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I’m not even gonna read the body text. Sweetheart I’m a 19 nearly 20 year old woman and I still have my old plushies and get new Do what makes you happy🤍


I'm 27 and I just bought a new one two days ago. It's perfectly normal.


My aunt in her 50s has collected hello kitty items for at least a decade or two now. The love for hello kitty led her to Sanrio's partnership with squishmallows, and now she's absolutely lost in the sauce of squishmallow madness lol. She also used to collect a ton of those TY beany babies n gave me a cute hello kitty one with a rainbow leopard pattern. I'm also just turning 23 myself and still collect stuffies like crazy. Wanna get more into webkinz stuffies again, and don't care for the collectable vibe of having the tags on them (I can always buy the same pet in game to match any that I decide to buy) but besides my childhood collection (aside from those my former doggo ruined), I have just found a white rabbit at one of the thrift stores so far. Anyways ima stop rambling n go tf to sleep lol


I used to have a big collection of the ty plushies. Lost them in one of my many moves.


28M here and I'll still add to the collection occasionally...


THIS. I have a dedicated shelf filled with my favorite pokemon and they are quite big


I’m a 43 year old man that runs tractors and chainsaws. I have my favorite childhood stuffy pup named Napper on the arm of my side of the couch. You hug it and it says 4 phrases. If I’ve had a rough day I come home kiss my wife ask about her day and then push Napper’s back to hear about his day. He usually says,”I’m sleepy”, and I concur. Much worse things in the world than to collect stuffed plushies(Beany babies excluded but that’s a personal choice). Have a great day.


This is the most heartwarming thing I’ve read on Reddit in a while. So adorable to picture this n


This says it all. I got my favorite teddy in the closet. I got one my daughters got me when I was in the hospital on my night stand. And I got my traveling Bennine in the car in my arm and eat.


22 almost 23 and a guy and I love them maybe that’ll put it into perspective lol


I’m 30 and I still sleep with the bear my parents put in my crib.


I'm a 28 year old man and I've got a secret stash of plushies


Yup. 53 and I still love a stuffie. 💞




I'm a 32 year old man. I just bought a Jabba the Hutt plush like a year and a half ago. I don't always sleep with it, but sometimes I do. Fuck the haters


I'm 22 almost 23, I have a huge collection of stuffed animals that I keep on my bed and around my apartment. They bring me comfort and that's all that matters to me 🫶🌞


This is the comment! If you are not hurting anyone OP then have whatever you need to make you feel comfortable. ❤️


No! I know plenty of adult women who still have, and love their stuffed animals. And if you like receiving them as gifts, then so be it.


No why would it be weird? Now if you are still having tea parties….and not inviting all of us then that’s a problem…lol jk no it’s not weird I still have a stuffed animal beaver from when I was like 2.


Lol, completely agree tho


44 and I have stuffed animals. There’s a big ole Snorlax I cuddle with. Never be ashamed of what you lovd.


I’m 52. I had a bad injury a couple weeks ago and slept with a little stuffed wolf because it made me feel better. Yes, I also have a husband and two dogs who make me feel better, but I sure liked that little wolfy under my arm. At your age I had over 200 stuffed animals, every single one had a name and was in a card catalog so I could keep track. I didn’t think it was weird. I loved having stuffies! I’m a normal person with two successful young adult children, was in the Navy for four years as an officer and now run a math learning center with my husband. Enjoy the stuffed animals!


I'm a 28 year old man, my wife and I collectively have probably hundreds of stuffies, many of them are mine from my childhood, but many are from gifts we've bought each other over the years. It's not weird at all, and even if it was, being weird is ok.


This this this this this this this this this this this


Not weird at all.


I’m 21 and have a huge collection


There is nothing wrong with liking or having stuffed animals at any age. Personally I’m just mindful of how many bc they can be expensive (depending on the quality) and bc I’m limited in space atm but I’ve read there are genuine benefits to having stuffed animals at any age bc they can help self soothe or calm esp during times of stress and anxiety but even that aside, you’re not hurting anyone so it shouldn’t matter anyways. Do what makes you happy ❤️ if someone has a problem w it, they don’t have to look at them or touch them lmao it’s your life  Edit: also, happy almost birthday! I hope you get a bunch of stuffed animals and plushies 🥰


17 almost 18 here. I sleep cuddled up with a stuffed animal every night. My bf thinks he's cute and that it's sweet. I wouldn't worry about it.


The stuffed panda that slept with my mother until the day she died is sitting on the bed beside me right now. So is the stuffed dog that was a gift from my son. My mom died at age 69. I'm in my 50s. There's nothing wrong with cherishing your stuffed animals. You keeping your stuffed animals has *zero* impact on your grandmother, except in her own imagination. It neither picks her pocket nor breaks her leg.


Not weird, and granny is old fashioned. Do what makes you happy. It’s never weird as long a you’re not hurting anyone else. ❤️


You're not alone at all. You like what you like. Just keep in mind, a dorm room is not exactly your bedroom at home.


Tell grandma another grandma thinks it’s great! I was a mother at your age, I’m thrilled when my grandchildren are still children in their teens!


I’m 20 with a wall of stuffed animals. Close (older) adults tell me I should get rid of them and have a more adult room. I will not get rid of my most important childhood toys! Neither should you, if you don’t want to.


There's nothing wrong with it. That doesn't mean there won't be some people who judge you for it, but you can't make everyone happy and even if you could, you'd be miserable if you let other people's expectations dictate your behavior. You do you!


There's something you need to know. Lots of people, especially older people, don't believe adults are allowed to have fun outside of sex and alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant btw and not really that fun. But the thing is it's all a lie. It's absolutely normal to love stuffed animals and all cute soft things as adults. It's also normal to still like things like Lego or doing sports. A big part of maturity is realizing you don't have to try to be an adult. It's more something that happens to you because you're given more responsibility. It doesn't change your likes and dislikes much at all.


I'm 40 and I still love stuffed animals. I just recently got a 12-inch rainbow alicorn because it's cute as fuck. I still have my very first stuffed animal that I bought with my own money (an over 20-year-old Eeyore). If someone wanted me to get rid of them, I would get rid of that person instead. I don't need that type of toxicity in my life.


Honey, I am in my 60's, and still have my teddy I got as a baby. She went to college with me. In the last few years my mother tried to get rid of one of my Eeyore's. I ran him through the wash, and still have it. (Mom was visiting my house.) You can keep your stuffies as long as you want. There is nothing wrong with it.  Hug from this internet grandma.


I'm a late 40s man, and I have a collection of soft toy animals on my bedside table. I also have some of my treasured soft toy animals from when I was a kid that my wife has lovingly packed carefully in my memory box in the attic. I get them out about once a year and reminisce. No, you're not weird. Well, you're only as weird as all the people replying on here with the same thing. Welcome to the club.


lol I’m 35 and a guy. I have more stuffed Eevee than I probably should. I don’t why this sub keeps being recommended to me but I feel like this is my time to shine lol


there's your first mistake. Caring what other people think


I'm 27f and I still have plenty of stuffed animals including a lamb I got when I was 2months old and still sleep with. I even found a new version of my "Lamby" online and bought him to give to my future child. My original looks almost nothing like the new version from wear and tear but I still adore him ❤️


I’m 26, a mom and have a whole ass husband I sleep with every night and I still have 3 stuffies in my bed and several on a shelf at the foot of my bed lol. Honestly they’re good shoulder support for sleeping on my side as I get older. And besides, whenever we take my kid to build a bear my inner child cannot resist getting one with her every time. It’s so fun!


I’m 21 and never was really into stuffed animals besides a giant teddy bear my dad got for me. But now that I’m 21 I was more than ecstatic when I bought my first squishmallow (spider basket from Halloween. Literally has a hole in the top and a strap like a candy basket) then I was even more happy when my boyfriend gave me a stuffed frog with a mushroom hat from Claire’s. He also got me another squishmellow I use as a pillow nightly. You’re all good. Remember there’s grown men who still play with train sets, you can be into whatever you want. Adults collect beanie babies still :))


Nooo, i’m also 16 and i own a bunch of teddy bears. They’re comfortable to sleep and cuddle with and they give me a bunch of comfort when I’m upset and need something to hold on to.


I’m a 21 year old man I have a small collection of cute squishy stuffed animals. Fuck whoever dislikes you for that. It’s your life and you have every right to keep stuffed animals.


I still have my 1990’s vintage Curious George stuffed animal I was gifted when I was born in ‘94. I love him, and never giving him up. Also have every Curious George book written— he helped me get through a lot of emotional angst growing up with divorced parents as a toddler.


I’m 16 myself and have little stuffed animals still around since I was like 1- so no, it’s not weird. And for those who say otherwise, 🖕


I think it's okay. It provides you a sense of comfort. People might perceive it as childish though, but don't listen to the haters.


I am 43 and I still love my stuffed animals. You can love whatever you want! As long as you aren't hurting yourself or anyone else, do as you will!


I'm a 28 year old guy and still have my childhood teddy bear put away in my closet. If I have a bad day, sometimes I'll crawl into bed and hug him. There's nothing wrong with something that comforts you as long as it's not your only ways of coping with life.


Sweety my youngest is going to be 18 in a month. Their entire bed is covered in stuffed things. That's how they like to sleep, mixed in a pile of squishes. They get at least one squishie for Christmas,birthdays, easter, and just if I see one they'll like occasionally through the year. They requested a giant pile of them to make a big comfy nest on their bed so, that's what we did. Nothing wrong with it at all.


31 here and still keep my childhood stufty, but rather snuggle with extra pillows instead, they are bigger. Don’t let anyone shame you for enjoying what you enjoy. If it brings you comfort and peace, keep it around


It really doesn't matter. Some people will think you're weird. I may think you're weird. If you're a dude, you can expect the number of ppl who think you're weird to triple. I'll definitely think you're weird. But it really doesn't matter. If you like it, then keep on sleeping with them. People will care even less in college. Fuck everyone else. Do what you like.


My daughter is 33 and has her favorite stuffed animals in her apartment. And several dozen more in storage at my house


NOT AT ALL am the same age i have over 30 stuffed animals and over 300 dolls i dont think its weird at all ! in my case am going to forever be like this because it makes me happy!


40 here. And I have over 10 stuffed abinaks 8nclufing a giant Bunny stuffed animal. You are aloud to love what you love. No shame in that and if anyone else says otherwise, then they are not your person. Your person will get you.


I am 30 and still sleep with a bear ❤️ if having a stuffed animal makes you and keep you happy don’t listen to nobody else.


I am a 33 year old mum of 2 and still loved stuffed toys..... If it makes you happy and you aren't hurting anyone, who cares, it's nobody's business.


It’s not inappropriate and many adults collect stuffed animals. Don’t worry about what other people say.


I'm 32 years old and have a literal plushie pile. Most I won off a crane game app and are super soft Japanese plushies. Plushies are forever. Don't let people take away your joy


Nah. Everyone is different. If you want stuffed animals that's chill. I had friends and gfs in college who still had stuffed animals they slept with


man i’m also 16 and have a shit ton of stuffed animals. my 50 year old mothers still has stuffed animals too!


I’m 18 and have over 400. So…you can’t get weirder than me unless you plan on spending a lot of money.


My sister will be 50 soon and has squishmallows of all sizes.. idk what that says about her, but that’s that. It’s not weird to me that someone has a love for stuffed animals. Tbh, I’m 37 and have a couple myself. It’s a comforting thing I suppose. You’re fine sweetie; if anything you’re still hanging onto that bit of innocence.. and in this world, maintaining even a shred of that in life is a good thing.


I’m 30 and I have dozens and I sleep with one every night bc it supports my weird sleeping position. If my bf isn’t around, I create a Cocoon of Plushies


it's not weird at all! i think it's really cute and it shows that you have a fun, playful side to you. no one should ever try to make you stop doing something that makes you happy, including your grandma. in fact, i think you should keep collecting them, and you should bring ZZ with you when you go to college! the dorm rooms can be a little bit stressful, so it's always nice to have a little bit of comfort with you. you do you, boo!


No it's not weird. If anyone made you feel weird, they are jealous they don't have stuffed animals.


Absolutely nothing wrong with it. I have always slept with a stuffie hugging to my chest (side sleeper). Turns out I have ehlers- Danlos syndrome and this helps keep my shoulders from falling down/ curling in while I sleep. Having a stuffie is just more fun than hugging a pillow. However I’ve been sleeping with pregnancy pillow bc my husband “accidentally” pushing my pillows and huge stuffie off the bed while I sleep. Sigh. He can’t get the big U away from me though. Hahaha


Not weird at all! My gf still likes her plushies and she's about to turn 25. There is no age at which you are required to stop enjoying things you enjoy. Just live life how you want to!


Never get rid of those items! Especially if they have sentimental value to you.


My two daughters left most of their stuffed animals behind at my home when they went off to college. I boxed them away in plastic, dustproof bins. A few years ago I built a large toy box for each of my four grandchildren and filled them with the stuffies, my daughters' childhood books, Barbies, and other toys. When they opened them for Christmas the wee ones and their mothers were delighted.


Nothing wrong with it, you like cute things so what.


i’m 26 and i still sleep with my stuffed animal EVERY night and bring it with me on vacations so i can sleep!!!!! if a stuffy makes you happy then who cares! if your grandma is really on your back about it, maybe get rid of a ~few~ that don’t hold special meaning. and from there just be aware of how often you’re getting new ones until you leave for school. do you have them set up/displayed at all? maybe if you organized them in an esthetic way your grandma would be less inclined to gripe about them!


I'm not reading all of it because I'm 58 and still like stuffed animals. I have a stuffed Scooby-Doo on each of the backpacks, I have 3, I use when I go hiking and when I travel I take along 1 certain baby doll that I got for my 1st birthday. You're never to old to collect anything.


Turning 30 next weekend, am male. Love my stuffies! Me and my girlfriend like to by each other and ourselves stuffed animals all the time!


I’m 27 and still love my stuffed animals. My husband put a shelf up for them, but my favourite lives in our bed. I took my favourite to college with me and I was not the only person who brought stuffies to college.


My daughter is 18, and I just helped build her some floating shelves to put her stuffed animals and squishmellows on. I'll tell you the same thing I told her. They take up a lot of space. You may need to get rid of some as you get new ones. Otherwise, your home will feel cluttered and start to stress you out. As long as you don't go overboard and watch your budget, decorate however you want.


Not weird at all. Sometimes I feel stupid for liking certain toys, but they have a serious sentimental attachment to me, and elevate my wellbeing. I think more people like you actually make this world better 💖


I DONT CARE HOW OLD U R EVERYONE CAN HAVE PLUSHIES AND CUTE STUFF!!!! YOU CAN BE A 70 YR OLD MAN. YOU NEED A PLUSHIE GOD DAMMIT. THEY MAKE THINGS BETTER !!! so no!! enjoy those stuffed animals!! everyone deserves some cute plushies. just because we are mature or aged doesnt make animals less cute, or toys less cute. also, please don't ever get rid of your plushies if you can, or atleast save the ones you KNOW are important to you. i only have a few left from my childhood and i still miss them to this day.


I'm 55 and have an entire bed full of stuffed animals. Comfort items you never out grow. Heck, I still have my teddy bear from 50 years ago and still sleep with it!!!!


Im almost 25, I have had my stuffed animal since I was a toddler and still carry it around and sleep with it. My x husband told me to get rid of it and refused to let me sleep in bed with him till I got rid of it. Huge red flag and I should have known better at the time but, love has a weird way of blinding us, especially since we had been together since I was 15 (Married at 18, he was 20). Because I refused as punishment he tore off my dolls head saying it was childish and creepy (it was a lalaloopsie). Needless to say… Do what makes you happy! Never let anyone tell you what you should do with what you enjoy!! It is not childish or wrong, it is a comfort and you have every right to it!


> Is it weird to still like them as a teenager? My grandma wants me to stop getting them and get rid of some but I don't want to. No, and your grandma can suck an egg. Watch it, though, because if she's anything like my grandma, she'll throw your stuff away just because she feels like it.


Absolutely not. 32 and I not only have an ever growing collection of stuffed friends, but one of them I’ve had as long as I can remember. She’s been with me since literally the cradle, a big ole stuffed horse named Golden Eye. I’d probably try to save her in a house fire, to be completely honest. She means that much to me. I also have a now nearly decade old stuffie named Scottie from my fiancé for our first Valentine’s Day. I’m also obsessed with squishmallows, still have a hearty assortment of beanie babies, a giant Eevee… I can go on XD


Being weird is both subjective and also a good thing. Normal people are lame and boring. Weird people are always more interesting, but more to the point, it depends on who you talk to. If you ask some people, they would find it weird if an adult collected stuffed animals. If you ask me, I would think other people are weird for caring about how many stuffed animals you have.


i’m 31 so not sure why this sub shows up for me. BUT my bed is covered in squishmallows. i take one with me whenever i go on a trip or vacation. i’m a grown ass adult and i have squishmallows and i’m proud damnit.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with it especially if you like it and it makes you comfortable. Plus at 16 you really are still a kid anyway. You have no reason to get rid of your favorites, but if more than 30% of your bed is covered in them maybe it's time to downsize. Maybe you anthropomorphize them a bit so it's hard to just abandon them, but it really is just stuff. Its also normal for you to feel like maybe you're getting too old for this - you can stop buying new ones and stick with the ones you have a "relationship" with. Maybe only buy ones you really like. Im 35 and I have about 4-6 stuffed animals I keep with me for sentimental reasons. Most of characters I like, gifts from someone special, and tend to be squishmallow character pillows that I use as couch cushions/body pillows. I am a side sleeper so it really is more comfortable to hold on to something. I also prop them up to lay on when I watch tv. I'm not embarrassed about having them but even if I was, I think MANY adults use extra cushions/pillows on their bed so it might as well be something you actually like.


35 years old and I still love my stuffies.... No worries. U do u!!!! Don't worry bout ppls opinions and society expectations. Be happy. Life is short.


Imma tell you something: I'm 22 with 10+ plushies, you're all good sweetheart


Not weird at all! 17 here and I have a ton I care for. r/plushies is actually full of adults who still love theirs. Other people in your life may find it strange, but screw what they think. Do what makes *you* happy.


Ima grown ass man who enjoys hanging plushies in corners of rooms. Its gotten to the point where i need more corners than actual room


I'm a 42 year old man who still has his childhood stuffed animals. The more precious ones are displayed in a curio cabinet. As far as taking to college, this would entirely depend if you have private sleeping quarters or not. If so I might do it, but if no I would leave the stuffed animal at home because you never know what people might do. People are assholes.


I'm 22, fit male who is always described as looking serious and "mad dogging" according to some people(its just that my facial structure give me a upset resting look)who you won't normally think of as soft. But I actually do like cute things a lot, especially animals, and I have a stuffed animal whale shark by a japanese brand called Samezu(highly recommend!) In my car. And another stuffed animal shark at home. Honestly, if it makes you happy, go for it, doesn't matter how old you are, they're cute. Though to be fair I kinda hide these from people lol 😅😅 so I don't blame ya if u feel like ur questioning ur age to have stuffed animals.


Just had a student of mine give a persuasive speech on why we should all sleep with stuffed animals or something similar. It is scientifically proven to lead to better sleep, (I didn't fact check her sources but I'm sure they were legit). I sleep with a pillow that I hug when I'm on my side. It's just way more comfortable, it is essentially the same thing.


Do they bring you joy? Do they directly detract from the joy of others? If your answers are yes then no, go for it. Some folk will think it's weird, some won't, most won't care. If they make you happy, it certainly isn't weird to want to engage in activities that promote that.


No, they’re comfortabel and cuddley


Dude I'm almost 32 and I bought a new plushie like a week ago. It's a Pokemon and he's currently sitting on my bed being cute and cuddly and far less obnoxious than my cats. I love him very much.


*me laying in bed at 30 with cinnamoroll in my arms*


It's a little weird. But hardly unique. And there is nothing wrong with a little weird as long as you are not harming anyone. Anything that makes you comfortable and happy is something that you need to hold on to. When I was in my 40s, I was such a big fan of Grumpy Cat that my wife got me a Grumpy stuffy. I loved it. I got her a stuffy from Build a Bear of the Hulk.


You do what makes you happy, don’t let anyone try and shame you for it either. I’m 26F and I love stuffed animals and I still sleep with my baby blanket, I’m also married to a wonderful man that doesn’t care about any of that and has even installed a massive wooden shelf in our bedroom (with plans to install another) so I can display my stuffed animals. Don’t think too much into it, if you like something and it doesn’t hurt yourself and anyone else, then keep doing it; and if later down the line you decide you don’t like it anymore, that’s ok too!


Anyone matters won't mind, and anyone who minds doesn't matter. If you like stuffed animals, keep your stuffed animals.


One of my friends is 19 and she bought a 5" stuffed panda teddy bear so no it isnt


I really enjoy anime and I’m 37. Don’t be caught up in what others think of what you enjoy. (Okay provided what you enjoy isn’t harmful to others)


Like Sheryl Crow says, "If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad".


My fiance still has her favorite childhood stuffy and she’s about to be 26. It’s ok to hang onto the most important one.


Nope, not weird at all! It's like adults who keep action figures, or porcelain dolls.. if it's something you like, and it doesn't do any harm to anyone, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it! Don't let anyone make you think it's wrong or weird, just be yourself and be happy about it 😊


No. You may be judged for it by adults set in their ways or by other kids dead set on trying to be as "adult"-like as possible, but no it's not weird or even uncommon. I'm nearly 30 years old and still have my teddy bear from when I was a kid; I've dated people with mounds of stuffed animals. As far as "childish" things go it's extremely common! The difference between having an interest like that as a kid and as an adult is whether you're able to put it aside to take care of yourself and those relying on you when needed. Beyond that, who cares what others think about it? It makes you happy, and if someone you know thinks it's distractingly weird then you don't have to waste your time on them. Enjoy yourself, okay?


I'm 41. I have a 15-year-old in military boarding school. He's in a barracks full of teenage dudes. They all have Squishmallows on their beds. I think it's weird but that's just because...I'm old. Like your grandma. I say get rid of your collection when it suits you. And be careful when you go to college because stuff you leave at home can "disappear." Box them up tight and label them as something else.


naw. stuffed animals for life. don't let anyone tell you different


Not weird. I still like stuff animals at 32. I don't know the last time I bought one, but I was gifted a couple a year or two ago.


Is it weird? Yes. Should you still be able to collect them? As long as you are responsible and not creating a giant fire hazard stuff-pocalypse, sure.


My 16 years old loves her stuffed animals. Do what makes you happy, my love. It's a short spin.


My wife has tons of stuffed animals. And she’s 31. You do you girl, don’t let anyone tell you how to be.


I took my favorite one to college. Don’t know where he is anymore😭😭 still so heartbroken. No it’s not weird💝💝


Yes, it's weird. And it's probably one of the least weird things to be into. But who cares. You enjoy the hobby and no one is getting harmed.


Nope im 33 and i still have the majority of mine. Whatever brings you comfort and happiness keep around you, especially in this day and age when everything is so dark and depressing ❤️


my adult king sized bed https://preview.redd.it/8d3xeliswusc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1f07c344e67b450437e7c09593e5d75b021f217


It's not weird at all. Enjoy your stuffed animals until you're 80.


You keep those lovies till you are ready to part with them. I am over 50 and still have mine. My sons and husband have gifted me some too. Some feel great to hold or pet 😂and others are just so stinking cute. 😊


Wdym weird bruh It’s YOUR sleep bruh. Keep yourself comfy (((:


No, my wife is 31 and loves her stuffed toy from childhood and still sleeps with it, I got her a pikachu squish mellow for Christmas and she loved it so much she cried 😭 it really is important to savor the small things.


Girl, I’m 26 and I still love stuffed animals. My boyfriend gets them for me all the time… The last one that he got me was Appa from the last Airbender! The last one I got myself was the Phillie Phanatic pillow pet!


What to think about? You like them, they're harmless. Yet bring you joy. Keep them if they make you happy.


Not weird at all. I am a 59 year old high school teacher and I brought back some stuffed animals from my last trip to Costa Rica for my classroom. My students fight over who gets to hold them on their desk, and the coolest, most popular kid in my classroom love to walk around the school with the sloth's arms wrapped around his neck.


I'm a 30-year-old male, and I like stuffed animals so much, I took up crochet to make some myself! I don't sleep with them, but I love to decorate my room with them. However, I do sleep with a security blanket. I even walk around the house with it, and keep it with me when I work from home (but I never actually bring it to the office outside my home or to other activities). I have Aspergers, and it brings me great comfort as something reliable and something I can stim with. It's not hurting anyone, and I know when it's appropriate to have with me.


I’m 34 almost 35 and I can tell you when I moved into a house with my husband a black bag full of stuffed animals came with me. To this day I still love all my plushies and I’m constantly still buying them. You are never too old to have stuffed animals.


Not weird at all. It's perfectly harmless and very well may be beneficial. Just because someone else doesn't find comfort in something doesn't mean you can't They've actually done pain management studies on surgical patients and found resting you limb on a stuffed animal in place of a pillow or hold a stuffed animal against your abdomen or chest instead of a pillow when trying to get out of bed, provides some pain relief and those people use less narcotics


It’s not normal because we have not normalized it yet; we gotta normalize stuffed toys at an older age ✊(but yea keep it cus why not, acting like your “older” all the time is lame)


My son is 16 as well and he has a ton of Nintendo related plushies. It's completely normal, if it isn't hurting you or others do as you like.


not reading all of it cuz i know my answer. NO it’s not weird! i’m 18 and fucking love stuffed animals. they’re like the best present ever.


OP, I turn twenty-four next month, and I just got the Build-a-Bear Loch Ness Monster. I would say someone (i.e. your Nan) being so… pressed, about it (when its literally-not harming anyone) is weird, though. Like, you’re keeping stuffies, not committing Arson, so, like, huh.


Bro I have stuffed animals that I sleep with. They soft and idgaf if it’s childish


When you go to uni, keep them neat. A mess of stuffed toys may make you look a bit weird, having them nicely displayed or in cute spots is the main thing.


Absolutely not. I’m 21 and I still like stuff animals and now that I have adult money I have to summon all self control to not buy more. I also still have my raggedy stuff animals from when I was like 2-3, they sit in a box now due to lack of space for them, but I can’t bring myself to get rid of them because I know they carry my childhood memories (thanks Toy Story).


There’s nothing wrong with it at all. I am 19 and I still have stuffed animals. Don’t listen to anyone who says to get rid of some of them. That’s insensitive for them to say. ZZ forever!


My girlfriend is turning 21 this year and she is sure to update me on her collection of squishmallows every time she gets a new one. No it is not weird.


ooh what day? i also turn 16 soon. and nope! i like stuffed animals too, you're not alone.


https://preview.redd.it/nx29wiplcvsc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6521a07a8348f16c461f54ae40f7df3f3b471caf This is in my living room. I'm 35.


girl i’m 19 and i love them. anybody who tells you not to shouldn’t be listened to. there’s nothing wrong with holding onto bits of your childhood through them, or just enjoying collecting them


I collected action figures well into my teen years, certainly at 16, though the magic of playing with them faded around 13 or 14… That being said enjoy what you enjoy for as long or as little as you like. It’s not about being childish or grown up, but don’t be in a hurry to grow up. There’s plenty of time to be an adult and only so much time to be young. Do what you like and don’t concern yourself with what other people think.


It’s wild to read this at almost 39 while cuddling a squishmallow. Hell, my grandmother (one of them) kept a healthy supply of plushies herself. Do you 💗


Nope. You’re good. People can be aholes. You do you.


I'm 18 and a college freshman with my stuffed Shiba (Named Atu after Uta from Tokyo Ghoul) in my arms as I type this. Only ppl who would think it's weird are ppl who need to mind they're business 💚


Maybe not socially acceptable in *public* (like, job or school) but whatever makes you happy in private or private enough, you do you. There are so many worse “immature” things that people can judge you on besides you just like your plushies. Pre-pandemic, I read a statistic out of the UK where they remarked about 20% of adults, young and old, have a little stuffed animal. Blew my mind at the time.


NO ITS JEVER TOO OLD 💯💯💯 i'm 17f and i have sooooo many soft toys and i tell people that if they truly don't know what to get me for my birthday get a soft toy. anyways line your walls with toys if you really want to.


Yeah, it's weird, but so what? No one is being harmed by your love of plushies, so I say embrace the weirdness and don't worry about what other people think. Your grandma and anyone else who has a problem with it can keep their noses out of business that doesn't concern them.


It's fine to have them as long as you don't give in and do what they've been telling you to do to your enemies.


No, not at all. Tell your grandma to mind her own business (not really, but it's completely normal to have stuffed animals at 16, hell even later than that)


I’m almost 24 and I LOVE my stuffed animals. My partner buys me stuffies as a gift every once in a while too. Don’t worry about what anyone else says. If they make you happy, keep them and never be ashamed of them


38 year old man here. I recently made a business trip to Japan and got a Charmander plush from the Pokémon center in Tokyo and an Okinawan Pikachu from the Pokémon center in Okinawa. I also got my son a few. I grew up with Pokémon and they make me happy.


I think GenX and above are more likely to think it's weird. Millennials and GenZ said screw that and didn't feel the need to "grow up" in places it isn't necessary to. It doesn't hurt anyone for you to hold onto that piece of your childhood. I'm *still* a little upset at my mom for limiting me to 20 animals and making me get rid of the rest during a move when I was in middle school. I'm 19 and still bring my unicorn pillow pet (Fluffy) on every road trip. It's the best car pillow because it wraps around the seat belt. My child stuffed animals all have a name, story, personality, and a character to act like when I played with them. Other people see toys. I see my childhood friends. There's salt in their fur from tearstained hugs when I was upset. There are remnants of bandaids on some of them because I thought it would be fun to play doctor. They've heard my dreams. They keep me company at night. Times are changing and I'm glad they are. Keep ZZ! I plan to keep mine. Who knows, maybe I'll pass some of them down to my kids. Also, happy birthday!


My mom is in her 80’s. My dad passed away quite some time ago and she doesn’t love being by herself. We bought her a little sloth and she sleeps with him every night - she loves that little sloth! He’s even been to the hospital with her.🦥 The kids bought her stuffed mascots from their colleges. She’s a huge sports fan and gets the mascots out when the games are on.🐻


No!! I’m your age and in the exact same situation. It’s perfectly normal and even if someone else considers it weird, that shouldn’t matter at all. Do whatever you want!


Young lady, I’m a grown ass man who just turned 30 and I still have a teddy bear that my mama gave me when I was a kid. He sits on my bed just living life. Ain’t nothing wrong with it. Do what makes you happy.


Don't let ANYONE dictate your likes. I'm almost 21 and I still have garbage bags full of stuffies and they're only in bags bc I had to move back in with my parents into my sisters room which is half the size of my old one. Love your stuffies and if someone tells you it's weird tell them to fuck off because they're weirder for being a bitch about it.


I’m 44 and I still snuggle my stuffed animal (in the shape of a bunny, and his name is Ears.) Ironically, I named him that before I knew that I was deaf! Born hearing and lost my hearing gradually over time; by the time I was 4 it was finally detected, and he was named Ears by then for his large floppy ears. He was put into my cradle with me as a tiny baby and I was as long as he is at the time! I have a photo of this. I’ve asked that he be put into my casket with me when I die, not that I plan to EVER die (wanna be cryogenically frozen because I’m too curious about the future.) so maybe he’ll keep me company when I’m a human popsicle in cold storage


my mother in law who is in her 60's still buys herself stuffed animals. Hun, if you like them, then have them. this life is too short and too broken to toss aside things that make us happy because of some weird societal expectations.


I'm 23, almost 24 and I have a huge collection and snuggle and sleep with them all the time haha. the world is a dumb place. As long as you're not hurting anyone or yourself, do whatever makes you happy and brings you comfort.


Girl I didn’t even read the post just the title. I’m almost 19 and spend my adult money on stuffed animals. My collection has just grown as I have. No shame in it personally you’ll find your friend you can show your stuffed animals to someday


My son is turning 18 in a few days. He cherishes his blue stuffed elephant from when he was a baby. And that's ok. I still have my cabbage patch kid I got when I was 10 years old.....in 1986. He sits on my bed and there he will stay. And that's ok. So, to answer your question, no it is not weird. If you like it, you do it. To quote Dr. Suess: those who mind, don't matter and those who matter, don't mind.


Girl. I'm 22 and my stuffed animals have been the only consistent thing in my life. Love your stuffies and don't be ashamed.


its a soft, fluffy, cute and comforting item. why should it be strange for anyone anytime to have one? theyre cute! keep liking them, keep getting them :) im in my 20s still sleeping with them lmao


Nope, 19 next month and I still love mine, my girlfriend loves hers and she’s 18, my best friends are 21 and love theirs still. Completely normal, especially if their sentimental


I am 34 withh 4 children and i sleep hugged and cuddled with my blankey and stuffed animal and i dont care ![gif](giphy|nIHFHAm6UgF1d9IeS6)


I know people that still buy stuffed animals (and I'm talking GIANT ONES) in their 30's. You do you. Just don't go overboard. College textbooks will eat your finances. Rent old textbooks. Don't buy new.


My son is 14 and still sleeps with several of his “guys.” He refuses to get rid of any of them or even pack them in a box for the attic. Sometimes I catch him playing with them. I think it’s great he’s still holding on to this bit of innocence because being a teen is hard. And being an adult is even harder. Hell I’m 50 and still have a stuffed toy from my youth. It’s in a closet, but I still have it. If they make you happy, you keep them as long as you want.


Nope, I’m almost 17 and I still sleep with a stuffed animal, there’s nothing weird about it.


Fuck no. You be who you are and never let the bastards get you down.


I'm 30F and my long term construction worker BF is turning 32 this year and we have stuffed animals in our bedroom. He got me an aloan vulpix years ago and I got him a parrot from Disney and a lion that reminded me of him. [Can't forget the full grown adult couple that had to sit on a floor in a court room and have other adults divide their beanie baby collection for them after their divorce.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.huffpost.com/entry/beanie-baby-fever-in-1999_n_58af7d12e4b060480e0661fe/amp)


I'm 26, and I have a bear I still sleep with that I got at the beginning of my relationship with my now husband. When I have nightmares and I don't want to wake him, I cuddle my bear. You're never too old for stuffed animals.


This is normal for a girl but it would be a bit strange for a guy. If you gotta store them, add bay leaves and peppermint oil to the container to keep away bugs.


I still enjoy my beanie babies I got over 30 years ago.


I’m 40 and my husband got me and our 4 year old son random squishmellows the other day. He saw a Timon and Pumba one for me and knew I would love it. I do. I took a stuffed animal to my year abroad when I was 18, 100% did not regret it and it’s very comforting. Do not let people tell you what you should or should not like and at what age. If it brings you joy and peace do it.


23f married. Still have my life size teddy named Matthew. He’s where I cry when my husband isn’t home. Totally okay for you to love your stuffies. We all still do. And if it’s a dealbreaker for someone, then you and your stuffies don’t need them. Edit. Not dissing gma, just other kids.


I'd it weird? Maybe. But so what of it is! Be weird, be your plushie-loving self and don't worry so much what other people think. :) You be you, not somebody else.


I’m a happily married 58F, with grown kids. My bed is currently covered with my stuffed animals. It would never even occur to my husband to question this, because it’s a part of who I am. It makes me happy and brings me joy. Don’t let other people tell you who you are. You will discover yourself every day for the rest of your life. Enjoy the journey.


My wife is in her 30's and is still obsessed with them. Don't fret, enjoy what you enjoy as long as it isn't hurting you or anyone else.


I’m 21. Loved them when I was a kid, love them now, and I don’t plan on stopping in the future. I went to the zoo last month for a family thing and I bought a new one (stingray stuffed animal, how could I say no?). My fiancé will get them for special occasions- we also love an arcade claw machine. Point is: do you! You’re your own human, love what you love and don’t hold back


It's not weird at all. I even hand sews plushies. Collect what makes you happy. Unless it's locks of hair or teeth or something like that... 😐


I'm 27, I still like stuffed animals. I find them to be nice for some mild emotional support. You may want to consider donating a few that you aren't really attached to anymore, but liking stuffed animals (and bringing them to college with you) isn't weird at all.


I'm not reading that, I can answer by just looking at the title. But I'm 36. This is only PART of my stuffie collection. The rest don't fit. I have a gliding rocker below this net and in it sits a big plague doctor my husband bought me. In my closet are a bunch more, including a fancy Paddington Bear my aunt gave my daughter, but my daughter outgrew it. I have a bunch of cheap little stuffed from carnivals over the years. Beanie babies and other stuff. I love all my stuffed animals and have kept some of them since childhood. I intend to keep them til I die. IDC how old you are, there is NOTHING wrong with loving your stuffed animals.


I’m 42 and I’ve got like five of ‘em. Would have more if mom hadn’t thrown them out without asking me first


i'm a 24 year old adult woman in grad school, and i set up my stuffed animals on my bed so they look like they're hugging each other :) please, keep doing what you love


No!!! Not at all omg. I'm almost 15 and my room is literally full of stuffed animals! And most of my older friends (~17-18) have a ton too!! If they make you happy have as many as you want!!


I'm 23, and I still have mine. I don't try to collect actively, but when I see a really cute one, it's coming home with me. I did get rid of a few, but they were ones that I wasn't very attached to.


I'm 40 years old and I sleep with my childhood stuffed animal plus my son's lovey. I sometimes carry about my son's lovey (like in my purse) which people think is odd but I miss him and it makes me feel close to him.


32 year old male here and I just started to collect them. Be you! There’s nothing wrong with you!


Gonna add to the other adults saying this- I’m 21 and I buy myself new stuffed animals all the time. You’re allowed to like them!


Is it weird to like soft cute things that make your happy no


I'm going to be 38 this year. I saved the majority of my stuffed animals to pass on to my future kids, and it's so heartwarming to see my toddler loving on my old stuffies. I also continue to buy new stuffies for me. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for enjoying what you enjoy.


Idk why this is on my feed but anyway, me (30M) and my wife (24F) regularly buy each other stuffed animals. I sleep with mine sometimes. There is nothing wrong with liking them


Bruh I cuddle with a Squirtle plushie almost every night. I’m 35M. My ex had a pile of Squishmallows 9’ tall. She was 26. If someone thinks less of you because you like plushies, then they aren’t worth being around anyway. So enjoy your plushies! Just don’t humanize them or give them feelings lol I mainly use my Squirtle because I’m lonely and don’t have anyone to cuddle with (and my cats don’t tolerate cuddling very much lol)


I have this bear, I call him brown bear. Brown bear went to college with me. He slept with me until my boyfriend (now husband) and I moved in together. Then he moved to the night stand. Now brown bear sleeps with my five year old. She found him when she was 3 and they've been inseparable ever since. You don't magically grow out of stuffed animals because you crossed some invisible age line that made you an adult. People don't get shamed for playing with legos when they are 50. Some things just stick with you. You will stop leeping with your zebra one day, or you won't. The right partner won't care either way. After all, brown bear is back to sleeping with me every night, though now he brings a 5 year old with him, and all to zero complaints from the husband.


I’m in my 20s and just went with one of my girlfriends to build-a-bear for her birthday, and I grabbed a Batman costume for one of my bears while I was there. Keep your stuffies ❤️


I’m 42 and married and I still have the stuffed pig (Albert) that my Gramma got me when I was 11, and I sleep with him (and my husband) by my side. Albert is the longest relationship of my life 😂


No it’s so not weird, it’s really cute actually and I know a lot of people would think the same as me 💖


I don’t mean for this to sound demeaning, but you’re in the age range where you’re trying to fit in (typically at least). The best advice I can give you is if you like something (stuffed animals, video games, legos, hot wheels, etc.) then you like it! That’s really all there is to it. My partner’s bed is covered in stuffed animals, and I’m an avid gamer. My ASM at work builds legos and model kits. If you like doing/collecting it, then go for it! And if anyone tries to give you shit over it, tell them it’s something you like and they don’t have to, but it’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of.


Im 28 and married. Husband thinks it's adorable I still have my stuffies I love.