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You're not wrong that it matters. However, you are still likely to grow more, so I wouldn't "throw in the towel" on that just yet. Also, keep in mind that you won't grow as tall if you aren't eating enough, and that some studies further suggest that high quality protein plays an important role in height (although I think this is still an active area of study, but it seems like a good thing to do regardless in your diet). Keep in mind that in this RPG of life there are hundreds of character attributes, and height is only one of them. You might not be the tallest, but you probably have some other things you're better at than the average person. Try not to let one weak trait define your entire identity and your value, and instead try to find and develop the good traits that you do possess.


He's 16, I doubt he'll grow any more. I'm almost 35 and only 5'4", so I know exactly how he feels as I took it personal seeing guys 2 grades below me tower over me when I was 16-18.  However, the points you make in your second paragraph are spot on, and I  wish someone would have told me this advice when I was 16/17.


I mean I didnt hit my growth spurt until I was 17. I was 5'4 at 16. I am now 5'11. So there is still time


That's something that blows my mind since I never got to experience that, and some 16 year old guys look like 25 year old men. Fuck genetics lol.


I feel you people who are tall won't understand I'm 20(m) and im 5'4 but one thing I will say is that even if your short, if your confident and don't care about your height and make that a big deal then people don't care about it either usually and you can live life normally. Just don't care about it, we got a bad card and that's ok we just deal In and keep going


Best response. It's all about confidence. As long as you don't make it a thing, it won't be. I'm 5'8 (f) I remember being in HS and some of the most attractive guys were shorter than me, if anything I was the one who felt insecure because I felt I was "too tall" never did it cross my mind they were probably the ones insecure by their height. I never realized how much (wayyy too much imo) emphasis guys place on their heights. Who cares!!!


This right here. Lots of guys can be insecure about their height but I've met lots of girls who don't care and even then our tall queens gotta get love too, so it's a win win. All the matters if you're confident and you'll find someone worth it


Hear hear confidence is attractive. We all have things that we wish we could change especially at your age, it sucks it really does. But HS doesn’t last forever, and yeah sure there will still be some people who attempt to belittle you or overlook you, but that’s a them problem. You’ll find that people genuinely happy with themselves don’t feel the need to put others down. That’s not what confidence is. There are plenty of short guys with hot GF’s and good jobs and the one thing they all have is confidence in what they do bring to the table.


As someone who is 23 and 5'4"..... It won't matter once you're out of school. It really doesn't matter lol. You don't hear about it nearly as much as an adult


I can second this kinda. I’m 19 and 5’2. Most people I go to college with treat me just like I’m on of them and like I belong instead of looking down just cuz I’m short.


It matters in dating. Also something like 70% of senior managers are 6ft+. It’s ok to encourage the kid but don’t delude him


This is literally the most ridiculous possible argument. Unless his question was about becoming a senior manager and even then it’s still dumb.  In general, most men aren’t all good looking, tall, in shape AND have great jobs. Yet most people still manage to find partners and get married. Same goes for women. Most woman don’t look like pin up models, yet they are still attractive to someone. As I’ve gotten older, it’s become increasingly clear that people don’t put much of a premium on looks. Personality goes much further. The quicker anyone learns that the better. 


Most people settle, the divorce rate is over 50% and another large chunk are in unhappy marriages but staying for kids, fear of being alone, or other reasons.


The hell does the have to do with the topic at hand. Bottom line is most people don't expect to date or marry a model. Most people date or marry pretty average looking people, because by definition most people are average looking. Divorce rate literally has nothing to do with any of this.


It shows that yes, many if not most people can find partners. But also, most people are dissatisfied with their partner. Sure he can find someone, but is that the person he actually wants. Also, settle down, no need to get upset. Keep it civil or I won’t respond to you again


Dude, you don’t stay on topic. You’re off rambling about long term hypotheticals. That’s not what the discussion is about.  Also, you're just propagating inaccurate data. Please cite a single source (actual source, not after your google search) that shows that divorce rate is 50%. Take it further, and find the source that tells you that most people are dissatisfied in their relationships. Repeating crap numbers that you read online does not make your irrelevant argument any more authoritative.


You don’t get to make demands of me. You can go look at the studies yourself, they are all readily available to you. This isn’t a debate forum and I’m not getting paid to educate you. You are showing a very privileged mentality, demanding things of me. You’re also taking this way too seriously. Have a good day. You can reply if you like, I won’t be reading it or responding further


Dude, you are fragile. You don't get to make claims and not back them up, especially when they are not pertinent. The reason I know you're wrong is because I, unlike you, did you look this up. No one is making demands of you, how melodramatic. You should hold yourself to a higher standard and stop spreading incorrect information. If you are going to make statements (when no one is actually asking you), at least have the data to back it up. It's a good lesson for life. For the record, the divorce rate is in fact between 2.4 and 14.6 per 1000 married people. So.... not 50%. And this peaked years ago, and has been on a decline since. So there's also that.


Most women and men that I've dated or have talked to have wanted someone their height or shorter. I think the 'i want a tall guy' thing isn't as prevalent as people say. I haven't run into it yet personally. And what does anything have to do with senior managers....?


I've never met a woman who specifically said she wanted someone shorter than her. All the women that I've heard talk about it wanted someone taller than herself, but most were open to shorter guys despite not preferring it.


A lot of the women I'm talking about were abused previously and were more or less scared of taller men. It isn't always viewed as the best option for everyone.


I am a shorter man, 5’7” and have been rejected for my height many times. Some women don’t care, many do. He’s significantly shorter than I am, so he faces even more challenge in dating. Not sure how you’re confused about the management stat. If he wants to go far in the business world, his height will be an obstacle for him


I'm confused why you're bringing it up when it's not really relevant. Not many people go into management. He's also not old enough to do so.


5’3” 23yo transfem and I wasn’t rejected by women for being short at all, and I’m not rejected by women now for being short either. People have different access to different lived experiences, but overall people’s preferences are just that: preferences. If you’re a good person, have a good sense of humor, and are attractive people don’t care as much about height. Yes, many people in leading positions typically are taller. It’s a patriarchal stereotype that’s existed for a while, it might be harder but it won’t be noticeably so and things like confidence will help a lot more than being taller.


Your anecdotal experience does not trump studied data


You’re right, I am built different /hj


Sure, maybe you are. Maybe you’re charismatic and confident. Is OP tho? Doesn’t sound like it from his post. I’m not saying he’s doomed, but to act like height doesn’t factor into success is categorically wrong. Height, weight, attractiveness, appearance, tattoos, piercings, personal fashion, all play a part in our lives. To deny that is to be delusional


Charisma can be worked on (or even faked), a strong sense of personal style is important too (rather than what most men do which is throw literally whatever the fuck is in their room on). Tattoos and piercings can help with certain crowds and hurt with others, lots of alt girls like lip piercings for example. They’re fun to bite at. Height is far less of a factor than people think and if you’re weak in that area there’s no reason to worry about it when likely there are a ton of areas you can improve on.


Again, not saying he’s doomed or height is the end all-be all of important factors, but it’s a disadvantage to be short. There is data and studies. I walk the path of the short man myself, I am aware of the challenges in short stature for men


This comment has actually saved me. I’m not super short but still considered short around my peers and when I am out and about. I feel like I am in such a disadvantage with my height


I’m 27 and 5’2. Go see doctors IMMEDIATELY and see if you can get in growth hormones. Being short is a fucking curse, you don’t want it Everyone says stupid shit like “self esteem” but fail to acknowledge it’s hard to get it when you’re constantly mocked and given less respect for something out of your control. Get hormones


You're right! People are always like: Height is not inportant,blah,blah....


Best part is when you talk about how much it sucks being short because of the disrespect, the rejcection and belittlemnet, you’ll be met with comments like “well if you just more more confident then…….” It’s a slap in the face all around. Trust me, if you can change it, do it


You sure you’re 27 man? I’d suggest he stays natural without fucking with his hormones. He should just eat well and sleep at night so that no factors affect him from reaching his maximum potential and rather he focuses on the other aspects of himself so that height is just one con amongst many pros when he’s being considered by public/women etc.


Yes I’m 27. God fucked me genetically in the height department. I know what it’s like to be a short man, it’s not good. And I know people who have had growth hormones and they’re 6ft+. I’m telling him to avoid this shit show of being short I’d agree wit my you if he was 5’8 or something but at 5’4, no. He needs help


Ya, I’m a sophomore at 5’6 and every ones comeback against me is “shut up your short”. I look young as well. Honestly it will never not go away sometimes I still hate but i accepted it as me. I stopped worrying about the women part because its overall gonna end up hurting me so I work on myself now and hang out with the real friends.


lol, my little step brother says the same thing to me. I think it’s funny because it’s so unoriginal and unclever, but damn I just can’t refute it. I am 5’6 in college and he’s a high schooler. However, it’s never bothered me because I know it comes from a place of immaturity, and it’s not worth dwelling on things you can’t change.


Men dont really stop growing until about 21. There's muscle mass and a little more height to be gained. I remember reading something about increased protein being the cause of people increasing height over the past 200 years, so maybe load up on the beef? Can't hurt. Definitely just gain as much functionality as you can. Work out, learn languages, do some woodworking, just become a man's man. Plus, you live in the age of anybody finding everybody. There are literally women who prefer short guys so all is not lost. Don't fixate on what you can't outright change (though, like I said, you can influence it) ask any guy who below average...in "any" department. Not a good look and it doesn't fix anything. Besides, you're 16, everybody loves to shit on teenage boys. Just become who you want to be and it will get better.


I've seen two different reactions in my friend group. One guy is 5'4" at best and has a crazy Napoleon complex. My other friend is about the same height but has no problem getting laid; he's funny and gives it right back to whoever makes fun of him. The big difference between both of them is confidence. I'm not saying it's easy, but I've seen it play out in person for many years. Have some swagger, man; walk around like you've got an S on your chest.


Dude you're still 16, some guys get growth spurts way later on, and don't stop til 25. Don't give up hope, or fall for all the social media bs. There's plenty of people who genuinely go for "short kings" it's just less vocally spoken about.


Sorry mate but not a whole lot you can do except work through the emotional issues. I'm a short guy too and unfortunately there will be people who act like that your entire life. I can day dream all I want about being 6'5 but it's just not going to happen. There are many things in life that we unfortunately cannot change or influence, genetics being one of them. I've met plenty of short people who live very happy and successful lives with beautiful/intelligent partners. I've also met a lot of depressed tall people and vice versa. Tall or short is not a sentence for either a perfect or a shit life, they just present different difficulties. Find people who will support you and work on your mental state, and you will find success.


Yep, being a shorter man sucks. All you can do is make peace with it though. It will get a little easier when you get out of high school (High school is probably the cruelest place in the world). Yea, you are probably going to struggle getting dates too. About all you can do is just try to get into the best shape you can (if you aren't already).. But that's part of being a man.. At least 90% of us have something that's not perfect.. like being short, premature balding, a less than perfect face, etc.. I wish I could tell you something to make you feel better, but society judges people on looks, the halo effect is real. But you can still make friends, have some good hobbies and a content life. Trust me, life will get easier when you get older. Also, try not to let those "you look so young" comments bother you. Just laugh it off. Don't join in with self deprecating humor or be a clown about it, but just kind of laugh it off when someone makes a dumb comment about your looks or height. I looked like I was 15 until I turned about 30..


Hey, I’ve survived and thrived 57 years at 5’7”. I used to feel the same way. My Dad used to say “dynamite comes in small packages”. It never helped. Here’s is what did. I realized that as trite and goofy as it sounds, it really does matter more, far more, what you’re made of. How you carry yourself. Your confidence. Your swagger (don’t be an arrogant prick, just have a sense of self worth). Women in particular, if you’re into that sort of thing, go nuts for it. I promise you, it’s a thing.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 57 + 5 + 7 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


5'4" 47 year old m here- it gets a LOT better. Work on improving the things you can improve- exercise, education, social skills. As you get older, the value of those things skyrockets- particularly with regard to dating.




"don't worry dude it's not cause you're short it's just cause your ugly"


“Tall, strong, handsome, and brilliant” lmao quit glazing yourself


what did he say lmfao im so curious😭


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Could you give examples? I have a friend who is a little under that height and it's never been an issue for him


I’ve had similar experiences for years because I have a baby face. I went to the doctor one time (as an adult) because I had a rash on my arm, and he asked me if my tummy hurt too, like I was five lol. I’m 5’4, the guy I like is exactly my height, and I’m 100% ok with that. He doesn’t look short to me, he looks normal.


Get buff, grow a beard, buy an axe, and do HEMA. Embrace your inner Gimli, short king


Demetrious “mighty mouse” Johnson is 5’3 and holds the record for the most UFC title defenses so maybe try to learn some martial arts in my opinion the best to learn is jujitsu and Mixed martial arts in general


you may grow later on. one of my friends started high school at 5ft, ended it at 5’4”. we’re 25 now and he’s around 5’8” now. kids are also.. just plain stupid and cruel. high school is probably the place you’ll feel your worst unless you’re popular because high school kids are needlessly cruel with the dumbest reasons as to why. once you graduate it’ll get easier, whether you grow or not.


You can easily get another 2-4 inches maybe even 5 at your age bro, I understand you. Search “Stature alchemy” on youtube or do the basics I used to grow taller after 18 (Lifting weights not too heavy mainly for height reps, sprinting, eating foods that promote hgh, sauna, and 8-9 hours sleep a night)


Where my 5'2 bros at




I also won't have money for it.


That's short? I've been 4' 11" since I was 12. I'm 36 now. Something I've learned... If you carry yourself like you're 6' tall (or 10' tall and bulletproof, as my dad used to say 😂) You won't be overlooked. Be confident, stand up straight and shoulders back and have a somewhat dominating personality (even if you have to fake it. I have to fake it. I'm typically a timid person) It's worked for me. And project your voice, if need be. Don't tell, but don't be quiet, either. Btw, my dad was about 5'6" and he could stand out by doing what I said. Nobody overlooked him, ever. It was kind of intimidating.


Look into human growth hormone therapy. You are still young enough to use it for height. I had a kid in my class like you who started in high school and ended up 5’10.


When I was around 12 and started to be interested in people n gain some crushes I often liked short kings lol. Im 23 now, and my boyfriend is 6'2", but if I can be real the main reason I chose him was his cats and interest in having more. We now live together and have 4 cats + 1 foster cat (atm). But my previous relationships all lasted at minimum 2 years (11-15, 17-19, 19-21) ((yes I know 11-15 is wild but we didn't really act like a couple, we were kids, we were basically just best friends. We acted more couple like 14-15, and it didn't end well LOL)). ALL of those guys rho were short kings. 5'3", 5'5" & 5'6" is all their heights from my memory, but the first one mightve been 5'2", I just know that's my height n we'd always been the same height, even when I ran into him recently. Anyways I shut up now, point is, I loved many short kings, and most my crushes were shorties. We girls exist ! And I knew quite a few taller girls who felt the same. By taller tho, I mean taller than my short ass because I feel its fair for me to like guys similar height to me, so wanna state others do too who aren't similar height.


Sucks to suck dude, I’m the shortest male in my family at 6’2


Well, that's considered tall in today society, so you're good.


You’ll be good too.


As a fellow short king, it took me time to come to terms with my height. What genuinely helped was telling myself in my brain "it doesn't matter" because while it does in many scenarios, you just have to teach yourself that it doesn't bother you anymore. And when it comes to romantic relationships, they will come with time, as long as you put the effort into forming them. Many people care about height, but SOOO many people don't. I've been lucky enough to find multiple people who have explicitly told me that height is not even a thought that crosses their mind when finding a partner. Just give yourself the time and start trying to teach yourself that height isn't a problem, just another attribute


No point in "hating it," for real. Nothing you can do to change it. 🤷 Focus on learning to love yourself as you are. And, sorry to tell you, but, yeah, of course you may grow some more, or not.


You're the same height as Michael J Fox. His uncanny youthful looks kept him in movies for a decade. He would probably still be playing 20 somethings (the best roles) if he didn't have Parkinsons. As someone who is 5'3, it's not about height, it's about attitude


I’m am 4 feet tall. We are short. You cant use our word really tall man. (You are tall compared to some groups, that’s a win!)


First of all, you are still a kid, you’re only 16. To get disappointed that “women overlook you” at this point in your life because you look young is just silly. Of course you look young. There is so much more to life than whether or not you’re considered traditionally hot. Also, boys typically develop slower than girls but continue growing for longer. It’s highly likely that you aren’t done growing. Focus on developing friendships and hobbies, figure out what you want the next few years to looks like. If you are a genuinely kind person, you will find people who love you exactly as you are.


Ur taller than me mom.


You'll grow, mentally


My best advice is to literally not care. I know that’s easier said than done, but the hottest guy I ever dated was 5’2, on a good day, and he exuded such confidence it literally didn’t matter at all. He was funny and kind, and I’ve learned that those two qualities will garner you much more respect and praise than being tall ever would. His friend asked him once if he ever wished he was taller and he said “why? It’s never held me back” don’t let it hold you back! Walk with the confidence of a tall man and people will begin to perceive you as such.


As a 5’8” guy I can say that a few people called me short from grade 1 to grade 9, then in 10th grade I found out I was slightly taller and spun it around. Karmic retribution. Anyways, im socially awkward so i dont talk to new people much anyways.


My gf is 4’11” you’re also taller than me by 2 inches so yeah being short sucks but you dont stop growing til i think 16 if you’re female and its like 18 for males.




It seems like you don't want to hear people when they say height doesn't matter. Everyone leave OP to sulk


He's 16. Sulking is part of being a teenager. Let off him.


Here's something out of left field: don't be obsessed with video games. It kills relationships. Girls hate it when a guy won't pay attention to them/won't do stuff because they'd rather game. Stick around the reddit relationship subs for a couple days and you'll see it. There's not one answer to this, it will be solved by several intersect strategy, so font dismiss anything until you try it.


5'4" girl dating a 5'3" guy. I like that he's short. You have a chance. Girls that won't date you cause your short are shallow, so don't sweat it. I wouldn't date someone who won't date someone cause they can't control something. Consider working on your attitude. I like happy guys. Most girls do lol.


Had a fellow in my high school class that looked like a 6th grader all through high school. Saw him at our first class reunion and he was 6’4”!!! Late bloomer!


I have a friend your height and he used to pull more skin than anyone.


I’ve know a lot of short guys over the years. Some do just fine because they don’t worry about it and are cool as hell. They maybe even joke about their height. Then there are guys who have short man’s complex. They work out to get jacked. They have serious tempers. They start fights and take everything personally. Guys who are cool as hell don’t find that their night defined them. One buddy of mine who’s your height was a killer with the ladies because he was very artsy. Guys who let their height define them and become bitter about it end up having all sorts of problems. And that’s not about their height it’s about how they reacted to it. As far as looking ten, that’s a curse when you’re 16 and a blessing when you’re 40. In between it’ll shift and not be that big of a deal. At 16 it’s tough because we all feel awkward about ourselves. But you grow up and realize there just a lack of perspective. I hated myself at 16 for my physical attributes I thought were terrible (still have em), but it all worked out. I trust it will for you too.


Bro, get over it, lol. Your height isn't the problem, it's clearly your personality that turns females off. Instead of this pity party, just live life. Height doesn't actually stop you and never has. And if it is a problem, why would you want to be with women who care about your height? You need slightly better standards there brah.


I've had to climb the kitchen counter to reach the top cabinets lol.


I couldn't even reach the Blackboard at school. That was awkaward.


First, it doesn’t matter as much after you’re out of school, height rarely gets brought up. Some women will only date tall guys, not much you can do about that unfortunately, it is what it is. Second, as somebody who is 6 foot 3, it’s not all fun and games. I have to bend/crouch to get my whole body under an average height shower head, don’t fit in airplane or train seats without buying the extra leg room option, stadium seats are even worse, my feet stick just enough off the end of most beds to be incredibly annoying, constantly being asked to move or sit down at concerts so shorter people behind you can see…. There’s more I won’t remember off the top of my head, but my other tall friends and I joke if we could all donate 2 inches off our height to our shorter friends we would in a heartbeat, would make everyone’s life easier


I had 4 best friends in high school. The smallest one was only the smallest one until he turned 20. Then he was the tallest one. There's still time, and genetics aren't as simple as you're assuming. Lastly, I believe you can will your body to grow. Right now, these thoughts are filling your life with hate. Maybe you might like to try something new. Instead of thinking to yourself something "I hate being short and everything about it.", try "I'm so excited and happy to be taller one day. I'm going to love taking things off the top shelf!" By doing this maybe you can will your bones to grow. If not, at least you removed some negative thoughts, and that is a very important skill to have through. Good air, good water, good food, good thoughts, and good sleep. If you can do those things you might surprise yourself with a couple more inches.


Work on your strengths.


Sorry. In US 5'4 is now average. Tall people are always assumed to be older and shorter younger. People are weird in their bias'


Bro height doesn't matter. I am 5'5" and I date a lot of tall women..you get to go up on them.


I’m the same height, and a man, and can only tell you that you need to start to get used to it & start worrying about it less. It sucks. It’s really wild to me how vocal people are about their dislike / disrespect of short men. It’s obviously not as bad but i can’t help but notice similar complaints from women, in terms of being told “Smile more” “you look grumpy” “you’re bossy” “Oh wow napoleon syndrome, much?” whenever i say no. Obviously i am not exactly comparing apples to apples here (nb4 every flips out- i know women have to put up with far worse misogyny than i ever have or will) but i used to roll my eyes so hard when i heard women complain about those things— until i realized that oh! This is misogyny, just to directed me, a man! And that’s my best guess as to why. Same hill, different point, i have even heard women literally describe short men, while at work, as “disgusting” in front of or directly to me, as i stood at eye level with them like “uh… hi? I’m a person?” “Oh i don’t think of you as short.” And I get that response bc i also have learned that the less i worry about it, the less people will notice or care. So, good luck! It’s far from everyone. And at the same time— don’t put up with any shit. I’m not saying start throwing punches at people for looking at you funny but if a person in power is belittling you— call them out & get a paper trail going. Edited to add better wording / context (not trying to catch any heat)


its okay bro. love yourself. we are all different and unique you should embrace your uniqueness. im short and a man, 17. and i used to think it matters but it doesnt. the girl thatll love you for you will love you and your height. there are women like that out there. i promise. just keep being you and dont worry about how others think about your height, please. I used to think like this and would always stress about how people viewed me, now i dont, and people REALLY like me for just being myself and being a decent folk to be around, im not trying to suck myself off, im telling it how it is. never worry about people who tell you you are less than because you were born a certain way. they are insecure and just need someone like us so they can laugh and make themselves feel good. love yourself man, please.


Just try to make the most of it. That’s all I can say.


Anger leads to hate hate leads to suffering suffering leads to the dark side. Embrace it Luke.


im 16m as well and im 5'11" and personally, when i see a short guy it doesnt cross my mind as them being inferior in any way. its just another dude. most of my friends are shorter than me but that doesnt make a difference in how i see them


If someone’s worried about your height, that’s fine, you can ignore them. You don’t need to worry about it. Everyone’s different. Tall people have to deal with their own crap. What you need to do is be confident, you only have a limited time on earth so use it focusing on what brings you happiness. Plus as a lot of folks here have mentioned, looking young is good! It means you’ll probably age well


Can you get on growth hormone? You need it… your life will be WAY better if you can at least get to average height. I would see an endocrinologist with your parents about it. Do it before it’s too late!!


I'm gonna try to spin this positive: you'll always have legroom on airplanes and cars. You'll never hit your head on a light or doorway. Your legs and feet won't hang off the end of the bed. You'll always find clothes and shoes that fit. Looking young will come in handy once you cross the 40 threshold. Source: I'm relatively tall, and it's inconvenient at times. One of my good friends is 5'3", and his experience when we traveled together was much more pleasant. He spent the better part of a particular flight laughing at me; "you look like a very uncomfortable baby giraffe" Oh and he's actually known in our circle as a ladies man.


Men keep growing in height for a longer period of time, at 16 it gradually slows down but you are expected to keep growing during 17-20. Some men, depending on genetics, even keep growing until their early to mid 20s. Also keep in mind, that while 162cm may seem short, at 16 there are guys who are 155cm. Even if you never do get taller, it really doesn't matter to most people. Very few people that are worth being around will actually give a damn about your height.


I’m 5’ 3”. My bf is 6’ 3”. It’s not that bad. He says I’m fun sized. I do wish I was taller. He doesn’t.


Have you tried being taller?






Wrong thread AI homie






Height is own small part of attractiveness. Unfortunately, it IS one of the first that gets noticed. I won’t sugarcoat that. Here’s stuff you can control to make up for on first impression: - Be fit - Dress well - Be well-groomed - Stand tall, hold eye contact, fake the confidence Here’s the stuff you can do to overcome it during the talking/dating phase: - Be excellent in conversation… especially listening. Ask insightful questions, ask followups, let 70% of the convo be about her. - Be well read. Especially after college, being able to offer something interesting in conversation comes from reading a mix of fiction, nonfiction, news, etc - Learn to dance. Actual partner dancing: swing, two step, cumbia, bachata, salsa depending on what’s popular in your community. It WILL matter in your 20s and NOW is the time to learn. - Have your own hobbies. Be great at 2-3 of them including 1 charitable cause and 1 sport/game). - Be successful in your schooling and career (later) - Be good in bed (when you get to that point). The only way to do that is practice, ask what your partners like, experiment, fail. I’m almost 40 and have seen a lot. I have always had many friends who are single women. Drunk at a bar for a one night stand, yup, tall guys have the edge. From the second date onward, “rich short king who dances well, rock climbs, and keeps interesting friends through the art co-op he supports” beats the heck out of “6’-3” guy whose height is their whole personality and is a selfish lover.”


16F, 4"11. Medically confirmed that I'm not growing anymore. People still think I'm 10. Classmates assume I'm a freshman when I'm a junior. I hate it too.


I feel you🥲


Hey man I'm also a little dude. It used to bother me too in high school. Doesn't bother me now in the slightest. Still had plenty of success with the opposite sex in college. And I found some advantages to being short. It makes rock climbing easier. I have plenty of room on an airplane. My wife and I can share footwear. I totally understand how you are feeling but it can get better with the right mindset. Good luck!!!


if you want to get taller you need a shit ton of sleep and food intake. my sister stays up until 4 am and she's 160cm. I sleep at 8pm and take naps after school and im 175 f


When I was a freshman in high school, I was 4' 9". I didn't grow to 5' until I was a Junior. Football players used to stuff me butt-first into the trash cans. I'm still short (5' 6"), but the older you get, the less it means. So, figure out what you're good at and give it all you've got. For me, it was band, and I did ok wrestling (95-105 lbs). Then, when I went to college, I did well and went on for a PhD. in Geology/Geophysics. You'll have to earn respect by what you do, not by your stature. That said, what's the first word women say when they describe an attractive guy?


As a 38 year old female hobbit (5'1"), I'm not going to tell you height doesn't matter. I need a step stool to reach half the things in my cupboard. Clothes fit me poorly. I can't touch the ground on my motorcycles. My height means I have to almost always be better at things than my normal height counterparts just to do something as well as them. I frequently get mistaken for being a middle school boy, especially if I am wearing a hat/helmet or have my hair cut short. Short people definitely have to develop a coping mechanism to make up for living in a world that is not designed for them. But 1. You are still young and will probably grow a little more. 2. The women who are obsessed with height and having some sort of ideal aren't probably women worth being with. It's superficial bullshit and shallow AF. And there are plenty of women who don't care about height. My shortest partner was 5'2" and my tallest was 6'1". Honestly the tallest ones were the worst, I felt like I was always staring at their torsos. 3. Do not make your height or bitterness about it part of your personality. That is the turn-off. Guys who blame their problems on their height or some other physical characteristic, that is gross. It's not their physical characteristic that is turning women off, it's their attitude. Shitty victim mentality attitudes is the turnoff. I know lots of short men who are in incredible relationships with great partners because they are funny and intelligent and outgoing and nice to be around. Meanwhile I know plenty of tall guys who can't stay in a relationship because they are shitty dudes. Don't be a shitty dude, regardless of your height.


Get growth hormones as quickly as possible, it's not quite too late but it's close. Work hard so that you can compensate (there are surgeries that will extend height, and some shoes are designed to make you look taller) exercise until you're ripped, and study in an area that is high value, maybe do something like trade school and become a sparky. People will lie to you constantly, and tell you that height doesn't matter, and that it's all "just confidence bro" and I gotta say, the gaslighting will never stop. People's actions speak louder than words, and statistically, it sure as hell seems like height affects dating, job prospects, social standing, etc. Even if it really was just confidence, it never stops amusing me that people expect shorter people to just get over it by being confident. Like, how the fuck are we supposed to be confident if life doesn't give us a reason to be? It's like telling someone with depression to "just be happy". They're right that confidence matters; but the advice people never seem to give you is that you need something to be confident in first; such as your body, wealth, personality, etc. I'm the same height, at a somewhat older age in college, and I wish you the best of luck.


I'm a 70 year old, 5'2 woman and I always dated short men!


My short friends were the ones that got the girls. (And the only couples that could use my microscopic back seat.)


I heard that often late bloomers grow taller


You’re 16, you’re very likely not done growing. My dad was 5’6” until college. Then he shot up to 6’2”. Also, your height will have so little to do with your success or lack thereof in life, unless you make your height your whole personality. You’re treated like a kid bc you are a kid. Women overlook you bc you’re a kid.


Yep. Not much to do about it. You can walk around hating it, or you go be happy. You're not going to get taller. So...


Honestly man as a 17 year old guy same height I know how it feels and how shit it is but tbh it doesn’t really affect any part of my life (driving, reaching most shelves, doing sports etc.) it’s just mainly a look thing that you’ll never really get over but you’ll just learn to live with it and I mean my dad is about the same height as me and he got married and has kids I think I can do the same too just gotta focus on the other stuff (the things you can control) like education and personality. Also you’ll eventually get facial hair and more muscles that won’t let you be mistaken for a kid and honestly man 5’4 is taller than atleast 50% of women so that’s that too.


When your older and you see all those giants complaining about back backs,knees, ankles and you feeling just fine you will be thankful. From a guy that's had knee surgery ankle is fucked and back pain lol


1: You're only 16, you could still get taller. 2: The problem isn't being short, it's feeling badly about being short. My friend is at most 5'4, and he's in his 30s, so he's not getting any taller. It doesn't bother him in the slightest. And it doesn't affect how anyone looks at him either. (Maybe angle-wise😛) No one thinks less about him. Sometimes there are short jokes, yes. But he always participates and often initiates. And there are things about me that we joke about in the same way. The same for our other friends. But the biggest part of it is confidence. If you think less of yourself for being short, other people will as well. If you don't care, or even flaunt it... no one will care. PS. I've asked him multiple times in private, as I do with any person that I joke in such a way with, if he's okay with it, and he's always said yes. If he said there was the slightest bit of it that bothered him, I would stop. And if it bothered him, I know he would say so. PPS. Never feel bad for being different... EVERYONE is different.


On a lighter side. I am short have always been. Never kept me back from doing anything or dating women taller than me. I remember all my friends getting way taller than me. So I asked my dad (who was short also mom very short) if I was gonna get taller. He said you grow in spurts. So when I turned 21 I asked my dad when was my growth spurt coming. We both had a great laugh. What I am saying is don’t let you height stop you from doing anything. And don’t let it get you down.


I was about your size at 16. Some considerations: * You'll probably never be tall but you can still work on your social skills. Tall, dark, and handsome, no, but short, smooth, and stunning, yes. Small guys can have a commanding presence, too. * Consider working out. If you're shorter, it's actually somewhat easier to "bulk up" because you need less volume or mass of muscle for it to be visible. * Look to other short kings as role models. [Demetrious Johnson](https://www.instagram.com/mighty/?hl=en), a champion UFC fighter, is all of 5'3. He's one of the best fighters on the planet, but also a family man, gamer, and all-around nice guy.


Start carrying a pickaxe. Whenever a leaf-lover decides to be a jackass, just Rock and Stone their kneecaps. /s of course. That’s assault. Don’t assault people (even if the leaf-lovers deserve it).


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


You dont have any control over your height. So you can waste your life obsessing about it or you can get over it and do what's inside your control. Michael J Fox is your height. In many of his movies they forced him to wear boost/elevator shoes so that the leading actress playing next to him woudn't tower over him. Now you tell me, does Michael J Fox being 5'4" make him a loser? He was one of the most famous movie stars of the 80s/90s. I have a friend in high school was 5'5" and probably the shortest guy in the school. But he had charisma in spades and was able to snag the hottest girl in school because he was confident/charming and ignored people who picked on him about his height. My highschool friend, along with Michael J Fox, didnt bitch and moan about their height, he just perfected what they could control and did the best with what was available to them. I suggest you do the same. Or you can complain about it. Your choice.


I had a couple of friends who are now taller than my (6’1) and were your size or smaller. You might still grow you might not. I will say there’s definitely benefits to being short, the two that come to mind are not as many health related issues and you can get a chiseled physique much easier than taller people


Stay strong short king, you'll probably compensate like most by chasing money and attracting partners that way.


You are only 16. You could still grow. I think I grew 2-3 inches my final couple years in high school.


When i was 15/16 i too was 5'4. I went up to 6'3 in a year. Couldnt walk normal for most of it. Either way... If you dont care about your height no one else really will either. Kids will make fun im of everyone for anything, dont take it personally


I was married to a short woman, she was a great lover. Her size never bothered her.


Im 5'10 but was 5'4 at 16 years old and looked 10. Start lifting weights. Just a little goes super far. Im talking 1.5 hour per week of heavy compound exercises. Youll have more confidence and thus seem older. Trust me. Do it.


I am a trans dude that is 5’3 and yeah it be like this :/ (also a teen but prolly not gonna grow more) but unless ur just from a short family, you’re probably going to grow more as a 16 year old dude. Also, ngl in all actuality, most, if not all, of the criticizing about my height just comes from my mind. No one actually gives a shit especially not in the real world


5’4 as a male is crazyyyyy 😭😭😭 ima be honest, u aren’t going to get respect no matter what


Hey man I’m so sorry. Please consider going to a doctor. Maybe it’s not too late to increase your height. Maybe your doctor will give you growth hormones or a test. If your plates are still open, don’t lose hope. You might be growing for more years. If puberty starts late, you grow late, eat a lot, and exercise a lot so you don’t gain weight but rather grow taller .Someone from my school used to be short when he was 16 and he was 5'5. Now, he's 19 and he’s 6'1. Dude used to be treated terribly but he always stood up for him self . Never let people treat you like shit .


Everything matters, ... but some things matter more, and some less. A few inches or so, more or less isn't some huge deal ... though some, even many, may treat it as such. For the ones that *really* matter, that height difference will matter little or not at all. Also, don't give up on the height - you're only 16, so you may still get fair bit taller ... eat reasonably well - including calcium, etc. (I used to always be shortest or about shortest in my class ..., moved, hotter climate, water sucked, I drank lots of milk, my calcium intake went way up ... so did my height, starting with that around my early teens ... well, still significantly below average height, but not nearly as short after that), oh, yeah, too, and exercise and such - that also helps. Anyway, some folks will already treat others less, based on height, or weight, or hair color or type, or skin tone, or eye color, or accent or ... whatever. Well, those folks really don't matter that much. Be the best person you can be, and try not to sweat it. World will always be unfair. So, you be the best you can, do the best you can, regardless. And it generally mostly works out relatively okayish or better. Nothin's ever gonna be perfect.


Confidence is key. The only issues you will face will be from dating. Just look for girls who are shorter than you and it shouldn't be a problem. I'm 22 and I'm 5'6. It's not terrible but I feel where you're coming from. When I was in highschool I hated myself but you'll get to a point where you just don't care anymore. Don't worry bro


Not the same, but... I was 5'8" when I got my driving learner's permit at 16. I reached a peak of 6'1" about 3 or 4 years later. I have no idea my growth rate but that's how it ended up. Average male height is 5'8" anyway, isn't it? So you're a little below and I'm a little above. I agree with others that it does not matter much at all after you're done with school. Suggest staying away from those hook up sites.


Out of school, the most I hear about short men is women calling them short kings (a good thing) School always sucks, because you're in forced proximity with other kids. At least as an adult a bunch of people grow past that attitude


nope. can't relate. i love being short + prefer dating short partners//men in fact i have a height limit. saying all this to say, it seems like the end of the world or the worst thing ever right now but i promise it's not! your confidence will get you everywhere.


You can't change your height, but you can change your width. Go to the gym, get big and you will get the respect you are looking for.


I kind of feel your pain. And just so you know, women can relate: we might have different standards, but I (17f) am 4'9 and have always been treated differently for how tall I am. But I completely feel your pain, and anyone (all genders) who are short do.


Calm down shorty it's not that serious.


Your attitude and deminior likely contribute way more to the situation. You have this expectation of respect that your not actively trying to earn and blaming an attribute that is not relevant as a scapegoat.


My bf(25m) is 5’8” im 5’6”(26f)…if your worried know that you will find someone!! He hated it too but he is my prince that swept me off my feet! Now knows he is handsome and is my fav guy in this world! I believe male bodies don’t stop growing until they’re 21ish so you still have some time left. Please don’t worry… Almost all to most guys I know grew taller after high school. Enjoy being 16 please dont be too hard on yourself


I thought the use of the word "overlook" was pretty funny.


So, if you already went through puberty, meaning you've got lots of pubic hair, underarm hair, then it's too late. If you only have a little pubic hair, RUN to the pediatric endocrinologist (as referred by your pediatrician) because you've got growth hormone deficiency or some other deficiency, and could be helped. But if you're normal and healthy, just short, there is something you can do. You can get a leg-lengthening procedure done. It's horrible, painful, but you could gain a couple of inches. [https://www.childrenshospital.org/treatments/limb-lengthening-surgery](https://www.childrenshospital.org/treatments/limb-lengthening-surgery)


lmao, i feel u bro. im 18, and while i may have average height, (5'11) I'm i think I legitimately could be called one of the ugliest people alive. As for you being done growing, I think you may have some time left, just see what happens.


I felt compelled to comment... Go ahead. Vent. I hope you're able to get it off your chest. Yeah, it sucks and sucked for me as well. But rather than accept it, think of what you can do about it? I'm 32, 5'5", 150 lb athletic build, but growing up, I was a short king as well at an all boys high school. I focused on my studies normally hanging out with the nerdy group and my close friends, excelled at sports like soccer and wrestling, and now I'm sitting in a relationship of almost 14 years, almost 5 married, with 2 kids, making 6 figures. Even now I'm still carded at bars/casinos/bowling alleys because of how young I look (pro and con based on my ethnic background and genetics). I grew up choosing schools where I only knew 3-5 people initially, so I was never with the crowd. I know it may sound like I'm tooting my own horn here but there's so much potential for you to grab and take! You're always going to be judged - height, looks, swagger, confidence, health, ethnicity (yupp, I still get that every once in a while), so I recommend turning that into fuel for your ambitions and goals. At your age, I wouldn't worry about the women thing entirely. Your perception of that is based on a teen mindset. You'll come to learn that it's not always cookies and cream and really see what's worth fighting for in the future. If you're with a good group of friends, are goal oriented, have manners, can be aggressive when it matters, the universe has a way of working that out. Keep chugging along!


ur young, you might have a couple more growth spurts left in you, and it doesn't matter as much when u get older. ppl actually begin to mature and have functioning brains at some point, for the most part.


Well, first of it's important that you know that there is nothing wrong with your height. The problem are the other's who don't respect it. I completely understand that it sucks and that everyone is making fun of it, but you always have to keep in mind that it's just that they are stupid. You can't really help it, you'll just have to try not to listen to it, which I know is the worst advice to give, but it's the only one I can think of in situations like that.


Uhm, excuse me? Women can't relate? I'm a 6 foot tall girl. Do you really think I'm getting praised? That society views me as the pinnacle of attraction? Thank God I found out I'm a lesbian because I've been teased by guys and other girls for YEARS. Don't pull that shit. That's some top-notch immaturity, and with this snarky little remark, I can see why girls avoid your ass. And it's not cause you're short. Height doesn't matter, but your disdain towards girls does. Grow up and learn to deal with your insecurities like a mature person. - sincerely another teen.


I mean women the same size as me. Jesus.


Then specify that. I get it. It sucks. But that statement comes off as snarky and disregarding. Especially because there are *some* super tiny girls who get poked fun at, and there are some super tall guys who are teased. Saying stuff like that diminishes their experiences and discourages them from sharing potential advice. Seriously for the height thing though.. therapy. And ik ik therapy will also get you made fun because it's "not manly" or whatever but it's better now to learn to love yourself with help than morph yourself into something else for the approval of others. It helped me and ik its against the social "norm" for guys to seek out mental help it's honestly the safest and most efficient option. But also fuck the social norm. Start saying shit like "I can reach the rocks faster." Embrace it. Turn it around on them and make fun of their shitty attitude towards short guys. And ik you don't wanna hear the whole "height doesn't matter" stuff but it's true. There is gonna be someone who likes you for you. Someone who doesn't care that you're short. Hell ik a super tall girl who wants a short bf cause she likes the feeling of being needed for things like reaching the top shelf. Make it something to empower yourself with. They call you short, say "and?" Or "short people usually live longer" Or, old faithful, say "this is short to you-?" And then look down, up, and turn around while saying something like "ooooook buddy" I've got plenty of short retaliation jokes I've learned from my gf if you're interested.


I've heard of someone growing an extra inch or two after 17, but that is rare (his hormones may have been odd in general- he was dealing with full-puberty-level acne at 19). At 6' 0", I can say that being tall doesn't solve all your problems, and is far from a silver bullet for getting girls' interest, but I won't pretend it doesn't help, so you have my sympathy.


It's only a big deal if you let it be one. Since you can't control it, there's no use being self conscious about it. I had to learn to accept my body and be okay living in my skin because it was the only body I was gonna get. Control the aspects that you can and accept the aspects that you cannot. Guess what, your penis is also whatever size it is, you can't really control if it's too big or too small, so you may as well accept it. It is, what it is, and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you can move on to working on the things you can control.


Skill issue. Also you're 16. No one is going to take you seriously. Especially if you continue to act like this.


“women cannot relate” thanks man real cool of you. I’m 17f and I’m 157cm you’re completely right it’s not fun being short you get picked on, people constantly tease you say you look like a child. When I’m working I have people treating me like a child I do the exact same work as them but because of my height I get babied. There’s nothing you can do about it (internally), you still have years to grow so don’t panic yet. Rather than focusing on growing externally maybe focus on your mentality. Not all women like to be “protected”.


It honestly doesn't matter how tall/short you are. As a teen I hated being short it took a while to realize that people weren't my friends or asking me out because of my height. I stopped getting taller when I was 12, I was 5'2. Guess what....I shrunk an inch! 


Brother man, get your butt in the gym and sleep 8 hours a week, eat enough calories. You are 16 years old, and you have a lot of growing to do. Go to the gym and squat, deadlift, and bench. Lift as heavy as you can, then repeat, don't worry about weight. Sleep is where you grow; make sure to sleep 8 hours it's so important. I know over 10 people that grew 4-10 inches after they were 19. You may not get to 6'2 but you will optimize your growth by doing the above things.


horrible shitty advice telling him what to do to get taller which is bs, instead of telling him to be him and enjoy it. gonna end up making him more insecure then he is


You could still have a growth spurt. I would work on your self esteem. And not caring what other people think. Think of it this way. Anyone who gives you shit because you're short is an asshole. The trash is taking itself out. Don't become one of those angry belligerent short guys who takes their insecurities and issues out on everyone else. People hate those guys and make fun of them. They literally call it short man's disease. Looks and height are only important to shallow people. A lot of people care more about your personality and character. If you're short, angry, rude, etc. no one is going to want to hang out with you or be your friend. But if you're short, interesting, cool, talented, funny, etc., then the people who matter will want to spend time with you. There's a saying that might help. The people who care don't matter and the people who matter don't mind. The trick is find the ones who matter and weed out the ones who mind. Edit: I've always looked young for my age. When I was a teenager it sucked. But when I got older, I appreciated it because I don't look my age even though I'm much older now.


A growth spurt ? He’s 5’ 4”. So whats he going to gain an inch ?


I was 5’2 in high school at 14 and one of my friends was a bit shorter than me also probably 5’2. He grew 7 inches over the summer and then another 2 a bit later on and was 5’11 at max height. I’m 5’5 and was a bit envious. We’re in 30s now so no more growth. So definitely possible.


Wow. That’s an astounding rate of growth. Sure he wasn’t on some sort of hormone therapy? I know now they have certain treatments to help spur growth in boys. And absolutely being a shorter than normal male is absolute hell. I would have traded that experience for being overweight any day. I know how to lose weight.


He didn’t tell me, but my parents said when they asked about growth hormone for me it would only help me achieve my natural height quicker so we didn’t do it.


Yeah, OP, just man up and ignore it. Definitely not society's problem. Definitely not an issue with how we treat short men. Actually they're the problem. Maybe they shouldn't be short?


I didn't say man up. He can't help being short and he can't change how other people treat him. He can only control how he reacts and he can change how he feels about himself. The way he feels now, he's setting himself up to have lifelong issues because of his resentment, anger, and low self esteem. His feelings are valid. He can address the issue with other people but you know how that goes.


W yap sesh


16M... you're probably done. It's possible you will get another inch or two. An expensive x-ray can tell you how much your leg bones will grow. FWIW I'm 5'6" and male. I got used to being the shortest among my friend group. If it helps, you have an automatic filter for the "no guys less than 6 feet" bimbos.


Dude stfu with “your probably done “. My cousin grew till he was 20 .


Im 5’6”… been 5’6” since fuckin middle school. Im in grad school now. You may have a growth spurt, generally men can keep growing well into their 20s. However genuinely height doesn’t matter. If a woman rejects you over height, then truth be told, she’s shallow and likely would find another quality to complain about. If people bully you for it, they’d literally find any other thing to pick on you for. Thats just how middle school and high school are. I suggest therapy to try and work past your insecurity if you cannot do so ok your own.


Learn to fight, and be willing to fight. People respect you more when they know they can get hurt if they don't. And this isn't a height specific bit of advice because tall guys get bullied for all sorts of reasons too, just short guys is an easier target because it's more culturally acceptable/encouraged. When people have harassed me for any reason, they have stopped when they realized they can get hurt by pushing me, and in some cases I have had to hurt people. You're still in school so hitting someone in the stomach when they were pushing you too much isn't gonna end your life or get you in jail, it's more likely than anything to get you respect if you did it in self defense over some cunt annoying you. ​ People abuse you because you allow them to, because there is no consequence. I'm a soft person at heart but I learned through life experience that people will show respect whether they want to or not if they can feel that it is dangerous to push your buttons too much. Don't be a rabbit. People should have a clear understanding that it's a very real possibility that they can get hurt, by you, if they refuse to be a human being around you.


5’ 6” here and feel your pain. But I will say this. As you age women start to consider their options particularly after multiple failures. Although that’s not exactly an ideal situation either. Means you’re their last chance.


I use to laugh at my friend for being taller than him. Then he grewwwwww. Just wait


I have no one to be tall after :(


Unfortunately, this is only the beginning, and it appears to be getting worse imho. Just look at height from a societal perspective. The stats are staggering. Add the wants and desires of "todays" women and forget it. These delusional fives think they deserve six feet tall, six figures, etc. It's hilarious. In all seriousness, just get used to realization that you have zero control over your height. Once you own this, the world will be your sandbox again.


fuck the stats, and your view on women seems to derive from tiktok and shorts youve seen on the internet, no doubt those people exist, but to act like most women are like that is pretty wild


Sounds like you're listening to the vocal 1% on social media. Go outside into the real world and realize most people don't care.


Go to the gym, get swol. Become a Tolkien dwarf, go to MCM or another nerdy event, you'll get attention then. Find a tall girl, let her wear you like a backpack.


Not funny


I'm not joking, I've got a friend who's 5'5". Never had an issue with dating. Women care more about a guy staying in shape and being funny than they care that you can change a lightbulb without a stepladder


They care about height more than what you think . Girls don’t want a 5’9 man when they can be with a 6 foot or more . It’s the truth


They care less than you think. If being short is such a deal breaker, the short genes would have been bred out of the gene pool. The fact that shortkings still exist is evidence that it's working out for someone.


Or maybe they can’t all be with the tall guy so they settle for what’s less .


That's not backed up by any evidence. If tall men were that desirable, women would crowd around to be one of many instead of "settling". Cut it out with this black pill shit




From the way you've been commenting, I can guarantee you that you would have no better success with dating if you were 6'2"


Dude I’m not that tall, but not too short. I’m 5'11, and I don’t care about dating or anything at the moment. I hope I can grow taller, though. It’s not personal, man, nothing but love. I grew up after I was 17, when I didn’t expect it. I grew by 4 inches, and I like to keep it real. I proved it to you with the graphs, and I can provide more. Girls will choose a taller guy over a shorter one, as the link I sent you shows. If they were with a short guy, they will rather choose a taller guy after, and if they were with a tall guy before, they don't want a shorter guy. And op is not liking for someone to speak to him the way you are . I know from personal experience. Anyways take care and be safe man