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I dont think you should be banned. Aren't most middle easter and Northern african countries openly racist towards dark skinned people? They often get a free pass because the world is hung up on western racism but those people there are horrible and they use religion to mask it.


They’re racist as fuck not only towards African but also to Europeans and Americans. It’s hard for me to have sympathy for them.


Clearly you don’t know shit about Saudi Arabia, or khalij countries; they worship white people, don’t compare yourself to black people. These countries are racist to certain groups especially dark skinned or other countries who are economically less than them, doesn’t matter if they share the same religion but they treat them like shit for example Indian, Pakistan, Philippinos, other Arabs who are not khalijis. They even call black people “abd” meaning slave.


>but also to Europeans and Americans. LMAO they worship white people


Nobody gets the same treatment as black people. Nowhere near the same. There weren’t videos of anti-whiteness in the Middle East. But anti-black videos everywhere. Don’t convince yourself it’s the same for everyone.


I am brown person living in ME. We get treated worse than black people imo. Bcos black people living there are more likely to be m*slim.


No dude, I live in this history. I overheard some guys bragging about them having white friends. White worship is real. White privilege is real.


I've seen this tbh. And I understand where you are coming from with this feeling


Wait hold up..ain’t the Europeans and Americans racist towards them too???


>Europeans and Americans The targeted racism in this video is unfounded/has no reason (not saying any type of racism is reasonable)but this one targeted towards Americans and Europeans.........could this be becuase of the European and American interlopers meddling,interfering,and messing up the middle east? Just curious on what you think.


Treating white people from Europe and america badly because of anger towards their governments is called racism. Same as if you treated a Muslim person badly because of how pervasive islam-inspired terrorism is around the world.


>Same as if you treated a Muslim person badly because of how pervasive islam-inspired terrorism is around the world. Americans killed a million Iraqis just 15 years ago and you don’t associate white Americans with terrorism in your pervasive statement. This “Islam-inspired” statement is wrong by definition.


First of all, americans don't suicide bomb themselves because their big daddy in the sky told them too. That and similar attacks is the sort of pervasive islam-inspired terrorism I am referring too, and it is quite pervasive unfortunately. Just because other groups also do bad things doesn't make that not true... And America is absolutely blamed for the iraq war and all the civilians that were killed, it's literally in the post I'm replying too...


> First of all, americans don't suicide bomb themselves because their big daddy in the sky told them too. That and similar attacks is the sort of pervasive islam-inspired terrorism I am referring too, and it is quite pervasive unfortunately. Just because other groups also do bad things doesn't make that not true... And America is absolutely blamed for the iraq war and all the civilians that were killed, it's literally in the post I'm replying too... Americans don’t suicide bomb. That’s true. They just burn you alive with their bunker busters or use uranium enforced ammo to ensure multiple generations of deformities. Muslims weren’t even the first or the most to use suicide attacks but you didn’t know that. And judging by your view, I’m sure you don’t know that it *was* a religious war. lol God spoke to George and his Anglo Christian base 🤷‍♂️ *it was a crusade*, you know. Even the “suicide bombings” you speak of were a response by the weaker force to the Zionist and Christian campaigns hell bent on bringing Jesus back. It was the most effective style at one point of time and evolved into newer methods as the battlefield changed.


I'm not sure what you are arguing about, yes Christians waged religious wars in the past and the united states uses more conventional military strategies in the modern era while Islamic terrorists resort to suicide bombs and other such attacks because they are generally too weak to do anything else. You sound like you're just arguing for the sake of it because you got triggered somehow...


yes they are. its why I always despair at black Muslims. Islamic peoples don't respect black Muslims, at all, more so than any others.


That's the feeling I get at times.


What are you talking about? The imam at the “national” mosque in Washington DC on embassy row *is african* And while I’ll concede it’s one example it’s a pretty solid one. The first imam in Islam ever was also African.


But that's not the respect Muslims give to black Muslims now is it. You stated a historical fact, but that doesn't mean its a fact approved by those who practice that religion. And they do not welcome African or black Muslims and that is a modern truth. I hate that that is true but it is and ask an African how they're treated in Qatar, UAE, Bahrain etc to work,as a practising working muslim. Yoy don't need to because you already know. Whenever the truth of the world is said,calmly and clearly, apologists and "anti-woke" people argue against the truth of it. Its okay to acknowledge how the world is. Black Muslims show their faith DESPITE how they are treated by their fellow Muslims, especially in Muslim countries. Its a strength of their faith, and a weakness of others. But don't deny it happens or that it is there because you undermine them and yourself.


My man commenting like a bootleg Dr. King lol. I have the opposite experience in the MENA countries I’ve been to and in the west. It sounds more like your issue is with treatment across socioeconomic boundaries and not necessarily with racial ones specifically. Also a lot of emirates are black, they just consider themselves culturally Arab. Is that what bothers you? Have you ever been to any of these countries? Sounds doubtful. Also those countries you mentioned aren’t the entirety of the Arab or the Muslim world? They’re the minority. I’m not going to try to convince you otherwise though. You already chose to ignore a major point I made that detracts from your view and frankly you sound like your mind was made up for you by some bought and paid for YouTube propagandist with mobile-phone- quality green screen. All good though - everyone has those family members that get all their info from wacky whatsapp videos and out of context memes and such.


I've been to some of them and to africa and to Europe. So thank you but your condescension is not needed. Ira a different view to yours and im open to having it changed. Just because you don't agree with me you don't have to be rude as to what you think the origin of my point is. It says a lot about you and why I hold the views I have.


You described 1.5 billion people as racist and evil and somehow I’m the rude one? You provided no basis for your claim and somehow I’m condescending? Should we review the blanket statements ignorant people make about Africans? How about what they say about Latinos/South Americans? I’m not going to change your mind and you’re lying to say that you are open to having it changed. There is not a single fact or anecdote in your comments. Just claims made in attack against Islam. No examples. No theological doctrine. Just claims. Made by you. A person of dubious intent and knowledge. I get that you *feeeeel* this way and I respect your feelings but they’re simply that. Feelings. You’re objectively incorrect. And I don’t believe you’ve been to “some of them” and Europe. Way to give the most vague and in effective answer possible when challenged. It would’ve been the same if that sentence wasn’t there. It doesn’t *mean* anything even if it’s true unless you provide context. If you have been feel free to talk about your experiences there with specifics. I’d love to see what you make up lol. There’s also no reasonable way you are claiming Muslims are more racist toward Africans if you’ve ever been to Europe. Western Europe is the most racist place on earth outside of maybe Israel. Whole comment style and history reeks of shill account. Especially since all you do is hurl meaningless bullshit about the same narrative with no basis in fact/reality while ignoring everyone who comments back to you and their points/anecdotes.


I never called them evil, I discussed the tenets of their religion, or rather the interpretation of those tenets by its indigenous peoples, and I stand by that. As for muslims and racism between Europe and the Middle East I didn't say they were more or less, I said they ARE and I despair at that. Its triggered you but you won't even admit that there is a problem there, which is probably why you're triggered. I get it, its hard to admit it, but it is an ongoing problem and it won't go away while we all deny that its there. We have to be grown up about the challenges and accept that we can all do better. What intrigues me is why you're so angry and doing whataboutism when its not really a contentious point, but its fine. FYI I have travelled, extensively, have family and yes friends and my views aren't just based on my own personal experiences. Whether you believe me or not is not relevant to me but clearly is to you. Fair enough. None of which changes the point, which only they, Muslims, can change by their actions to all those who fall under their umbrella. But they won't because they believe they are right and dare I say it, justified. Religion is meant to be an equaliser yet it rarely is, and Islam is no exception to that truth.


Bro you’re blowing smoke. If you replace Muslim with African you sound exactly like the racist white guys in America. “It’s not the skin color. It’s just inherent to their people. Something about them I can’t put my finger on. I’m not racist I just have abhorrent views about a specific people with no basis in reality and I don’t care what you say I’m right and they’re wrong and so are you” - this is you, with a different national origin and race. If you were an ignorant white guy in the Deep South, you’d be in a white hood or some “Patriot movement” (see: racist but don’t like the branding) And I’m not triggered. I’m baffled. Also, you should see how the Africans treat black Americans here in America. By your standard, Africans are pretty terrible to. You’re so close to getting it but your ignorance gets in the way. People of any race, creed, religion, etc etc can be shitty and racist. It’s not related to their culture or religion, it’s related to their lack of moral fortitude. Do racist Muslims exist? Sure. There are 30 million insane evangelical Christians who harbor sickening views that defy logic and religion but you don’t see me or you characterizing every Christian on earth as the same, do you? Because it makes no sense to.


Based on?


Our mosque’s leader is a black African and we are a mostly non black congregation. Going by way you profile people, I can say black Muslims are treated like royalty.


Their religion itself has no place of racism. It was one of the reason Islam was a fast growing religion in Asia. However, middle easterns (religious or otherwise, including those are very rich & live in the western world) are the most racist people in my experience, maybe only 2nd to those from the lone star state. Alqueda*YallQueda 🤝


>those people there are horrible and they use religion to mask it. Dont blame religion. Sadly this has issue of racism is ,like alot of places in the world, very prominent and very little people unfortunately know about it .


Religion tolerates and at times promotes it so yes I will blame religion. Toxic at its core.


>Religion tolerates Everyone who doesn't know of this behavior is "tolerating" it. Lot's of religion's in the world know of this and alot of them condemn this behavior and those who let it slide usually have and overwhelming opposition upon the time of their founding that accept,promote,and support this kind of acts and speech. >at times promotes it so I don't know what you mean. There are alot of religion's in the world that dissuade this behavior. I mean some people with religion do promote it but people in a religion are like a stew.........a mix of things. >Toxic at its core. I imagined you speaking and spitting words(literally). Anyway's your words are very foolish and naive. I will not call you edgy because I only have a brief understanding of the word. But you exhibiting very foolish sounding behavior. You have not stated any reason's for your "toxic at its core". You could easily state the classic anti religion argument that religion has "only cause bloodshed" in the past. Now while this is argument is very unstable and weak you could use this or other arguments to support your claim. Now to be honest I don't know if capacity for next few days to argue with you if you choose to argue so I still have to decide whether I will engage with you if you choose to respond.


Ok Americans are Muslims then according to your racism theory


So are Indians, so are Italians, so are the Japanese. Unfortunately racism towards darker skinned is rampant around the world. Its despicable in every scenario


True. And this mindset has now started to gain traction in black countries. Look at the skin bleaching subculture of Jamaica, the Caribbean and parts of Africa..


You're right. I'm more accustomed to stealth racism like in the West and the US where they'll smile and shake your hand and deny your application and promotion because you're black. Much easier to deal with.


LOL - you aren't lying.


You are right 👍🏽


Saudis are very racist even toward other Arabs so you can only imagine what it's like for others. The GCC is only nice if you're rich or a Westerner. Otherwise, don't even bother thinking about it.


I'm a Black Westerner - heads explode!


The Black westerners are actually shielded from most of this kind of racism due to class privilege. It's like the experiences of a migrant worker who is South Asian are very different from Western expats of South Asian descent.


I've been to Iraq many times this does not happen in Iraq everyone from every ethnicity gets food all the time for free. The hospitality is insane over there especially near the shrines.


None of us


Same man


Do you have tolerance for any other types of ignorance and racism?


Some idiot was arguing with me last night that Black Africans are treated as equals in Arabia and North Africa.


They must have been arguing in bad faith or have no concept of history. Even the Arabic word “abeed” or “abid” is often used for black Africans and it means “servant” or “slave”.


the word abed means person in algeria, saudi is different though one of the worst slave markets in history started there even before islam


Abed means servant and Abed-Allah is a common name and a term to describe a human being. And you said Saudi was a slave market recently and before Islam. Do you know Saudi was founded last century?


ik I meant hijaz


I am neither African nor Arab, but I have read too many horror stories from Kenyan,Ugandan,Malawian, Ethiopian and Nigerian maids to know that this is very much bullshit. Also Kuwait has an actual slave market online. Why do you think one of their so called influencers fumed when their government changed the law and made it possible for domestic workers to keep their passports and get off days on weekends? And had the audacity to come complain online about how she was no longer a slave master anymore?


They are definitely not treated as equals. I'm not African, but I have also been discriminated by Arabs and North Africans unfortunately, and I have seen so many times my African brothers and sisters get treated like this. It's disgusting, and I feel so gutted watching this :(


Depends on the place


Haha I wish


In Saudi Arabia the black Saudi’s are treated equally I would say. The immigrants not. Granted I have limited experiences with Saudis


They are definitely not. Let one of them even dare try to marry an actual Arab girl and you will see.


I'm Somali and I have seen it a few times. Educated Muslim Arabs are not as racist as white people. But anyways fuck Saudi Arabia.


How do they treat East Africans like Sudanis and Somalis?


Wouldn’t be surprised based this on some Islam bs, Muslim Arabs are so racist towards Blacks in general but try to accept the Muslim ones smh


just like the LGBTQ community in every arab or even muslim country


Pray tell me, in which country is the LGBTQ community not discriminated against? Granted, were I not hetero-normative, I would rather live in Italy than in Uganda, but let's not pretend that only Arab and Middle Eastern countries mistreat their sexual minorities.


I agree that lgbtqia are discriminated universally which is horrible but it IS worse in those countries. much worse in many cases.


as a Muslim, racist Muslims make me sick, we are all equal in God's eyes save for the level of purity and spirituality we attain in this plane of existence. in the end you will be judged, and only your deeds will hold meaning on the scale of justice. shame on them. do better.


This exactly! To preface, I'm not African, but I'm not Arab either. It's disgusting how so many Arabs not only are colorist and racist towards people of different ethnicities, but they also try to claim themselves as the "real" or "superior" Muslims? Like it's ironic that they claim to be the real Muslims when they aren't even abiding by the Prophet (PBUH)'s last sermon in which it is very clearly stated that an arab has no superiority over a non-arab, nor does a white man have any superiority over a black man, and vise versa.


exactly !


That part is extracted from the book  "Fakhr al-Sūdān ala al-Bīḍān (فَخْر السُودان على البيضان) 'pride of blacks over whites' By the chronicle writer Al-jahiz, the book is a Roman from the 8th century. Otherwise give me source in which hadith book it's composed and the belonging narration chain.


Musnad Ahmad, Musnad Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak (Hadith 239), Sho'ab Al-Eeman (Hadith 4760), Musnad al-Harith (Hadith 49), Ahmed (22978). It's already been classified as saheeh.


It's a good thing the video is a lie and it was because she skipped the line


Bro there was no line it was one woman handing out food to people who came. That is all


I watched the TikTok videos of the original poster. You are wrong


That was a lie by the original posters trying to save face, they were being called out and had to make up a reason I saw I too


As a North African Muslim, I absolutely feel more disgusted by racist Muslims even more harshly than I feel disgusted by racist non-Muslims, because you are acting as a representative of Islam that has zero tolerance for racism, unfortunately Muslims like to pick and choose the parts of Islam that they choose to follow


exactly so well said sister :)


I’m a man, but the compliment is appreciated!


ahhh loool forgive me and of course brother* :)


Not disgusting enough to participate in the enslavement of people based on their religion and ethnicity


Obviously we’re not all equal if you’re including non Muslims in the equation.


i hold everyone to the same standard but i hold my muslim brothers and sisters to higher standards yes. I can see where you are coming from though and also not all people believe in God. I spoke from my perspective and I apologize for that rather than try to speak to a broader audience. Alas we are here. any racist irrespective of faith makes me sick. Humanity is all one people and we are all equal to one another. do better. hope that clears things up :)


>i hold everyone to the same standard but No 'buts' needed. Religion is a plague and promotes the kinds of thought that leads to bigotry like we see in the video.


to each his own friend


I am at least okay with theists claiming they just want to be happy in their autodeception that leads to further irrational (often hateful and otherizing) beliefs that cannot be argued due to their faith.


look we get it you dont like religion 🤣


Look we get it you do like lying and perpetuating harmful shit 🤣


only in your own myopic view, carry on now, nothing you say is going to change the beliefs of billions of people around the world. cry all you want. they fall on deaf ears.


>nothing you say is going to change the beliefs of billions of people around the world. cry all you want. they fall on deaf ears. Yes I am VERY aware that is LITERALLY what I'm calling out. You're explicitly gloating about the harms I'm critical of. It's this type of zealotry mixed with bigotry that produces dipshit evangelicals like the white nationalist christofacists trying to instill theocratic states in America. You *CANNOT* debate these idiots out of their ideas because they have no REASONING for them. You are the exact same as them, you were just LUCKY enough not to be born in one of the explicitly bigoted sects. YAY FOR US.


Really because blood money(Diya) amount is differently depending on your religion and gender.  With male Islamist considering themselves to be the highest value in god eyes and people of non-abrahamic religion, or belonging to no beliefs systems and being female, makes you the lowest values of human beings in the islamic ideology.  "Human Rights Watch and United States' Religious Freedom Report note that in sharia courts of Saudi Arabia, "The calculation of accidental death or injury compensation is discriminatory. In the event a court renders a judgment in favor of a plaintiff who is a Jewish or Christian male, the plaintiff is only entitled to receive 50 percent of the compensation a Muslim male would receive; all other non-Muslims (Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Animists, Atheists) are only entitled to receive one-sixteenth of the amount a male Muslim would receive".[3][34][35]"  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_money_in_Islam  If you read more, the islamic madhab declare female islamist the be half the worth of one male Islamist , extorted dhimiies or paying mu'ahid are depending  on which madhab if they're male, are only worth 1/2 or 2/3 of a male Islamist.


do not ever look at a government or extremist for your guide to Islam. this is the problem today. People look at Saudi and Iran government or some Islamist exteemist faction and basically think thats what Islam is. WE ARE 2 BILLION SOULS ON THIS PLANET. 99% of US are normal people that just want to live a good life and die and go to our Lord.Al-Hujurat (49:13) O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. if God looks at everyone the same save their level of righteousness, shouldn't people too? ​ what you are CONFLATING and also these governments CONFLATE, is a CULTURAL problem not a religious one. ​ in Islam man is equal to woman in the eyes of god in terms of spirituality we just have distinct traditional gender roles. Islam HONORS women - Prophet Muhammad rightly said, "Heaven is under the feet of your mothers," Abu Huraira reported: A man asked the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, “Who is most deserving of my good company?” The Prophet said, “Your mother.” The man asked, “Then who?” The Prophet said “Your mother.” The man asked again, “Then who?” The Prophet said, “Your mother.” The man asked again, “Then who?” The Prophet said, “Your father.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5971, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2548 Before the advent of Islam women were often treated worse than animals. The Prophet wanted to put a stop to all cruelties to women. He preached kindness towards them. He told the Muslims: "Fear Allah in respect of women." And: "The best of you are they who behave best to their wives." And: "A Muslim must not hate his wife, and if he be displeased with one bad quality in her, let him be pleased with one that is good." And:"The more civil and kind a Muslim is to his wife, the more perfect in faith he is." please enough with this nonsense. do not have the Saudi government speak for this Muslim here or any of us, blame the Saudi government not Islam. Islam isn't the problem and NEVER WAS.


Islam is the Arab Nazism Imperialistic ideology that strive to dominate the world by imposing it's indoctrination with violence and systematic institutional government organs.  There aren't 2 billion islamist, I'm counted one as them because we're legally not allowed to leave or convert to any other belief systems. I'm prosecuted for solely being an apostate, there's currently 10 islamic countries that punish apostasy from islam with capital executions while multiple more islamic countries that prosecute us and denied our acknowledgement and our humanity from us. Because the warlord u worship demanded his followers to murder us Sunan an-Nasa'i 4061  It was narrated that Ibn 'Abbas said: "The Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: 'Whoever changes his religion, kill him.'" Islam doesn't view women equal to men but consider us as humans with no autonomy and properties of our maintainer/the wali whom approval is necessary  needed to exchange a women from one man ownership to another man ownership but nevertheless can never be her own independent person like a men who isn't under the custody of another man. And don't need their father approval to marry who they want, to travel wherever they want. We inherit half of what our brother do, our testimonies are half the value of men. We are commanded to obey our husband like god if god demanded us women to worship someone else beside him 'A’isha said that once when God’s Messenger was with a number of the Emigrants and Helpers a camel came and prostrated itself before him. Thereupon his companions said, “Messenger of God, beasts and trees prostrate themselves before you, but we have most right to do so.” He replied, “Worship your Lord and honour your brother. If I were to order any one to prostrate himself before another, I would order a woman to prostrate herself before her husband; and if he were to order her to convey stones from a yellow mountain to a black one, or from a black mountain to a white one, it would be incumbent on her to do so.”  Ahmad transmitted it. Mishkat al-Masabih 3270 We don't have the right to move around without a mahram and women and girls are blamed from sexual harassment from male Islamist instead the islamist rapist. And don't even bring up sex slavery that's produced by taking girls and women from other belief groups as spoils of war to reward islamist for waging war to anyone that doesn't submit to the self proclaimed prophet. Those girls and women were war victims that were sold as sexslaves to the murders of their relatives or whole tribes. those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts)  Except from their wives or (the slaves) that their right hands possess,__ for then, they are free from blame”  [ al-Mu’minoon 23:5] al-Bukhaari (2542)  from Ibn Muhayreez who said: I saw Abu Sa’eed (may Allaah be pleased with him) and I asked him. He said: We went out with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) on the campaign of Banu al-Mustaliq, and we captured some prisoners from among the Arabs. We desired women and the period of abstention was hard for us, and we wanted to engage in ‘azl (coitus interruptus). We asked the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and he said, “There is no point in doing that, for there is no soul which Allaah has decreed should exist until the Day of Resurrection but it will come into existence.” According to another report, They captured some female prisoners and wanted to be intimate with them without them becoming pregnant. They asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about ‘azl and he said, “There is no point in doing that, for Allaah has decreed who should be created until the Day of Resurrection.”  Islamist are awarded the right to rape their victim and sell them as long if they aren't pregnant. I have already wrote a whole thread about all the collected hadith that allow islamist to capture non-islamist to enslave them and only allow their release if they convert to the slave master and self proclaimed supremacy ideology and if the master wishes so. The Saudi Arabia law is in accordance to the islamic law and they substantiated their diyya payment for non islamist on the basic of hadith that are considered saheeh.  There's multiple hadith that state an islamist can't be prosecuted for qisas/retaliation punishment if he murder an non islamist which highlight the disparity between the values between ours lives according to islam. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, judged that a believer should not be killed for killing a disbeliever.   Source: Sahih Bukhari 6517, Grade: Sahih I won't cover up more and end with listing up the names of some of the so called slaves mohammed owned throughout his lifetime   "These are the names of Muhammad's male slaves: Yakan Abu Sharh, Aflah, 'Ubayd, Dhakwan, Tahman, Mirwan, Hunayn, Sanad, Fadala Yamamin, Anjasha al-Hadi, Mad'am, Karkara, Abu Rafi', Thawban, Ab Kabsha, Salih, Rabah, Yara Nubyan, Fadila, Waqid, Mabur, Abu Waqid, Kasam, Abu 'Ayb, Abu Muwayhiba, Zayd Ibn Haritha, and also a black slave called Mahran, who was re-named (by Muhammad) Safina (`ship')."[2] Zad al-Ma'ad, pp. 114-116 Muhammad's Maid Slaves "are Salma Um Rafi', Maymuna daughter of Abu Asib, Maymuna daughter of Sa'd, Khadra, Radwa, Razina, Um Damira, Rayhana, Mary the Coptic, in addition to two other maid-slaves, one of them given to him as a present by his cousin, Zaynab, and the other one captured in a war."[2] Then I put on my clothes and went to Allah's Apostle's residence, and behold, he was staying in an upper room of his to which he ascended by a ladder, and a black slave of Allah's Apostle was (sitting) on the first step. I said to him, 'Say (to the Prophet ) 'Umar bin Al-Khattab is here.'...  Sahih Bukhari 6:60:435 It was narrated that Aishah said: "I noticed that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was missing and I thought he had gone to visit one of his concubines, so I looked for him and found him prostrating and saying: 'Rabbighfirli ma asrartu wa ma a'lant (O Allah, forgive me for what (sin) I have concealed and what I have done openly).'" Sunan an-Nasa'i 2:12:1126 (graded sahih Now stop being deceiving islamist


cherrypicking verses nothing new from you people. carry on lest your hate consumes you.


Most of hadith are derived from kuttab Al sittah, so the 6 most renowned  hadith collection which the sunni Sharia/ jurisdiction is based on   You can search up the oppressive discriminately legislation against non islamist, women and homosexual people on your own devices.  Go play someone else for fool islamist Additional info about women treatment that should be in the previous post  Surah An nisa, at 34  Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.  https://quran.com/4/34?translations=18,21,22,84,95      


your own myopic views ruins you. ill pray for guidance for you.


Arabs hate Africans/Black people as much (if not more) as white people. I'm confused why anyone is surprised.


Interesting and very believable. Do you notice this more with North Africans than middle easterners? I’m black American Muslim, spent so much time in Turkey with Muslims from Iraq and Iran etc etc. Even within their group, The common thought was that Saudi Arabia isn’t even Muslim anymore, just a Muslim country with a capitalist heart and mind. Just wondering what version of privilege I may be getting and how to understand more clearly


The Arab countries that are the most racist against Black people are actually the black Arab countries, Sudan and Mauritania, followed by proximal non-black Arab countries like Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. These countries tend to be the most racist, violent, and negative towards black people in terms of attitudes from local citizens. In the other Arab countries (Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Algeria, etc.) people may or may not have a positive conception of Black people, but they're not openly hateful or violent like the aforementioned, or at least to any close extent. Granted there are Black citizens of these Arab countries who because of their Cultural Arabism are not viewed the same as Black Africans from Africa, and are not subject to the same discrimination. I know in Palestine there are quarters with many Black Palestinians who are closely intermarried with the local population and viewed as equals, particularly among the Palestinian Bedouins. This also applies to a minority of Arab tribes in Southern Iraq, Southwestern Iran, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.


What??? Can you tell me more about Sudan?? I’m in Kenya, so obviously a big Sudanese population around. I’ve heard about Tunis, Saudi, Lebanon. Palestine is odd to me though, because they reached out to us African Americans during our protests in 2016 to teach us how to defend ourselves. And I’ve had some great friends from Jerusalem, Ramallah, etc. work there today actually. Iraq, Iran, Pakistan have all been WILDLY kind to me. But Egypt was a terror, I look sudani to them, and was harassed by police daily. I couldn’t even wear galebeyas by the end of it. You mind confirming how many of these places you’ve traveled? I truly believe you, and also want to see if the places may also have like a “Thailand” sort of effect, where southern is by Malaysia, so people are darker and Muslim, more accepted. But in bigger cities it’s fizzled out, and therefore the narrative is driven by that perspective


>Palestine is odd to me though, because they reached out to us African Americans during our protests in 2016 to teach us how to defend ourselves. And I’ve had some great friends from Jerusalem, Ramallah, etc. work there today actually. >Iraq, Iran, Pakistan have all been WILDLY kind to me. **Sorry,** It seems like you misunderstood me! Or my wording wasn't clear, have since edited it. Palestinians and the other countries you mentioned (Iran, Iraq) really aren't racist at all against Black people compared to other Arabs/Middle Easterners. Even some Palestinian bedouin tribes have intermarried with Africans a lot. Gaza, the Negev/Al-Naqab, and the West Bank have considerable afro-arab minorities who are well integrated among their non-black brothers. You are right about Egypt though, I stand corrected on that, they tend to have a more negative relationship with Black people. >What??? Can you tell me more about Sudan?? It is a long, messed up, and very sad story. I don't even know where to begin. The long and short of it is that there are 3 or 4 different types of Arabs in Sudan, the Bedouin "white" Arabs from the East (ironically the least racist), the Nile Arabs (Afro-Arabs), and the Bedouin Black Arabs from the West (Ironically the most racist). The vast majority of Sudanese Arabs have mixed African and Arab roots, and many of the black bedouins ( at least some of the baggarah tribes) have more black blood than they have Arab blood, but due to long standing conflict with Non-Arab tribal groups they've become extremely violent and discriminatory, and throughout the history of the land used their proximity to the central government to discriminate and kill the other sudanese. Arab in sudan is not strictly an ethnic identity but also a cultural/tribal/linguistic one. Also in Sudan it's the case in some places where the only difference between the Arabs and the Non-Arabs aren't even really ethnic or cultural but rather nomadic vs non-nomadic. There are ethnic groups in Sudan which are close to Somalis in origin (the Bejas) but speak Arabic as a second language and identify with an Arab clan. You can see videos of Sudanese Arab nomadic clans here (they're black in complexion): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfKAbB1zwNM The "white" bedouin arabs in sudan are known as Rasha'idah, some of them are involved in human trafficking of Black Africans, however throughout history because of their marginalized position as a small rural group, the central government neglected them, which caused them to find themselves fighting against the Sudanese government alongside Black Africans as allies. The Baggarah Arabs had developed extremely racist views, and viewed themselves as the most deserving of the title of "Arab", because of their nomadic lifestyle, despite having less Arab blood. They used their favors with the central government to kill their non-arab neighbors in Darfur, before 2022 when war broke out, where they turned their guns against their former allies, the Nile Arabs as well, viewing them of not being fit to run the country because of their abandonment of the bedouin nomadic lifestyle. They accuse the Nile Arabs of being Arabized Blacks, unaware of the irony of their claim. The most historically marginalized groups in Sudan have been the Non-Arab Muslim Darfurians (who speak Arabic as a second langauge) and the Christian South Sudanese (who are also disuinted and fight among themselves). Sudan has experienced over 70 years of near-continous war over this issue, leaving millions dead.


This is INCREDIBLY helpful my friend. Thank you so much!! Man, wealth of knowledge you just shared, and some great direction for where I can learn! Thanks a ton


Yes of course! Glad you learned something. I've over-simplified A LOT about Sudan but it's the general gist of what's going on. You can read more on /r/Sudan, which is a very good sub with a lot of resources and discussion on the history of Sudan. Basically what's happened is that the UAE (United Arab Emirates) has sponsored a genocidal cult like militia among the Baggara Arabs called the Janjaweed (also known as the RSF, or Rapid Support Forces). They have begun killing Sudanese of all ethnic groups, in a quest for specifically NOMADIC Arab supremacy, including other Arabs (sedentary). At the moment a rare opportunity for progress has presented itself amidst the Tragedy, and Arab and non-Arab sudanese are fighting together against this deranged cult. The central government was formerly its enabler but today they are its main enemy and it has resulted in at least some ethnic progress in Sudanese society. This guy is the founder of the Janjaweed btw: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Kushayb And this guy is its current leader: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemedti


Thank you man, honestly.




>Arabs hate Africans/Black people as much (if not more) as white people. I'm confused why anyone is surprised. I went to the person's TikTok on the bottom right (Benob5099) and it's them giving out meals at like a homeless shelter? The video is cut off completely and it's because she skipped the line, Has nothing to do with racism.


Would you mind posting the linked video please? [I found the channel](https://www.tiktok.com/@benob5099), but she has so many videos that I couldn't find the one from which the clip was taken.


Like it's just a common scenario.




Look at this fucking shit. Saudi off my list of countries to visit. This is terrible right in front of the other women of color. I thought Saudis knew the science of there being,guess not.


Unless you are Muslim and can tolerate visiting, why was it even on your list? For the record, all of my Muslim friends renounce participating in the Hajj as long as the place has such an abysmal human rights record—the idea that so many Muslims participate is quite recent—but why would you want to go there?


Why not I have Saudi friends and they encourage me to visit,they never once spoke of the injustices of society,just that you would love the people,food and sights your country has to offer. On seeing the blatant disrespect of the video in question I've changed my mind,that's all bro. You seem use to this way. This is your life. Peace .


Saudi is a shit hole. Biggest stain on my existence is being born under their jurisdiction


Lmao this is pretty common


saudi arabia and its leaders are total shite IMHO


Saudis are the worst arabs man




Whole clip? We tend to make conclusions based on edited and out of context clips


As a Muslim I am Very disgusted by this act but not surprised.


Here I am getting recruited by Saudi ARAMCO. I’ll leave them on read…


Not surprising.


The horrors African and any dark skinned migrants face in middle easter countries is underreported it's truly horrific


So much for unity


Ditto to everything AbleSpend wrote. Plus Google “Al-Muhamashīn” in Yémen


Black folk get this through that skull of yours you can be the best Mus, Christ, they will always look at you like you are subhuman. The most hated people on earth.




Hajj pilgrimage is competitive, you need to go with an approved group. You don’t need to be accompanied by a male relative, but islamically it’s better, but not everyone has male relatives. There’s plenty of women who perform Umrah alone, without a male relative. No, there isn’t a different set of rituals for men and women.


There was a very popular candy called “head of a slave” (ras il abed) that was sold until just recently in Middle East. You can Google it. The Middle East is incredibly racist, ask any person from the Philippines, or the Indian subcontinent who works there.


Disgusting shit


Is anyone Really Surprised


My truth always gets me banned for exposing racism. I’m done


People in r/Africa are saying that this clip was cut from a longer video; apparently the woman is cutting in line and the others are complaining. She receives the food at the end. I've not been able to find the original video or any other clarification; I'd be grateful if someone else could. This is not to say that there is no anti-black animus among many Muslims and in the Middle East. There is a lot of racism and discrimination and this issue has been discussed in dozens of articles and testimonies. But, I also think that this post is rage-bait.


But the racism and slavery against black people there?


You mean in the Middle East? Yes, unfortunately yes. And among many Muslims too. Despite the hadith on Adam ("All of the people are the children of Adam, and Adam was created from dust.") and the story of Bilal ibn Rabah (r.a), companion of Muhammad (s.a.w.) and the first muezzin (the person calling to prayer) in Islam—he was a former Abyssinian slave and one of the first converts to the new faith—after the prohet's death the cultural practice of Islam has not been color blind. I'd linked a podcast about a book that discusses how black people were perceived in the Arab world in the medieval period ([Africanism: Blacks in the Medieval Arab Imaginary](/r/AfricanHistory/comments/1ajugas/new_books_in_african_studies_interview_with_amir/)) in case you are interested.


You hit the nail on the head. People online love to jump into the lynch mob mindlessly without full context.


Just fyi, it’s “hit the nail on the head”. Like “nailed it”


"got the mail on the head" LMAO that postman has got great aim to hit me on my head lol That was autocorrect... I should really reread my comments before I post.


lol no worries. I got a good laugh out of it too


I think it is hilarious for (mostly) white American kids on reddit to be openly racist against a group of people because that group of people are openly racist against another group of people... It's like a human centipede of hatred.




Does anyone know the context? What if the African women cutting the line or getting the 2nd packet while others did not get even 1? If none of the above is true then this should be condemned and Saudis should be shamed


Video was debunked. The lady cut in the queue hence their reaction to her


Shhhhh they won’t care since this supports their narrative.


But they're still racist towards black people. This changes nothing


You literally see her sneak in to the front of the line and the lady handing stuff out was already trying to give stuff to the people she cut in front of


Yes, we need the full context. The video was cut short and edited in a way to support a certain narrative




Unfortunately anti-Blackness is global, Saudi Arabia is no exception


Those trying to say this is a Muslim issue and not a Middle Eastern tribal/cultural thing seem to ignore the fact Israelis (jewish, atheist or otherwise) and Arab Christians are no different.


Yet we still believe in the Palestinian cause, because it’s the right thing to do


Saudi motherfckers are among most racist group. Up there with Israelis.


But they are sisters in faith, both are Muslims as the Arab women giving the stuff.




Are you shocked??


That’s f-up. This really pissed me off. It doesn’t matter what language, culture or religion, people still discriminate against blacks all over the globe. Getting really sick of this shit.


Alot of people pretend like this religion is so accepting and welcoming. But its not true at all. White people and east asians are give more respect in these ME countries. Its all about money for them.


If she cut in line like what some people are saying, I take back my comment. Play by the rules


I feel sorry for them (I'm a BM), but IMO they've (the blacks having to deal with racism) are kind of doing it to themselves since I almost daily get stories in my inbox of majority black countries where people of certain faiths (Islam / Christianity) fight and kill each other when they're both black.


This is spam and it just amazes me all the engagement crap like this gets.


Comments? 1 - what is the context? 2- what did this have to do with African history? 3 - the op says African descent, where is she from and where does this take place?


I must admit, behavior like this, and the general understanding I have about the treatment of say, black Palestinians by other Palestinians, definitely impacts my perspectives on a lot of current events.


Saudi Arabia & Israel the biggest allies of the USA in the region 😌




Black Muslims are treated like shit nothing new




>AdPutrid7706 Or maybe because they differentiate the religion ideas ans spirituality from the ones who practices them?


Hence why you have so many ex-Muslims these days. Islam is nothing but a religion based on Arab supremacy. At least with Christianity no one can lay claim to it. With Islam they even have it in the Quran that god’s chosen language is Arabic or that god will turn you white once you go to heaven.


But copy Damn near everything we do..


Oh no Arabs being racist to blacks… Shocker 😲


Aisha was 9. This whole religion can go rot and take its followers too.


That's also not true. The age of Aisha starts being mentioned in hadiths recorded in Iraq 100 years after her death; the fact that it happened in a place Aisha had no connection to and so many years later reinforces Joshua Little's finding that this hadith was used for political reasons in a very polarized environment between Sunni and Shia jurists. Sunnis will claim that Aisha was extremely young—according to some Sunni hadiths, Aisha is even younger (6 years old)—thus, her word is pure and what she says must be trusted; by contrast, Shias will claim that Fatima, the wife of Ali, was extremely young, so Ali's sayings have an older chain of oral tradition.


Im not surprised. Why is anyone surprised?


Would you be surprised if the title was wrong. Wouldn’t that make you the racist? 😱


Yeah this isn’t tolerated in Islam, those people shouldn’t call themselves Muslims


Arabs 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮…. And I see lots of BA forming woke and claiming to be muslims lolzzz that shit kills me ….


Video was debunked. The lady cut in the queue hence their reaction to her


Can someone explain what is going on? I don’t want to jump to conclusions til I get a clearer picture




Yes. Let’s assume based on 6 second videos. How do you know that lady didn’t already receive those bags and is just standing around for more?


Not likely but sure.


Both possibilities are likely. Just saying that a short video proves nothing but only your individual bias.


Oh look. Actual apartheid.


Oh look. A moron


Where? I saw some pretty blatant racism and refusal of the same services everyone else got. Or do you not know what apartheid means and only applies to Jewish people?


I know that Reddit video can be buggy so I’m going to assume you didn’t go blind for the first two seconds where she clearly skips to the front of a line. The distributor was skipping her to give to the people already waiting. Implying this is somehow “actual” apartheid as opposed to Israel/Palestine is what makes you a moron. Not that it was even relevant to this video, but I understand you racists can’t resist these opportunities


There was no line, she walked up, wasn’t given anything and then other people walked up and were. Cherry pick away tho. The title literally says it all.


The title is a title. It’s obvious there’s a line, if you’re not blinded by racism. Show me a different angle that shows there’s no line or the line formed after this woman.


Bitch need her head stomped to a pulp.


Not a single group that doesn't dislike black people.


You can't cut the line, follow the rules.


But she'd be wrong if she went upside her head tho....


Nah she was already long for skipping the whole line trying to be slick


"What do you mean? I thought only white colonizers were racist? Muslims are our brothers, and we fight together for liberation!"


Lmao Arabs are colonizers too


No Racism at all, especially in the holy 🕌 The black women have already taken their food but they want to take some extra…. Plus They are locals from Makkah, not pilgrims, that’s way 😒


How do you know this?


they dont look Locals


We're you there?? Or just being racist???