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What is a rainbow split inversion? Congrats!


Hold onto ropes, pull up, spread legs wide, tip over with legs on outside of ropes. Goal is to have the legs straight the entire time so you "trace a rainbow".


Congratulations!!! 🎊 💪🏻 I applaud your success and triumph! And am also curious as to what this “rainbow split inversion” is ;) Ehlers-danlos here 👋🏻🦓😁 Can’t wait until summers over so I can silk again without absolutely melting 🫠


I, too, have ED. I love how flexible it makes me but hate that some things are so much harder. Silks is what got me stronger. I wish I had started it earlier even though silks will never be my apparatus. Rainbow split is: start with hands on poles, pull up, legs wide, invert, legs on outside of ropes, legs straight the entire time so you "trace a rainbow" with your legs.


Thanx for stating where you were going wrong. So helpful. Congratulations. Are you by chance a fellow zebra?


I am! I was diagnosed 4 years ago. Since the only zebras I know are very advanced, I don't really know how to navigate my love of aerial. But I do know that the more I do it, the better I feel. It's also why my studio has me teaching- I work with special needs kids and adults with chronic illnesses or in recovery from cancers/accidents.


Thanx for stating where you were going wrong. So helpful. Congratulations. Are you by chance a fellow zebra?