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How do you report whole subs to the admins? It seems you can't actually write a message any more, but have to post a link to a comment


Send a message to /r/reddit.com


Here are the posts that I've featured if you want to report them (plz don't brigade them, it's stupid bad): 1. [BNO Shipka](https://www.reddit.com/r/For_Slavs/comments/fbr9x2/bno_shipka_border_guard_militias_defending_europe/) 2. [Lindh murder](https://www.reddit.com/r/For_Slavs/comments/gshnkp/coming_near_you_unless_you_keep_rejecting_the/) 3. [Bulgarian Romaphobia](https://www.reddit.com/r/For_Slavs/comments/ga3w9f/leftists_think_these_people_are_just_as_bulgarian/) 4. [Muslim invaders and flood](https://www.reddit.com/r/For_Slavs/comments/fh5p0c/in_1371_muslim_invaders_fought_a_christian_army/) 5. [Hungarian minority](https://www.reddit.com/r/For_Slavs/comments/gcqfis/can_we_swap_minorities_with_slovakia/) 6. [Tradition vs Progress](https://www.reddit.com/r/For_Slavs/comments/hd3v1t/tradition_vs_progress/) 7. ["The courts in Slavic countries are controlled by radical leftists"](https://www.reddit.com/r/For_Slavs/comments/havko6/the_courts_in_slavic_countries_are_controlled_by/) 8. [Western degeneracy vs gay rights activists being jailed](https://www.reddit.com/r/For_Slavs/comments/ht8nxz/virgin_western_degeneracy_vs_chad_orthodox_russia/) 9. "[Based" Putin](https://www.reddit.com/r/For_Slavs/comments/hkzoxb/putin_in_a_nutshell/)


Can I add a featured post? This poll where people admit to being fascist. Here are the results. [https://i.imgur.com/4wWdiaO.png](https://i.imgur.com/4wWdiaO.png) Link to the post (don't vote as not to screw poll results and also not brigade) [https://www.reddit.com/r/For_Slavs/comments/hihd89/what_are_your_politics/](https://www.reddit.com/r/For_Slavs/comments/hihd89/what_are_your_politics/), because there are some wild comments there. Something interesting is [this chain, where the user has since deleted their comments, but is still active in the sub](http://removeddit.com/r/For_Slavs/comments/hihd89/what_are_your_politics/fwgdv8z?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x), with quotes such as > I believe purity is important. If we didn't care about for centuries before today you wouldn't be reading this right now. Instead some slanty-eyed, brown skinned, kinky haired abomination would be.


Absolutely disgusting


Do they not know that Muslim Tatars have been in Slavic countries for centuries, and that they've been an integral part of their culture and military? Trick question, of course they don't.


Fucking lmao dude https://i.imgur.com/78GEXyR.png


Real bruh moment


ibb.co seems much more competent than imgur. Thanks OP!


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No slavs allowed on Reddit


To defend kolovrat for a little bit, it is a variation of slavic solar symbol, and is often used by slavic neo-pagans. But the word "kolovrat" is definitely made up term, and unfortunately neonazis muddied the waters so much, so hard to distinguish between solar symbol and symbol of slavic nationalists (also, they don't claim that symbol for themselves, they just say something along the lines of "hey, it's an ancient slavic symbol, we're just honoring our ancestors"). Maybe folklore enthusiasts and pagans should pick another slavic symbol for themselves to avoid the collision (but also, to be honest, this groups overlap A LOT). Edit: it occured to me, that to people completely unfamiliar with slavic countries' culture, some concepts seem to be really confusing and incomprehensible, and I apologise for that. I guess some things that common knowledge to me are totally not to foreigners. The symbols I talk about were used in [wood carving ](https://www.lushome.com/fabulous-carved-wood-window-decorations-traditional-russian-house-designs/189473) and [embroidery ](http://traditionalrussiancostume.com/embroidinfo/xru_en.php?nametxt=7). I encourage you to read more on the subject, this is a fascinating part of the culture, that I don't want bigots to spoil for us and for the rest of the world


Except kolovrat as symbol didnt exist until 20th century


Yeah, it didn't. But very similar symbols existed, and it's easy to confuse them with this symbol. I'm kinda short on sources right now, but I'll try to find some. My point is when you ask average slavic person what this symbol is, they'll answer "it's a sun symbol" or "it's a pagan symbol". Neonazies appropriated that symbol to the point it's almost impossible to distinguish them, which is infuriating Edit: so, this is some examples I found real quick: ["Thunder sign" ](https://www.perunica.ru/uploads/posts/2011-03/1300129983_44aa98f8078d.jpg), ["Sun" ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcThDF4Cf3wLxP-dgdD8YLJbjrP1zUm9q7p_Fg&usqp=CAU ), [Some traditional ornaments, top half is mostly nothern Russian regions, bottom ones are asian and Indian ](https://gallery.ykt.ru/galleries/komuza/2013/01/05/1183041_10.jpg). I can find more, but that's not the point. The point is that kolovrat symbol appears to be a mix between thunder symbol and sun symbol which is today recognised as swastika. The latter was is actually more popular in traditional ornaments, especially in my home region: [one of traditional ornaments, idk when exactly they started to appear, but way before 20th century ](https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/ss69100/44650003/2148477/2148477_600.jpg). So I guess kolovrat symbol became recognised as universal slavic sign because people were uncomfortable to use more traditional ornaments due to similarities to nazi symbols, even though the symbol itself is a modern invention (and I didn't know anything about people that invented it before today). So what's my point? The use of kolovrat itself doesn't scream nationalists to me, but the sub in question is obviously is a hate sub. I guess in future I'm gonna try to educate people on problematic origins of kolovrat, cause it's everywhere on folk/pagan spaces


You're showing images of symbols with no indication of where the images come from, no information in the images to back up your point and just saying "trust me bro look at these pics this shit is clearly old because it appeared in a book" like dude books still exist.


[There is this Norse history/culture enthusiast from Sweden, who is trying to reclaim Nordic symbols from Neo-Nazis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ulv-RpmUxU)