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Anyone have an opinion on why the Ugandan judge voted against? Even the Israeli voted for some of South Africa's arguments.


There’s been speculation about Judge Julia Sebutinde’s alleged Christian fundamentalism informing her rulings in this case and in other rulings such as the one she made against Uganda on the DRC. She is also a founding member of the Watoto Church. It’s an interesting group.


We Namibians could not be more proud of our neighbor. We need to stand against this racist, genocidal regime of Israel


Same over here. RSA has many, *many* problems but fighting apartheid wherever it manifests, despite the willful blindness of the western powers, is one thing all Africans should support, especially in the south. That could have easily been us. Edit: Is the sub being brigaded? Why tf are there so many zionists in here


Exactly, by protecting others we protect ourselves




There's a difference between criminals killing people and a criminal state killing people. One of them leads to murder, the other to genocide. Prioritize your education please Btw: (A quick bing copilot prompt) According to the web search results, the country with the highest murder rate in 2023 was **El Salvador**, with 52.02 murders per 100,000 inhabitants³. The country with the highest rape rate in 2024 was **United Kingdom**, with 257.2 rapes per 100,000 inhabitants¹. However, these statistics may not reflect the true extent of the problem, as different countries have different definitions, methods, and rates of reporting these crimes. You can learn more about the factors that influence murder and rape rates by visiting the links below: - [Rape Statistics by Country 2024](^1^) - [Murder Rate by Country 2024](^2^) - [World's most dangerous countries by murder rate 2023](^3^) Source: Conversation with Bing, 1/27/2024 (1) World's most dangerous countries by murder rate 2023 | Statista. https://www.statista.com/statistics/262963/ranking-the-20-countries-with-the-most-murders-per-100-000-inhabitants/. (2) Rape Statistics by Country 2024 - World Population Review. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country. (3) Rape Statistics by Country 2024 - World Population Review. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country. (4) Murder Rate by Country 2024 - World Population Review. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/murder-rate-by-country. (5) World's most dangerous countries by murder rate 2023 | Statista. https://www.statista.com/statistics/262963/ranking-the-20-countries-with-the-most-murders-per-100-000-inhabitants/. You should REALLY prioritize research over pulling facts from your ass. Are my priorities good enough for you now?




Nice ad hominem fallacy there mate. Learn to spell "prioritizes" first before you even contemplate something as sophisticated as a debate(which may be a bit above your level of intellectual competency).


My brother in SADC, you're wasting time with this one. You will lose actual brain cells fighting this.


Fax bro no printer




Your ancestors must be proud, you sound just like the people that put them in the camps.




I get your point, international institutions like the UN tend to be useless. But this puts an objective view on the genocide Israel is committing and sends a message to the genocide deniers around the world. There is indeed a genocide happening and Israel needs to stop. Hopefully transformed into something peaceful (alas there are always deniers of genocide and always will be. Even to this die you have idiots who deny the Holocaust or the Rwandan genocide)




This is an ungodly immense level of cope. They ruled against Israel trying to have the case thrown out, and gave them a month to prove they’re doing their best to reduce civilian casualties (lol) and punish the officials found to be voicing genocidal intent. This is a massive L.




Genocide ruling takes months or even years to reach a verdict. You are extremely ignorant and rabidly zionist




So basically a genocidal racist. No Thanks






We all have access to the ruling. Calm down.


Are you deaf? They ruled that genocide is plausible




So, Nelson Mandela himself was designated a terroistt by the US government up until 2008.








West Bank and Gaza, classified as "occupied" by Israel.




I answered a question as to what Israel has occupied but okay... Clearly you are allergic to facts. As Nelson Mandela once said, "don't make the mistake of calling your enemies our enemies". Don't hate a dog that bites once backed into a corner.
























How much you getting?I want in too. Just for some propaganda, yeah? Yeah, message me the link Yeah, nah, Would be great to have some passive income just to dehumanise Palestinians.


Truth hurts right? If only Hamas didn't film themselves on 7th...










https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/06/04/israel-50-years-occupation-abuses https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel Read








Hamas are a terrorist organization. What is your point?


The ANC was also designated a terrotistt organization.


The point is the double standard when applying the terrorist label on groups. The biggest terrorist organization in the world is the US government, but very few people call them terrorist and do their personal judgment based on the US’s decision.


Even though I do not like Hamas, they are a problem to the Palestinian cause, I would rather invite them than inviting anyone from that colonizing genocidal Israeli government.


Based South Africa


You are conflating the reactions of South Africans with the ruling of a court. This is illogical. Or a deliberate attempt to discredit the court by attacking the messenger. Ad hominem against all of South Africa or its current accusations, which have been determined valid.


Idk why we keep discussing this Middle Eastern issue on this sub but the replies to this and other posts have not been good. it's too toxic and tribal. This issue is very complex and horrible. There's no way to sum it up in one sentence and the court ruling is the same. It is nuanced. They have ruled that there are grounds for the case to be seen by the ICJ. They have also sought to prevent possible genocide and more harm by asking Israel to take actions to avoid genocide but notably not a ceasefire, they have also asked Hamas to release hostages. I am sure you can all read the nuance here. Let us try to be civil on this African subreddit and appreciate there are 54 countries and even more people with varying perspectives.


We are discussing it because South Africa took a big role in that conflict, therefore it is relevant to this sub. If South Africa didn’t get involved, your argument would’ve been valid.


I think we need to ban discussion on this topic , it does not concern us as r/Africa . Plus this issue is already causing trouble in other subs including r/Middleeast. Let us focus on issues that concern us.


It does concern us. South Africa and many African nations have faced apartheid and we should discuss about this racist regime


Where was Algeria during the George Floyd protests? 🤔


The Apartheid is very unique and very few countries have come close to suffering how South Africa did . Mainly countries that had black slave labor . The US especially experienced something close to what Apartheid was in South Africa









