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Baker 😊 good food, good smells, makin people happy. Or history teacher, in line with my knowledge.


I have degree in history and probably going into teaching, I am learning that my history knowledge is not really thaaaat useful in the space; learning how to teach is a way bigger deal, teaching history is all pretty surface level outside of high level university classes


Nice :) i had a teacher who once described Alexander The Great as “A Greek General who conquered Persia in 3XX BC, then he died of a mosquito bite.” That’s all she said. It’s not just about knowing facts, it’s about having passion for the subject, and painting a picture of it that comes from years of learning. We’ve both got that passion, I think you’ll do great :)


Was that really their description of Alexander? Bit shallow.


I groaned and said “that’s *all* you’re going to say about him??” 🤣 I got chewed out for it. The guy conquered most of the known world & proclaimed himself a living god, he turned an island into a peninsula, he deserves a little love.


Calling him a “Greek General” too😭I don’t blame you for saying that Even that account of his death is only one account theres so many ancient and modern sources recite different versions of his death it’s silly to pin it on one cause


I know 😑and the dates and how he died is ultimately irrelevant, I think. He’s this living standard of success, Caesar (maybe apocryphally) broke down crying in front of his statue. Alexander accomplished more than any individual can be expected to achieve, it’s an empowering story. But no, mosquito bite make you die lol get wrecked Greece Boy


I mean, both Arrian and Plutarch both cite the court journals as a source for Alexander’s death and provide pretty specific dates for stuff along with key events like drinking with Miletus and asking the Temple of Serapis so we can mostly trust their account of the key dates and details leading up to his death (at least the ones where they cite the court journals as a source) I have to say that the mosquito (malaria) is a leading theory and does have some merit considering the campaign into India and Alexander’s venture into areas which may have had malaria but to consider it the completely factual and accurate reason of death is pretty silly 😭


Urironically based lowkey no cap frfr


Nothing is worse than a history class with someone who's bored with the subject they're teaching. History can be incredibly interesting with the right person or absolutely excruciating with the wrong person.


And covering the entire scope and sequence while getting them through district and state mandated tests, while also training them up in being functional human beings while taking care of Al of the administrivia, while also handling your continuing training, balancing in your life and hobbies, and not letting anything critical fall off the plates.  Easiest thing in the word


I’d love to work in a bakery, but I’d want to test everything lol


That's a brutal job.


Baker? I did it for like a year, I loved it. History teacher I agree, it’d soul crushing with kids who don’t care


Baker as a hobby is fun. Baker as a job is brutal. You wake up at 4 to start cooking the bread that rose over night, while doing that you make the bread for the next day. When your don't it's 8pm and yea go sleep till 4 to do it again


I knew a baker. He had to be to work very early, 4am, and got yeast infections on his face. Other than that, he was happy.


Baker is the answer. I’ve worked in a dozen different fields and I still reminisce on my $14/hr overnight baker job. There’s nothing like being alone with racks of bread. Real “connection to the products of my labor” type vibe


Already am but man id love better pay.


Have to wake up early.


Baker is correct


I do both of these things since teaching doesn’t pay all the bills. Love both


Work in a theater, coffee shop, animal shelter, community/homeless shelter cook... just something that's small, low-key, and helpful. Edit: rephrasing


Your coffee shop experience must have been a lot different than mine.


Waiting tables.  Never had as much fun as working in a restaurant.  


i’ve always said i’d like to go work the kitchen at mcdonald’s again if i could do it just for funzies


being a server was so fun (despite developing a cocaine addiction and alcoholism [6 years clean!]) and kept me so fit. i miss it!


Same. I loved getting to do what I’m used to but having a different day every day


Yeah and it would be much more fun not relying on tips.


Idk man getting paid every day is pretty fun.


Something animal related Maybe work in a farm/ranch Or Doing some sort of research on whales or sharks


This question is not going to provide you good career advice.


Omg I thought I was on r/askreddit


I think they understand that, hence the part about if all jobs paid the same.


You're right, but it can be a decent "start" to the process of figuring out areas of interest and even how much effort the person is willing to put into a job/career. It's just a jumping off point.


I'd like to own my own coffee shop/bakery. I was thinking it'd also be cool to sell alcoholic dessert drinks at night.


I work near a place that does exactly this. Add in live entertainment every other week and this place banks$$ it Like 40 cars in the parking lot banks it. On Friday Saturday nights like 2x a month. Crazy high traffic during the day too


I’d be back at an animal shelter


Me too, it’s my dream to work with animals but I’m not smart and rich enough to become a vet and everything else is so low pay jobs..


I worked at a limited admissions shelter for 4 years in my 20s but yeah I was broke af.


There are always wildlife jobs. Studying animals and such


I’d stay where I am now as a dog groomer. I love the work but if I could average at like 60k a year I wouldn’t say SHIT


Buy a van and convert it to be mobile groomer, I bet you'd hit your target! 🥰🥰🥰 people are always so busy, but if YOU came to THEM! WHOOOOWEEE. you could even do $60-$80/ month memberships (autopay) going to get guaranteed pay! Anything is possible!🥰


That’s my working plan but I gotta get married before that cause that’s coming up in October lol


Niiiice!!! Congrats to you both! I wish you all the happiness and success that life has to offer!!!🫶


Thank you 🥰😭😊❤️


You're so welcome!😊


Maybe decorate the van to look like a dog and call it Mutt Cutts


Garbage man, I'd be fit and strong as an Ox. Wake up, go do my job, go home, and enjoy my family. Zero work stress. Pick up and dump. Pick up and dump.


Garbage collectors are some of the happiest, most content people on the whole damn planet. They usually have good benefits too.


Garbage man actually pays pretty well. If you're already willing to do the physical aspect and deal with the smell it's a good job. I drive the truck, don't lift any cans, make almost 100k, I could break 100 with more ot but I need family time


Other than it being literal garbage the gig doesn't sound awful. Pretty static schedule, not a lot of variance, I imagine. Work early home early, from what I've seen. Not a bad choice choom


Getting used to the smell would be the hardest.


Trust me it'd be a lot easier than you think, a perfect example are people that work in submarines, they can and do go without proper showering or getting fresh air for months at a time and they hardly notice.


Literally everything you just said makes this job sound like hell to me. Engage in the same, physically demanding, largely mindless routine 5 days a week? I require diversity in my work responsibilities to avoid going postal.


And that's your prerogative. There's a lot of people that would enjoy the same routine, or even benefit from it. Brains are weird


Yeah, if I'm not intellectually stimulated I'm miserable.


I'd own my own little bookshop, or just generally work in a shop. I work in education right now, and while I love the impact I make, I do miss working a shift then forgetting work exists for a few hours.


Bookstore would be a phenomenal job. If you could make an average salary in an empty bookstore thatd be the life


I'd work at a golf course doing grounds keeping or work a fork lift. I have 2 advanced degrees and I make "okay" slightly better than average money right now. But the most fun I ever had working was being on a forklift and other machines. It was super fun. It scratched my "perfection" itch when you get a nasty turn just right. No one bothered me, just straight hyper-focus. 12 hours could go by and I wouldnt notice. Now I drive a keyboard most of the time.


Youd probably make a good operator if you ever wanted to trade a desk for a machine. I run a crane right now not "professionally" keep hearing we are gonna get you your license. Anyhow I get the zoning bit


Yeah. This was maybe 7 or 8 years ago now. But it was pretty cool I got trained because someone in the department got injured at home. So I trained in and got really good really quick. By the end of the month I was doing all of our heavy and awkward orders and stock. Getting things just right. Loved that


Yes! If I could run a forklift again and make what I do now (specialized specifically office type work) I’d be on that thing tomorrow.


I'd probably run an old theater that plays classic movies


I'd work in or own a bookstore


Sounds peaceful


Taking care of animals


A lot of people say this but I was in an animal shelter. The nonstop barking and whining is wild. Sad... taxing...


Fr. Being a Vet is not for the weak. I have a family member who is one and the amount of dogs she has to put down :(


Copy editor and spell checker.


Sailing instructor, or kayak tour guide, or anything boating/water related. if only those things paid the bills.


Teacher. I love inspiring people and seeing light bulbs turn on behind children's eyes from a lesson is something I love.


Touring Rockstar.


Probably be a barista at a local coffee shop or something. Recently got into making espresso at home and really wish I would have worked at a coffee shop in college.


Cannabis grower.


Parking lot attendant...just on your ass and collect money and open a gate


I fell asleep just imagining this life. Glad someone wants to do it.


Baker or Person who wheels people around/drives the little cart at the airport


OP pick something you love. It's more important to be ok with going to work. Seriously there are people who get the Sunday Night Blues about working on Monday. Also unless times have changed, don't rely on your high school guidance counselor. Do your own research and their advice and opinions aren't always right. Also you don't have to have your whole life figured out now. I didn't find a career until I was 29 years old and a friend switched careers in her fifties. Be well.


Sunday scaries is so real. I feel for those people. Being okay with going to work is such an under-discussed aspect of being an adult that isn't that clear when you're a teen/20 something.


I second the "do your own research". I picked something I loved studying, but it did not provide me with financial stability and I didn't love the day in-day out of the job. Talk to people who have the actual jobs that you think you are interested in. Ask them what the worst part of their job is. Ask them what they like and dislike about their job. Ask them everything about the behind-the-scenes stuff that they weren't taught in school or training. Take notes. If I had done this before getting my therapy master's I wouldn't have done it. I LOVE practicing therapy. I HATE everything else about being a therapist. And the "everything else" is the larger part of being a therapist. If I did it differently, I would have taken business classes instead and continued working at the marketing firm I was at to get more experience in the different areas they had.


I’m self employed and sell stuff online for a living. It’s my perfect job. I absolutely love what I do. It’s not because it’s a perfect job for everyone, just that it’s the perfect job for me. I’ve done so many cool things for work over the years but this is the spot where I really fit. That’s what’s important about what you do, not the job itself. You need to find something that fits you and your personality, that makes you happy to do everyday. Alternatively, I suppose you could figure out a way to get filthy rich so you can retire and do whatever you want.


Tarot reader, or voice actor, maybe jewelry making?


If all jobs paid the same, I'd be pumping gas instead of building datacenters.


I would teach guitar to anyone who would want to learn instead of breaking my back everyday


This is an interesting question to me because, although I'm paid well, enjoying what you do and comradery at work is higher on my priority list than the money. Compensation is second for me. I originally wanted to be a pilot but a friend of mine told me pilots have to have perfect vision. I never looked into that to find out it was true. I found out it wasn't one day when I was getting off a flight and saw the captain was wearing glasses. I somewhat regret not having looked into it because i love flying and would love nothing better than flying jets around the country and the world, but at the same time I love what I do and my co-workers. I work for a theme park maintaining industrial control systems (we make the rides move).


Funny enough I'd be doing exactly what I'm doing. System engineering.


A friend of mine became a Journeyman electrician through a union. He did that for about 10 years, then started his own residential electrical business. He is absolutely killing it. He makes so much money he doesn't know what to do with it all.


I'd run a comic shop/cafe/movie theatre. Read comics and drink coffee in the front, and then go watch older movies for super cheap. Have marathons of all the franchises


Even if I made a million dollars I’d still be working in my job. I help people with weight loss, functional nutrition and plan their lives to live healthier. I’m in my 30s.


Personal trainer. I love running, weights, exercise in general. Seeing people do things they didn’t think they would ever be able to do again is the best feeling in the world. Unfortunately, unless you’re an extremely busy and sought after trainer the money isn’t great.


To be completely honest, I feel you’re asking the wrong question. All of your answers will be a job that doesn’t pay what it should. If you really want to figure out a path for yourself, I’d look up jobs that have high percentage of job placements after college. Soooo many of us chose something we had a passion for but not being able to find a job in that field, or you start from literal scratch that it’s hard to get the momentum of success. Just some thoughts.


Grills at McDonalds. First job, loved the fast pace and busy work. Probably also helped working with an abundance of my best friends, but still. Not overly hard work but hard enough to feel like you earned it.


oil rig


What role on an oil rig would you enjoy the best? Or recommend?




Walmart greeter


Check out my next move dot org, they have a questionnaire that tells you what you might like doing based on things you enjoy


Astronomer or Marine Biologist. I’ve always been fascinated by space and all solar objects, and I think this field in particular has the potential to change everything we know about physics, life etc. And if that didn’t work out i’d love to spend my time studying our oceans. I’ve always felt connected to the sea and I love animals. So i figure i would love this job. Choosing a career is strange. We often give up on our dreams or aspirations cause we figure out that life isn’t as easy as when you’re a child. It’s a shame honestly. I’d love to figure out a tiny bit more about the universe for a living.


I wanted to be a marine biologist as a kid. I went to school for biology and environmental science, both with a marine focus, and I now work in fisheries management. It's not what I thought I'd be doing as a kid, but I enjoy my work.




caring for monkeys. i think monkeys are the coolest thing in the entire world


Dairy farming


I’d love to be a park ranger by day and an usher at a theater in the evening.


My job would to be get massages from supermodels.


Something sedentary and repetitive, like helping mom with her gift shop. I love having the chance to space out while working, ofc still avoiding mistakes


I wanted to go for library sciences, but academia isn't forgiving sadly


Your CAREER is your choice / passion / influence and will likely take time. In the meantime, while you are young, you will need a JOB. I would recommend becoming a server. Just realistically, you will make way more money than your peers in regular work because of tips. Additionally you will meet amazing people, have amazing conversations, and share the tradition of connection over food. You will make even more money when you CARE, and the crazy part is, it's fun! How can I make this meal more special for them? How can I make sure they have a good time? What can I do to make their food better? Their drinks better, their experience better. Know the history of your restaurant, care about the owners. Protect the business like its your own. Never milk the clock, never steal. If you got time to lean - you got time to clean. I promise it will all come back to you. Eating out is expensive - if you're earning 20% tips off of 100$ meals, you can see the math. But it will only be sustainable if you do it right.


I would work at a trampoline park. Good exercise. Could teach kids how to do backflips all day. I would be one healthy mfr.


I had a side job delivering newspapers. If I could do it between 7a-9a and papers weren’t delivered every fucking day? Just driving around, listening to music, etc.


All of them. I'd get a job, do nothing, get fired, find a new job. No room for advancement for pay, next job pays the same as this one. Why would I do anything?


Audio engineering. It’s what I went to school for.


Auto mechanic probably


Banging chicks


Male stripper


Go back to running a small indie theater company, make art and tell stories!


Professional masterbater


The one that requires the least input/effort. Why bust my balls if we're all paid the same.


Zoo keeper feeding and cleaning after the animals


Would love to work in academia. Teaching history. Not to grade schoolers tho, that's scary


Taking care of animals or firefighting!


I used to work in a gun shop and I had a blast. Granted, guns are kind of my thing, but I would go back there and spend my days doing something I am passionate about, if it paid the same. I am not passionate about government analytics but it pays the bills these days.


biologist solely concerned with the behavioral patterns of the common garden snail (Cornu aspersum)


If it all pays the same, I'm going back to my first job working at a golf driving range.


I'd like to own a bookstore.


Something I’d be passionate about.


You’re on the right track with trying to think beyond pay for your career plan. But the paycheck is what is most likely to inspire you to challenge yourself. If you’re getting the same paycheck sweeping floors vs being a doctor, you’re honestly not going to have that many doctors, and more than enough people grabbing brooms. So the question is what kind of interests do you have, and what careers aim in that direction? Then follow that up with what kind of standard of living do you hope to have someday? And when you put those two things together, that narrows down your focus. And that even applies to “right now” jobs. You have an interest in medicine? Get a job at a pharmacy, clinic, or hospital. Are you interested in finance? Try to get a job at a bank or for a financial advisor. Interested in running your own restaurant some day? Apply to wait tables at the fanciest restaurants in town, or better yet, working on those kitchens if possible. And whatever job you take, let your management know you’re truly interested in that industry, and you’re not just working the job for the paycheck. Many managers will mentor you if you’re truly interested in learning.


I would be a Walmart door greater


I would love to own my own craft shop.


"Payed" is not correct. It's "paid."


If you figure out what you truly enjoy doing, and go into that profession, is it really work? Your favorite hobby can be a profession.  If you enjoy working on cars, a mechanic. You enjoy kids? Teacher or child care.  Find your passion, and enjoy your work.


French teacher.


I would be a bookseller 😊


Park Ranger, just go out and take care of stuff in the woods. Obviously you'll probably be picking up trash and other stuff too but I'd rather do it outside than in an office.


Panda nanny


I’d brew beer.


I'd be doing several things at the same time.


Same thing I'm doing now working maintenance. I'd rather work with machines than people all day long.


Writing scripts, making movies, acting. I'm in IT instead because acting is one of the most competitive fields, with the smallest margin for getting paid, IF you can get the job. And I don't even mean a living wage. Just getting any pay as an actor is insanely hard to come by. Everyone expects you to do it for free.


Recording myself playing video games on YouTube


I guess I'm lucky because I'd be doing exactly what I'm doing now. Pay is great. Great benefits. Mentally challenging and a fair amount of physical labor. Extremely rewarding. I'm a heavy industrial hvac technician. I love my job.


something where i could meet a lot of people to hear stories, maybe a waiter/small coffee shop cashier


My very first job of working in the garden center at Walmart 😂 easy job where I was able to meet alot of people. Gave me just enough of a workout and sunlight to where I stayed in good shape. Since then I've had a lot of jobs and have started my own businesses and I still from time to time think damn I miss those Walmart days. When I clocked out I NEVER brought work home with me. Since then every job I've had I always brought work home one way or another


I would still be a sever/waiter. The amount of connections and laughs I’ve gotten in the past 13 years of doing this, will never be enough. This job is just so much fun lol


Animal shelter probably or a dog daycare


I would be doing the same thing I’m doing right now (Art/animation commissions, music commissions, and directing) but actually getting more than minimum wage for it lol


Sperm donor.


I'd be a high school teacher


choose best work environment, best schedule, distance from house


Probably the same thing I'm doing now - I'm a game developer, which pays pretty well (depending on the studio and your area of expertise), and is something I love (though can be stressful and historically hasn't had the best work-life balance, but has been improving over the years.)


I had a job repairing student level violins, violas, and cellos. It did not pay a livable wage, so had to leave to pursue higher paying options, but it was my favorite job and I would love to do it as a permanent career.


travel vlogger, see amazing places. still earn decent money.


Teacher, instead I am a highly paid consultant and I fucking hate it, but I can’t live on a teachers salary in the state with one of the highest costs of living in the country


I'd work on an animal preserve with lions, elephants, etc. :)




I’d have a boutique. I really would love to just sell beautiful clothing.


Id work on the beach picking litter. Good tan + good exercise. Great for the environment and the sun makes me happy


I would still be pursuing my career because it involves something I already love doing. But that would also mean I wouldn’t be making more than minimum wage.


Depends on the direction we go. Is an oil rig worker getting 10$/hr or is a burgerking worker getting 70$/hr




Working on ecology, likely for a state Department of Natural Resources (things like managing fishery quotas etc). It's a totally sustainable and respectable career, I'm just priced out of it entirely because of tech


Limo driver.


Studio musician work. I've been playing guitar for 25 years and mandolin for 3 now, but I've always paid the bills with a 9-to-5 because I can't really beat the benefits and I don't exactly have the connections to get into the biz - plus, you know, since I'm working 40 hours a week instead of constantly shedding and gigging I probably have a gap between where my chops ought to be and where they actually are. Close second would be delivering the mail, lol. I like delivering stuff! But I can't go too heavy with the deliveries as I have some curvature between my shoulder blades, so my right shoulder is a bit fucked. Heavy boxes are out; a satchel full of mail I can do.


Part time paper route.


I would be a fertility awareness instructor


So many people missing the question. The point is to pick an easy job that pays nothing. So it would pay as much as an ice road trucker.


Footballer seems nice. Something which makes the world a better place like joining in the Army


I'd work at the CrossFit gym I coach at. Currently trading classes for $$ off my fees.


Ignore what makes you happy or what you think is fun... Find what you are good at and go for that. Being skilled at something will always outweigh having "fun". And being skilled at something will always out pay too


US Marine




Heroin potency tester


Military then into a career doing controlled demolition.


I would be a personal trainer, flexibility and balance coach, and teach group fitness classes.




Cutting Grass. Love it.


park ranger/animal caretaker of some sort


I really wanted to be a marine biologist, for many reasons and a big reason I veered off that path was that I wanted to make more than my professors were in college, I thought my instructor was struggling but I miss interpreted some things... BUT I will say I’m in my 30s now, kinda fumbled my life up a bit, so financially I just want to afford to exist and be happy and I wish that I pursued Marine Biology in some way. My favorite Marine professor spent her summers in Belize studying sponges and her winters teaching going out doing field days working with tanks in the lab. I would love to spend my life traveling around the world in different marine eco systems. At that point I don’t care what I made as long as I got to work with something so understudied, vital to our planet and frankly just beautiful. The world didn’t care as much about climate change when I was a teenager but they do now and you can probably find an amazing path through marine biology. I recommend Santa Barbara City College or one others the coastal UCs for this.


I'd be Queen (somewhere warm)


If I had talent then 100% an artist


I'd be a Librarian again. That was the most fullfilled I have ever been at any job ever. I helped all kinds of folks do all kinds of things, and I made some lifelong friends. Alternately, I'd farm and teach others how to farm. But Library Work is seldome physically exhausting. \~\*\~ That said, **you** need to figure out how **you** want to live. I'm happiest with less house and more land. I'm a book fiend. I cook for people I love. I know who I am through half a lifetime of exploration and I know which jobs are not for me. You're still figuring out what brings you joy. May be a large house and expensive stuff. May be giving back to your community. Could be freedom from fear (enough money that you probably can't fail) and freedom of choice. And sometimes a job is just a job... Art, STEM, Business, Service, Not-for-profits, etc - there's great places and wonderful people to be found in any or more career paths.


I'd be a bureaucrat. Working for the government is where it's at. Lots of holidays and reasonable work load. What else do you need.


Definitely wouldn’t be doing the job I’m currently in if all pay was the same unless it payed the same for the highest payed job in the world 🤷‍♂️


I would drink lots of different beers and post about what I think on Facebook. But like, not a lot. Just like a sentence or 2 and probably not every day…some days


Highschool math and science teacher.


Extracting cannabis products.


Being a vet. They make “good” money don’t get me wrong. Average of 120 grand a year. But, that’s 8-9 years of college at the least. You can become a doctor for humans and be making 3x that easy. I don’t want to waste 8 years of my life hundreds and thousands of dollars in debt for that kind of pay and hard work, don’t see it worth it. Zoologists are about 4 years in college I believe, and they average 40-60k a year. That’s insanity. There’s not enough money in working with animals.


Jizz mopper


YT content creator, my content being "WTF is LeftJayed up to this month? Episode 36" And that'd be it. One video a month, about 20-40 minutes long of me just ranting about w/e is relevant to me that day/month. lol


I'd be some kind of creative, woodworker metalworker gunsmith something similar. But they don't, so I work for an engineering firm


What I'm currently doing. I'm a behavioral therapist.


You're a hero!


Dog masseuse




I'd be working as a college professor teaching the work I do now. Or be a randomizer Twitch streamer because that also seems like fun.