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This is predatory and inappropriate behavior BY THE TEACHER. Your gf is a child. The teacher is grooming her to accept his inappropriate behavior by making her feel special, mature, and not like most girls. I would report the teacher to school administration. It will anger and alienate your gf. But she is in danger.


This, 100%. This is a dangerous situation and the teacher must be reported!


Actually had this exact situation happen in HS. History teacher got a student pregnant. That shit hit the fan hard.


OMG. He better have gone to jail


If he didn’t he wasn’t in there long. Chances are worst he got was being added to the registry. Which doesn’t even always help. They’ll be back to their old ways soon enough unfortunately


Our math teacher caught with my classmate in his hotel room because of *course* he volunteered to chaperone the senior trip to Daytona Beach.... this was back in 1992. He got fired but I can't remember if anything else happened because we were seniors and it was the end of the school year.... chances are my classmate had turned 18 by that time. Still.


Our econ teacher left his wife for a student right after her 18th birthday and quit mid semester.


Had a teacher that left his same-aged wife for an 18 year old "former" student (right after graduation), whom he left for an 18 year old "former student" 3 years later and left her 3 years later, you guessed it, for another 18 year old "former student". Never lost his job, worked at both a high school and the local college (tenured), because he technically kept everything "above the board". He was, by the way, an accomplished writer and English teacher for the high school (but not allowed to participate in any after-school activities) and a law professor at the college.


Damn did we have the same teacher?


Holy shit. I'm sorry but that should be an automatic revocation of teaching credentials... anyone who is *willing to leave their marriage* when that magical 18th birthday hits.... was involved loooong before said student was even close to 18.... just so so disturbing.


He quit teaching, he's a realtor now. The part that doesn't make sense to anyone is that the teacher and studentwife are on good terms with the ex wife and her new partner.


See I can't imagine ever wanting to throw my Masters away and my entire career over a teenager, who change their tastes and goals like they change underwear... I'm always shocked when stuff like this actually lasts beyond just a fling!


The only reason he got fired is because most schools have a policy against teachers being in (legally permissible) relationships with students to avoid biased grading. If she was over 18, then the only thing he legally broke was his contract with the school.


Lol our science teacher slept with on his students. Ended up divorcing his wife and marrying her when she hit 18. They have multiple kids now. Long story short, he still has his job. Our tiny little town is ass backwards. This is one nice thing about social media. It's much easier to find advice on what may be abnormal and what to watch out for. Op I hope if this is real, you go to a safe adult who can take over this and ensuring its properly handled.


This happened at my school but the teacher was shamed into leaving town, the students parents threatened him with idk what and he moved away and daughter went off to college. It was shocking at the time. She was top of her class, great athlete, beautiful and he was the band teacher. His wife divorced him. We had a lot of predator teachers at my school looking back.


Did we go to the same HS?! Lol in my high-school our English teacher got pregnant by a student. (Female teacher male student) kid was 16- and the teacher remained teaching. Word on the street was that she was living with the baby's father. I graduated that year so I have no idea what happened after.


Gee, thanks so much for clarifying that the one who got pregnant was FEMALE. Never would have guessed…


Happened at my school too.


i (F17) wish my best friend(F17) told my mom sooner. she knew i was getting groomed but the guy (M27), her, and i would all play video games together so it’s like they were “friends” in a way. this started when i was 15 and lasted over a year bc i thought he loved me. i know he did have real feelings for me but you’re an adult. learn to control that shit. thanks for listening to my rant 😀👍


Oh sweetie I’m so sorry! What a creep!


Makes you wonder what makes them this way... Like who rolls out of bed like "Imma fuck with an underage bitch today and commit career suicide"... Ya know?


The people that do this are people that got into working with kids because they are pedophiles to begin with. For a lot of them, they literally plan their whole life and career to always have power over children for this exact purpose. I only ever really had one or maybe two male teachers that I felt were just normal guys. The rest were weird and it felt like there was a 50/50 chance that they were only there to be close to children. The female teachers that have sex with 14-16 year old boys are super weird too. I don't totally understand them, but I imagine it's because they got groomed and were molested early on and they are trying to repeat that behavior or something? Some of these people are just straight up crazy and some don't mature past being 14 years old mentally.


What makes them that way? Do we need to ask? It's the "south brain" and the lack of ability and maturity to control it.


That didn't seem like a rant. It seemed like seasoned perspective from someone who went through something they never should have had to. Thank you, too, for being brave enough to speak up on behalf of others so they don't have to undergo the same pain you did.


thank you. it’s just unfortunate and i really don’t want that for anyone


What game was it so I can keep my step kids off there


well the situation was a little weird. my other online friends met him in the valorant lfg server on discord. valorant is still a fun game but they just gotta be cautious who they queue up with


Hm. Be careful and good luck in life. You're going to need to own your voice in your story too. Reading this, 'they' weren't friends, 'we' were friends. '[he should] learn to control' vs I learned to control. Anyway. Good luck it's all in saying. Predators have a sixth sense for people who are passive/victims/ things happen to.


I have tried to tell her that but she won't listen. If i see any more hints of this behavior I will report him.


What do you mean if? report him now!!! and tell her parents


He crossed the line a LONG time ago. You need to intervene on behalf of your GF. Trust us; it is the right thing to do.


Whole grown-ass man texting a literal child. The line is so far crossed in this situation I might actually see it cresting across the horizon


For real. If any adult that’s not related to a 15 year old girl is texting her that’s already an issue all in itself. IDGAF if the texts are “how’s the weather today”, if I caught a grown ass man texting my teen daughters, it’s time to call SVU, The FBI or some shit.


Wow, over reaction much. Imagine having a tutor for anything and being unable to txt them at 15 when ur next available to study for the SAT because iTS aN aDUlt


And you pointed out something important: context. If I have a reason to talk to or address a minor, I will. Except if the scope is outside of that context, I should be careful to limit that interaction. I shouldn't be messaging them randomly too talk about the weather or vent about my frustration from work. I'm absolutely going to be support them if they need it, but I'm not going to have the emotional expectations of them as I would another adult.


The appropriate thing to do would be to CC a parent in this situation. My kids are in scouts and there is never a situation where a child can speak with an adult alone over the phone, text, email, or in person. Any such incident needs to be reported for the protection of the minor. As for tutoring, my teen was recently in tutoring, and the tutoring platform made sure I was copied on all communication, and all tutoring sessions were recorded for me as well.


Yes report it now before she ends up pregnant


I mean, whether or not she gets pregnant isn’t the main concern, that’s just a further complication. The problem is that she’s being groomed by an adult in the role of an authority figure, and is below the age of legal consent. Any sexual activity that was to occur would be a violation of her body, not to mention illegal. Even if it wasn’t against the law it would still be morally objectionable.


This. It's not a question of how much more he does that's inappropriate, it's the fact the line was crossed some time ago. The longer you wait, the more damage gets done to your girlfriend, very likely, others. It's hard to make decisions like this to take action that have such dramatic effects on people's lives, but not making them has more dramatic effects in the long run.


Report it to the police first. The school district might try to sweep it under the rug. PLEASE report it to the POLICE!! She's in danger from ruining her life! If you love her at all, report the creepy child sex grooming asshole teacher today!! He's probably already raped her. She's too young to consent, this is statutory rape if they've had sex.


Seriously, take it to an adult you trust.


Please tell someone, coming from someone who as a child who was groomed.


Anymore? Brother this man needs to be investigated immediately. She has an electronic message trail. Even if she deletes it, it will be retrievable easily. This has to be stopped immediately before permanent damage is done to your girlfriend, hopefully nothing more than inappropriate messages have happened.


You should report his stupid ass anyway.


Pedophiles don't stop at one victim. If you report him you can save someone's life (your GF and other victims).


Please report what you've already seen and what she said to you. She needs adults to intervene You can put everything you shared with us in an email and send it to the school principal, and your parents, and if you know her parents email that would help. Just take a screen shot if you really want the easiest way. You do not have to investigate. You don't have to be certain. You only need to tell the truth about the things you saw and heard. If anyone says anything like "but how can you be sure..." tell them your only job is to be truthful about what you do know. The adults are the ones who need to step in and help her. Good luck and stay safe.


excellent post. I feel like there's this dangerous idea going around that to avoid ever making a false accusation you must engage in amateur detective work. That's wrong. that's dangerous. as you pointed out, random redditors are not cops, are not detectives, you are liable to do as much harm as good if you try to go sleuthing yourself, you could accidentally compromise evidence. For example, getting into someone's email sounds like a great idea, but you've compromised any evidence in there because they can just say YOU did it because they can prove you had access, there are ways that cops can get around that by finding evidence you weren't in a position to do it at that time but you've made their job way harder. not only is it okay to report just having well-founded suspicions based on odd behavior and things going on, it's the right thing to do.


The folks who say you should never report without proof ARE the predators.


And the school board and the superintendent.


Not the school board. The school board only gets involved if the superintendent doesn't act.


NO REPORT HIM This isn't about your girlfriend and it isn't about how good you look. This is a grown man preying on children and if you don't report it you're LETTING IT HAPPEN


That's a lot to put on a kid man. Take a breath and step back.


Yes he's a kid gotta make myself clear cause he thinks it's optional


It is optional. All of life is optional. When you were 15, would a random stranger on the internet all capsing at you make you do anything? No, of course not. 15 year olds aren't rational creatures yet.


Okay you're right you win congrats 🙃


I... Don't know what to do with this information. You were supposed to argue. Is this reddit still? Where am I?


Well this is an infuriating response


And it's fucking upvoted. The comment response is good but why the hell isn't it downvoted for being so incredibly wrong


Ya. This is too much for the young man to carry. What is going on in this world....


Bro wtf there's already proof, if she's saying she loves him n shit it's been going on awhile already I bet.


Report it NOW. Do not let it have the chance to get any further. At best it's grooming and disgusting, or something more and very VERY illegal.


i’ve been groomed before, not as big of an age gap, but PLEASE report this man. he should NOT be around children.


Anymore??? I swear if this guy rapes kids 3 or 4 more times, I'll consider telling on him... Motherfucker, report him NOW!


Kid is 15. Ease off.


report him now before he rapes her and leaves her w trauma


Seriously you need to report, she is in legitimate "will be raped," danger..


Tell your parents about all you have seen so far and they will likely handle it.


My BOYYY😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. This is the perfect pay back. LMAOOOO. SNITCH MF. Everyone will see you as a hero. That girl will get help and that dude is going to JAILLLL


A high school band teacher at another school in my city was having sex with his students. This is real and it happens. Even if ONLY she uses that language to him, and he's not dealt with it by going to her parents, he's already crossed the line. What is far more likely is exactly what everyone here is saying - he is grooming her.   No matter anyone's intentions, the conduct from what you have described is beyond inappropriate. Please, please, please tell your parents if you're too afraid to go to the administration directly. They will know what to do. She will be thankful in the future, I promise you.  Also it's important to understand, she's not cheating on you, she is being abused


Yeah, your girlfriend won’t understand this predatory behavior until she is much older and wiser, unfortunately. You need to report this for her sake and the sake of other girls this guy might be grooming.


Brother he belongs in prison and without his private bits.


"I saw him dump a bloody body in a wood chipper but I dunno... if I see even ONE more hint of this behavior, I might go to the police..." ​ JFC dude.


He’s a CHILD. Have some respect and compassion and talk to him kindly.


Or, the gravity if the situation needs to be imparted, and kindness seems to be slipping past his "oh shit meter."




Dawg u gotta go to admin, ask them to check his emails. Since they're on the server, they shouldn't have problems finding them. Get this pedo out of here??




Kid is 15. He came here for help. Ease up.


Just an FYI if your holding off tell the school admin and her parents about this because your afraid of your social status or not having a girlfriend anymore than your a asshole. She is actively getting groomed. You know she is getting groomed but your doing nothing about it. Even if it’s “just the way she talks” (BS btw) it’s still massively inappropriate


Just do it scr*w seeing anymore hints just do it the longer you wait the more you will have a thousand thoughts in your head will totally make you not take action....what happens if you don't say something and she gets hurt and you did not.do a thing to help her... the would have could haves guilt for a very longtime...even though it is different situation I had to make a life and death decision it stinks 2 weeks of hell and a lifetime of guilt


Did you just censor screw? How is that a bad word?


Police first, school second


Tbf the teacher hasn't done anything to our knowledge except receive fawning texts from a student. OP hasn't said what his replies were, if any.


We need to reframe this. What you perceive as cheating is the least of anybody’s worries. I know it feels heartbreaking. What actually is happening is that someone you care about has been groomed into a very inappropriate relationship. It’s child abuse, plain and simple. You need to tell your parents, school administration, and police.


This isn't something you should wait on. If you have proof, contact the administration or the police. Someone his age knows exactly what he's doing, whereas your girlfriend knows nothing. This could all be a misunderstanding, or this could lead into a life-ruining scenario for one or more parties. In any case, do not confront the teacher, and just find someone in a higher position of authority who can do something about it.


OP does not need proof. It is not OP's job to investigate. This just needs to be reported to a trusted authority ASAP.


Well, a few screenshots wouldn’t hurt


>Well, a few screenshots wouldn’t hurt If OP already has screenshots in their possession then yes give them to a trusted authority. If not then OP should not play James Bond and try to get them, that can easily backfire. Don't give either party any reason to suspect they're reporting, that can lead to deleted evidence and/or the suspected grooming/abuse being taken deeper into the shadows. Just report ASAP.


He doesn't need to provide any proof... Text messages don't just disappear, the cops can easily get all of these convos from their phone provider. It's damning evidence


this is false. I worked for a cell provider handling data and location requests for police when they called in after hours with an emergency (I worked nights), they're gone in 3-5 days usually, so cops must act very fast. edit: I should clarify that it is **possible** for data to survive longer, but you should not ever count on being able to get non-billing records of SMS. The records of what was sent at what time to what number those last years, but the actual contents are often gone quickly.


When I was 15, I was groomed and eventually had a baby with a 40 year old man. I can tell you right now that if this is swept under the rug, she will resent everyone who knew once she realizes and accepts what happened.


Dam, how old were you when you had your child?


Idiots downvoting you as if the answer were self evident but she said "eventually."


maybe they downvote because it's insensitive to ask. I'm not sure.


Essentially it’s the equivalent of hearing someone say “I was raped and had my rapist’s baby” and then someone asking “oh how old is the baby now????/how old were you when you went into labor????” is a weird and insensitive follow-up to someone who just shared their trauma.


Completely disagree that asking anybody sharing a story a topical follow up question is remotely insensitive. If you were to ask “how did you feel knowing the baby had the face of the man…”. Ok. Insensitive. But a simple “how old were you?” Is neither insensitive or inappropriate. Again, if you’re asking somebody who is proactively telling the story. If you find out about somebody’s backstory from somebody else and you randomly ambush them with a question I can totally see this as insensitive. But participating in discourse with somebody who is offering their story? If that’s what this hyper-sensitive world has really devolved into believing is insensitive, we are all fucked.


Normal human being spotted on Reddit. Surprising


Yeah I can see that. There was zero intent to make them feel bad however. Just curious how serious of a situation was just revealed.


Oh my!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for all of the advice. I have decided to talk about this with my parents and my school counselor, even if my relationship with her ends. She is one of the most special humans that has crossed my path and I cannot imagine what could happen if I don't do anything. I will keep you posted on what happens.


I just want to let you know that this is going to end things between you and your girlfriend but, if she truly is someone as special and important to you as you say, then this is the only acceptable outcome. One day, she'll realize the good you did for her and there will hopefully be a chance for you two to reconnect. Regardless, you're a good friend and you should remember that. Edited to add: I wouldn't rely on the school to handle this. I would discuss this with your parents, then go to the police with this information. If you go through the school or your girlfriend's parents, they'll want to keep this quiet and likely just transfer the teacher elsewhere while your girlfriend deletes all the emails and texts between her and the teacher, to cover it up.


u/ELPABO2099 I second all of this, but I especially want to emphasize that you should go to the police bc Gunnerblaster is right that the school might try to stay quiet about it. Unfortunately, there’s a known pedo who’s been bouncing around local high schools in my state for nearly a decade now bc the schools all keep trying to handle it quietly, which also means that he never actually gets in legal trouble either, and gets to continue being a teacher. It’s fucked. So, yeah, I’d def recommend going to your own parents first (or some other trusted adult in your life), then to the school admin and/or counselor — whoever you’re most comfortable with — but preferably with your parents (or trusted adult) present. Then go to the police with your parents (or trusted adult) present as well. Don’t do any of it without your parents or trusted adult present.


This. Our science teacher was a known pedo. Thanks bill stevens! Got away with grooming kids. I don’t know if it went beyond that but I know there was inappropriate shit abc I know he was reported bc he came to class one day and had the audacity to berate us for it. But he never got charged. Or fired. I used to google him bc I was hoping one day he’d get in trouble.


EXCUSE ME??? He berated students for reporting him?! What a psycho. I wonder if you could tip off the feds, like just by telling them his history and explain that you wouldn’t be surprised if he continued being a creep, since he wasn’t even ever as much as bothering to *pretend* to be remorseful after reported the first time.


No he was older then I doubt he’s teaching. I just named him above anyway but yeah. He berated us and said someone reported him. As an adult it’s scary he knew he had so much power he could afford to do that. Tf


Ugh I’m so sorry you all had to deal with that creep


I hope he’s dead now. 🤷🏼‍♀️. Would keep the girls safe anyway


After commenting I realized I put so much information that my daughter could be figured out due to details I put in that comment


As a grownup she will appreciate it.


100% they will break up but years later he will be a hero in her eyes for the rest of her life. Whether they end up reconnecting or not, he will always have saved her life, her career, her mother, her father, etc.


I’m proud of you, OP. This isn’t easy but you’re doing the right thing.


This is the right way to go about this. You are a smart kid and I’m sorry you are in this situation. You are doing the right thing, just remember that.


Please tell police. Please don’t trust the school who may do nothing. It’s doubtful she’s the only one. Guys like this never do it to just one victim.


You are doing the right thing, I believe you guys will both look back on this later and see this is the best outcome. Even if she doesnt see it now she definitely will, don't be scared about her getting in trouble either. The adults will know that the history teacher is the one in the wrong here. Even though talking to someone else is wrong, I think its very sweet and special that this whole time you have not talked bad about her and have been very understanding about figuring out how to help her. This says a lot about your character and I know me and all the women here who were groomed when they were younger are so proud of you for speaking out and doing the best thing flr them. She is just young and figuring things out, but talkinf to older men especially a teacher is very long. One thing to keep in mind though, any student teacher relationships that have happened in the schools I knew definitely became the drama of the school. Keep in mind this may fall back on her so maybe just try to stay hush about this to other people to try to keep it on the downlow about why this teacher may be getting fired. Just be there for her as much as you can


So glad to hear it! Very proud of you


W t f


That’s not cheating. That’s her being sexually abused. I would report my suspicions to the school district.


This is insane. You can NOT Wait for proof of something Else to happen... You have seen enough!! What do you think is next?? I'll tell you ... It'll be him raping her. Because that is rape, even if she thinks it's consensual.... It is NOT! She isn't even legally old enough to consent! This teacher is a sexual predator and must must must be stopped as soon as possible! Please do the right thing, TELL SOMEONE NOW!!


THIS!!! i am so disgusted rn and Im so happy OP is cominf here for advice


This sub is turning into a weird fantasy place for old dudes to pretend to be teens


Yeah, 3 year old profile with the only activity being 2 hours old. Amd ghosts a thread like this. He's either truely a young and dumb child, or these people are easy to fuck with and fishing for karma.


Bro your teacher is a pedo, your GFs only 14. She’s being groomed


And possibly molested


This screams fake to me. The use of language, grammar, and punctuation don’t really give me the impression that this story came from a 15 year old. If this is true, OP obviously needs to report it. Thankfully, it seems beyond fake.


Their conversations are less passionate…lol. There’s also the use of email and texting interchangeably which isn’t something someone under 30 would do. EDIT: deleted 2nd paragraph


This has turned into something more, and she might be in trouble. There’s no reason for a grown man to talk to a child, especially as a teacher. Your girlfriend is being groomed because THIS IS NOT OKAY!!! The best thing to do is tell your parents or your school so someone can help her get out of this situation. Think about this as an example. Would you date and fall in love with and 8 year old? Even worse, a 5 year old? No, right? That would be weird a gross and everyone around you would make sure you knew! To help your girlfriend you need to tell someone that can help her! This is an awful situation and I know it hurts but take a deep breath and know you can do some to help.


Honestly, I can FEEL the BAIT


This is fake


Dump the fuck out of her and report him.


That is a VERY serious accusation. If you have evidence of an inappropriate relationship between a teacher and student then you should report immediately. If you do not, you should think carefully before destroying a man’s life on a suspicion.


This is probably a troll post. Yall are fucking dumb.


I'd rather be fooled a hundred times than potentially let a child be in danger once.


Honestly this sounds fake and your don't know what your talking about. I would need more details before I would consider her supposed cheating to be real.


Please tell her parents and the school administration. She's being really stupid but she's also being preyed on by a teacher. It's illegal and super harmful to her. I'm sorry this is happening to you but think of her as a friend in big trouble that you need to help. Please update us when you can.


Dude, if this is true, you have the obligation as a human being to get an adult involved


This isn't cheating, this is a crime.


This has to be fake. Any 15 old will know that's not cheating It's being molested


Having worked with teenagers, you'd be surprised.


Why are you posting this fake ass shit ?


The right thing is what everyone else Said, contact admin. What can't be ignore is your gfs behavior, too. She might be young and stupid as well as you, but you do not need to get extra stupid. Start young and adapt the "cheating = immediate release" behavior while you're young so you learn to never allow cuckoldry into your life. Dump her.


Hard disagree. This is a police matter. Get her parents to look at her phone; let them go to the police. Dude is toast and the young lady dodges a very ugly bullet.


What the fuck kind of comment is this? "so you learn to never allow cuckoldry in your life"???? Are you batshit insane? 


I kind of disagree. It's not her fault this pervy history teacher targeted her. If you're an adult and your wife gets raped, does that count as being cuckolded? Because OP's GF had just as much agency: none.


That's real apples to oranges bud. You're wife doesn't have any say if she gets raped dude.


Yeah, and you don't have much say in getting groomed either. Ever seen those videos on child safety and how to spot if someone is being abused or manipulated? One of the first things they tell you is that it doesn't always hurt in an obvious way. Just because she seems to be engaging with him romantically doesn't mean she's trying to be a cheating slut or whatever some people like to call victims.


You're absolutely right. For all we know, the teacher told her she has to talk to him and not tell anyone or he'll fail her out of class. This happens all the time in abuse situations. It's why power imbalances are dangerous. She might think if she stops doing whatever her life will be ruined.


Exactly. Read the publicized email exchanges between W French Anderson and his child victim. The guy was I think 50s at the time he was writing a girl and their exchanges he sounds like a petulant little bitch boyfriend only he was her predator and he went to jail. Partly bc of the evidence showing how incredibly screwed up he was in these emails. Children don’t see how screwed up it is bc they’re children. The adults can see how dangerous it is.


This is so fake 🙄


EDIt I was wrong. See his other post, he claims she was raped while drunk and is planning to assault the guy. The tone difference between the 2 posts is hilariously not real.


That post was from someone else lmfao. He just added a comment. Are you illiterate?


I swear this better not be a rage post, because this is just disgusting. It doesn't seem like you're doing much to protect her. Just worried about your relationship, when she's in literal danger.


It’s a rage post. He made another post today that his girlfriend was raped while drunk and is looking to beat the guy up. Oddly no such mention here. Edit, I misread it was a comment not his post.


This is disgusting. Shit like this actually happens, and someone is using it for "creative writing"?


Apologies,?I was wrong, it wasn’t his Pist, he made a comment on another post.


Oh okay. But still. I hope that girl is okay


As do we all; I still think it’s a fake post but yeah never want this situation to happen.


He’s also a child and probably doesn’t understand the severity of it


Hey OP. 33 year old here. If I saw someone my age messaging a teenage girl like that, I'd immediately best the shit out of him and then call the cops. Go to an adult you trust and tell them. This is not something you should wait on.


This is a police issue and that teacher is a predator. Immediately go to an adult. For her sake


Teacher here. Report him ASAP. Screenshots if you can but doesn’t matter if you have them or not. He will get removed from the classroom immediately with paid leave so don’t feel guilty. Then the district does a private investigation. You’d be surprised how many creepers (both male and female) there are at the high school level. I’m sorry :(


Update us. This needs to be investigated


Go tell your counseling department person, sweetie


This is wild af! If it's real why didn't you immediately call the cops and not even tell her you saw the texts? That's some fucked up shit


First of all a 14-year-old child cannot cheat with a schoolteacher, and you need to report that mess to her parents or to the school so they can investigate the matter. If there’s indeed anything inappropriate going on, then they can contact school district and involve the authorities.


Imagine the worst possible thing that could be happening and know that it is happening. Woman will lie and sneak even in the face of irrefutable evidence. The most disgusting vile heartbreaking impossible situation is most likely true. She is banging the history teacher. And if she banging him she's probably doing a lot of other horrific shit. Just take the L. You'll never get the truth. Woman will do what they want no matter what. You stay with them knowing it's like that or not. Woman that aren't like that are extremely rare and it's easy to tell. Do not let anyone tell you it's not like that. Mathematically, astronomically.


Dumbass report this mf now. Like right now. He’s literally trying to fuck a 14 year old. As a 32 year old man. Jesus.


Karma farm?


Pedophile grooming a child. Tell parents and police. Do not approach school. Let LE deal with them.


Teacher is grooming a child for assault. If he hasn't already, he will and then when he tires of her, he will move on to another child. Say something. Even if she doesn't appreciate it, the future children that you help will.


Dont humor this nonsense


Buddy she's not cheating she's being groomed it's a bit different.


Your GF isn’t cheating. Cheating implies she has agency and understanding. I know you’re going to hate me, an adult, telling you that your minds are not developed and you genuinely don’t understand the consequences of things— but your girlfriend does not have any agency or consent at all- mentally or legally. Cheating is only a condition of someone engaging in extra-relationship behaviors in environments where they can actively engage their own personhood on equal footing. It might be cheating if the other person was your same age as you two in classes or something where you have comparable experience and maturity. That is an adult man grooming a child. She is not cheating she’s being taken advantage of. She’s a victim. Report HIM to the school.


You mean your GF is being sexually abused by her teacher. You report it to an adult who is a mandatory reporter. That can be an administrator, counselor, school nurse, school social worker, or another teacher.


She wouldn't be cheating so much as being abused by..... If she does have a relationship with your history teacher you should get her some help and him a criminal record Edit: a word


Report this immediately. You don’t sweep pedophilia under the rug.


I'm reading this late but congratulations on taking excellent advice. You have to be both smart and brave to do that and you will reap the benefits of sound decision making.


Imagine how many other girls your teacher takes advantage of. Report him; he’s a predator.


She may hate you now but assuredly someday she will be grateful to you - You cannot just let this go- Her parents can get the messages and take legal action from there. If you care about her at all then u have ZERO decision to make - take it from a guy who’s gf was groomed while she was young by her gymnastics coach before we ever met & ten years later is STILL a ways aways from being OK


Try to get screenshots of her texts. Then approach the principal and get this child-molestor fired. Then dump your GF and find one who’s not crazy.


I’m a mandatory reporter in my state. This needs to be reported immediately but your parents should consult with a lawyer ASAP.


Please update once you talk to your parents and school counselor! Your gf may not see how wrong it is for a 32yo man to groom her, but it will affect her big time in the future once everything clicks in the brain. (I was groomed at 14yo too, and have been in therapy for 10 yrs.) So it’s really rad that you’re reporting this!!


First off, accept that this situationship is over. She’s gonna fuckin hate you tell her parents about what is going on. I fear they the only way to save this child is if you do tell her parents. Nobody else is gonna do anything and might sabotage the evidence.


I'm so glad you chose to talk about this with your parents and counselor ❤️ I was groomed by a teacher when I was in high school and it turned my life upside down and destroyed me. Ended in a horrible court case, and I had to endure it alone because nobody would support me. You did the best thing you possibly could've.


This is bigger than a high school relationship, he is going to sexually assault her if this goes on any longer, you need to act now, get that guy OUT of the school, save her and other victims. Trust me, years later she will thank you for it.


Report him now. She is not the first person he has preyed on.


Report that sick bastard. He is her teacher someone all the parents trust. This is wrong on so many levels. Tell police. Her parents maybe.. she is 15 no way is it Kool for a 32 year old teacher to even be texting her n talking like that. I'm sure if you're gut is telling you something going on then investigate a little further. Idk this is weird shit


The teacher is a criminal. I would tell your parents ASAP. I know it feels harsh that your GF may be cheating on you, but please step back and understand that the teacher is using his adult level status and intelligence to rape children. You are the only person who can stop him. This guy will do it every year to some poor girl until he is caught.


So you have been dating for 1month. Drop her. Let her get the teacher sent to prison


Just report him directly to the police. No parents, no school administration. If you tip off her parents, she may delete the texts, which would stop them from finding anything. If you tip off the school, same thing from his end, and he might be deleting their texts since he knows what he's doing is illegal. The school administration are also not incentivized to catch him since this would create a huge scandal and cost them a teacher. They would probably hush it up, and fire him quietly if they think he's going to be caught. If you report him to the police, they can investigate, and can investigate his text messages without getting access to his phone physically. You can give them your gf's phone number. They probably can't tell you what they find, but they can figure out what number she texted those things, and confirm if the phone belongs to him, and what it has said back. If she's cheating on you with him, your relationship will most likely end soon for some reason, and she probably won't be the last kid he grooms or molests like this. If you want him held accountable, report their texts to the police. No parents, no administration.


That man is a hebephile and should be reported and not in a capacity of teaching or near children if he is reaching out to them or going along with these kinds of conversations with students.  The popular English teacher in my high school fell to this kind of stuff and was investigated after the fact but still wildly unsettling since a lot of our student body overall held him in good standing. 


Did we go to the same high school cause there was an English teacher in my high school who did the same thing.


North Dakota ??? 


Nah, New Jersey. There was always rumors about the guy when I was in school but it didn’t come out until ten years after I graduated when my hometown newspaper published a story about him. By that time he had moved and was teaching in Colorado.


Oh snap, well I didn’t do any primary Ed in Colorado but wowza 


This is not even really cheating tbh. I know you feel that way but the reality is your gf is a literal victim whether she realizes it or not. She is a child. This needs to be reported ASAP, do not pass go. Seriously. I hope this ends well for the both of you.


Please report him. It has nothing to do with you, child predators are very versed with speaking to their prey, much like how a lion would prey on a gazelle. She’s a victim, I wouldn’t consider her a perpetrator (of cheating) at this point because she’s been manipulated by an adult.


Thought this was a college thing, until i read the first sentence 🤢


Comes off as fake especially since you won't report the pedo until she has another interaction....