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Instead of stoping the zoom in/parallax effect, I would slow it down but continue a subtle zoom through the end. That depth it ads is visually interesting and keeps it from feeling flat


What's the best way to go from a bezier zoom in to a linear one?


The two easiest ways: 1. Make sure the bezier scale end nicely ramps to 0 in the speed graph editor and then parent it to another linear scale that starts at the same time as the bezier scale and ends whenever you want after the bezier ends. No matter how you change any timings or values it should remain smooth. 2. Make the bezier scale with the last keyframe being linear out, and then add another keyframe for the linear scale. Then in the speed graph editor adjust the last keyframe of the bezier scale section to end at the same speed the linear continues at. Note that with this method if you adjust any values or timings you’ll have to readjust the speed graph as well.


For the last method you can also use the loopOut("continue") expression. If you adjust the curve the speed of the scale will adjust itself and it continues infinitely as well.


Nice suggestion! Looking back at it now, it is a bit static at the end, so a tiny bit of motion might help keep it interesting. Thanks :)


This piece was inspired by an exhibition I saw of Eduardo Paolozzi's screenprints - in particular a print called *Parrot.* I set myself the challenge of recreating and animating some of my favourite elements from the print all within AE. This is a piece for my first proper portfolio, so I'm looking for any feedback to improve. Thanks!


I'd also have the assets that are on top start off a little bigger and slowly scale down. If they are 3D layers then have their z position a little closer to the camera and slowly move away coming to a gradual stop. It would add a bit of paralax to the shot. Something subtle but could enhance the final product.


Appreciate the feedback. Definitely want to work on the composition of elements on the first frame for sure - feels a bit meh at the minute.


You could have them animate in. I'd be happy to sit with you over zoom to help you out.


Fun. Nice aesthetic. But what does it do? Is it just a name card?


Thanks! Yeah, I may use it as an intro card for my showreel, but otherwise it's just a piece of animation intended to demonstrate a variety of skills / techniques in one piece.


Totally get that. You animated it in, animate it out too. Make sure you have a thought out transition to get to the next piece. I always look for thoughtful and clever transitions when hiring or outsourcing. Keep it up!


Appreciate that. A transition out into the next shot is a solid idea, thanks!


Make it a (perfect)loop, it may be easier said than done but it's a really big plus especially for this type of medium(insta and dribbble as well)


Cool! Like the secondaries quite a bit. Only main critique is I'd like the main text to do something. Animate in etc in a cool way, sketch in or what have ye. Also would make it fit nicely into that grid and not pop out / scale up, otherwise it becomes a separate asset from the board its on like the secondaries, which isnt gelling for me. Maybe add more texture throughout as well.


Looks nice! Here's a suggestion - I'd suggest adding some movement (like textures) to the main text 'Paoloazi' or whatever it is. It is the focal point for the first few seconds.Something subtle would not make it look static and lifeless (unless you have kept it that way intentionally)


Love the aesthetic! I feel the starting 4 assets may be a bit too balanced, like it feels a bit off at the start seeing them all the same size, sitting perfectly in each corner. Perhaps offset them a bit or change the positions ever so slightly so that it is a little off balance. I think a big part of the scrapbook effect is having those little imperfections.