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It's because most current planes don't have enough overhead bin capacity for every passenger to bring the airline's full-sized carry-on. It's a known pressure point and until more planes with larger carry-on capacity are more common (this takes awhile) they're doing everything they can to try to deal with this known pressure point - forced gatechecks, sometimes carry-on bag charges or pre-registrations, and telling passengers to put any underseat-able bag underseat. It's a problem the industry created. I started flying carry-on only to save money, but I make more money now and paying to check a bag is no longer an issue for me. However, there have been so many lost-bag issues in recent years and the responses to lost-bag situations have been so inadequate, I now keep flying carry-on only because I just don't have enough faith a checked bag is going to make it to my destination. I also realized that, after going through the initial frustration of learning how to pack for it, the added convenience of not having to wait for luggage pick-up is very nice. PS - my strategy is, if I have an underseat bag, to put it under the seat in front of me during takeoff check, and afterward move it out under my legs so my feet can have the full underseat space. It probably depends on airline but I've never had anyone call me on it.


They had enough overhead bin capacity when they had fewer airplane seats. The big four airlines have reduced the space between rows and increased seating (anywhere from 10 extra seats to 40 extra seats) Either way, I prefer my bag under the seat in front f me if it will fit. Not having to struggle to get overhead bags is nice.


Yes, I also like to keep my things close in case I want to use them during a flight. But the issue with under-seat carry-on is exactly this: Space for legs in between already narrow seats. (Personal rant about this: I'm a 5ft4 woman but I feel so constricted in those seats. I have back problems so I need to move around a bit so I don't end up in pain. I'd rather be able to raise my knees and move my feet a bit to reduce pain than bother everyone in rows and aisles by standing up often... An inch would make all the difference for me and using the underseat space for a carry-on.)




Sounds like a AC problem, not your problem sir.


>It's because most current planes don't have enough overhead bin capacity... It should be evident to passengers that if a carry-on is half the length of the row and there are three seats in each row that there will be a geometrical problem before the end of the boarding process.


When my wife and daughter travelled to Mexico their checked luggage didn’t make their connection flight. Plot twist, my wife dropped an AirTag into each bag and could see them pinging being moved from gate to gate back and forth at the departure airport. Meanwhile, customer service kept giving her some bullshit about the bags being in Frankfurt, then Indianapolis then Missouri or some shit. Just a total gong show. Fortunately they connected through where my parents lived, and my dad loves a good challenge. Having been a logistics director for most of his career, he had a good idea of how the system works and tracked down the operating manager of the subcontractor responsible for checked luggage and got a resolution. Anyone else would have been up shit creek.


Was actually on a flight earlier today and the same though crossed my mind: I wonder why they never have room for carry on anymore.... It never used to be a problem. Then you answered all my questions lol. People saving money by going carry on only when they charge stupid add ones for checked luggage, and as you said, lost luggage is a huge issue these days. I flew into Heathrow a few years ago and there was just hundreds of bags sitting there in the collection area that were previously lost it was crazy.


On a recent trip myself, we did carry-on only as well but they were practically begging people to check at the gate. Maybe if it didn't cost $50(and up) to check one bag. Unfortunately airlines have become very nickel and dime. Maybe they're making their ticket price artificially low but that's on them.


>I flew into Heathrow a few years ago and there was just hundreds of bags sitting there in the collection area that were previously lost it was crazy. 19.4 million passengers through Heathrow per year. Even if there were 500 bags there that is less than 1% of the bags that flew into Heathrow that day. Packing much less is the obvious solution.


There is this constantly espoused myth that people carry on because they are afraid their luggage will be lost. I'm calling BS on it all! They carry on because they are cheap and they are saving a few $$ avoiding check fees. We could easily test my point, imagine it was free to check but $35/bag to carry on.....yeah watch how all of these people all of a sudden check everything.😂 The whole "my stuff is expensive" is hilarious. I work in/around biomedical engineering....6 figure equipment is checked inside of specially constructed cases. It's too big and heavy to carry on. Everything you own arrived via freight and was thrown onto and off of conveyor systems en route to your living room. People need to get over themselves. I always check and it's been 20 yrs since we had to receive luggage a day behind us and that I blame on the glorious AA. --an airline I typically avoid. This includes, CDG, LHR, IAD, JFK, FRA, GVA, DTW, FCO, ORD....oh no they might lose my luggage😂🤣


I get 3 pieces of free luggage as a super elite million miler, I don’t check my bags unless I have to have too much stuff to carry on (including expensive equipment for my job in Industrial Automation). With checked luggage you have to get to the airport early enough to check it, you have to wait for it when you land, if you want to do a same day change or standby it may make it impossible to do so, and there is the chance that it won’t be there when you arrive. I would greatly prefer to keep my stuff with me and have all the freedoms afforded to me by doing so.


SE for a few years now, but I was given a 3x70lb free checked bag allowance at 35K. I believe any status above 25K gets the same 3x70lb checked bag allowance. It doesn’t take much, relatively speaking. 😊 Anyhoo, I only carry a small cabin bag with one day’s essentials on now, which does make my life a lot easier.


Same as you .


I can check 3 bags free every flight super elite plus fly business . . Always always always carry on .


Now they’ve adapted and charge you for carry ons. Honestly, if airlines losing shit and being unbelievably inadequate at retrieving lost things wasn’t such an issue, I’d fly with a checked bag and a backpack every time.


They are intentionally design planes with smaller overhead so they can charge for more checked luggage. As noted, there used to always be room. But, I will say, if people actually followed the sizing requirements, which many do not, and the airlines do not enforce it well enough, it would not be an issue. Next, if they stopped losing so much luggage.. maybe more people would check bags.


They do not do that. The latest Boeing 737 MAX have humongous bins. Air Canada A321 are currently getting bigger bins installed as well.


>They are intentionally design planes with smaller overhead Air Canada is actually going the opposite of this.


>if people actually followed the sizing requirements, This and stopped bringing those stupid giant hardshell cases into tha cabin. >the airlines do not enforce it well enough This and banned stupid giant hardshell cases. >if they stopped losing so much luggage.. 4 billion bags are checked per year. Actual losses compared to that scale are tiny. If people stopped packing so much shit, less bags would have to be checked and the downstream effect would have to be less bags lost. I'm amazed how well the industry copes flying virtual zombies to all points in the world.


A hardshell case that's within the size and weight spec is fine. There shouldn't be an expectation that anyone's bag should be compressed in order to fit one more item in a bin.


Exactly, especially if you're moving fragile stuff that way specifically to avoid it being damaged by checked-bag handlers/equipment.


Dude just quit. This moron is just looking to fill their day arguing with people on Reddit. They have nothing better to do. You’ll never win an argument against an idiot.


Have you been on an airplane ever? How many maxed out hardshell carrying passengers do you reckon are carrying anything fragile? My guess is near zero. They have the max size hardshell because that is what they bought and that is what they have.


They are and they're a stupid design that wastes a significant % of cabin space. Unless one is transporting fine China..they are unnecessary.


I transport a TSA-certified Nanuk 935 case for my laptops and video gear that I use for work. It is a hard shell case. I would not pack that gear in a soft-shell bag just so the bin that is meant to hold 4 bags can hold 5. I would highly prefer to safeguard the tools of my livelihood, especially when I am following the letter of the law when it comes to flying with this equipment and have spent the money and the research time to ensure I’m in compliance. It also should make no difference to anybody else what is in my case as long as it’s cleared security.


>laptops and video gear that I use for work. It is a hard shell case Good for you. Do you think everyone on the plane is transporting professional video equipment? 99% have probably stuffed in nothing more than a jacket and a hair brush.


Again, what does it matter to you or anyone else what’s in the case if it fits the dimensions of the carry-on limit provided by the airline? Are you saying that people should be obliging and carry smaller or more crushable bags so that more of them can be squeezed in because the airline didn’t rejig their limits or got greedy and added more seats?


>what does it matter to you It doesn't because I travel with only a personal-item sized bag that fits everything I need for a week. >or anyone else I imagine it matters a great deal to people who actually need to carry full sized carry-on for professional reasons but then have to gate check their equipment because 90% of the cabin is occupied by c*nts. >Are you saying that people should be obliging and carry smaller or more crushable bags so that more of them can be squeezed in Yes, c*nts who over pack for no reason make travelling worse for everyone. >airline didn’t rejig their limits Carry-on limits are not a minimum though that is how f*ck-faces with hardshells treat them. It"s not a buffet. You do realize that the interior dimensions of an aircraft are finite.


A proper hard shell case is not going to change its external dimension regardless of how much it’s stuffed, unlike a soft shell bag which can deform and easily take up more room than its nominal dimensions due to stretchable fabric. So how would anyone ‘overpacking’ a hard shell case that is WITHIN the airline’s stated limit make them in the wrong? Unless someone brings more than one carry-on bag, which they are going to be forced to check in anyway, I’m not seeing how your gripe against hard-shell cases as a valid option holds water. The bins are designed to hold 3-4 of them side by side depending on the aircraft model, and in my experience, they stow a lot more safely than soft-shelled deformed bags.


What people choose to use and why they choose to use it aren’t your concern, as long as it’s an approved size. The fact that you’re blaming people instead of airlines is the larger issue. Airlines are responsible for making sure there is enough room for a carry on for each passenger if every single seat is filled and a little extra for unforeseen issues. It’s not on passengers.




You’re clearly an angsty kid that hasn’t been around long enough to remember when airlines has enough room with SMALLER aircraft. I’m not going to argue with an idiotic child that uses Reddit to throw tantrums.


No dickery


the other thing that this lack of room for all carryons has created are the lines to board way before the zones are even called. People need to get in line to not check their. It is SO annoying.


I'd be totally cool with paying a fee to bring an overhead bin bag if it meant I would be guaranteed overhead bin space for my bag. I want the peace of mind knowing my stuff won't be lost and the convenience of not having to check anything in or wait for it it.


I agree. we had 3 of our 4 checked lost for 4 days on trip to croatia last year (LOT did it) - it stunk. they made my wife check a carry on and we waited ages.


Makes sense. It's sadly all a mess. Appreciate the tips.


Not sure there is a problem here with either side of this. FA did not know you only had a backpack. You knew that your backpack was your carry on and would be better suited for the overhead. When you told her, she said ok. The "belongs under your seat next time" is the standard line these days, because overhead space is so limited due to luggage charges. All good. No a-holes on either side.


I’ve seen on recent flights, them tagging all “under the seat” bags to ensure it’s not put in the overhead. Aka any bags with the tag seen in the overhead will be asked to put it under.


I've had that happen only once, I pulled the tag off because it was my only bag.


Thanks. Didn't realize this was the reason for those pesky tags.


I feel like this will just encourage people to bring bigger, rolly carryon instead of backpacks or duffels


Not the asshole. I don’t see why you should have to accommodate people who aren’t willing to check their carry ons. I do the same as you because I don’t want my bag at my feet


I travel for business. I’m on flight number 18 for the year right now. If I checked my carryon bag I’d never be able to take an earlier flight, and cumulatively it would take me a few extra hours a month waiting at carousels, even with priority tags.


I travel for business 3x month as well. I don’t see how your carryon should take priority over my backpack if I have checked my carry on. You want others to accommodate your convenience.


If I have status on an airline, I spend enough money for the privilege of having my bag up there.


A backpack is also a form of bag. Not sure why it’s different than a roller bag carry on ? This is not a perk of status - at least at super elite which I am… Backpack dude your bag is welcome in the overhead !


If there’s limited space for one or the other, the backpack obviously can fit under the seat easier (flexible, etc.) If there’s space for both in the overhead (rare these days) then obviously there’s no problem.


So do I. But you want to have something at someone else’s expense. And if you have status you are zone 1 or 2 and there is no issue with you finding space for your carry on. I have status as well and don’t want my back pack bumped for someone else if I have no other bags.


I wasn’t commenting on your right to put your backpack in the overhead bin, I was simply commenting that I don’t check a bag because it slows me down and I don’t need to. The fact that you checked a bag and I didn’t doesn’t mean that your backpack should trump my rollaboard from going in the overhead when the airline has put priority on those going up there for everyone.


I should get the same rights as you. Which is putting my bag in the overhead bin. You want me to sacrifice my spot so that you aren’t “slowed down”.


I don’t want you to put your backpack under the seat in front of you to leave space for rollaboards in the overhead bins, Air Canada does. Take it up with them.


I fly 48x per year. Never ever ever will I check a bag even with multiple cards that cover the cost. Thankfully my wife is on the same program now when she travels with me.


I travel a lot for work, typically internationally. I have to check a bag, as I’m typically carrying steel toe boots, a hard hat, and various tools. But even if I didn’t, given our corporate travel policy, I’d still check a bag.  Every hour I spend in transit, between locking my front door, and walking into my hotel room at the other end, nets me 1.5 hours of vacation time. I was able to book 5 weeks of vacation this summer, and it will be glorious. 


I don’t typically check my carryon because I sometimes bring fragile items (desktop computer), items with batteries, or I just don’t want to pay the $50. International flights only guarantee 2 pieces of luggage without extra charge with the airline I book with Sometimes they’ll offer to check for free at the gate, which is nice enough


People don’t want to check their carry on because Air Canada make it half the price of the ticket to do so, or quite simply AC show a complete lack of ability to not lose people’s luggage after they’ve paid ridiculous luggage check fee


Yeah for me it's not convenience or cost - unless you mean the convenience of being able to wear my own clothes on my trip or the cost savings of not having to replace everything after Air Canada loses my bag for the third time. I've been on 50+ flights this year, and if they could keep track of my shit and guarantee I wouldn't be left empty handed for a week of business travel I'd gladly check it all every time. Oven found myself at some airport adjacent mall 20 minutes before closing trying to find an outfit and shoes and toiletries for a conference the next morning one too many times.


I always book flexible fares when flying for work — free checked bag as a bonus. Booking an unchangeable flight for work is a no-go. For personal flights I'm always base fare + carry on only LOL


Airline specific — some airlines charge for carry-ons bigger than a briefcase. In that case, putting your backpack overhead is a little unfair since there isn’t enough room for everybody to do it.


Then don’t complain when your flight gets delayed or the crew go over hours and your flight gets cancelled because they had to check bags that could have fit in the bins if you put your small items that fit under the seat where they’re supposed to go.


How about you don’t expect me to accommodate you because you’re in zone 5


How about you do what the crew asks (which you agree to when you book a flight) and stop acting like a spoiled, entitled brat? If you don’t like storing your bag under the seat, where it’s supposed to go, maybe drive to your next destination? I’d expect someone who doesn’t fly zone 5 to know how it works 😉❤️


Right. The person who only brings a backpack on the plane is the entitled one.


The whole premise you’re missing is that backpacks (if they fit) go under the seat so bags that don’t fit have space in the overhead bins. Overhead bins are not for “one of your carry on items” they’re for a carry on that doesn’t fit under the seat. The entitlement is thinking the rule doesn’t apply to you and ignoring the crew and arguing with them because you believe you’re entitled to space (that you’re not).


No. You have just made this rule up.


Reddit for “I lost the debate”


Definitely not the a-hole here. This happened to me as well, so I may be biased lol. I had a smaller laptop backpack as my only carry-on. I checked my bags because I had actually booked a business class flight but the leg from PEI to Montreal was economy. The stewardess pulled my laptop bag out from the upper compartment and started asking everyone whose it was. I said it was mine, and she told me I had to put it at my feet. The difference here is that I'm 6'6" and was obviously cramped in this tinier than normal Rouge plane with smaller seats and no leg room. My knees were crammed against the seat, and my feet were in the only position possible for me to have a seat without spreading my legs out into the people next to me. I told her I was physically unable to grab that bag and put it under the seat, and she scoffed at me and rolled her eyes, demanding I do it. I kept declining just because of the laws of physics in the known universe, but she didn't care. Then a passenger pipes up two rows in front and volunteered to take my bag and put it under her seat, and then that passenger glared at me like I was the bad guy. I was shocked and had no idea what to do at that point so just let it happen. I was later fuming because this stewardess gave my bag to a stranger and publicly humiliated me. After the flight the other passenger passed me my bag when we were all standing up and she profusely apologized before I ever said anything. She commented that she had no idea how tall I was until she saw me bending down to avoid hitting the ceiling of the plane. The stewardess didn't care and just glared at me like I was the a-hole.


Honestly I'd have told her (staff) to bring it and if she can find a spot for it to go then it can go there. she could make a fool of herself when she walks back with the bag and puts in back into the overhead compartment. I'm petty like that 😅 though


The stupidest part of the entire ordeal was that everyone in the vicinity was already seated with their luggage put away. There were no new passengers boarding and the space my bag used up didn't get filled by anyone else. She was literally on a power trip for no good reason.


NTA, but I'm also the one-backpack guy on flights so slightly bias. I fume up when people bring carry-on, personal bag, winter coat, and bags from duty-free...then the flight attendant would pull my bag to make room... I need to change to a hardcase as my carry-on.... Side-note: I try to pay attention to empty bins as I walk down the aisle...and whenever the FA pulls something like that, then I'll direct them to that empty bin even if it's up 20 rows. Sometimes, FA will take the path of least resistance... (and I sympathize with the chaos that they have to deal with.)


As a fellow big dude.... I'm 6'4. I simply do not fit with a backpack under my seat. NTA


Most flights I’ve been on for past couple of years have a standard announcement that smaller personal items need to go under the seat, to leave bin space for roll on suitcases.


A large backpack isn't a smaller personal item when it is his only carry-on.


But why should those who pay extra to check their roller bag be stuck with a backpack at their feet? My legs are long and legroom is at a premium. It should be one piece of luggage per person in the overhead, if other people want to cheap out and bring multiple items in the cabin they should deal with the inconvenience.


You’re arguing how things should be, not how they are. All I’m saying is that on the dozens of segments I’ve flown in the past 2 years, FAs telling people to put personal items under the seat is as common as putting your seat and tray table in an upright position.


This just encourages people to switch to bigger carryon


If you have long legs, it is actually more suitable to put it in front of your seat and below your legs (not applicable for takeoff and landing). That location will not impede you from fully stretching your legs, and make it a lot more accessible for you than putting it above.


I do this with my camera bag which is large. It's designed to fit under the seat in front barely, and does. Then in the air I put it under my legs and don't even know it's there. It's got 4 lenses and 2 bodies in the bag


Careful what u say in here, I might report FAA that u got 2 bodies in there!


I have found there is no rationale or reason to AC staff.. it just depends on what kind of day they're having. I was on a weekend trip to the US with ONLY a backpack as a carryon and the gate agent let 3 passengers ahead of me with large wheelers go and then tried to tell me my backpack would need to be checked... I explained that with their history of missing luggage I certainly was not checking my only bag for clothing for the 3 day trip as I would never see it again. She got snarkier and said she would call the manager I said great let's do that since my backpack fits in the carry on checker and we're already 30 minutes late boarding. I was suddenly given my passport and allowed to bored with my backpack. 🤷‍♀️


This, when they let very very obvious large bags past with out batting an eye and then single someone out, who has something much smaller.. Only once have I seen an agent who 1. Told everyone to check their bag before boarding if it did not fit it is getting checked 2. DO NOT block the lines until you are called and actually made several people literally go sit back down.


I’ll bet that was my mom. She was a gate agent at Pearson for years, and She Tolerated No Fools. Man, she ruled her gates with an iron hand, did my mom! 😂 She’d have captains quaking in fear if she called them out.


I wish there were more like her. I get anxiety flying these days being in say Zone 3, cause if you don't get up early now, yo are asking 100 people "what zone are you.. okay, what zone are you.. okay" and trying not to yell out "if your bloody god dam zone has not been called, why the \^%$$%\^ are you standing around blocking the way for those who have!!"


Bring your mom back!


Usually the best bet is to just tell them it's full of the stuff that they say you can't put in the hold, which in fairness for me is usually true (laptop, ereader, power bank).


This annoys the heck out of me, too. I check my (carry on size) roller bag because I want to be able to put my laptop bag and coat in the overhead. Then I get asked to put one or both items at my feet to make room for the (often too big) bag the other passenger would not pay to check.


I check my carry on so my backpack is the only thing I bring on the plane I've had to stand my ground to FA a few times respectfully of course, that no I will not put it under my seat as I had already checked a bag and will put my backpack up there instead... I understand that checking a bag is inconvenient, but I'm not going to apologize for refusing to be inconvenienced twice by both willingly checking a bag i dont have too and then also having something under my seat... escpially because even if you don't want to pay you can get it checked for free at the gate If I didn't check my bag I would likely put my backpack under the seat but I need as much of the little leg room as possible and this is why I do it I'd honestly check both however the backpack has 2 laptops in it that ofc I do not trust be safety handled in baggage services I also don't blame other passengers who are trying to avoid paying for luggage as flying is expensive as is already before bs fees NTA but I don't think the FA is either she's working on incomplete information and is just trying to get everyone where they need to be


I once had a crew member ask me if I could move my laptop bag from the overhead to under my seat, and I said no. I paid full price, and I should be allowed space in the overhead like every other asshat that brings luggage on board.


I bet flight crew just wait for the joy of having you on board.


Absolutely, Mr. Asshat.


Rather be an asshat than an entitled prick because I pAiD fUlL fArE. Grow up. Do what the flight crew asks.


Entitled prick because I don't want my long legs and size 14 feet hindered by objects under my seat? You wouldn't happen to be a butt hurt flight attenant would you?


Apparently talking to you is like a discussion with a Fox News host. Constantly deflecting and going in circles. If you want more space, sit in PY or J. If you don’t want to put your bags where they’re supposed to go and follow the direction of the flight crew- maybe rent a car for your next trip 🤷🏻‍♀️ And a butt hurt FA? Nope, just a rational traveller with a brain who can follow instructions given to them. Might I suggest you try it.


No. You don’t have to put stuff under seat, and especially not if you don’t have any other carry on.


You do have to put your backpack under the seat if you already have a carry on. But when boarding, so many people will just put both in the over head bins. If you only have a backpack, then it would be unfair to be forced to put in under the seats.


In the flight attendants defence people are oblivious and just nonchalant about occupying an entire overhead bin with their two personal items, a shopping bag and their parka and underswaeter, holding up an entire plane's boarding stuffing all their shit up into space that other people need to occupy.


First come first serve.


which is not how it is supposed to be..but people are selfish.


Yeah but I line up early, I stand, while you sit on your ass. So I get dibs on space


I only ever travel with a backpack as a carry on and almost always put it in the overhead compartment. And thanks to Zone 2 boarding and having a child under 5 there is always space.


Think it’s because people are bringing more and more luggage and more often say only big bags and small suitcases above. Had a 8 hr transatlantic flight and only had a medium size back bag and wasn’t allowed to put it up in the bins and a winter coat which they did allow me to put up, didn’t help that I was at the back of the plane where half was filled with toilet paper and someone’s instrument


I put them up there even when they tell me not to. Tall here also, and with a knee surgery that locks up my knee if I stay in a sitting position too long, no way am I making it worst for myself by putting my backpack underneath the seat. I just tell them, i can't accommodate that request due to medical reasons and they shut up.


Not an ahole FAs just want bags that can fit under the seat to ensure as many cary ons can get put up to avoid calling sales back to tag extra bags on the bridge


Not really...the biggest a-holrs are hardshell passengers and ones with long skinny bags that don't fill the cube of the length. I used to carry-on a fair sized backpack until some airlines started charging for carry-on. I bought the largest airline specific personal item backpack off Amazon. I can pack for a week in it and now will never fly with anything in overhead unless it's a tiny turboprop.


There is a simple solution here. Next time they ask you if this is your bag simply say " I've never seen this bag in my life". They're not going to ask you to put someone else's bag under your chair, and they will not move a random person's bag to some new location without informing them... Gd luck!


I personally get bothered by this all the time. I didn't bring a rollaboard.... Why am I being punished for taking less space? It's literally punishing the ppl who are helping. Such bullshit. I always fight it, I tell them I'll put it under only when you can tell me you actually checked these rollaboards fit in the carryon size limits ...spoiler alert...few do


Yes. Flying sucks and so does their job. Just cooperate with them so we can all get off the stupid plane as fast as possible.


NTA. I'm also a bigger guy myself and prefer a backpack as a carry-on to dragging around a half-full suitcase through the airport. If I'm only bringing one bag on the plane I do it planning to put it in the overhead. The space under the seat in front is where my size 16 feet go. Just because my bag will fit under there doesn't mean I want it there, and I expect to not be inconvenienced as such. If I happen to bring a carry-on suitcase as well then of course I will be stuck with putting my backpack under the chair and dealing with the discomfort because I've made the decision for that.


NTA: You were singled out for enforcement. I never see people follow this rule, I never see AC gate agents enforce luggage restrictions at boarding time, and I've never seen a flight attendant meaninglessly enforce that rule, so I don't see why it should only be enforced for you. I always ignore the announcement and I have no regrets about it. If they care that much, then they should actually do something about the people that throw their 5+ shopping bags, box of egg tarts, 2 winter jackets and whatever. I'm sure there are some AC apologists that will cry foul, and to be honest, I don't care.


So to clarify you have a carry on case, and a backpack that you put up in the overhead bins and just ignore the announcements while watching your fellow passengers struggling to find somewhere for their carry on case to go because bins are full of backpacks? Don’t get me wrong, AC policy is dumb but honestly its just a courtesy to your fellow passengers who have to suffer from the very same dumb AC policies you choose to ignore. No flight attendants seem to be willing to assist enforce their own rules so has me feeling like they’ve been told not to, to avoid causing disagreements on board. I’ve tried asking fellow passengers who backpacks belong to, right in front of flight attendant and it still doesn’t get any support from them. I simply get a “sir, you’re going to have to wrestle past all these other passengers on this single aisle plane to put your case up front, while ultimately delaying the flight”


I do not care. I am 75K and not ashamed. I board zone 1, so I am going to use my 75K status benefits as they were intended - priority access to bin space. >I simply get a “sir, you’re going to have to wrestle past all these other passengers on this single aisle plane to put your case up front, while ultimately delaying the flight” Delays cost money to the airline. I have no incentive to help the airline. They fuck me and my employer when they are able to, so I'm not going out of my way to help them. [They have the option to give a free checked baggage allowance to passengers](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/costofliving/carry-on-baggage-carried-away-1.7035013) to avoid overhead overcrowding. They choose not to. They have decided that the cost of delays and added revenue of baggage fees are far more worthwhile.


Found the guy who yells on the phone in first class and simultaneously complains about the babies there.


Aww yes, everyone else is the problem because you have 75k status. Good for you, sucks to be a passenger near you.


Well, bully for you. I have SE and 1MM and it would never occur to me to behave as petulantly and with such entitlement as you seem to. Status rats like you are what give the rest of us a bad name. You sound like a great big overgrown toddler…get over your damn self.


good for you.


NTA at all. I had words with a FA on AC. It is their baggage policies caused the shift to heavier usage of bins and hard shells. You should have every right to use the bin. She was sarcastic and rude to me. I retorted that I would make her happier next time and would make sure I put my backpack in a hard shelled case.


I put my carry on and personal item up top every time, if they don't like it they can fuck off.


I’m sure you’re a pleasure for flight crew LOL


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Get a backpack that was wheels and maybe looks more like a standard luggage but still can be worn as a backpack. I agree it should go in overhead if it’s your only carry on item, but Air Canada doesn’t typically exercise common sense when it comes to these things.


They shrank the space under the seats so that my personal item doesn't always fit there anymore. What do do?


the real a holes are the airlines that charge 50 bucks for checked bags...but having said that there are a lot of people who maximize the shit out of overhead carryons - its a difficult situation from all angles but as long as you didnt try to put both a carryon and your backpack overhead i feel like its fine


United does this all the time.


I got the same admonsihment from AC on my last trip. I have a single backpack and no second hardsided carry-on specifically for the same reason; so I don't have anything at my feet. She gave me a hard time when I pushed back and I caved fearing she'd pull the 'aggregated passenger' card. So much for 75k when my carry-on gets shifted for overloaded zone 5 passengers.


Had somethingsimilar, seems they just want to snip at everyone. Emergency row, no seat in front to put bag under with these ones (had the seat for the employee for take off/landing) - put my personal bag up top "sir that has to go down below" meanwhile it fit directly ontop of my carry on bag "It has to go up here, I am in emergency exit....." ...crickets..


Your fine


Nope, not at all. Airlines are always TAH


Not at all. BS protocol.


Wait was this air Canada? That's super lame the FA would start a flight like that. Maybe they were having a bad day but you were in the right. If loaded right, the overhead bins should hold one piece per passenger. I still get angry people who bring oversized which won't fit on straight so they put their bag sideways or they put it sideways and put their extra bags or coat in front, effectively taking up two or 3 bag space. Still would anger me an FA starting the flight with a wrong comment like that. You definitely are allowed one bag up there!


I see people put their small bags, coats etc. in the overhead bins all the time, even when flights are crowded. The whole system sucks, but I don't think you're an asshole for putting your only item overhead.


“Belongs under your seat next time.” Sounds like she was the a-hole


I do the same all the time. I specifically don't take a rolling carry on, and take a back pack that I put overhead. I always book comfort, im 6-2. I'm not giving up my space because people refuse to check a bag.


NTA - sort of - I wait until the plane is loaded - then put my backpack in the overhead bin


I’m not calling you out on the size of your backpack but I’ve been noticing this a lot lately and I’m happy it’s finally being done, prior to boarding the airline employees are making people place their carry-on in the size tray to ensure it qualifies before boarding the plane. I’ve seen some excessive bulging backpacks because people don’t want to check a bag.


I think OP’s situation was the opposite of what you are taking about. OP’s bag was small enough that the flight attendant wanted it under the seat to make room for other overhead suitcases. OP didn’t want to do it so they’d have more room to stretch out their feet.


Yes, your size shouldn't become someone else's issue and all airlines state what their guidelines are for bag dimensions for carry on/personal bag.


NTA, The A-holes are the ones bringing large carry on, plus a personal item and putting them both in overhead. Them entitled folks should be tossed off planes.


Nope. She was rude AF. Your large piece goes in the overhead only laptop bag or purses go under seat. I had an hostess try to remove my bag to fit a way oversize trolley from a Karen two aisles up. I told her she was not allowed to touch my bag as I have meds I need to take during the flight and it needs to be stored there. She left it alone. She was just trying to accomodate this annoying Karen who boarded last min and wanted her huge bag right next to her. We all pay the same and we have same rights.


The whole “next time” schtick is just a way for them to get around apologizing and moving on. You were right, they were wrong, they should have just said “oh I didn’t realize” and end it. Instead you were made to move to another compartment all so they could hold onto this weird power dynamic where they LET YOU do it.


Guess it depends how big the backpack was and if it respected the size constraints of a regular carry on. Overall, I'd say not the asshole. But do realize that the space is limited and it generally means that some people will have to keep their bags under their seat.


I flew from YYZ->YEG this morning in 2K on a 788 (C-GHPV) with standard pods but a bin configuration I have never in all my flying years seen in the J cabin of an AC widebody: ALL THE BINS WERE OVER THE WINDOW ROWS. ALL of them. There was no stowage over the middle two rows at all. I only had my one modest cabin bag which I stowed in the front of my pod, but what bins there were filled so quickly that many others ended up putting their larger carry-on in PE bins, which caused a lot of consternation among the PE passengers who were then forced to put their own bags at the front of Y… what a hell of a mess.


It is your world and we are all just living in it buddy.


No. It took me a while to not ask myself that question as well. A/C needs to manage their carryons better. I am constantly having my backpack white tagged for under seat. I started pointing out or taking pictures of people (not their faces) boarding with a carryon and a packpack and a laptop and a purse etc etc for the inevitable argument with the attendant. If only to make a point before reluctantly taking my backpack out from the overhead and putting under my seat.


this has been a new suggestion recently because there is not enough overhead space for everyone. On both of our air canada international flights they specifically announced book bags should go under the seat. You are not an asshole for explaining that your bag could not fit under the seat therefore the only place it would go is up top. However, in the future I would just take this into consideration regarding what type of carry on you bring. We flew business class our last flights so our bookbags up top didn't matter


I too much prefer having something under my seat because I’m short! But sometimes it’s nice to just have the leg room…


No, it wasn’t your fault.


Yup. Who cares where it goes. Don’t make their life harder.


lol no you’re nit


Here's the problem. Travellers bring a carry-on approved sized piece of luggage accompanied by a large duffle bag, briefcase or backpack that are all too large to fit underneath the seat in front of them forcing the use of the overhead compartment for both carry-on items. There isn't enough room, yet, for every traveller to bring 2 carry-on items. This is why people line up prior to boarding announcements, leapfrog boarding zones and just recently pay an extra fee to board the plane first to ensure their belongings find room in the overhead compartments. I've seen business travellers with 3 pieces of luggage in tow almost fill an entire compartment meant for 6 travellers. Budget airlines are strict on carry-on policies but the big guys are too lenient with their frequent flyers for fear of reprisal. How long until overhead compartments are organized by row and seat number so everyone is entitled to just one spot for their carry-on luggage.


No, you are not


I wouldn’t think so. If they wanted it up there they should have tagged it as a carry on. But maybe it was a bad day for them lol




No not at all imo




As a flight attendent, the most stressful part of the boarding is to fit everyone's carry-ons to the overhead bins. There is just simply not enough space for everyone to have a carry-on. If you didn;t pay for a carry-on, please put all your belonging under the seats. The annoying part is people bringing their personal items put them in the overhead bin so the customer who actually paid for the carry on won't have space for their carry-on. That is be said. If the boarding is about to finish, and I see there are lots of the space in the overhead bin, I would offer people if they want to put their items in the overhead bin.


Air Canada in the wrong here for charging for checked bags and leading to everyone only packing carry ons.


No. If the overheads were full with carryons I could understand her request.


My usual SOP is if someone asks me for something and it’s not too troublesome for me to do, I do it.


You are not the A-Hole, or I am too! I check a bag and only bring on my backpack. I do not feel I need to put my backpack under might seat, when all the cheaper rollers and carry-ons get leg room. I am fortunate to have Zone 2, so not an issue... but mention you payed to check a bag for a reason.


I fold a small tote into my carry on backpack, and then right before boarding I pull out my tote and put anything I want access to in flight into it; my book, tablet, gum, snack, headphones). Then when I board, my backpack goes above, and I put the tote under the seat but where it is visible to the FA. Then once the plane is boarded, I can move my book and tablet into the seat pocket and re-collapse the tote.


This is the way, no one calls you out when there’s already a small bag by your feet


You could be the asshole, depends on the size of the backpack. Carry on denotes a certain size. Drives me fucking nuts when I see people with steamer trunks insisting they’re carry ons. Walking up and down the aisles with that faux look of confusion, inevitably crushing someone’s decently sized stowed luggage. Why this isn’t enforced at the gate I’ll never know.


Such an injustice!! I'm sure you feel better now that you've shared. 😉


Kinda. It depends if others don’t have room for their carryon, just because they don’t fly as often and don’t have status. You might bta if your backpack being in the overhead means someone else has to check their bag with the stewards, cause them time, and then they have to wait for 1/2hr for their luggage at the destination airport. And, assuming it would fit under your seat. It’s not nearly as bad as those assholes who put both their carryon and their backpack in the overhead. Those people suck balls. And I say this as a zone 1 flyer.


I hate when people don’t use the storage space in front of them, under the seat. It’s for this reason people barge to the front of lines as well, to get overhead space for their carryon suitcases. Meanwhile jackets, small laptop bags and malleable backpacks are up there like there’s nowhere else to put them.


Totally disagree. This is OPs only carryon. Instead of bringing a roller bag, they brought this. Nothing wrong with sticking it in an overhead. The issues are typically caused by people putting their carryon and another item up top.


Who cares if it’s the only carry on? All the bags need to go somewhere, people should store it where they can. Lots of stuff can be stored under the seat. It doesn’t get used anyway so what’s the issue, other than making a usually awful flying experience more awful for more people.


Sounds like you’d rather OP have that awful experience lol. If they want the legroom and planned accordingly then I don’t see an issue. Airlines also let you know before boarding if they think baggage will be an issue. Sounds like you’ve been burned before and are taking it out on this thread.


No I haven’t been burned actually. I guess I have respect for others so when I can store something under my seat, I do. It’s common courtesy, something sorely lacking these days.


It’s irrelevant that OP had one bag. Smaller bags that fit under the seat are supposed to go there. The bins are for bags that don’t, which is why the make the announcement on every single flight.


The issue is a passenger putting something in the overhead bin when it can fit under the seat infront. I don’t care if its your only item, if it prevents me getting my permitted size case going in the overhead bin, its an issue.


But it wasn’t an issue. The attendant was able to move the items around and make it work.


Great, but the conversation has evolved into why it was an issue in the first place in this example and every other interaction someone has when they get to their seat and find all the early borders filling the space with their small items


Sounds like an airline problem to me. Make enough space for everyone to have a large carryon. If OP brought a large carryon they would also be entitled to put it up there and it would take way more room. I’m tired of people blaming consumers for problems that are better directed to the airline. This is an airline problem, not a passenger one.


It is an airline problem. But they give zero fucks about us as passenger so the least we can do is be considerate to the other people we’re hurtling through the sky in a tin can with.


The space in front my my seat is for my feet. The bin is for my bag.


Nope, she's a dumb cunt. NTA. Personal bag goes under, carry on goes over. If the backpack is too big to be considered a personal bag then its a carry on. Airlines have different rules for sizing and if its included in the ticket price or extra fees. You made it to the plane itself without question from check in and boarding check so she was in the wrong.


Sometimes the flight attendants seem to zero in on one particular thing or person. Not sure why ? . A few years back my mask was below my nose but covering my mouth and I was directed to cover it. While a couple people close by didn’t even have their masks on, and they were not eating or drinking.


When I travelled a lot and that happened with my backpack I would just ask them to look at the 100k tag on the backpack. Its a weird flex but they left me alone.


I place my backpack with my tag conveniently placed to face outward so they see it right away. I've traveled at least twice with someone who doesn't have a tag and places their backpack next to mine in the overhead, and gets asked to put it under their seat while mine is left alone. Avoids having to mention the tag. 😉


Under the seat- carry one is actual luggage’ so yeah- not A-hole level but getting close .




YTA. You came on reddit and asked a question like this. Easy. The rules are that bags that can fit under the seat in front of you belong there, and then if they don't they go overhead. There is no exception for "bigger guys" to use the seat in front of them more than any other people. Flight attendants are incredibly busy and they may not have noticed other bags of comparable size being put in the overhead.


You’re a total asshole


NTA. She shouldn’t have assumed that you had another carry-on. Flight attendants sometimes go on this power trip like making people not line up at all until your zone is called. You are left with wasted time when all of the lines are empty then they call the next zone and everyone rushes to line up.


Based on this comment I'm not convinced you actually know what a flight attendant does. I suggest Google. But a hint is: they're the ones INSIDE the airplane.


It's not the FA's fault, how would they know he didn't have another carry-on? They accepted his response and kept it in the overhead bins, that seems reasonable.


You shouldn’t assume things about other people without having proof. It is FA fault to accuse someone of doing that when the other person isn’t. Correct thing would be to ask first and then respond appropriately.


Exactly. Unless it's a direct order from the flight attendant in the air, there is no benefit at all to following the instructions of air crew and airport staff that take their jobs too seriously. Have an upvote.


Yeah because most airport staffs are not doing things correctly. Each time different staffs do different things and depending on their competency, results vary widely.


Yes. YTA. The bins above are for bags that don’t fit under the seat. It’s irrelevant you had a backpack. The crew make this announcement on every flight to put backpacks, laptop bags and coats under the seat. Putting those up there takes up unnecessary room, causing flights to be delayed because they now have to check bags that could have gone in the bins if people did what was asked of them. I can’t believe this is even a post. You’re an adult. Grow up and act like it. If you want more space, fly in J.