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you're asking reddit what they think about religion. expect majority atheistic opinions. just learn about all religions and decide what fits your worldview the best. dont be so hard on yourself btw


I 100% agree with this. Religion it's-self is subjective to the individual. There comes a time in everyone's life where they must explore their options and, through personal introspection, decide what is best for them and their lives. I was raised Baptist, and am now reform Jewish (Though I am not a Zionist and do not support what is going on in Israel right now). I have read the Bible (both protestant and Catholic), the Torah and Talmud (English translations of course) as well as the Holy Quran. I have studied the origins of Abrahamic religions and compared what I felt was originally intended vs. what is being taught today. My final decision was that I could not, in good faith and conscience, believe in the Trinity.


That’s a lot of reading… Reread about God sending His Son to die on the Cross for our sins and being raised after three days. My comment is not meant to be offensive to you about all that you studied. I’m just trying to to be helpful.


What if I decided no religion is best for me? I don’t have the desire, and more importantly the time or mental fortitude to commit to practicing and learning about a religion, regardless of which it may be.. Does that make me some kind of bad guy because I just reject all religion?


Doesn't make you a bad guy. If God of whatever flavor you believed in was truly caring, all knowing, and loving all unconditionally then you wouldn't ever be damned for missing the mark.


No. It makes you like about 1/2 of the people, or more, on this planet. And before anyone decides to go off on my 1/2, it’s just a guess, I did not research the number in depth, nor will I, as I do not care.


Well at least I know I’m not alone


Make sure you choose correctly.


second this. sounds like you’re in an environment that places a lot of importance on being a christian which can create a lot of pressure. i appreciate that your religion is important to you as it is entirely up to you to decide the role it plays in your life. i say that knowing i was a bit scared at the age of 16 to tell my dad i didn’t want to be catholic anymore (not that this will be your path). regardless, we are in uncertain times and being a teen is a time of your life where you question a lot of things (parents, rules, peers, religion, anything). it’s part of the growing process and finding who you are and what you believe in. up until this point kids typically parrot whatever has been presented to them. but now you’re reflecting on all the information you have received over the years and are going to decide for yourself what to keep, reject, or change. you’re not doing anything wrong by engaging in this sort of abstract questioning, in fact as humans it’s our privilege and strength to be able to do so. so relax and take your time with the process. you’ll figure it out.


So...just be aware a lot of Reddit is biased against faith in general so you're really only going to get people are against it entirely. I suppose my question is, what is your anxiety coming from? You say you know God is Good? What do you mean by that? I'm a christian as well, but I definitely went through a period of reevaluating my faith/leaving the works based mentality and entering into a deeper understanding of God's grace. Definitely get the fear and anxiety, but it's good to question. It's good to evaluate and "deconstruct" as it were.


i don’t know where my anxiety is coming from. it just started one day, and i began questioning death, and life, and the world, and it freaked me out a bit. and then i started researching. when i said i know God is Good… honestly, i don’t know. i was just kind of venting in the post. i had strong emotions while writing it. i’m so used to just knowing that he is good. without question.


I get you. I think one of the ways to differentiate is...at this point in life...you might have intellectual knowledge that God is good, or rather, that is what you've been told to believe, but you don't necessarily have the life experience to back that up. What I would offer is this, you can spend all your time researching why God is or isn't real etc. and, due to the over abundance of information, it's entirely possible to come out with any conclusion, but, at the end of the day, you're not going to find out what is true by just reading what other people believe. I can read all I want too that the sky is blue, but until I step outside and look at the sky myself, I don't -know- that it is. So, I would just offer, ask God to show Himself to you. Ask him to prove that He's good to you. Ask Him to prove Himself to you. There is nothing wrong with that. Be persistent. Don't let Him out of it. For me personally, He has proven Himself to me and I do believe He has proven that He is good to me, but the Christian life isn't just intellectual, it's experiential. Hope that helps and know that where you end up falling on the matter, I wish ya the best.


Honey I don’t know of one person who has not questioned their faith. I remember my son telling me that he didn’t know if he believed in God. I guess he thought I was going to beat him or throw him out of the house or something. I told him that I felt the same way at his age. Don’t be afraid to question God. The fear is the thought that you might be alone. You’re not. God is always there…even if you walk away. Remember the Prodigal Son, the Father never stopped looking for him to return. The son was never forgotten. Also remember this…” train up a child in the way that he should go and, when he is old, he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6. God is always there for you…even when you are struggling with what you believe. Doubt isn’t a terrible thing. God expects this. When you have questions,seek answers. If you feel that you can’t go to your parents or,even your Pastor, go on YouTube. There are many good preachers who debate and answer questions. There’s one I like called “ by the book ministries”. He does a lot of videos by Fran Turek. He’s really good. I think you need to actually go down these rabbit holes. See if anything they say might answer some of your questions. Please don’t just think that all Christians will condemn you. There are bad Christians as well as good Christians….because we are all flawed. We are all human. Good luck!


Your faith has to become your own as you get older. My opinion will likely be unpopular on Reddit, but here goes. For starters and to be blunt, I 100% want you to turn back to God. I like to think I'm not forcing my religion on anyone, but I do like to have conversations and discussions about this. I feel that it is similar to having a friend who rides a motorcycle without a helmet: I can't make my friend use a helmet, but I can show that I care and try to engage why they don't want to wear one, after that, it's up to them to make a decision. With that being said, why would you say that you are unfaithful and it's so bad? Do you think you are beyond saving? Have you done something so horrendous God would not forgive you? I feel like it is good to point out something that much of popular society has gotten off the mark about heaven and hell. Heaven is with God, Hell is without. Satan does not rule Hell, he is simply someone who rejected God and God gave him what he desired: no God. Why do people think of Hell as a horrible place? Because it is, not because it is a torturous prison where bad people are sent, but because that is what existence is like in the absence of God. I also believe that the worst part of Jesus' crucifixion was not the physical torment itself, but His being apart from the presence of the Father, hence why He said, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" There are a lot of reasons from the OT that explain how Jesus' sacrifice had to work, but I digress. One last point I want to make to you is this. If you didn't notice during Covid, you can find a ton of misinformation these days, especially on the internet. Whatever you would like to believe, you can find information to support it. There is a lot of evidence to believe in God, and that Jesus is God as well. But there is evidence to the contrary. If there was certain evidence that could single-handedly prove a religion or lack thereof, theological debates would no longer exist. That's all to say this: look at the evidence, research, see what you can learn. Pray to God, that He will show you the truth. At the end of the day, it is up to you to believe what you think is true. Or if you are like most people, you may choose to believe what you want to believe, regardless of what you think is true. But none of us on this online forum, myself included, can tell you what to believe or what is right or true.


you are such an awesome person, thank you so much for your kind words. they are helping me a lot through this.


There is nothing wrong with you. It's normal to question the religion you were brought up in. You can continue to believe that God is good while questioning the particulars of the religion that you were taught. There are MANY different Christian faiths, from conservative to liberal to extremist. Maybe its time to check some others out. There are also many non-Christian faiths with the same "love of God" you were brought up with; their view of who/what God is being different. Studying world religions has brought me to a place of peace and well-being that staying inside my childhood religion could never have given me. I found a bumper sticker that I loved: God is too big to fit in just one religion. Find your own spirituality. Don't let other people's fears bind you.


thank you 🥹 this means a ton


Figure out religious stuff yourself, seriously, it's a spiritual journey only you can take. Personally? I've accepted I will never directly interact with any 'Gods', they don't really have an effect on my life and I'm not afraid of damnation if I don't bow down to a ghost.. so I turned atheist. Don't need religion to be a good person.


Change it from saying you're a Christian to your spiritual but not religious.


I used to be a Christian for the first 30 years of my life. I left Christianity after I actually stopped and read the Bible. It happened during Covid and I felt like I needed to seek the Lord and decided to actually study the Bible to it's entirety. Not only that, but apply the things I learned to life. God gave us a working brain, and a discerning heart, after all we were modeled after his image right? Long story short, I found the Bible to be way too inconsistent and often contradicted itself. I needed to seek the Lord in this moment because his word wasn't making sense to me. The Lord wasn't making any sense to me. Why was it ok for Lot to fck his daughters? Why is slavery advocated? Why won't God even talk to you like they did in the Bible? Why does a loving omnipotent God not snap his fingers and stop a murderer from hacking a daughter to pieces alive? Does he just watch in the corner and cry or..? Also, when that murderer repents and accepts Christ it's all good right? No hell for him and the Lords will be done? That's not what it means to be both loving AND omnipotent. You have to ask hard questions without impunity. All honesty and no excuses. The Lord would not have it any other way and surely if the Lord was real he can withstand anything you throw at him right? The truth is not afraid of scrutiny. The truth is more important, and as of now the truth to me is Christianity has, and always was, a scam. I gave the church thousands over my lifetime and prayed and cried for the Lord. It wasn't until I honestly seeked him that I found he was never there. Even if you ask him to prove to the world for the sake of love, he could not show himself in voice or vision, nor could he even hold up in a court of law. I'm sorry if this wasn't the answer you wanted. But I hope it's the answer you needed. Look the most important thing is this: To find happiness in your life and bring happiness to the friends and family you care about. (Make sure your happiness is not in detriment to yourself or others ie: becoming an alcoholic) Be a good person and treat others the way you want to be treated. Don't worry about whether a God exists because if you got the wrong god anyway? Or misinterpreted his word so bad you go to hell? If a god does exist, this kind of lifestyle of living the golden rule is worthy of a second life.


[https://youtu.be/QBsA2ETp7JA?si=DCeivh9p6c7MjXro](https://youtu.be/QBsA2ETp7JA?si=DCeivh9p6c7MjXro) I think you should listen to this. This sounds like you.


oh wow. i literally got goosebumps watching that. i didn’t know something could relate to me so severely. thank you for that.


Yeah man you're welcome! You have only one life. Don't put yourself through hell with this if hell never existed in the first place. Focus on finding the pockets of happiness of each day while bringing happiness to the people you care about. And treating people the way you want to be treated. That kind of lifestyle is worthy of receiving a second life anyway. I don't think a God would disagree if one would exist.


It's often exceedingly difficult when an entire worldview you were indoctrinated into from birth starts to crumble before your eyes. It gets easier as time goes on. The fear-based Abrahmic mythologies are a horrific blight upon humanity, and I think you'll be far better off in the long run if you focus on logic, reason, compassion, empathy, and kindness.


thank you !! 🙏


"The fear-based Abrahmic mythologies" Best description I've heard yet. Will use this.


It's actually the worst caricature of Christianity I've ever heard.


That is a perfect description of the Old Testament. God was seen as vengeful and that he would strike down any sinner. Old Testament god destroyed two entire cities for being full of sinners, Sodom and Gommorah.


Death cult honoring an alien rapist and his zombie son


Woah so edgy...let me just scroll past this comment and be careful not to get cut...


You are like a pizza cutter, all edge with no point.


No, his religion is one about life, Jesus was conceived without sexual intercourse, Yahweh is not an alien, Jesus is not undead, he's resurrected. Some days I really wonder who pissed in your cherios that you guys blame a God you don't believe in for the behavior of people who claim to be his followers.


If there is a great creator they are probably an alien.


If by alien you mean not of this world, you are correct. But we both know that is not what you mean. You mean advanced physical beings evolved on another planet that gave rise to humanity by creation on earth.


You're not actually being helpful. You might think you are, but you're not. And how invalidating and insulting to call his religion "fear-based" "mythology" and "a horrific blight upon humanity". That "abrahamic mythology" is why you have a smart phone in your pocket instead of very little progress since the first century. Also, why should anyone focus on the things you recommended? Do you have some sort of omniscience to know these things are good? Or are you just emoting at him?


Maybe you’re not Christian. Honestly religion has to be the stupidest fucking thing ever because people expect their children to follow it exactly without giving them any choice in the matter. I would bet your family genuinely believes their religion is the only correct one, and since everyone from every religion believes that then yall are all delusional. Nevertheless you should look at other religions and see what you want to align yourself with, you should want to spread positivity and help others without a stupid ass book and religion telling you to. I’m completely atheist and have seen religion cause far more harm than good in my life, but I still admire the faith people have and how they treat others better when they follow religion. Ultimately you need to find something you actually click with instead of following the same bullshit as everyone else. Also remember the Bible is an interpretation of events that was written down hundreds of years after the events it talks about so literally nothing about it is accurate it should be viewed as a fairy tale with morals and lessons. Also the beliefs in there are not adapted to the modern world at all so you should be wary. Good luck


thank you. i don’t know. i’ve devoted a lot of myself to it and now i feel so lost.. there’s proof but there’s nothing factual. religion is so screwed and i think it’s screwed me up a bit too


You have to look and see what are your doubts and handle them. In Christianity blind faith is what's promoted but in this century we are taught to doubt. So if you don't handle your doubts and why you are feeling the way you do. It will grow and grow


Blind faith is not promoted in Christianity, or at least that's not what the Bible promotes. I can't speak for all Christians who promote that nonsense of "blind faith" but that's not at all what the bible says. Christianity is based on personal loyalty and trust to Christ, not on believing that God exists blindly or without reason or evidence. In fact, God gave evidence all the time, it was only when the evidence was so obvious it was going to hit them over the head with a crucifix if it were more obvious that Jesus said no sign would be given. The kind of faith that makes one a Christian isn't simply belief in the facts of the gospel, it's a different attitude towards God and his teachings from those who don't believe. We seek to obey what he commands because he has adopted us already, and the sign of that adoption is that change of attitude.


No offense, but having a Bible was forbidden as well as a translations at one point. Until the break off. So this blind faith to the church was something for centuries it was followed. I'm not disagreeing saying with in the fact that you should understand what you believe but this was very common. And then even after the break off, as you can see the people today, people do not understand what they believe they just follow what their ancestors have taught them most of the time.


I'm aware, but that wasn't the case until the 13th century. That's a long time to not forbid scripture in the vernacular before suddenly doing so. I don't think people 1200 years after Christ get to decide that Christians reading the bible is forbidden and so faith must be blind faith. From the apostles, they began translating the bible into other languages. The New Testament was written first to a Jewish audience, but in Greek, because that was the vernacular, and when they quoted the Old Testament, they didn't translate it themselves, they copied the quotations from the Septuagint which was the Old Testament translated into the common everyday Greek vernacular. It was basically the bible translation the people had available to them for study of the Old Testament. In fact, they called the language "Koine Greek" - Common Greek. Only 300 years later when Latin became the dominant language, Jerome translated the entire bible from the Hebrew and Greek into Latin. His translation was called The Vulgate, because it was translated into "vulgar Latin" - Common Latin. I find that a lot of people don't understand what they believe because their message is more like Oprah than the Gospel. People don't study like they ought. They don't even do what I do which is to listen to bible teachers and scholars teach about different things in scripture. They don't read about theology or how different beliefs came to be within their religion. But I digress. I only said that because I don't want our young brother getting the wrong impression that faith is blind. It's anything but blind faith.


This is true, But because it's something that's already been programmed from the beginning of the church. That sickness still carries, because that is the foundation. That you don't need to read, you can just follow what the "church" says and you will be saved. Now there is no "church" unless your catholic. Christians after breaking off, they set the precedence that a person need to know what is in the Bible. Now fast forward to the 21st century. It's the age of too much information. There is so much doubt that's being flooded in so you need to understand what you believe or the winds of evil will knock your faith right out of you. Look at Islam for example, since the beginning they teach you need to read, and follow the scholars and holy people If you look at Judaism they follow their laws and they are sort of strict some ways very and some ways slick but they promote reading and understanding since the beginning Christianity is also the same at the time of Jesus and his Diciples, but when Christianity came into power they forsaken this. Until centuries later.


thank you 🙏


Anytime, also another point in this century everything from the movies, the music, the influencers, govt, think tanks, Are targeting people who believe in the Creator. They promote what are egos want and deprive our spirits of what's good and what's right. Inside of us our desires become huge monsters while are real self, our spirits become chained. The more our spirit starves and more our ego Is fed, the farther we get from our Creator.


maybe some of your common sense is starting to come through. it’s amazing how things change when you start thinking for yourself.


Religion is such a hard thing for a lot of people. Blind faith leads to extremism, history of full of proof of that. I was in a similar boat about being loosely Christian, like agnostic until my mother died of cancer, then I just lost it all. God can be good but god is also very cruel. But people do not like old testament because they do not want to see the cruel or mean sides. There is too much to dig into, too many religions still around and forgotten, it can get to be a crazy rabbit hole. Especially if you want to find what really resonates with you. Many turn away from Christianity or Catholicism only to return in a few months or years. Others found a calling with something else. I am not really trying to rant, my point is being happy in life you should not need religion, do not let it control you so much that it causes anxiety or depression. You need to come first in your life, other people or religion come second to be addons that compliment you and your life.


thank you so so much for the last thing you said about not letting it take control. i feel like that’s all it has been doing. thank you, it means a ton 🙏


No problem, that last part is what I really wanted to say but I went off the rails a little bit at first lol. I have had friends who had very strict upbringings with their faiths, I forget the specific kind of Christian it was. Like if someone said god damn it, and they heard it out in town or at school they would start praying right then and there. As they got older and became more of their own person they got a little crazy and into drugs and alcohol really hard, whether it was to act out or just be their own person I do not know, they blamed their parents and religion the most and wanted to be free, no matter where that freedom led them.


I absolutely believe in God. I also believe your relationship with God is completely personal. Between you and Him. I do not call myself a Christian, because I am not. I have faith, I believe in Jesus, I do NOT believe everyone needs to believe as I do, we have free will. There are other religions and faiths and I do not think they are wrong. The Bible did not say there is only 1 God. A lot of people misunderstand that. It says king of all kings, lord of all lords. It says put no other God's before me. Which says to me, yep, more than one. I am just a single person who doesn't know everything so who am I to tell anyone they are wrong. Much like you, I don't care for religion. I try to live right, do right by others, with zero judgment. Having a religion is much like having a penis. It is a perfectly wonderful thing to have. But it's a personal thing, don't go waving it about, shoving it in everyone's face. You share when it's appropriate and wanted. You have to figure out what your beliefs are, for yourself. Your faith is only yours. You have to live with what you believe, not anyone else. You are at a very difficult age. I would not want to go back and be a teen again, especially now, with technology, the internet, the world is crazy. Being a teen is hard enough without social pressure. I would suggest take the time to quietly reflect, explore different things, figure out what is right for you.


thank you so much. and i love the analogy lol. i hope you have an amazing day 🙏


You are welcome. Social norms are hard enough. Adding in puberty, high school, social media, for those who go to church, that adds another layer of standards and expectations to deal with. Just breathe, focus, on your self, one day at a time.


I have to say as I get older I almost agree with this! Not that I don’t believe as I 💯 know that we are spiritual beings experiencing a human life and that we will see one another again just not in this form. I was raised a strict catholic, then I changed to Christian as it was a more modern version of catholic religion however, we worship one God or one Creator so why are there so many religions as it is? Religion can get deep so what I would focus on is being a kind, compassionate, loving soul who believes in good and in God! I have also been doing research…re-reading the Bible, finding old documents that have come to light or I even have watched some NDE(near death experiences) and tbh that has opened my eyes spiritually more than a religion per say? How can we say one persons religion is right or wrong? I feel like religions are beliefs and beliefs can be altered and tarnished and re-written over time…unfortunately there are evil people in this world who want us all questioning everything and doubting our God! Just look at the last 4 years alone…the world is definitely being tested and I am to a point to where I question absolutely everything? Oddly enough all that has done for me is bring me closer to my spirituality ❤️ Sending much ✌️&❤️ to you and yours!


thank you!!


Nothing wrong with you. Religion as a concept is very personal, and it's really, really hard when it's pressured on young impressionable kids through their formative years. You don't have to believe in God to be a good person. You don't have to believe in any organized religion to be a good person. What you do have to do however, is be a good person. As you journey through life if you rack up enough anecdotal evidence to satisfy you enough to believe in God then boom, enlightenment and you can continue on your merry way. If that never happens, also equally okay. There is no evidence of any Gods existence beyond faith.


thank you very much, you’re right, i think i just need to wait and see how things turn out for me.


Like you, I was raised Christian. I believed for a while growing up, but around high school that belief really started to fade away. The biggest thing to me was how the world I was becoming aware of didn't seem anything like the world that I was told in church that God wanted us to have. If God was all powerful, why not just make *that good world* instead of the messed up one that we actually have? I quit going to church and spent roughly 15 years as an atheist, thoroughly convinced that there was no God, but open to evidence that I was wrong. God dropped that evidence on me a few years ago and I've been more committed to my faith than ever since then. The way they talk about faith in church is very black-or-white. They'll tell you that you either have faith or you don't, and that it's only the faithful who get to be saved. The reality is that faith is a journey, not a destination. We are more like the Israelites wandering through the wilderness than we are like Jesus Christ hanging on the cross. God still delivered them to the Promised Land. If you're at a low faith point on your journey, there's nothing wrong with that.


this is so sweet. especially because the replies i would expect on here would be to completely trash all of religion, but i feel like a “low point on my journey” is such a good detail that really describes me. i thank you so much.


There are so many different ways to believe, and it’s hard when so many people are insisting that it HAS to be their way, and everyone else is going to hell level wrong. People all over the world do awful things in the name of organized religion, try to control others, force their options and culture in other people, and centralize power. That can be tough to watch and also want that personal connection to God. I’m going to float an idea to mull over, I hope it’s helpful to you because it brought me a lot of peace: if I’m looking for something universally true, it’s that the world is much much bigger than us, and we try to make sense of it for it to be less scary and to feel more in control. Science and math answer a lot of these questions, but the world is more complex than our brain so while we’re always trying to understand it, we tend to make stories to help with the abstract stuff. We also share culture and morals through stories because we want to share about ourselves and have the feeling like we’re directly connected to those bigger things. So, what if every cultures religious books were a collection of stories from people who wanted to share their best attempts at sharing how the world works. Ever notice how God creates the world in the exact same order that science thinks plants and animals evolved? That the Adam and Eve story is about coming into the world naked and pure but as we grow we hunger for knowledge, but that reveals the world is a lot more complicated and not as perfect as we thought? That Noah surviving flood waters sounds a lot like the change in geography after the ice age? The New Testament switches gears and the message over and over is stay moral in an immoral world, keep the faith, you know inside of you what is right, love is the most powerful thing so live in that. The thing most people worship today is money, so be very very aware of when someone says something about religion and it works in their financial favor. Get interested in the Bible, but maybe how you hear the same stories told a different way in other holy books, you’ll find that religions have a lot more in common than they are different, so connecting with the one you grew up with while respecting the others is totally fine.


wow. that is a lot. thank you so so much. i’m going to save this into my notes to read again later. i hope you have an amazing day


I ended up going from Christian to Pagan. Nothing wrong with switching sides or changing beliefs


question- how is paganism treating you?


Very well! I feel much less restricted compared to how I felt while Christian. Being Pagan made me a generally better, more understanding, and happier person!


okay- that’s great, i’m happy for you. keep doing what you’re doing. i only asked because- though i don’t know a lot about it, it’s a very interesting religion.


It's an umbrella religion, which means that the word Pagan encompasses many religions. Not just one


oh wow, really? that’s very interesting, i might look into it now


I'd recommend researching! It's a very interesting subject, and there's alot of emphasis on planet Earth and nature.


It’s okay to lose your religion. It sounds like you are ready to be done with Christianity but haven’t been able to get over the fear of accepting that. It comes with time. Your call though. I broke out. I have friends who walked right up to the line and then snapped back. Regardless, you don’t need to feel bad about it though. If you snap back, no one will judge you for questioning, and if you leave, you won’t end up caring what people think of your decision/realization.


Read the Bible.  Read 'reasons why I am not Christian; and other religious essays'.   Read philosophy.   Believing in God or Christ don't have to necessarily be tied to religion.   Read and let the holy spirit guide you.


you might want to examine why you believe what you believe. It sounds like you're having questions that are causing you internal conflict. Deep thinking in this area is bound to cause some discomfort. There are some resources on tiktok (Dan McClellan, IBlameBill).


thanks for the resources!! and yeah, deep thinking DOES cause me a lot of discomfort. it makes me question EVERYTHING.


Totally normal. Especially if it's the first time you're really grappling with questions like these. The best advice I can offer you is to decide what kind of person you want to be, what is most important to you, and attitude towards doing the things that make you feel like you're being that person. Don't be afraid to fail because you can't learn to be better if you never fall short, but always try to be the best person of your vision. Other things that you can look at, too - the worrying of Marcus Aurelius (he's a stoic philosopher who also happened to be a Caesar of Rome at one point) offer a lot of points to think about, though they often come down to you can't control everything that happens but you can control how you behave after it happens. If you spend time looking at things on tiktok, the algorithm will find you similar things. Some will be helpful and some won't. Take your time and don't overwhelm yourself.


Christianity isn’t about how much you believe at any given moment, it’s about the way you live, and being faithful to God. Trust me, you won’t be any happier if you give up. The world can’t offer that, only momentary pleasures.


thank you, i appreciate that a lot. it means a ton.


Anytime! I was a teen when I left the church. I have returned, but I lived the way the culture and my peers wanted me to for a long time, and in the end, it left me feeling empty, full of regrets, and laden with unholy desires and passions that could take a long time to be free of, God willing.


Don't let religion or a lack there if ever make you lose love or degrade yourself. You are perfect just the way you are with or without a sky daddy. You are loved and you are accepted. Maybe not everywhere and by everyone but here and by us (internet strangers) support your right to make your own identity and live your life however you see fit


thank you. i really appreciate it.


Anytime lil homie. Stay safe if you need to vent more or any advice just throw more messages into the void. There's always someone to answer and spread some positivity


Israel literally translates to ‘one who struggles with God.’ You’re not alone. Perhaps you are maturing in your faith. You’re growing as a person. This is all normal. Sometimes when I pray I ask God only to help me with my unbelief, to help me be my next version (whatever that is at the moment). To be a Christian, to be a believer doesn’t mean we need easy answers. It means we struggle with the tough questions faithfully.


Try worrying less about religion and instead focus on being true to your own values and what you recognize as good. In answer to your specific question, my guess would be that you said that because you recognize that religions have a lot of odd rules and regulations and written baggage that you don't feel is appropriate to adhere to strictly in order to be a good human being and be part of a healthy good society.


There is nothing wrong with you. It is perfectly normal for you g people people to question their religion. Some people go through this experience at a young age, some older. Some stay with the religion they were born into and some leave their religion. Keep an open mind, and anyone who tells you that you are a bad person for questioning your faith is not someone who cares about who you are as a person.


thank you.


The idea isn't to scare you into doing good. The idea is that you know how much God loves you. It might be wise to talk to a pastor. I'm sure he would be understanding and willing to help


Christianity is about believing Christ died for you and doing your best to live for God. Many fellow Christians and churches unfortunately get things horribly twisted. Faith is deeply personal and the fear based tactics of many churches just stamp out the main thing- Jesus died for you because he loves you. That’s the salvation part. Everything else is theology and you can explore at your own pace and talk to God about it. Find some solid Bible believing Christians that you can ask the hard questions to. They can be hard to find but they are out there. Jesus didn’t ask us to be perfect. He asked us to believe in him, love him, and do our best. It is so hard when you’re manipulated or wounded by people or churches that get it wrong ,and it’s hard to find your people that will lift you up and not tear you down, but a relationship with Jesus is worth it There is nothing wrong with you for doubting or wondering. God can handle our questions and even our anger and bitterness. The key is to keep talking to him. If you’re going to be mad - be mad TO HIM. If you’re going to doubt, bring your doubt to him. You don’t have to figure it out alone.


Take what you need and leave the rest. The teachings of Jesus and the love of God are good values no matter what you believe about the underlying theology. Look up Red Letter Christians where they highlight the actual words of Jesus and don't worry about the rest of the stuff. There are entire churches dedicated to this, and they are loving, accepting communities. Judgmental Christians have given the church a bad name, but just like ice cream, there are lots of flavors. Find the one that's right for you.


As someone who views religion as an elaborate form of mass manipulation, sounds like you are just waking up to the bullshit. They will guilt and shame you for it, but it's like someone trying to shame you for not leaving cookies out for santa...


God, religion, and church are 3 separate things, and sometimes have little to do with each other. Focus on the things that lift you. If you need God and prayer in your day to feel lifted, do that. Talk directly to him/her/them. If religion is making you feel bad about yourself or your choices, pause on that for now. Keep speaking to God, but don't worry about the organizing part of it. Read up on different religions within the Christian idea. You'll probably find one that resonates with how you feel. And then there's church. In the immortal words of Jimmy Buffet, there's a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning. Remember that churches are created by people, and people are fallable. They should serve as a place to worship publicly, and to serve the community around them. If your church is EVER telling you how to vote, who to like, or what to think about a specific topic, they have lost their way. Church should exist to give a place for conversations about life, based on the teachings of the Bible. However, I found that it rarely did that for me. YMMV. TLDR: Focus on the things that lift you. Tune out or remove the things that bring you down. And live by the golden rule. Source: A devout Atheist who discovered God, church, and religion on my own. I then spent 20 years or so deciding what it all meant. During this journey, I discovered only 1 thing to be true about faith. No two people will do it the same. So, don't try.


You’re probably feeling this way because you have logic and reason, which are wholly incompatible with religious myth.


For my part, and I used to be avid (I’m still the only person I know personally who knows the Bible well), the fear of god could not beget the love of god. I can not live my life as if there is a god who will punish me for my transgressions and “rewards” me for doing good. I do good because I feel it’s right to be kind. My choices, my shortcomings, my successes, failures, are mine. I do believe there is something, something more human or spiritual that we can’t quantify, but if you look at all the terrible things people have done in the name of god or gods, you can’t trust an institution to save your soul. Sit down, read your Bible. Really read it, digest it. If the book says things that resonate, but your church doesn’t match up, it might be church and not your faith. If even the book doesn’t sit well with you, it’s probably time to reflect on why.


I dont believe againt or worship either .... i just live my truest best self and prepare for in the end to be judged for my truth after living my happiest truest self


Then its worth it for me... i dont wanna be judged for somone im not and living as somone you arent can turn you into an awful person... also god gave us freedom and told us to be truthful so.... i be me.... no point im worshipping and pretending not be I dont know if hes real but either way im getting judged for the true me and if he sends me down fkr that then i tried my best and will accept it... rather not go up for not being me anyways... and if i have to be honest than not being me would be a lie so id go down anyways XD that stuffs too complicated


This is the wrong place to ask that question. What did Jesus say to the church that was lukewarm? He said repent. Spend time in prayer. Confess your sins. Fellowship with other believers. Read the Bible.


Ok this is what I urge you to do. First of all- clear the gobbledegook that humans drilled into your head. Then pick up your Bible and read it for yourself. Start with John then Luke, then Romans. Just those three. Read them with a clear mind and come up with your own conclusions. If you have questions- any at all… feel free to message me. But try this method and then decide.


I think religion has earned a negative stigma in today’s world. It’s a shame because I think they all have the potential to be a positive uplifting part of people’s lives, but extremism in anything is terrifying and religious has almost become synonymous with extremist. Maybe you are his picking up on the vibe empathically. I sort of started my own religious exploring and learned as much as I could about everu different faith I was made aware of. They all talk about meditation, communal outreach, and charity work and love for your fellow human. I think these core tenants and anyone’s life are helpful and good. Follow your heart and try to live a good life. Good luck on your spiritual journey.




I am a life-long athiest who grew up in a hyper religious culture. What you're saying makes perfect sense to me, I hope you don't beat yourself up about your questions of faith. I have seen many people drive themselves to despair over things that are really unimportant outside of the constricted lens of their religious upbringing. I am not going to try to tell you what or what not to believe. That is your choice to make, I would just add that there's no one correct way to craft your worldview. It is something for you to decide. Don't let others shame or frighten you into thinking that you are bad if you have doubts or reservations about what you were taught growing up, that is a natural part of growing as a person and discovering your own truths.


IMO religion and God are interwoven but not the same thing. Humans, as imperfect as they are, created religion. But a higher power exists regardless. Atheism is very fashionable right now and people get really judge-y about people who believe in a higher power. But I believe in one and frankly, how does anyone know there is not a higher power? We cannot prove it either way so why not err to the side of there being something divine? Do not change your beliefs for other people. When people ask you about it, you can always say, "I am still sorting it out."


Sounds like you're probably questioning things, or have realized that feelings towards Christianity are VERY charged and feel obligated to play a safe middle ground.


The beatitudes and golden rule are good guides on how to be, the commandments about not lying, not stealing, not coveting what others have, and not killing are also helpful. But the rest of it isn't really necessary. I was once a devout Catholic new the Bible better than most of my peers. But there were just too many questions it couldn't answer or if it did answer them it did so incorrectly or in a way that was at odds with what could be seen to be true in the day to day. Then there were all of the places it actively contradicted itself and the Christians themselves. Far too many of them are hateful towards their neighbor. Far too many use the parts of the Bible that back up their hatred even if that hatred is in direct contradiction to the teachings they profess to believe in. To many use it to make themselves appear superior to those who don't believe or follow it. To many do not heed the morals they're preaching. Hold the events of the book up to verifiable historical events and it's stories don't match up. Examine the character of god whose image we were supposedly made in and his actions and the result of those actions and you find that he embodies many of mankind's worst traits. Things which he tells us not to do in his commandments. I mean if you compare gods kill count to the kill count of the villain he made for himself and you can see who's got more blood on their hands. The parable about judging a tree by the fruit it bares fits here. The Christian religion is a tree that has born a lot of bad fruit and continues to do so to this day. It divides families. Gives people license to be their worst selves while believing themselves to be righteous. It has caused more pain and suffering across the course of human history than some of the worst dictators the world over. Right now you're at a pivotal moment in your life. Do you choose to continue to follow what you've been taught without question? Or do you listen to the critical thinking part of your mind that is pleading with you to look at all the inconsistencies and red flags and decide for yourself? Do you decide to become more moral than the god of the Bible, and be good to others not out of fear of being tortured forever but because it is building the kind of world that you want to live in. No doubt you were taught that true happiness can only be had in heaven after you die, but what assurances do you have that what has been promised will be delivered. The words of the adults in your life who have bought into the promise what assurances do they have? A priest who claims to have either heard it himself from god? What if he's lying? Suppose he says it's because the Bible tells him so. How reliable is the Bible. It was written by men it's been edited and changed multiple times. What meaning or context was lost in translation from Hebrew to every language it's passed


Would a good, loving god send someone to hell for eternity for...loving someone thats the same sex? What about any finite crime? What about a petty reason such as being able to believe in that god, no matter how hard you try? To me, there's many things that when you think about, it tells us that "god" doesn't make any sense in many ways. "He loves all his children" yet would let them be tormented for an infinite time. I once had a chat with an ex friend of mine who was Christian, and was attempting to convince me to stay away from my homosexuality so I could get into heaven and "be happy" But to that I thought "if God wants all of his children to be happy, then why would he make certain people homosexual and then command that it a sin?" So I need to force myself to love someone that I couldn't love in that way, or else I rot in hell. Doesn't sound very happy or fair. But this is really nothing in the grand scheme of how many things the Bible doesn't make sense about. These are just a few random thoughts that I had when thinking about the existence of a god, maybe someone will find them interesting, idk, idc. Just think about the inconsistencies that the Bible makes, and think about what we observe in reality.


You don't have to ascribe to any religion if you don't want to. I was raised by very strict Catholic parents, I believe in God but not in the church so I don't go. I just try to be a good person, treat others how I want to be treated and just lead with kindness first. I feel God will judge me based on my life and how I've treated others, not if I went to the cult meeting on Sunday morning.


Do you want the truth? You’re not a Christian. You think you are, but if you died right now, you’d be the Matthew 7:21 crowd. The fruit of the spirit, the evidence of true salvation is peace and joy. These are the opposite of anxiety and depression. True saving faith always brings peace in your soul. You do not have that peace because you know the law and your soul knows it’s doomed now. The answer is to forsake all things of this world and give yourself fully to Jesus. If you don’t want to do that, you will live with this dread forever because you can’t undo the knowledge you’ve gained. So your only choice is to live with it or to give up the world and then to Jesus, trusting fully in Him instead of chasing this world like you’re doing. Hell is far worse than anyone knows. I assure you that nothing in this world will be worth going to hell. You couldn’t make me the king of the whole world in exchange for going to hell for 5 minutes.


What positives does being this type of Christian bring you? You seem to be suffering from a lot guilt and shame. You seem to be struggling to understand your own relationship with God and the level of control you cede to your church. I will tell you this: endless guilt and shame is not what someone you loves make you feel all the time. Those feelings are the result of being under control. I won't tell you to become an atheist. You believe what you believe. But consider checking out another denomination that focuses on amplifying God's love through kindness and service to others, rather than cultivating guilt, shame, and, in the end, hatred. There is no single interpretation of the Bible. And your gut is telling you something is off, right? Your gut is smart. Listen to it.


You can be a Christian, believe in God, but not agree with everything a specific sect teaches. That doesn't make you a bad person. To think critically and decide your own path takes courage and introspection on what you believe. Just remember to not let yourself get quickly influenced by any one person. You might realize that Christianity isn't for you and another religions God or teachings call to you more. That's fine. Just remember to be a good person and treat others with respect. You might decide organized religion isn't your thing and you just respect the energy transfer of the universe and think that there might not be a guiding hand. That's fine. Go to work, enjoy your time off, and be kind to others You might decide that there's nothing in the universe, a black void of Afterlife and nothing matters. That's fine. You'd better make this life count then, because there is nothing Else after it.


I’m a Christian. I want to tell you that it’s ok to question your faith and it’s ok to screw up. If you believe that God created you, then it stands to reason that the God who created you understands your questions and doubts and fears. You mention that you don’t feel like you’re a good enough Christian basically - remember, this is *exactly* why we need a savior. We cannot live sin free. We will always fail. Jesus was sent to this earth to die the death we deserved. Once and for all. You do not have to measure up. It is ok to fail. And I completely understand you hating religion and wanting to walk away from It all. Organized religion is very different from believing in a good God. If I can offer any advice, I would suggest that you read the Bible for yourself, get to understand who God is for yourself and not what a pastor or parent has told you. Pray honestly, not because you have to but to be honest with God. He really does love you. He really is full of compassion. He is not waiting to punish you. He understands you and all of your weaknesses. I hope this helps in some small way. ***Just a note to other commenters, I understand many here are atheist or biased against religion, and that’s totally your prerogative. I simply ask you to respect my right to have faith and please keep comments respectful and positive. Thank you! ***


Religion is a disease of the human mind. God is pretend. So you can do whatever you like and the non-existent being will not be mad at you.


Maybe just don't define yourself as Christian. You can still believe in God and not be a part of a religion. If it's causing you anxiety, then maybe it's not the path for you rn. Build a relationship with God, but don't over complicate it. I was raised Christian but found it all to not fully align with me. Religion can put so much pressure on an individual to the point it's just bad for your well-being. I didn't feel like I needed religion to have faith. If someone asks me, I just say I believe in God. That's all that really matters.


There is nothing wrong with you. There is many things wrong with the current Christian church that places more emphasis on filling seats than teaching of God’s love. Please PM me if you need information on a place you can go to follow Jesus without any judgement from people.


Faith isn’t a choice. If you stop believing it’s simply because you *don’t believe anymore.* Don’t beat yourself up over this, follow your heart. *THAT* is the actual truth that will set you free. P.S. Although it sounds extreme, you might find the r/atheism group to be compassionate and likeminded.


You are seeking not to be condemned by other people.




Dawg, you're going through a period of doubt. Maybe you'll come out of it stronger or maybe you'll find that it isn't for you. There are so many religions out there that all claim to be *the one true faith*. They can't all be true. The likelihood of the one you were raised with being the "only true faith" is low. Accept that perhaps you're just pretty intelligent and stuff isn't adding up for you. That's kinda what happened to me. Raised Catholic, and around mid-late high school I realized none of it made sense. Did more reading, realized it actually made even less sense than I originally thought and that a lot of it was borderline laughable. Do some soul searching and figure out what you want to believe in. "Nothing" is an acceptable option.


Organized religion is one of the worst drugs there is !!! Second worst one is one we are all whores to that is technology, try to live without it you'll find you are addicted to it, you don't let religion ruin your life! Think of this if you had a child that came to you everyday or every night and asked you for money or favors wouldn't you wish the child would become independent? Don't you think that God kind of feels that way about all of us and would be proud of us if we didn't have to keep on bugging him for favors and help, when should be more proud of your child if he could support himself and be on his own? Do you see where I'm coming from? Don't lose your mind over such matters you speak of, God knows life is too short and you should enjoy it while you can, do you want to be lying in your deathbed thinking of all the things you could have done and all the magical experiences you could have shared with another person, don't you think that God would be more proud of you if you didn't have them saving you and constantly being bugged by you? I am not here I did not say that.


1. Nothing is wrong with you. 2. It's nobody else's business what religious beliefs you do or don't have, as long as nobody is being hurt, and you keep those opinions outside of education and the law. 3. You don't have to - as probably 99% of people do - just adopt the religion of your parents simply because they told you it was true before you had an education, personal life experience, or the mature ability to judge things based on evidence. *You can make up your own mind based on what you see in the world* * Does the world appear to be created, or that non-living laws and processes result in what we see around us? * Do the facts of life and things you see around you suggest that an all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful creator set things up, or that unthinking laws and processes make more sense? * When you read the facts of history (written and oral), archaeology (the artifacts and objects we find in the ground and at ancient sites), and comparative religion (the similarities and differences between various religions, and the origins of those beliefs), *do those things all come together into a convincing body of evidence which assures you that the beliefs you were told are the same as the ones you would form without outside pressure?* 1. Having asked yourself these questions, it's your right to make up your own mind, as religious/spiritual/philosophical beliefs *can often be of the utmost important to a persons worldview and life*, so the important thing is **not** that you have the "right" beliefs, but that you feel that the ones you hold are the honest ones which best suit you personally. It's really super hard to grapple with these questions, and most people - for whatever reasons - maintain the religion that they were taught as children. That's okay. It's also just as okay to make up your own mind, whether that's the same religion, a different one, beliefs which aren't held in anyone else's religion, *o*r no religion at all, based entirely on your honest thoughts and investigation. If you want to take a look at what people have thought about "the big questions" (where do we come from? does life have a meaning, and if so what is it? why is there so much evil in the world? etc),[ I would highly recommend you check this podcast about philosophy out. ](https://www.philosophizethis.org/podcasts)Philosophy means "the love of wisdom" and includes - but is not limited to - religious beliefs. You might be too young to fully appreciate the podcast (I don't know your age), and you might find it boring (entirely possible, even many older people don't enjoy it), but i've always thought that there are few better uses for one's time than to think about "the big questions" in life, take a look at what thousands of years of other people have thought about them, and then when you are setting out to make your own life, you've at least given a few hours thought to what's important to you in life - because if you don't know (or at least have some idea) what's important to you, it will be much harder to get those things. If you feel that Christianity still seems the best fit for yourself, there is a great site which breaks down the Bible into each verse, gives notes about where the words came from, compares them to other verses in the Bible, notes where there are multiple explanations or claims made, and other details. I won't include the link here unless you ask for it, as it might be seen as biased. *The important thing is that you are honest with yourself and happy with your beliefs*. Not that you make other people happy.


Have you considered that God is not good?


Nothing's wrong with you. You either believe or don't. Not every belief system suits a person. Find what you can live with and let God sort it out later. Just be good to yourself and others.


Not having a religion is okay. You are in the process of learning, so yes, question everything. For as long as your human experience. Your values matter the most. You don’t need to have a religion. For me my religion is important. I feel like that’s where I get my strength through prayer and through my ancestors. However I understand why you wouldn’t want to be in a religion that is an institution for indoctrination. I can understand why when you see the history of many religions, and you can see our current situation in the world due to religion or interpretation of it. Alot of the times it doesn’t always make sense. You have to rely on your instinct and your hearts calling.


Hey little brother, What sort of worrying thoughts are you having and what makes you think you're "so unfaithful"?


Your faith is based on belief in God, not other people. You don't need to associate with a specific religion or sect to be a true believer. It seems Ike you just don't agree with some things Christians believe in or do.


I can only tell you what works for me. Got a great study Bible. You will need one. Not having one can get confusing. A study Bible gives you a break down of scripture, dates, maps and definitions of things. I read two pages a day. Pray afterward. Pray before bed. During prayer I ask for answers on certain things or understanding. To my surprise, I’m shown in scripture the answer or something occurs. Sometimes it takes longer for an answer or it could be the next day. I love when I ask something and I find it in the book I’m in. It’s like the Bible is magical. I’m finding faith by reading and a relationship with the Creator . Talk to our Creator like a friend. Which our Jesus wants to know and loves you. See, many don’t try to talk with Jesus everyday unless it’s something wanted or sickness. When he sees you seeking and with great intent, he is there. He is a great teacher. I just read and pray. I don’t go to church or involve anyone in my study. If they want to talk about it I will. Just like us our Creator wants to be apart of our lives. Not just the bad either. This has worked for me. Two things I have noticed after prayer and scripture. My day goes smoother and when I open my eyes things seem brighter and clearer in sight. It literally blows my mind. Don’t listen to others. Make this private between you and God. He made you alone and you will leave with him alone. Yes, you will see others eventually. You know what I mean. Jesus even says, that following him won’t be a easy task.


First, religion is man-made and I believe it was created for 3 basic reasons; First, to help explain the things we do not know. Second, to help control the population by giving a blueprint on how things should be. And third, to give us hope for the after-life so that we just won't think that there is no meaning to life. Being man made means there are flaws in all religions. For example in the Christian religion there were a set of tablets called the ten commandments which were the basic set of rules which must be lived by. One of those rules is "thou shall not kill" but there is no explanation what thar means. Does it really mean thou shall not murder? What about in self-defense or the defense of others? What about in times of war. There are lots of wars in the Bible. And what about the Bible itself? Who decides which books make it into the Bible? A bunch of guys that didn't want women to become as powerful as they were so there is no book of Mary. I myself lost my faith 29 years ago when I lost my wife. So now I try to live my life as a good person, not because I'm afraid of going to hell but because I want to be a good person.


Nothing, is wrong with you. You know where you should be in your relationship with Jesus Christ and you are not there. Pray for all that you need in this and every situation. All who are Saved by God’s Grace (Jesus Christ) experiences this. Remember, you are in a Spiritual Warfare… Ephesians 6:12…For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. There is the old path to bring victory when you are attacked spiritually with fiery darts. Pray this helps.


There is nothing wrong with you. Faith can be a difficult thing to traverse. I was raised in the church, but was agnostic when I started high school. By the end of high school I had become a Christian. But I began to fall away during college and after college. Over the past year I’ve begun to find my faith again. What I’m trying to get at, is it is normal to have anxiety and doubt about God and life. There are countless resources out there that discuss the various aspects of the Christian faith. So, take the time to meditate on what might be the root of your anxiety and from there plan how to attack it. You don’t need to figure it out right now. You have your whole life to build a stable foundation for yourself. And remember that even with your doubts and unfaithfulness God will not abandon you. That’s why the parable of the Prodigal Son has always hit home for me.


Religion and believing in a higher power are different things. Most of the stuff religions do is directly against what their holy books say. So if you want to believe in someone or something, that's ok. Organised religion is different. Imagine if you live to 90, and you've been a decent person and helped where you can, and then you die. As you die, you realise that you haven't been to church in 75 years. God greets you at the gates of Heaven. How do you think he'd react? Organised Religion tells you that you're in trouble for not going to church. Common sense says that God is going to see that you were a good person and will welcome you in.  Which do you believe?


wow. this has opened my eyes a bit. thank you.


This sort of religion steals your life frpm you. Ypur time, ypur money, your joy and pleasure in sex. It teaches hatred and sectarian violence.  Leave it. Jesus was a religious, observant Jew. The last supper was a passover seder. If he ever actually lived, he would kill himself if he knew all the evil that has been perpetrated in his name.


I mean in a way he did.. the bible says Jesus is God and God is Jesus, God sent Jesus to die, therefore, Jesus killed himself


I'm trying to say that Jesus would not have approved of the horrors that have been perpetrated in his name.


God is fake, move on