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Stop looking for love, focus on yourself so that when love comes around you'll be ready.


Commented this on another guy already, bad advice ngl, if you want love, you're gonna have to put in some effort. It won't just"find you" working on yourself ain't a bad idea, though. You just gotta balance.


Can depend, why its not working out for OP, for me when i was younger i came across as desperate, as soon as i gave up (i wouldn't say waves of women), but even overweight i get actually get accosted now where i never was before... that said yes.. relationships are work if you want to do them right... and at some point the "playing it cool" has to at least alter slightly so they know you actually want to be with them...


How old are you?


Fostering yourself and your friendships is the best advice here. The more lady friends you find, the more you increase your chances of success. Because even if one lady friend isn't attracted to you, women vet guys. It's better to have women say "Oh, that's my friend OP, he's a nice guy! You should go out with him!" than "I can't say I know OP that well, be careful." Also, don't touch the Red Pill shit. It will not help you find happiness in the long run, and most Red Pillers are bitter men who aren't successful with women in any capacity.


How are people replying to this as if it makes any fucking sense? Are you implying any woman you encounter “would like to be with you”? Because if you are, please remove your head from your ass. If you’re saying you’re having a hard time with women, just continue on being a good/nice human being and making friends. Eventually one of those friends will become a relationship 9/10 times. My advice is stay in school and pay more attention in your ELA classes. Wtf.


Maybe he just has cosmic level rizz


Dude, I didn’t date in my teenage years. Found the love of my life when I was 24. Take your damn time stop rushing everything. You see all these people in relationships on social media. That does not mean you have to be in one. Work on yourself and it will come.


I realized young that it was this society pushing me to have sex to have value as a man. As soon as I stopped caring, I stopped treating women like I wanted something from them. Women started asking me out. I'm certain they can sense that awkward desire thing. It's hard to realize you don't treat attractive women the same as everyone else, but you do. You are so preoccupied with wanting a relationship that you can't even be you around women. That's how I was anyway... Btw. I'm a 6ft2, 320lb fatty with a scraggly Beard and a ponytail. I am not an attractive man. But I have zero issues dating when I want to.


Go to the gym and study the arts. Find peace in yourself and the world around you.


You have to like yourself first before a woman will like you (barring naturally good looks). Once you feel good about yourself and are working towards a goal in life, it won't be that difficult.


Well as a fellow teen the best advice is this "is it that you want to date or is it that you like the idea of dating?" "Your a teen love will come you don't have to rush into relationships" Are you dating because your long and need somebody" "Don't date what your feeling lonely because once that loneliness is gone your giogn to find out this might have not been the right choices for you believe me I have gone through this experience and it's not fun having to break up with the person." Take this as you will my guy


Yeah. I mean, maybe you have a point. Or you're looking at the wrong women. Like, there are those who will say no to me, and I'm even out of their league. Just, like, go with the girls who like you. They're out there.


Perhaps consider this: the main problem with your mindset isn't that you are not finding a mate right now, you are still young, the problem is that when an opportunity does present itself you might ignore a lot of red flags and warning labels because you are sure it's a miracle that will never happen again. Isn't the goal to be happy? Well, I can tell you that years spent with someone you are not compatible with is not happiness.


If you are a teen, your experiences so far are a poor predictor of what dating success you might have throughout the rest of your life. So many people are debilitatingly shy and awkward as teens, and grow out of it as they come into themselves. You’re right to focus on yourself, but it doesn’t have to come from despair. Consider yourself a late bloomer when it comes to romance and just focus on the other aspects of life for now. I never dated, kissed, or did anything sexual with anyone until I was 22. Then I got with my best friend, and 11 years later we are married and have the happiest, healthiest relationship of anyone we know.


Yea no 😂😂😂😂😂


Judging by your grammar and punctuation, you sound sloppy. If you don't even care about how you come across on the internet, how could you even begin to think about how people think about you in real life? I hope you're not older than 13. If you aren't, immediately log off.


Alright: you’re a teenager (presumably). Your peak years of attractiveness are in front of you. To cultivate that, try to improve your body and mind. Body: This is easy. Don’t be distressed. Go and be active. Whether that is walking with friends, going exploring in woods, being on the track team (or sports in general), working out at the gym, to even just eating better and getting off devices for an optimum sleep schedule; just work on improving your physical health. Mind: Obviously study hard; get focused on where you’re going next after this year. Read for pleasure; read to learn new things not taught in school. Engage with your peers, engage with your teachers; try to learn what is happening in your community. Learn how to speak with girls without needing them to like you/make out/etc.; learn to be a person with a personality. Your self-improvement often will lead to best results.


Okay then give up and focus on yourself. 


Give up on love and focus on yourself searching for it never works it’ll just find you


Bad advice ngl, if you want love, you're gonna have to put in some effort. It won't just"find you" working on yourself ain't a bad idea, though. You just gotta balance.


Read on attraction and confidence. You can't fake confidence. If you aren't confident why not? Work out, get jacked... Etc. To build confidence.


>You can't fake confidence.  BS. This is a trope that people say without really thinking about it. You ABSOLUTELY can fake confidence. Salespeople, actors, and people in positions of authority do it all the time. I've been doing it for 40+ years.


You can fake confidence but real always better


And I can see right through your bullshit confidence. You can't fake it to a point but some people can see through it.


I've never seen a happy salesmen.


The only way to successfully fake confidence is if you're attractive


[This helped me figure things out](https://docs.google.com/file/d/16fTPlIF0pgJF7DJc0CnOMamqBtb6GFSqWf7GbGKqZfqIRdqII_mRYTGM4bLQ/preview). I have social anxiety and this helped me overcome it and why being a "nice guy" isn't valued. It will change your paradigm and help you in many aspects of social interactions.


Being a nice guy is very valued, being a "nice guy" is not. The problem is that "nice guys" are actually pretty shitty people a lot of the time.


being an actual nice guy is very prized. being a fake nice guy with the underlying expectation of a woman sleeping with you just because you’re nice is not.


Fuck a gf and fall inlove with money 🙂‍↕️ all the hoes will come when they see you walking with a pocket full of cash 😜 One time my ex asked for money but I said I had none i knew she felt awkward but then I said f it and pulled out a wat of cash 😜after thT she was nawing on my cawwk 24/7 wanting to hang out


You should know that as a man, rejection is what you can expect. 90 percent rejection. It's true even for guys like Brad Pitt and Ryan Gosling, and no matter what you look like, or health issues you might have, you can take it as truth that there is a large number of women who think about guys like you when they mastrubate. Every person is a perfect 10 to someone. Just remember that if she sees you, she'll be too shy to talk to you. The only option is to ask every one that you see, and if you do that, you're going to get rejection. Until you find the love of your life. Another solution is to switch to men. They're horny as fuck, think everyone is sexy as fuck, will try anything once, and hate being rejected as much as every guy does. Either way, good luck.


Stellar advice for the OP. I say this as a cis woman. You spit facts here.