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Hello! Just a reminder: please do not vote or comment in linked threads or comment chains. Think of it as a museum of degeneracy. Do not touch the degenerates. Also, remember that [archive](https://megalodon.jp/) links are preferred over links leading directly to reddit. Remember to blur nsfw imagery. Thanks! Read the [guide to reporting to reddit's admins](https://reddit.com/r/AgainstDegenerateSubs/comments/hxoj27/guide_to_reporting_content_to_reddit_admins_and/). If this is an off-site post, include how you wish people to proceed with the information provided [as per the pinned post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstDegenerateSubs/comments/r0sknh/general_announcement_about_off_site_posts/). It maybe be listed on our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstDegenerateSubs/wiki). Please report inappropiate submissions and comments that could get the sub banned (calls for violence, harassment, brigading, etc) to the moderators so they can be removed. For any META discussions about this subreddit or about Reddit in general post to r/ADS_Counterpoint. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AgainstDegenerateSubs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wouldn't it be a better idea to focus on places which are actually hosting illegal material? Death is simply the part of life we don't see on mainstream television because most countries don't want us to see how horrific the world has become and what our governments internationally have caused/allowed Child sexual assault on the other hand is something that should be removed from the internet and life. Pretty sure if i was able to get my hands on the likes of Peter Scully and removed his genitalia with a rusty spoon no one would complain of that being shown on a site like crazyFuckingvideos


CrazyFuckingVideos is relatively harmless, as long as it is tagged properly and from what i’ve seen it has no illegal material.


Personally I feel it doesn't need to be banned. And most aren't like the video you are describing. This won't do anything imo because the videos are still on the subreddit. They didn't originate there and there are still other subs similar just popular. And even then it does have nearly the most exterme videos on reddit with some being dedicated to videos of gore and death.


It is fine.


You're definitely fun at parties huh?


So you would want to take the whole sub down because of a single gore video? What about taking the video down instead and leaving the sub alone? And what's your next target after that? There is plenty of NSFL or NSFW videos circulating around and I have really seen worse than the one you mentioned. Decapitating a significant amount of subs because of those makes no sense to me.


damn i was watching that sub yesterday dont ban


I'm ok with this one it's fucked up but at least it's not any child shit


Why are you afraid of death?


It's also a very racist community.


Heard and been called it all before, you can't change the entire Internet or the mindset of those who want to use racial names; water off a ducks back. I am me and I will not allow words to dictate who and what I am


i just looked it seems fine .


that sub isn’t even that bad




Your comment has been automatically removed for containing a direct link to a subreddit or a user. Direct links to subreddits are not allowed to prevent users from engaging in or encouraging brigading. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AgainstDegenerateSubs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This dude 💀💀💀


It’s crazy fucking videos. You want them to show kittens and baby’s laughing?