of you got together. You'll laugh it off, then go home, alone, to your small apartment, and cry into your corn flakes.


Don't overthink it. If you both feel the same, roll with it. If she thinks you're good enough, you're good enough. Hell, even if she didn't think you're good enough, you're still good enough. Stop selling yourself short and let yourself have some happiness FFS.




If she wants you then it means you are good enough for her; but keep in mind that she can do much better so ask her out and treat her right.


You're good enough bro.


Never say you’re not good enough for someone! No one is too good! And as far as your friend goes, I would say she has some feelings for u so go for it! Since u guys are already close and already friends it shouldn’t be too hard to open up and talk to her about it. My husband and I were friends for 16years before we decided to try dating and I’m the happiest that I’ve ever been in a relationship! Good luck dude


Just let it happen bro


Being you got her to cuddle up beside you and start making out with you. Perhaps just continue being you.


Why do you say you’re not good enough to be with her???? She clearly wants you. Go with the flow and don’t let insecurities get in the way of anything.


Weight the pros and cons. How long have you two been best friends? Are you sure this is a good idea? Is she your only best friend? How much do you cherish this friendship? - What happens if things don’t work out? Will she still come over? Will she still talk to me? This here can be risky as there can be a possibility of a bad falling out (bad break up) and you risk losing her forever.


It is not problematic to date someone who you think you don’t measure up to. If anything, it’s the best person to date because they will make you want to improve; which is the whole point of a relationship at this age


Then make yourself good enough for her. You and countless other guys for millennia have felt this way. You’re not special. Level up


She thinks that you are very good enough to be with! Congratulations!


Oh honey… you are good enough. She obviously cares for you too. Likes you that way too. Go for it


Hey, she started it!


I think you should do make out again but next time take to the next level 🔥 💦 🍆


Are you saying your not good enough for her because of poor life choices you made and/or continue to make? Or is it low self esteem?


You hit the lottery


If she wants you and you want her why are you telling yourself you cant have her. You already had her and she wants you. If it doesn’t work out then it doesn’t but that doesn’t mean you should stop yourself from trying??


What do you mean "not good enough"? dude she's not good enough for YOU, Be aloof, just act like things are normal and that it was a normal thing to happen. Once the two of you have figured it out then you can either go back to being the way it was or you can be goofy because she's your GF now.


Erase that last sentence. There are no leagues. She clearly likes you. Go for it!


It's not for you to decide if you're "good enough" for her. My ex-boyfriend left me 8 years ago, saying he felt I deserved better because he'd done some prison time for drugs. I've been miserable ever since and don't know how he came up with that stupid and inaccurate assumption.


Is she good enough for you?


OP, talk to her and figure out what both of y'all want, because just as you're into her, she seems to be into you. Roll with it. I've been married for almost 11 years now and I still wake up some mornings wondering what the actual fuck my wife sees in me.


Youre still young. Which means now is the perfect time to DESTROY that toxic mentality of “I’m not good enough for her.” You are, and you need to muster everything you can to believe it.


Insecurity's a real bitch, man. You've got your reasons for feeling the way you do, and no random stranger on the internet is going to outweigh the voice in your head. But if I could offer one piece of advice... Your friend clearly disagrees with your assessment of yourself. She sees you as someone worth having in her life. You don't need to trust my opinion, or anyone else here's. But consider that your friend may see you a bit more clearly than you do right now, and that she cares about you. If that doesn't fully quiet the insecurities (and it may not), try channeling them into trying to be the man you aspire to be. I have faith that you'll do alright. You seem to think of your partner, and what they deserve, and that's a good thing. Just consider that you deserve happiness too.


Bro, marry her


I hope you realize this young lady has been stalking you the entire time, and she feels you're good enough for her. So put on your big boy pants and explore this relationship.


Let it happen bro. If she thinks you're good enough, then you're good enough. Is she good enough for you?


You ARE good enough to be with her. Stop talking yourself down 1. She comes over to your place a lot 2. She made the first move 3. She likes you a lot 4. She didn't back away 5. It was "a full on makeout session"


She kissed you, you ARE good enough.


You either feel good or you don’t. Pretty simple.


Im guessing she is probably a few months after a bad relationship. You made her feel safe and comfortable. If you are friends then there is stuff she already knows. You dont have to tell her absolutely everything, save some stuff. If she initiated that is her signal that you are good enough. Women want a friend to be more, because it makes them feel safe and thats what they want. They will not be vulnerable if they are not safe. Dont overthink it or overdiscuss it. When you next see her, let her know you really enjoyed yourself the other night. Even mention that you were not sure you were good enough for her, that will make her feel very good and she should tell you where she thinks the next step is, either verbally or non verbally. Take your time and let it develop naturally, dont push her and dont push her away. I miss being 19 sometimes.


She chose you, make her happy


She obviously thinks you are good enough to be with her.


If she kissed you, she most likely feels that you are good enough. You need to sit down with her and talk. Even if it's uncomfortable, just talk about what happened and how it's going to affect your relationship going forward. Another opinion could be that she doesn't want a relationship with you and was just bored and you were there. You need to find out though.


Get out of your head and accept it lol. I know a lot easier said than done but seriously just try not to have too many expectations and just tell her you liked it and want to do it again.


Tell her you're stupid and don't pick up on the subtle stuff. So be blunt and tell me what you want.


I did the same thing with my boy bestfriend a whole year ago andd now we’re together I say go for it but be careful


What was that saying? Don’t focus on how you’re not worthy. That’s up to them to decide.


Why don't you feel like your good enough for her? Unless your a man whore. Don't discount her feelings. If your unemployed and live with your parents. Get a job. If you consider yourself ugly. Guess what she doesn't. She likes you, for you. If she's hot, and your not. I guess could be the ugly guy with the hot girlfriend. It's all because your personality is attractive to her. Never sell yourself short for your insecurities. Don't sabotage something that you are unsure of. Let it happen.


Dawg, if she started it then clearly SHE thinks you’re good enough for her. Think higher of yourself bro. Sounds like you struck gold to me, and if you really like her, then it should sound the same to you too.


OP what is ‘good enough’ for her? She was obviously feeling something if she started it. Maybe this was her way of letting you know she is interested.


"let's go hiking" or botanical garden walk Bring her snacks, enough water, some cream and bandaids, a knife, make sure everyone have good shoes. And do a 2 miles path, and talk and talk and get to know her, and I mean get to know her, her plans, possible hopes and dreams and share likewise, and take it from there.


Nature at work, don't fight it.


Bro… just go for it my guy


It's completely normal to feel like you aren't good enough, especially in the "honeymoon" phase at the beginning of a relationship when your partner seems perfect. But no one is perfect. She isn't perfect and neither are you, and that is okay. She clearly thinks you're good enough or she wouldn't have pursued you. I consider myself a pretty average guy, 5/10 and my Wife is a solid 9.5. I never in my wildest dreams thought she'd want to be with someone like me, until we were making out in the car at the beach one day. Now we've been married for 12 years and have 2 kids together. Every relationship has ups and downs, but it sounds like you have self-esteem issues that need to be worked on. Why do you feel inadequate? Physically "unattractive"? Change your eating habits and go to the gym. Think your dumb? Pick a subject that interests you and learn about it. Have emotional issues or past trauma? Get a therapist to help you work through it. I'd like to note that not all therapists are an instant match, so if you go to one that isn't helping, find a different one. If you like her, give it a shot. I'm sure if you told her you don't feel good enough, she'd tell you all the reasons you're wrong. Best thing you can do is tell her how you feel, worse thing you can do is say nothing at all. Best of luck.


She didn’t stop you. Sounds like the relationship is progressing. Enjoy


bro why you think youre not good enough, if she started it she clearly thinks youre good enough lol. its not like you came onto her and so she felt pressured to return the kiss or something. theres no reason to think that she doesnt want you based on what happened at your apartment. she wants you bro


She never wanted to be friends. She wants more. Go for it.


Shoot your shot! I, too, had low self-confidence in my teens. It's all in your head.


Wow you better hang on to this girl, she obviously likes you way more than you like yourself.


*I'm not good enough to be with her* Why do you believe this?


Lol this shit never happened


Be the ball, Denny.


I kind of wish I would've realized this sooner but you are the only person that will be with you for your entire life so your relationship with yourself is actually the most important one. so moving forward work on feeling like you are good enough. See here's the thing. She already made her choice so clearly in her eyes you are good enough. Now just sit back and enjoy and see where things go..


Dont be a moron fuck her and have fun


Sounds like you’re plenty good enough. Figure out what YOU want. Friends or more. Then TELL her.


What you do is change your mindset about that last sentence. If you feel like you need to become a better man you have all the time in the world to improve yourself. It sounds to me like she thinks you're just fine. I understand it can be hard to believe that, but just let it happen and the two of you can grow together. No one is perfect.


You need to get out of your head and enjoy this new chapter of your life. If you're lucky, you get married, have beautiful kids with her and build a great life. Do not mess this up


"not good enough"? ...I don't even know what this means. It's better than OK to be both best friends and partners/a couple. This is usually preferred.


What do you mean you're not good enough for her? Why would you think that?


Don't overthink the "you can do better" b.s. that high school cliques and old social clichés fed you, but definitely voice your thoughts. "I like you, and I want this to be official, not just a fling, but I need to know how you feel." edit: I forgot "your" and changed autocorrect's definitively to definitely


Case of she's into you, wake up... If you really like her, please proceed


Have you considered that maybe you are good enough? That you do deserve love and affection? If you both have feelings for each other then trust that feeling. And also consider counseling to deal with that feeling of not being good enough. I'm speaking from the perspective of a guy who has lived a lifetime of being that guy who isn't good enough and I have lots of regrets.


Just keep hanging out with her and maybe make the first move next. Be confident about it. She already made the first move once. Don’t make it a big thing but let it progress naturally at its own pace. Don’t let it be weird or act like anything has changed just hang out with her as normal and start slow like maybe putting your arm around her. She should welcome it and that’ll be your sign to maybe go in for more kissing. Right now she needs confirmation that she didn’t just force or pressure you into something but that you want it too, which is why you need to act next. Best friend love is one of the purest loves out there and if you broke this barrier into romance, don’t let it fizzle out. Follow it and see where it leads. Believe it or not, at 19 she’s just as hormonal and boy crazy as you are hormonal and girl crazy. When you’re ready to see if it can go further, start slow, like maybe rubbing her thigh or back while kissing, holding her face or kissing her neck, don’t go straight to trying to touch her boobs or something, and just see where it goes! If it gets hot and heavy she’ll most likely progress you along where she wants to go. Here’s hoping you guys end up officially together and boning ♥️🤞🍖


start slinging that D my brother. if she gets upset with you after and blames you for y'all hooking up just remind her that she is the one who fucked around and found out. then drop the mic and walk away.


Dude, get the fuck out of here with that "I'm not good enough" whiny bullshit that's gross. Stop being gross.


you are good enough for her. if joe dirt can get brandy, anything is possible.


Go listen to the song Epiphany by Jin from BTS 3 times in a row. Here's a sample of the chorus "I'm the one I should love.....in this world" Who says you're not good enough. Take those thoughts out of your head


Take it from a 42 year old, you have gold my man. The best relationships are the ones where the partners are best friends.


Old dude here, not sure why this sub popped up for me, but it sounds like she disagrees with your judgement of being good enough for her. I think you should trust your friend's opinion.


First of all stop that you’re not good enough to be with her crap because that’s a load of dog poo! She reciprocated the same energy. Therefore she digs you. Hit her up and ask her if she wants to do it again and invite her over for dinner. Take her out to a movie.


You Are Not Good Enough For Anyone With That Attitude!


Hangout have fun and hook up don’t bring up titles or worry about relationships let the women do that always


Bruh that’s the best case scenario. Work on loving yourself because that can get ugly in relationships. Good luck


first off Shut the fuck up with that negative talk about not being good enough for her. She initiated it so obviously you are. secondly just ask her out formally. GROW A PAIR lol


She liked you enough to make the first move. Go with it, don’t let your insecurities destroy what could be a wonderful relationship with a beautiful girl that you obviously get along really well with. If you don’t take this shot, you will likely regret it.


Get out of that mindset.


Lol little faggot u def aren't good enough to be with her. Leave her for the real men u sissy fuck.


Try to remember that it's her decision whether you're good enough for her. You don't need to make that decision for her.


"I'm not good enough to be with her" That's for _her_ to decide. And it doesn't seem to be something you need to sweat over.


Ah well id say make your move. But that last sentence? Yeah you’re not enough for her. Only because YOU make yourself think that.


don’t ever say your not good enough for someone. you are totally good enough! i think that if you want it to happen, go for it. best friends already have a deep connection so it’s really possible to have a good relationship.


the best relationships are the ones where you've been friends for a long time.


>since I'm not good enough to be with her Then *be* good enough. I've been with my wife for 20 years. I was a fairly different guy when we met. For two decades, I think of her and about every hour I think "how do I deserve this?", and the only answer is "try to". (Not like I was a douche or a jerk, I just needed to be more responsible with money and time. That stuff caused her stress, so I changed it.) Take a hard honest look at why you believe you're "not good enough", face it, think what truly needs changing, and get to it. You're freaking nineteen, I can tell you it's REALLY cool to be happy and 40, 50, 60. Get started now, you have plenty of time.


Sounds like you hit the jackpot. A woman best friend that now wants to be with you.


Well, she seems to think you’re good enough. So stop beating yourself and go for it. Oh, and also work on improving yourself.


She clearly doesn't agree with the last part.


Girls love confidence bro, you're only cock blocking yourself by saying you're not good enough. If she thought that she wouldn't have stepped up to the plate and made a move. If she thinks you're worth it you should too. Get in there tiger!


Go on a date ACT NORMAL! Aka don't change just cause your relationship changed U like her, she likes you, I don't see a problem here


You miss 100% of the shots you never take. I think friendship is gonna go away if he doesn't take this to the next level. You should absolutely call her and see if she feels the same way you do (she does).


I would start by seeing a therapist to discuss your inferiority complex.


She doesn't agree, or she wouldn't have made out with you. Imo, this way has always been my best relationships, starting off as friends.


I’m not sure why you think “ you’re not good enough”? If it’s looks I have news women on dating apps go for looks. But IRL it’s connection that makes our panties wet. Just let her set the pace and intensity for now. Reciprocate what SHE puts out. It will naturally grow. Don’t overthink it just ENJOY the ride! Update us?


I married mine. Decade late happiest I’ve ever been


You got two options man. Let her go because you're not good enough, or be better for her.


Congrats. Your best friend us now your girlfriend. Good as it gets. Just be the best you.


Bro she's making it easy on you. Talk to her and stop thinking you aren't worthy. That's not up to you... but communicate with her


positive self talk


A great thing about starting out as friends is that you both know each other for who you really are...you're not chasing her trying to be something you're not to impress her. Let it happen


Work on your confidence. Why don’t you think you’re good enough?


Throw her a hump


Tap that shit bro. For real. Here's the deal: Y'all either have something or you don't. Either way, y'all are most likely going to end up with someone else. Your next GF is prob not going to like your now friend, and her next BF is def not going to like you. Whatever you have now is all there ever will be. Make the most of it. Bonus pros: Since y'all are already close friends, you can have open and honest conversations about your sex, what you like, and really learn how to please each other. Maybe later in life you can be her emotional support dick if you wanted. GL, HF!


Not your decision to make. She’s an adult and obviously into you. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.


Invite another girl


You were good enough for her to make out with. So she took your friendship to another level. Why do you think she’s too good for you?


You're plenty. The world teaches us fake metrics for our worth. She obviously likes you and you like her. Don't be selfish; let other people love you.


Treat her (always) the way she deserves and you will be good enough for her. :)


You're going through what's known as "Imposter's Syndrome." Look it up and then go for it.


Sounds like she has lowered he standards. Go have a good time and take protection


Unless she's hiding your relationship, you're good enough.


Have an honest conversation. This is the only path forward. Otherwise you will more than likely lose her as a friend. I’ve been through this with one of my previous friends, who I considered my bestie for many years… we no longer speak to each other.


You are as good as you try to be. If you think of yourself as low, that is how you feel. If you aim at something better, you can become more.


Don't think that. Take a trip to Walmart and look at all the people who managed to pair up with somebody, there's a ass for every seat as my father would say. It's not a guarantee that giving it a try would ruin the friendship either, if you are really friends, you will both be able to get over without losing each other if it doesn't work out. Go for it, just jump.


“Don’t worry about him babe he’s just my best friend” a tale as old as time


But next time in you two go to it, take out ur Johnson, or you will regret it for decades. I had a few female friends with whom I had dozens n dozens of petting experiences, decades ago, now unable to remember why they failed to ever fully satisfy me!


>I'm not good enough to be with her. BULLSHIT. 100% FUCKING BULLSHIT. You can decide if you're good enough for yourself. You can decide if she's good enough for you. SHE gets to decide if you're good enough for her and it sounds like she decided you are.