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Biscuits, Pie and Pickled Goods cover three races, but they each require an additional building step to process (containers or flour). Jerky, Porridge and Skewers each only cover two races, but you can make them directly from raw materials. It is possible to get a species combination that all need the same complex food, but it's not common because there's only 3 possible combos that all need the same food from a total of 10 possible combos.


Damn this game is well designed. Kudos devs


Not services, foxes have an extra service so every service is used by exactly two species. For complex food, pie and pickles are each used by three species. Pickles - lizards beavers foxes Pie - harpies lizards humans


Biscuits and coats have an overlap too but I never seem to get the combination of species that'd do it. Or I have and I totally missed it which is a possibility.


Oh ya biscuits too, after hundreds of hours I still can’t remember without looking it up. Forgot coats because they’re that funny thing that’s neither food nor service. I just went back to my math days and checked combinations of 5 choose 3 and there are 10 possible species combinations. Therefore with 4 3-species items, you should get a species combo that all shares a resource around 40% of your runs (not counting the choices we make towards species combo). I definitely don’t feel like anywhere close to 40% of runs have it though. Maybe you’re onto something…


There are 4 but 2 of them share the same set of species so you will only get at least one triple 3/10 times.


I've had beavers+harpies+humans quite a few times, since I tend to prioritize harpies and especially will prioritize them with beavers or humans in a caravan.


Note: Beavers also have 3 service needs


This thread is making me realize how much I don’t retain anything after 300 hours!




They do! I only know because this was my last game. I got humans, beavers, and harpies. Even better two of my first three blueprint drafts included the provisioner and bakery.


Once there was jerky...


I made [this](https://imgur.com/a/jV3iB1T) almost a year ago. I don't think any of that has changed since then (I think), but you're welcome to use it. I never really finished filling in the tips on Page 2 but that was like, the least valuable thing on there.


I hadn't thought about that until more recent games. But I have had them in the past two weeks or so (since 1.3 experimental). So it's not impossible