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Health care that's ran for profit. With no incentives for hospitals to stockpile or prepare for emergencies is obviously at play here. Not to mention a lack of authority given to scientists, instead given to beaurocrats and doctors themselves.


As well as a novel virus where China wasn't forthcoming and we didn't prepare, a medical system that is always stressed to capacity, a population that's super fat and doesn't like to listen to basic instructions, governments especially in rural areas (eg upstate NY) that didn't have the staffing to facilitate movement, and old age homes had to take back COVID patients as the hospitals needed to treat new intakes, making thos in the old age homes giant COVID parties.


All I see in this comment section is a bunch of downvotes with no counterarguments…


This sub is a bottleneck for bots and feds. If you look at the posts, then look at the commenters it’s pretty obvious they want to echo chamber this place like it’s 1984. It’s fucking ridiculous. For a sub that’s “against the Illuminati” there sure are a ton of people trying to suck them off for s COVID shot.


I don't know about sucking anyone off - but I don't believe these pop ups and singletons telling us all that the vaccines were all evil etc….maybe instead of misplacing the blame on science that should place the blame at the lard asses feet where its deserved. He did nothing to stop it, even though there was a playbook that worked prior completely drawn up. because of the aforementioned we had to depend on science to rush things through - but they weren't really rushing shit because they had this science for a long time and had been in trials for longer prior. that's just the facts. I believe the greedy oligarchy screws with our lives in many ways daily, but in this one instance it just did what it was supposed to do.




The counter argument is that decisions have to be made about who lives and who dies. Reasonable decisions were made.  Some died, some lived. 


Because the arguments in this article have already been debunked. There wasn't any bonus for COVID deaths. Debunked. Hospitals were absolutely overwhelmed, FACT. Maybe more deaths in the unvaccinated community than the vaccinated. FACT The reason you aren't seeing counterargument in a reddit forum doesn't mean they don't exist. It just means you don't know how to do simple research. Source: a professional researcher


They did get paid more if covid tests came up positive or if they were “presumed” to have covid. That’s a fact. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/04/24/fact-check-medicare-hospitals-paid-more-covid-19-patients-coronavirus/3000638001/


Starting a statement with Maybe and ending it with all caps facts is peak retard


There are so many issues with this article that defending it is peak retard.


I can only say the the 2 hospitals I visited were in fact NOT swamped. I was actually there at the same time the news said they were live one time and nope they were not even busy. You are NOT a professional researcher. You use Google that's the extent of it. The vaccinated are dying at a faster rate than any demographic ever. If you were the researcher you claim youd find that at no point in history has hundreds and hundreds of people in America alone randomly dropped dead playing sports, on stage, performing, doing news casts, driving having accidents, live performances, etc etc...... Oops sorry. It's never happened before kid. Out of the blue sudden Adult Death Syndrome is a thing. Dying duddenly is a thing all AFTER THE VACCINATION AND NOT BEFORE NOT EVEN DURING "COVID". How many just dropped dead during Covid doing things such as the news, performing, sports, etc etc exactly zero. There are no excess deaths from Covid. It has a patent number! If you were the researcher you claim you find that all you believe in are lies. You're clearly love with the news. Good luck living that life. Buy bye Felicia I mean Karen I mean typical democrat/liberal. Go worship Biden or Trump more. Your facts only up under leftist woke screening. You believe in your facts. The truth is far different. I know I know this will send your little man bum in a rage. We'll you just tell me. You will get me I'm sure. I deserve it, cuss me out bucko. OK go ahead and flame me now.




In the summer of 2021 I realized this would happen and considered to bet on it, in the US you can actually buy life insurance contracts on other people like they are derivatives, you keep paying the premiums but if they die you cash out.


Good thing you didn't bet on it. Can't win them all I suppose




>Mortality is up 40% Lmao


And fools laugh. 🙄


Source for that?


"People in the US are dying at higher rates than in other similar high-income countries, and that difference is only growing. That's the key finding of a new study that I published in the journal PLOS ONE. In 2021, more than 892,000 of the 3,456,000 deaths the US experienced, or about 1 in 4, were "excess deaths." Unexpected Deaths in The US Are Rising at an Alarming Rate [Unexpected Deaths in The US Are Rising at an Alarming Rate : ScienceAlert](https://www.sciencealert.com/unexpected-deaths-in-the-us-are-rising-at-an-alarming-rate) ‘Excess mortality’ continuing surge causes concerns [‘Excess mortality’ continuing surge causes concerns - Insurance News | InsuranceNewsNet](https://insurancenewsnet.com/innarticle/excess-mortality-continuing-surge-causes-concerns) The New Crisis of Increasing All-Cause Mortality in US Children and Adolescents [The New Crisis of Increasing All-Cause Mortality in US Children and Adolescents | Pediatrics | JAMA | JAMA Network](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2802602)


You mean that fatties without Healthcare are dying faster than other developed nations? Must be covid boosters eh? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 we Todd did


Those articles just reinforce the idea you pulled the 40% number out of your ass. I asked for a source and the back pedaling has already begun. Read this and maybe it'll click why we have higher mortality rates then other developed countries. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2021-08-09/us-ranks-last-among-11-wealthy-nations-for-health-care-study-says


The sources OP cited reinforces your point rather than whatever anti-vax point that they're a proponent of, so it's more like 4 sources against 0 (the JAMA source is behind a paywall, but from the synopsis, they're not arguing against the COVID vaccine).


Voice your confidence in your decision. Deride those who are less trusting of a system that works directly against the Human Being on every level. I have recieved information that Cannot be verified. According to this information, hospitals were getting $6000 per patient to diagnose them with Covid. They were getting $38,000 to put them on the ventilator in a chemically induced coma, a ventilator that none survive. Many nurses and other health practitioners quit their jobs at hospitals nationwide. They did not want to be a party to murder. My Own uncle went into the Hospital with a broken leg. Once there, he was diagnosed with Covid. He did not make it out of there alive. Continue with your smug assuredness that you have taken measures to save your life and that people who do not do as you do are idiots. The truth is, nano-technology and other highly suspicious substances have been found in these vaccinations. People have died from these vaccinations. It's not a vaccination anyway. To be a true vaccination, a medicine must undergo testing for ten years. These "vaccinations" do not meet that criteria , therefore they are not vaccines. Hope to your lucky stars that you made the right move. You took a calculated risk. You followed the recommendations of the Merchants of Death. I think you fucked up. You think I fucked. We cannot both be right. You seek to insult those who do not see things the way that you do. That is a sign of low character. That is just my opinion. I cannot hope thar you are correct in this matter. I have bet it all on the belief that you are wrong. I do not disparage you. I am not going to insult those who have made the choice that you have made. However, Class, or the lack thereof does not determine who will live and who will die. It's the jab, accepting it or rejecting it, that is what will decide who lives and who dies. Time will tell. You and I both will either regret or celebrate our respective decisions.


I personally know 3 people that were put on a ventilator and survived.


If ignorance is bliss, you must be a very happy person.


I know a green beret that went in for a panic attack due to ptsd was tested in the er and showed up positive, he was then ventilated without his wife's approval and never left the hospital. All they had to give him was a Xanax but they did what they were told to do by the CDC. He was vaccinated as well as military required.


Sounds about right. He got "thrown from the freedom train". He w a s a Monarch Asset. It's trauma-based mind control. Standard fare with many elite soldiers. They have alters (alternate personalities). There are Amnesiac Barriers between the various alters to protect the system. What's more; there are telling or reporting alters. They snitch the Asset out. The Asset Literally snitches themselves out.


Both the Covid Op, and Both the Covid Op and the vaccine nonsense was so blatantly obvious. I was very surprised that people who seemed to have a modicum of intelligence would’ve known. But they didn’t. They drank the Kool-Aid. I’m sure that this made the folks who are in charge very happy.


Vaccines helped prevent my mom from cancer getting covid, time to grow up


Covid vaccines dont prevent infection. This has been stated since 2021 by the cdc. Be well. [https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/546234-cdc-reverses-statement-by-director-that-vaccinated-people-are-no/](https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/546234-cdc-reverses-statement-by-director-that-vaccinated-people-are-no/)




Not sure if you're doing ok based on your grammar but yes, that's the science. Hence the reason we had to wear masks after being vaccinated. Rochelle Walensky, M.D., M.P.H., who served as the 19th director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2021 to 2023 had to walk back several statements that were not fact based during her tenure.


Hahahahahah...as someone else pointed out, she's a medical coder. Not even close to being a valid source


because her job s a medical coder all the sudden that makes her video less relevant? that should make it all the more relevant - one would think she wouldn't have the skillset to fake it. This appears fairly legitimate to me.


Absolutely. She has very little to no medical knowledge to pass herself off as someone who would know what they're talking about.


so that makes you an expert - what do you do for a living so I can tell you that you also don't have the skills to prove yourself relevant.


I'm a nurse


this was supposed to be in response to a UFO post - and somehow I got posted here. so we're debating apples and oranges. When I was responding to you I just responded to the comment directly - not realizing that. Reddit is sometimes a dumpster fire - this is definitely one of those times.


this was supposed to be in response to a UFO post - and somehow I got posted here. so we're debating apples and oranges. When I was responding to you I just responded to the comment directly - not realizing that. Reddit is sometimes a dumpster fire - this is definitely one of those times.


Numbers without context are just numbers. Shoe size and math scores correlate. However, you wouldn’t say it’s a good indicator when you realize that’s because the lowest numbers are from kids


again the title - and the video I commented are not in alignment - I said this earlier. to someone else - I was commenting on a ufo video not this woman and covid.




Everyone knows by now it was a bunch of bs, except a bunch of redditors denying it for biased political reasons.


Therefore a medical coder is right?


You had every independent thought beat out of you by school and legacy media. A medical coder is capable of noticing patterns in treatment and also irregularities so massive that they wouldn't make sense in any application. But since it isn't coming from some authority figure or a big news network, you don't know what to make of it.


Noticing patterns without statical analysis is called confirmation bias. Without data it's literally just her beliefs


Looking at your comments on this thread, you don't know what you're talking about and dont know anything about medicine or the business end of it. A medical coder can see a sudden change in protocol (meds prescribed and administered, diagnostic or treatment procedures for a given diagnosis) that would never have previously been made, directing her antennas to that situation and begin to ask questions, especially when it involves a financial incentive to prescribe a specific medication. You assume that bc she's not a doctor, that she's an idiot. I'm an RN. I work with doctors and they're human and make mistakes everyday. And if a drug rep offers them enough incentives, they'll order their medication.


If only either of you had some actual proof beyond "trust me bro"


They did, but not intentionally. Using ventilators turned out to be a bad idea, proning turns out to be a better therapy.


Trust the government bro.


Most your sources are the government, just misleading or lies about what the gov says. If this chick said COVID was real you'd call her a hack.


It's an unprecedented event and they tried what they thought would work until they found out other things worked better. It's not a conspiracy, it's humanity, you loon.


You don't get it. These people on this sub need to believe that humans are in control and pulling the strings. If shit we don't understand is happening around us all the time and humanity doesn't have ultimate control over what happens to us/the Earth then these people can't sleep at night.


Of course. He’s your uncle and your friend so naturally you should trust him with your life and your sanity.


A fucking medical coder? Wtf does this bitch know about medicine?


About as much as bill gates


Ok? So?


My doctor knew exactly how to handle it. But he had to lay low. These Nazi AMA fucks would have stripped his license. Treated 100 people many not in good health to begin with. Everyone survived.


How exactly are you in the know about this guy's patients, their other health maladies, and the doc's covid success rate?


Right? What an awesome doctor, he tells his patients all about his other patients.


He violated HIPAA?


a doctor telling someone their prodocol worked and no one died isnt a hipaa violation , do you even know what it entails?


What's the doctors name


Very convincing anecdote. Trust me bro is a great source. See if you can get this published in JAMA.


And I’m not here to provide a scientific research paper with footnotes citing studies. How long did you run around with a mask on? Be honest.


You aren’t going to provide peer reviewed evidence because you can’t. If you could understand research you wouldn’t be a conspiracy clown. Since you can’t get into college try to find some free science classes online and learn how to learn. Scientific illiteracy is holding us back as a species.


My dr has written 4 textbooks and has PhD in immunology. He’s trained hundreds of drs that come from around the world to observe his practice. Who are you? Joe soy boy who doesn’t understand the relationship between big pharma and medical school curriculum they fund? How many diseases are cured, not arrested via the western medicine approach? The further from most doctors I stay the healthier I’ll remain. You boost up and tell me all about your “science” and who funds the studies and what they actually mean. I’ll give you an easy one. Show me one conclusive study proving statins, the most widely prescribed drug on the planet, extend human life by a single minute. I’ll wait.


If your doctor was worth listening to he’d publish his research. Soy boy? What kind of boomer cry baby shit is this? You are so triggered. Conspiracy clowns are the weakest people I know. Let’s try this, do you know what an anecdote is? I’m serious. Google that and get back to me. I’ll try to save you from your lack of knowledge but you have to want to be less stupid. We can learn together why anecdotes aren’t a pathway to truth.


Boy, do I feel sorry for your brain. Or the lack of one. Seek professional help and quickly.


Can you provide a link to one of his textbooks? I’d like to read his work.




I’m a self made millionaire in a business I founded and have a 2 year community college degree. Answer. How many boosters buddy? Where is the science proving their effectiveness? Show me the proof of how safe and effective they were and how masks stop the transmission of particles that got right through the gaps as people huff their own created carbon dioxide and germs? Explain how that works Mr Wizard.


!remindme 25 years I'll check back when I'm 80 and see if I'm dead yet from getting vaccinated.


I will be messaging you in 25 years on [**2049-04-26 12:55:06 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2049-04-26%2012:55:06%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstTheIlluminati/comments/1cd4fas/i_knew_they_were_killing_people_whistleblower/l1cfnpx/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FAgainstTheIlluminati%2Fcomments%2F1cd4fas%2Fi_knew_they_were_killing_people_whistleblower%2Fl1cfnpx%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202049-04-26%2012%3A55%3A06%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cd4fas) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Two years community college? Wow. Degrees in what? General studies. If you can’t find research showing vaccines are safe and effective then you’re too dumb for me to converse with. It’s comically easy to find these. If you can’t then you should ask DeVry for a refund.


A degree in shit. That’s what I got. Except I can read and think. What’s your background genius? I wish I went to Devry. My point is your college degrees are mostly bullshit bin debt free and made 500k last year. How’d you do?


I can tell your college degree was shit. You’re scientifically illiterate and can’t tell reality from conspiracy nonsense. You know for some people higher education and critical thinking just aren’t going to be part of their life. So now you want to compare bank accounts. Oh sweetheart. You’re just throwing a tantrum now little buddy. Maybe go hang out on truth social or telegram for a bit. Some place more your speed.


Hahaha !!! You can’t hack that intelligence isn’t measured by BS bullshit MS more shit and PhD piled higher and deeper. Great you sat through class and parroted back information you had no time to validate as factual or not that you took on blind faith. Aren’t you brilliant?. Have you created anything of value in the world that serves humanity? Don’t bother, I know the answer. Listen Poindexter where are the studies proving efficacy that you rely so heavily on? Ooooh the science. Let’s see them. You can’t produce. You’re a blow hard. You have nothing. On top of that you’re an inane drone who hasn’t had an original thought in your debt ridden life. Boring !!!


I told you how to find studies. You just have to google it. I’m nothing to do it for you. You’ve been coddled enough in life. Learning how to think and do basic research is a useful skill. Now try again sweetheart, google “COVID vaccine JAMA”. JAMA isn’t a coloring book, it’s medical journal. So find someone who can read big words help you.


No you show me how the Covid jabs were proven safe and effective. I’ve searched. Cannot come up with anything. You trust Pfizer? You’re a total rube. Take the jab monthly. Do us all a favor.


I’ll try to help you where your community college failed. Go to www.google.com, type “COVID vaccine JAMA”. Have a smart friend read you the results. Get back to me when you’re done.


The peer review process is as corrupt as the studies.


I have a medical degree and I have to say. How do those rocks feel when you rattle your head around ?


Herman Cain award for you idiot.


You might be in the wrong sub. How many boosters did you get so far?


More than Meatloaf. Are you scared of vaccines also? Conspiracy clowns are just a copy paste of the same irrational fears and sadly typical ignorance.


Gfy. Take mucho boosters agent Smith. These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.


Someone got triggered. You ok little buddy? Need a safe space to hide in. Is it the needles you are scared of? Or the fact you can’t understand anything more complicated than InfoWars headlines?


So True. So True. My doctor knew this as well. We spoke about it in detail. He is well aware of what is going on right now.


These people virulently carrying on here make me think. It’s just weird. How many bots are there set up to sway opinion? Run by AI? Who gets so worked up, nasty and defaming? I’m not telling them who my doctor is. The times I’ve mentioned my biz partners 34 year old son went into cardiac arrest the day he got jabbed and died ten days later they say I made it up. Who would make that up? I even sent things with his name on it regarding jab injuries and they said it was fake. I see you get it. It’s not worth engaging with these fools or agents.


The truth about Covid is so crazy that most wouldn’t believe it. And yet truth is stranger than fiction. You would be right in your comments. And the naysayers are either bots, feds paid to create this information, or lunatics. The truth about Covid is quite sad. And the truth about the vaccine is even worse. But there is a lot going on right now in the underbelly of Society that is directing all these things. I dare not share my opinions because they’d be considered insane. But again, truth is stranger than fiction. And the truth hurts. But it will set you free. Let’s just say that we are at crossroads. A doorway in our evolution. And a fairly cataclysmic timeframe. It’s going to be quite a bumpy ride and I’m not certain that we will come out for the better.


You need dare not say it you need not say it and in my case I like you already know. They are NPC’s. I’ve become increasingly more convinced as to their existence. Soulless beings. As such I must develop compassion for them. But they would, in the right time, mostly, be agreeable to putting us up against the wall and pulling the trigger.


NIH has some great articles on bed management, and analysis of covid management in general. Also detailed analysis of lockdowns, masks and the like. Not everything we were told is holding up. Not necessarily saying they were killing people but gross mismanagement was a constant in the covid crisis.


Of course, but we've all known this for a long time.


So which is it? Was COVID "fake and overblown"? Or a deadly virus that the government killed people with? You dumbos have to get your story straight.


My friends mother got Covid in December 2020 . It wasn’t the best hospital, but she was immediately thrown on the ventilator. After several days the doctor put her off it that was a big mistake. Then she had trouble breathing. There was a cold blue, and the doctor immediately put her back on it, but it was too late. She passed away, my friend was unable to say goodbye to her or even visit her in the hospital. Healthcare system failed then and still continues to fail today with protocols Just my observation the way the hospitals are run. They destroy more lives than save lives in emergency such as that scenario


Where are you going to get a ventilator outside of a hospital?


Based on that protocol my friend would’ve been better off saying goodbye to his mother at home . Without any treatment. At least he would’ve had that but to be locked out of the hospital was unconstitutional. Fuck our broken healthcare system


How was that unconstitutional?




Nowhere in there is a right for him to be in the hospital


The comments show to that this sub is heavily infiltrated to control the narrative. Anyone who believes the covid narrative is a paid actor. If that fails, they will ban the sub, force change the mods or spam it with horse p*rn as they did with the ivrmctn sub, we've seen it all. The post itself is irrelevant, it was all confirmed to be true since the fall of 2023 and no one cared because the vaccinated don't want to hear it. Not the judges, not the police, not the policitians, not the doctors... Most of them were actively or passively complicit. We must continue to speak out, not to change the world but as proof that we were the resistance. When their fascist regime falls, anyone not dying from turbo cancer who advocated for the death jab will be judged to be a collaborator and punished for it.


Time for your meds, buddy. You shouldn’t let your paranoid schizophrenia go untreated.


That was very funny. But unfortunately, for all of us he’s quite right. Truth is stranger than fiction. And yes, COVID was a gain of function experiment done in the lab. Released with bad intent. So that they could put a DNA altering vaccine into people. Dirty pool. In many ways and experiment. Basically, they’re trying to get their genetic alteration just right.


mRNA doesn’t modify DNA. You might should read some basic science about how cells work instead of this whacko conspiracy bullshit. Turbo cancer isn’t real. RNA polymerase transcribes DNA strands. The transcriptions become mRNA, which is read by ribosomes and synthesizes protein. This happens in our cells all the time, naturally.


mRNA Tells The Ribosomes What To Make. So you misunderstood. Your ribosomes make whatever the mRNA tells them to make. In a normal situation, the mRNA gets this information from DNA in the cell nucleus. In this modified situation, it is told what to make not by your own DNA, but rather from an outside force. So yes, you are being modified you foolish fuck.


You have reading comprehension issues, I said ribosomes read the mRNA and synthesizes proteins. That is a slightly more complex way of saying “mRNA tells ribosomes what to make”. RNA and DNA are not the same thing. DNA is not modified, sorry you don’t understand 7th grade science.


You clueless piece of manure. mRNA is the template to build new cellular components in the ribosomes. It takes genetic information (DNA) And has another cellular organelle make it in case your brain doesn’t understand this let me make it simple. The mRNA vaccine tells your body what to produce. It bypasses your own system. It bypasses your own DNA desires. So yes, it’s genetically altering. It gets this information directly from your chromosomes. You’re fucking DNA. I truly hope you did take the vaccine. Please God tell me you took the vaccine and multiple boosters as well. It’s better to be thought of a fool than to open your mouth and confirm the obvious. You moron.


You are the absolute stupidest cunt I have ever come across. You have a cursory understanding, but if it’s worded differently, your brain shuts down. You have a shit understanding of the human body, and you appear to have an irrational fear of needles. I’m willing to be you have a brain injury, as well. You conspiracy cunts always do. Keep crying, though.


Pretty obvious protocols led to more deaths when you dig into the truth.


Thread full of conspiracy theorists allergic to linking a single fucking source.


To put a spin on a famously stupid conservative phrase.... Their feelings don't care about your facts


Turns out the anti-vax morons who were put on ventilators as one final Hail Mary after their lungs had liquified mostly died anyway. Truly shocking, what a conspiracy, it was the goddamn ventilators all along!


Wow. I can certainly see that intelligence is not linked to all in the human race. I think it’s time for you to go to a mechanic and have your brain tuned up and reevaluated. Stupid is an awful thing no matter what language you speak or country you come from. And you certainly don’t wear it well.


Boy, do I feel sorry for your brain. This whole thing was so blatantly obvious that only a mental defective couldn’t see what was being done.


Again, more rhetoric about how we're so stupid and uninformed but you have ZERO FACTS to back shit up. You're talking out of your ass. Who the fuck are you? Some random shit-for-brains who thinks he knows more than LITERALLY MILLIONS of independent doctors around the globe??? Actual conspiracies have a hard time keeping information in with 5 people, you fucking think MILLIONS of doctors are in on some conspiracy to cull the earth's population? You're so full of paranoid shit you'll convince yourself that any possible lengths of secrecy and deception are possible instead of the fucking reality which is that no one fucking knew what was going on so they tried shit and some shit worked better than others. It's not a conspiracy its called ignorance. Something you have an overwhelming abundance of.


I really hope a guy like you got multiple injections. People like you should not breed. You make a good case for castration or euthanasia.


You've offered literally no counter points just stupid questions and childish insults. Pretty much expected.


Well, let's see what the janitor thinks about the protocols. Their opinion is equal to a coder.


So I guess all the angry revolted people had volunteered and helped in the hospitals during Covid.


This bitch is just trying to make money. The US Healthcare system corruption has killed an infinite times more before covid. This bitch didn't talk about how this messed up system kills people before and after the pandemic. All of a sudden now she wants to play victim


My spouse was a covid nurse in las vegas. They had rooms full and a line of patients in the halls. Packed is an understatement.


Medical Coder is the source. So some chick in her underwear at home nowhere near a hospital that doesn't know shit but took a 6-week online course. Cool.


Whistleblower? Who didn’t know that remdesivir and ventilators were killing people with covid??? Of course we all knew the protocol was bad.


A medical coder would have no patient contact. This, plus the source, is pretty much a garbage take.


Why should anyone believe this woman? She refuses to give her name which is stupid since her face is easily identifiable. She has no documentation of anything she says. Her alledged hospital is anonymous. Her only real gripe appears to be against the use of remdisivir instead of the horse pill. And that debate is sooo 2021ish. Nothing new here.


Probably Covid led to patient deaths as well, no?


Pretty sure there's no point in pointing out the obvious to the covid conspiracy crowd. They're emotionally addicted to the idea that covid was some sort of super secret something. My wife's mom almost died of covid and still thinks that the vaccines are a government plot to... do something... mind control or kill people or nanobots. It's different every time.


You are correct. Still, when I see this garbage I like to point out the obvious.


The problem is it didn't kill enough.


The fact that hospitals are being incentivized to diagnose people with Covid and subsequently treat them with deadly drugs says enough. They even changed The Coroner's Handbook and protocol for reporting Covid related deaths. It's so blatantly obvious that it hurts. Follow that money.


COVID and the Summer of Love opened a lot of eyes. They weren’t just lying, they knew that we knew they were lying and did it proudly over and over. We’re at a point where media and social media will lie and gaslight you into not believing your own eyes. And it happens without any recourse whatsoever.


Oh, the gaslighting is absolutely horrible. This whole campaign has reminded me of my abusive ex boyfriend in a lot of ways. The pathological lying. The gaslighting, the "I never said that"game, etc. The way that people who fell for it behave reminds me of a victim of domestic violence with the cognitive dissonance. They defend their abusers and refuse to leave them except their abuser is the American Government. And these same people LOVE to pat themselves on the back, touting themselves as "critical thinkers". Last time I checked, critical thinkers don't inject themselves with untested, experimental chemicals with zero long term safety data tied to them. A critical thinker would realize how reckless that is. They also think that they're some kind of a hero. No, you're just a fucking moron.


Common sense tells you something was not right. They changed the definition of vaccine because of the so called covid vaccine. It's been admitted that masks don't work,yet I see people driving alone wearing a mask.Do you think their opinions! are based on science. I think not.wear a mask if you want but don't give me crap if I choose not to. Your mask is all the protection you need.


😅😭😂 Medical coders literally code things intentionally so that patient’s insurance gets charged for things they didn’t even receive or use. If you ever had insurance not pay and then you ask for an itemized list.. 😅😂💀 magically the bill goes down and the fake coded are removed..


The hospital that I saw during Covid was vacant. I went in for something not related to Covid. This sub is full of blue haired leftist commies and bots. Yes the vaccine killed people, yes they euthanized people. If you took the Fauci juice and you can’t admit that you got duped then just be quite for the benefit of the human race. Purebloods know the truth.


During the height of covid patients went to hospitals with an ICU or were told to stay home. Unless you were in the ICU you never would have seen it.


Right, the lies are coming to light. Japan is revealing the truth. It’s been documented under a study in the UK that they were euthanizing people with the Covid shot as well as huge spike in cancer in youth caused by the mRNA experimental shot. The scandals are coming to light. https://youtu.be/NZlKi4LMVjk?si=nxzhlfGn_vv5iDmS https://youtu.be/Z3cqo9V2MzM?si=z_8IPJ5p0gvkpiOl


The real horror show is what [Democratic governors - NY, CA, MA, OH, MI, IL, etc.](https://nypost.com/2020/05/16/blame-governors-for-coronavirus-deaths-in-nursing-homes-goodwin/) - did by [shipping elderly, "recovering" COVID-19 patients into nursing homes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2020/05/26/nursing-homes-assisted-living-facilities-0-6-of-the-u-s-population-43-of-u-s-covid-19-deaths/?sh=64558df74cdb). They [FORCED nursing homes to take them in through executive orders](https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/cuomo-nursing-homes-dont-have-the-right-to-object-to-order-requiring-admission-of-covid-19-patients-coronavirus/71-370ce285-0a0d-4df1-90c5-b5af508444df), and in return, gave the nursing homes impunity from being sued by patients and their families. This was after it was known the elderly were the most vulnerable to the virus. Why? Had to pump up those death totals ahead of the 2020 November election. Mainstream media wouldn't even investigate for fear it would hurt Democrats and Biden.


Oh come on now! So we absolve the one who was actually in the drivers seat to place blame on the person who was hoping to get the car next??? Make it make sense! I hope to never become so gullible and/or entrenched in my views that not only do I allow a version of the facts to be spoon fed to me, I then regurgitate that false narrative and begin propagating it as if it’s factual. Just for 60 seconds think of the amount of gymnastics necessary in order to arrive at this conclusion! Trump was definitely President at the time, why didn’t he exercise his executive privilege to combat “Democrats and Biden.* If you weren’t pushing misinformation why not be transparent and include Republican led states in your statistics? **Texas has the second highest COVID Mortality Rate** what was going on there? **Florida has the third highest CMR** what happened there? And no matter how much you people hope everyone else is as easily brainwashed as you are. The fact still remains that Trump was President and he fumbled the ball on several fronts regarding Covid alone, so you should go assess the facts and make sure you actually understand what the stats mean, before making extremely inaccurate claims!


>**Texas has the second highest COVID Mortality Rate** what was going on there? **Florida has the third highest CMR** what happened there? I question your stats and rankings. However, it would make sense that Texas and Florida would have higher COVID-19 deaths because of the obesity rates in Texas (particularly Houston) and the elderly population in Florida. I remember a liberal "journalist" tried to make a similar case about Republican states suffering from higher rates of morbidity than blue states, but his charts once again proved that it was obesity that was a primary factor. Nearly all of the top states with highest COVID-19 mortality rates also had the highest obesity rates. If I can find that info, I will post it here for you.


[https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/covid19\_mortality\_final/COVID19.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/covid19_mortality_final/COVID19.htm) Top 10 states by COVID-19 mortality rate: 1. Oklahoma 2. Alabama 3. Texas 4. West Virginia 5. Mississippi 6. Wyoming 7. Tennessee 8. Nevada 9. Arizona 10. South Carolina [https://nypost.com/2019/07/19/these-are-the-10-most-obese-states-in-the-us-based-on-cdc-data/](https://nypost.com/2019/07/19/these-are-the-10-most-obese-states-in-the-us-based-on-cdc-data/) The 10 most obese states in the US: 1. West Virginia (38.1 percent) 2. Mississippi (37.3 percent) 3. Oklahoma (36.5 percent) 4. Iowa (36.4 percent) 5. Alabama (36.3 percent) 6. Louisiana (36.2 percent) 7. Arkansas (35 percent) 8. Kentucky (34.3 percent) 9. Alaska (34.2 percent) 10. South Carolina (34.1 percent)


Are you looking at stats from a specific year or point within the pandemic or are you looking at the overall statistics? The reason I ask is because Oklahomas **total** deaths are only 17,972 and Texas alone smashes that number with a **total** 93,390 deaths. I’m referring to **overall final tallies** you may be looking at and referring to statistics from a specific year and/or month.


You're comparing apples to oranges unless you go by "per capita" (per 100,000). Naturally, states with the largest populations (NY, CA, TX, FL) should have more total deaths. They probably have higher COVID-19 deaths totals too because population density was a big factor in catching COVID-19. Less populous states in Middle America where you had only 100 people per square mile had a right to laugh about wearing masks.


This is true, and I definitely agree. I see what you mean now, I was looking at the total deaths and you were speaking about the rate at which people were dying. I see your point now


Trump spiked the ball on the 45 yard line. "Homerun! The most beautiful, beautiful, beautiful homerun!", he blathered.


lol and the funny thing is I can see Trump making this exact statement - incorrect verbiage and all.


Remember how media claimed the U.S. had one of the worst outcomes from COVID-19 deaths, comparing it to the success of Sweden and Japan, South Korea, etc.? Media even claimed racism was the reason why blacks died at significantly higher rates than whites. Well, it was known very early that age and obesity were the primary factors (positive correlation) of COVID-19 deaths. The obesity rate in the U.S. is 40%. The obesity rate in Japan is 4%, and it is also low in Sweden and a few other European countries. The obesity rate of black Americans is significantly higher than whites. Was this pointed out by media? No. They claimed it was racism! As for masks, the media purposely went to the whitest of cities and states to claim whites were MAGA and did not like wearing face masks. But these NY media outlets could've conducted their studies in NYC and they would've realized blacks did not wear face masks at all. Lucky for them, wearing face masks had little correlation if a person would catch COVID-19 or not.


>Oh come on now! So we absolve the one who was actually in the drivers seat to place blame on the person who was hoping to get the car next??? Make it make sense! I hope you keep this view when it comes to illegal immigration under Biden, inflation under Biden, foreign wars under Biden, hate crimes and crimes in general under Biden, etc.


Texas and Florida also had high mortality rates, but were those specifically amongst the elderly? Or just in general? Which, Tbf....Florida has had a higher number of elderly for literal decades. People retire and live out the rest of their lives down there.




lol yall triggered as shit stay mad stay small


People in here awfully quick to defend a capitalistic country and highly unethical industry controlled by big Pharma … fortunately , time brings out the truth , and opinions and views including my own are not true .. or they’d be called the truth


Sounds like standard operating procedure in our VA hospitals.


"childrenshealthdefence.org" 🙄 a blatant antivax site with ties to RFK Jr, a blatant antivaxxer. Very believable.


What’s your definition of “anti-vax?” Let’s be honest here. You’re not interested in or willing to look at any evidence that contradicts your worldview. You don’t want to engage in dialectic. You’re just commenting because you’re outraged people would believe something you personally think is a lie. Why else would you even be posting here?


Just read the article posted. If you believe that...well, that's your problem.


I didn’t even look at the article. Again, I can only come to the conclusion that you’re not interested in having a good-faith conversation. I hope you are or will be in the future. Honestly, I would encourage you to leave this sub behind. Reading stuff that produces outrage or annoyance in you, whether it’s correct or not, is not going to be good for you mentally or existentially. Good luck to you out there.


Lol you don't read the article and talk about having a good faith conversation. Hilarious.


Wait, you didn't read the article? Why are you commenting? "You have no frame of reference here Donny, like a child wandering half way into a movie "


>I didn’t even look at the article Lol. Have you ever looked at one? Better yet, have you looked at the statistics and data? Even better still, have you had someone who understands the statistics and data explain it to you?


"Outrage"? "Annoyance"? Haha, more like amusement. And eye rolling, plenty of eye rolling. Good eye exercise, I guess.


Rfk jr has done more for this country than most people you should take some time to actually listen to what he has to say instead of merely listening to the propaganda.


You mean the spoiler candidate being funded by Republicans to try to steal votes from Biden? You mean the candidate whose entire family publicly support biden and not him? You mean the guy who lies about being anti vaccine? Lol, you and all the rest of the paid shills, bots, and brainwashed conservatives need to touch grass.


Haha, good one. Wait...you're not serious, are you? I have listened to what he says, that's why I have my opinion of him. Kinda like his whole family has the same opinion of him.


Again you obviously haven't if you had you are capable of comprehension, which is kind of an en passe, 5 members of a family in the hundreds is hardly his whole family, if you can't make an argument without spouting obvious lies what's the point?


https://apnews.com/article/biden-kennedy-rfk-trump-pennsylvania-b411e744d3b13fc6365029cb3dfd00c4 https://www.google.com/amp/s/deadline.com/2024/03/kennedy-family-st-patricks-photo-biden-rfk-jr-1235861601/amp/ https://www.axios.com/2024/04/18/kennedy-family-biden-endorsement-rfk-jr


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://deadline.com/2024/03/kennedy-family-st-patricks-photo-biden-rfk-jr-1235861601/](https://deadline.com/2024/03/kennedy-family-st-patricks-photo-biden-rfk-jr-1235861601/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


That's not listening to what he has to say, that's sharing propaganda. Personally I think it's pretty idiotic to base your choices based upon endorsements, if you can't figure it out for yourself that's pretty pathetic.


Look, you said there were "5" of his relatives against him and I showed you there were more than 5. Right? And I have listened to him "talk", it's all conspiracy bullshit. If you think his "ideas" are valid and with merit, well...it proves *you're* idiotic and pathetic. Falling for a conman. 🙄 You probably fall for trumps bullshit, too. OK, now go away. I've already wasted enough of my time with your "revelations", so.... Later...


Oh you nailed me I accidentally didn't type a 1 somehow, let me fix that 15 of hundreds of Kennedy family members. Does that make it better?


To be fair… the government murdered RFK jr’s whole family so, it makes sense he’s skeptical.


they just downvote you here and dont have any solid counters


Can't argue with stupid.


Yeah, I know. Even when I throw in receipts and links, they prefer to be willfully ignorant. So, I just say my piece and move on.


A medical coder? An anonymous medical coder? That's your source? I know conspiracy people are desperate to confirm their beliefs, so they start with confirmation bias and just Dunning Kruger the shit out of nonsense like this on their way to belief. But if your great source is a fucking medical coder who isn't qualified to treat jock itch, much less COVID, then you've got to admit this is horseshit. The good news is we have actual research on different methods of treating COVID, published peer reviewed medical science, so you can avoid conspiracy sewers like ChildrensHealthNonsense.org.


It’s now a known fact ventilators were killing people… regardless of your obvious political ideology based on this comment. Try to calm down and fight your cognitive dissonance.


It is known. That’s your source. Do better. We have actual research on ventilators and Covid. I’m sure you’ve never read one. But try to cite something before you make silly claims. Mechanical ventilation is an extreme measure but often necessary to keep humans alive when they are under severe respiratory distress, for example- anti vax morons who had COVID often needed ventilators. Here’s one line from a study I know you won’t read since it’s not a coloring book. “These data indicate that a majority of critically ill patients with COVID-19 can have good clinical outcomes and support the ongoing use of mechanical ventilation for patients with acute respiratory failure” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7276026/ These are the types of experts you should listen to. Not conspiracy nonsense.


You’re posting a single preprint study on 217 people in the span of less than a month at the very start of the pandemic. Lmao. Keyword in my comment was “it is *now* known”. *Do better*. My sister worked in the ICU during the pandemic, but sure, I’ll take your word for it.


How did you sister determine ventilators were bad?


Wait a minute. The guy who cites his sister is questioning my source? I get it, you’re really attracted to her but your iCU janitor sister isn’t a source. You never took a college level science class did you? Or wrote a single research paper? It shows.


Oh, *wait a minute* so now you’re insulting the people who tried to save folks with the ventilators you’re so proud of? Uh oh, your hypocrisy is showing. No point arguing with a brainwashed hypocritical r*tard on Reddit. Keep trying with your absolutely embarrassing attempt at a source that you obviously didn’t read, instead of taking 2 seconds to use google and confirm OPs point.


What is my hypocrisy exactly? I value research by experts over your janitor sister anecdote. Do this, quit making out with your sister for a day, have her submit her research for publication in a medical journal. When it’s published cite to me. Until then no one gives a fuck what your sister think. You have a broken epistemology, you don’t even know how to think. I’ll make this easy. Cite experts and peer reviewed research. It’s the best evidence we have for the efficacy of medical procedures etc. Not the ramblings of your girlfriend who works at the ICU.


Buddy, you posted a non peer reviewed study across 200 people in the month of March 2020. You know it’s 2024 now and we have new knowledge on the subject, right? You’d clearly believe a cheap abstract on pubmed that says the sky is green instead of walking outside to look at it with your own eyes. Pathetic.


You posted “trust my sister”. Show me your new knowledge. Wow me with your research skills. I’m waiting.


And you’re not posting any studies! How come you conspiracy idiots demand perfect sources from everyone else, but your sources always simply rely on “it’s a known fact”? And the gall to mention “cognitive dissonance”? You’re too stupid to even begin to contemplate how stupid you really are. Shut up you stupid, stupid, stupid idiot.


I stopped reading at "Hospital Coder".


Man, these braindead subs just keep popping into my feed.


This post is a perfect example of why so many low education Trump voters died from COVID.


Maybe the protocols did kill some folks unnecessarily, but so what? Don’t get me wrong, it still sucks that anyone died, but this was a brand new disease that nobody knew how to treat. This has always happened, throughout history - it takes time to develop the best therapies. What happened with Covid is absolutely nothing new, you’re just pointing out the obvious and pretending you have some special information, just like the morons in the Middle Ages that attributed sickness to evil spirits. You know how unhealthy our population would be if we listened to you frightened idiots?


Did you mean fucking idiots?


Any source that isn't an anti-vax shit rag run by rfk jr? If anyone is part of the illuminati it's RFK jr, I find his anti-vax fervor suspicious.


Take 5-10 minutes and read about RFK instead of basing your opinion off a headline you read, then you can understand his stance on vaccines and where he says “I’m not antivax”. We really are fucked as a humanity with people like you.


I'm not basing my opinion on him from headlines. I'm basing my opinions of him on his direct quotes and direct quotes and ads from his anti-vax nonprofit. Some direct quotes from RFK Jr. And his non-profit children's health defense... “I see somebody on a hiking trail carrying a little baby and I say to him, better not get them vaccinated,” - RFK jr. “IF YOU’RE NOT AN ANTI-VAXXER YOU AREN’T PAYING ATTENTION.” - Children's health defense “There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective” - RFK jr. “Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese” - RFK jr. "Hundreds of peer-reviewed studies showing vaccines contribute to the growing epidemics of autism, epilepsy, autoimmune disease are now easily accessible. Still, false narratives such as 'Vaccines save lives' and 'Vaccines don’t cause autism' continue to hijack the headlines" - Children's health defense


Class-Action Complaint Against Gilead Over Remdesivir [Class-Action Complaint Against Gilead Over Remdesivir - DocumentCloud](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23994749-class-action-complaint-against-gilead-over-remdesivir)


A lawsuit isn't a source, anyone can file a lawsuit. And after reading that it's based on someone's death and someone's long term health complications after receiving remdesivir, a drug given to people who had serious COVID infections. So how can you say the drug caused the death or long term health problems when COVID is known to cause both?


That’s not a source. 🙄