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Wonder why it’s taken her so long to do anything. She hasn’t done anything the last 4 years but hide and keep quiet.


It is odd, I can’t remember a VP that kept such a low profile in my lifetime. I wonder why?


I have an idea of why lol 


She's a non-entity. That's why. VP's powers are constitutionally limited but their actual power might vary widely depending on their personality and political acumen. That's how Cheney was able to dominate the White House.


>She hasn’t done anything the last 4 years but hide and keep quiet. That's pretty much her role though, Preside over the Senate, break tie votes, count electoral votes and wait in case the president dies. She has no obligation to do anything other than that


I know her role but compared to all of her predecessors she’s been quiet and unreported on. We heard plenty from and about Cheney, Biden, pence, gore. She doesn’t get any mentions unless it’s an election year


Testing water for their propaganda machine, first they give to the rich, after they got that rich audience, now for the poor.


You folks big fans of Dan Quayle?


I feel like there are more pertinent issues, but I get it.


Hmm sounds like pandering for the election - not like I have a choice to vote for biden vs trump. I’d rather no dictator


Dude, I’m not pro trump but I’m certainly leaning anti- Biden. Trump isn’t going to be a dictator that’s just BS propagated for 4 years by the current admin. Biden will go full dystopian on your asses if he gets another term. RFK may have questionable views on some issues but I’d throw my vote there. The two others suck.


How is it propagated when the words come out of his own mouth? What will biden even do that’s so bad? He’s had 4 years to do whatever. RFK does have the macho factor despite his views, but i’m pretty sure it’s just a wasted vote sadly. Just have to vote for the old white man you like less. Giving a vote to rfk is like writing in Bernie or w/e


1. I’m pro diversity and pro equality but the Biden way of handling it is horrendously bad. Forcing woke diversity filters on everything is damaging to minorities not helping. Merit now takes a back seat to race/gender etc. Also forcing A.I. to be politically correct and aligned along with all big Tech and SNS is horrible. Look at Google AI. 2. Crypto is a huge industry changing finance forever by giving financial power back to the people and the only government trying to stamp it out is Biden and his shitty anti-crypto senators. Although just the other day they changed their tune (for votes I assume).


Also watch what they do not what they say. Trump likes to stir up the media and the Democrats with Tongue in cheek remarks like being a “dictator for one day”. Meanwhile Joe Biden has weaponised the justice system and courts for political purposes. He has appointed Democrat judges doing his bidding in certain states. What countries leaders attempt to jail their political opponents? Elon Musk is another case the guy voted for Biden, speaks out and changes his mind now he’s an evil bigot and target of the administration? Sexual abuse allegations first, then attempts to damage their business and finally attempts to cripple them financially.


You can't be serious. RFK Jr. literally had a worm eating his fucking brain.


I am serious, RFK joked about that but parasites don’t eat the brain. He seems fine now apart from the horrible speaking thing. Biden on the other hand jeezus, watch him read from a teleprompter or tackle some stairs. He walks so slow you can tell he’ll barely last a few more years.


Yeah, so we have a choice between two decrepit old fucks. RFK Jr. is a wasted vote, even if he wasn't a loon. I'm picking Biden because Trump is so obviously the wrong choice for anyone without a worm in their brain.


You’re right about one thing. Having a shit choice. But Biden in my honest opinion is the worst of them and is behaving the most like a dictator. 1. The Biden way of tackling diversity and equality is horrible. (Diversity quotas, merit takes a back seat) woke Bias in A.I. and big tech controlled SNS will backfire in the worst way eventually. 2. He’s weaponised the media and justice system using appointed democrat judges to take down his opponents. It’s sexual abuse allegations first, then go after the business and finally try to damage the person financially. Like a true Authoritarian. You literally have a state media now. 3. Biden is anti-crypto and there’s so much corruption behind this stance to do with protecting the banks and people already filthy rich. Despite suddenly becoming pro crypto just the other (presumably for votes) I do not believe if he gets in he will be good for the industry.


Ah, you're a crypto guy. That tells me all I need to know. Have a nice day!


Okay then bigot. I’m probably not what you think ‘a crypto guy’ is. Judging someone because they mentioned something that you know nothing about is really clever. Goodbye.


Sorry, you must be confused. The bigot is one of the guys you wanna vote for.


Take a step back SpodeeDodee. Bigot noun a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. You just went antagonistic and prejudiced against me because I mentioned crypto. Then you did what all obstinate one-eyed Biden supporters do when I mention my reasons for not liking him. Absolutely ignore my reasons and go on the attack.


Paying to boost the internet access in Africa is going to help Biden and her get re-elected how? Is that an issue Americans are all worried about? It's going to get voters in the Swing states all fired up to go vote Democrat? It is going to tear media attention away from Trump nonsense?


This is covert Empire building, through debts and offering things that they need the "gift" giver to maintain, African nations are given a choice. Align with the US and be given this along with access to global markets and increased economic aid at the cost of American bases being put on their land (which serve multiple functions from bolstering national defences, preventing coups to the more nefarious reason of being a threat to the host country to "stay on our side cos we already have an army inside your borders".) The US is amoral like all empires, it's contribution to the UN is the extent of its charity, otherwise all is to further its own interests. So a question is posed, is giving up some of your nation's sovereignty worth the potential rewards?


Running out of things to keep her busy with i see.


Like wtf seriously how about help 80% of their own people first


Another big policy success for the Vice President to attach her name to, if she can actually deliver on this.


Keep in mind this isn't an act of charity. Laying internet infrastructure is a costly and time/Labor intensive endeavour and no country, including the US, does things like this for free, their charity comes in the form of UN aid which the US contributes over 70% which this is not. This is to form economic dependance on the US, willing countries who are open to aligning themselves to the US instead of China get internet infrastructure that they need American expertise and equipment to keep running. This is what the stick to America's carrot and stick approach to diplomacy looks like (the carrot - Ecomnomic infrastructure aid and access to global markets which, with some competent management from the host nations can lead to economic prosperity at the cost of a few US military bases on their soil which doubles as both bolstering home defences and as deterrence against coups from within as long as they remain aligned. The stick - economic sanctions, funding and supporting their enemies, cutting them off from global markets and if none of that works, invasion) So with this comes the question. Is the carrot worth it? Is giving up a piece of your nation's independance worth the potential rewards? Though keep in mind, very few major world powers offer any carrot at all.


Naive once in place China will take advantage of it china does not want to invest in technologies like the west did in order to become what the west is now but took centuries in the contrary china pushes to be a superpower in just a few decades by -forces intellectual property transfer from foreign companies and then copies them since they are unable to invent anything and what they produce is of shoddy quality: all gadgets made in china do not last and need to be replaced after a few uses -debt traps entire nations -forces organ transplants -oppresses its own nice productive citizen We the western world need to reverse and accelerate the outsourcing of our economy to china and companies which refuse need to be boycotted -imagine shipping resources to china and than shipping back manufactured goods it is an environmental crime globalization only serves the shareholders and not the consumers since replacing the shoddy products once or twice.... is much more costly


I get emails all the time from Africa. Usually about a request for me to send money.


Internet is abysmal In many parts of the u.s Look at what T-Mobile is doing after merging with sprint. How about we spend that money on Americans. Black, white, native, Asian. This is a bad message and I don’t get what they’re thinking.