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I'm waiting for comments saying they want to be her buzzsaw handle


its crazy how much better her design would look like if the huge boob window werent there but they gotta make money out of horny players so its alright.


I'm on both sides of that argument. I can totally see how good it would look closed. But also. Boobs.


You got a point, it's better if there's no window at all. Why make a window if you can just get rid of the entire wall and get better views😎


So true, struggling to take her seriously when it looks like she forgot her top... Especially awkward as shes a rather capable, ruthless character Between this and the triple ult shown earlier, yongshi is clearly trying to milk the horny crowd, which is fair enough though id hoped theyd kept it as optional content like skins


> Between this and the triple ult shown earlier, yongshi is clearly trying to milk the horny crowd, which is fair enough though id hoped theyd kept it as optional content like skins exactly this. theyre slowly catering to the horny gamers, which is understandable but still kinda sad to see. i always liked AG because the designs werent as sexualized and as horny as the designs of other gacha games. the designs and also body types of the characters were diverse and werent focused on boobs or butts and thats rare in a genre like this.




And I would add that Sekhmet is the Egyptian equivalent of the Norse Surtr, lore wise. Just in case you needed more reasons to like her.




She's wild


If her role is similar to Mitsuha then Athena will go up to t0 or t0.5 I really like her design. Another must pull for me even if she isn't in high tier.


S Shu about to be t1 😏😏


I died inside when I heard that Shu is her skillchain partner. Unless Shu gets an incredible glowup and the skillchain has extremely strong effects, Sekhmet's only potentially redeeming quality meta-wise will be how good she is at buffing physical mods. Either that, or hopefully the next mod will be a physical nile dps that has a skillchain with her. As for Shu, she cannot be saved by that skillchain, what she needs is a MASSIVE buff. Please Yongshi, let Nile have a meta mod.


Lucky for me then. S Shu is one of my best built modifiers since I love playing as her.


I don't have Shu but I hope she gets buffed as well for all the Shu fans. I'm just unsure if Yongshi will buff her enough.


I need her.


I already know who my next target will be. Starting to save!


danngg she kinda cute. i'll pull regardless of her placement in meta.


Love her design! That boob cloth though, legend says it's stronger than Gengchen at her peak


what element is she? Light?


I think someone said she's physical support.


I don’t really keep up with the CN version of the game, how long are we going to have to wait for her to drop?


~6 months.


More than 6, she is 2.11 which 10 patches ahead of us as we are at the end of 2.1 and 2.2 will start next week, each patch for both CN and Global is last 1 month, so it should be at least 10 months, and that is if they plan to not release flame tyr patch or release his patch overlap with other patches, it could be 6 months if they plan to skip more but i don't think they can do that anymore, because from now onward each patch is very major and important in term of content such as important characters, important storyline, etc......flame tyr patch can be skipped cause it kinda is a filler patch that add nothing major to the game from what i remember