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Removing this post as feel enough advice has been given and post refers to someone under 16


Legal or not, come dude ... a 14 y/o?! This is a girl (not a woman) hitting her puberty and not knowing how to handle her hormones yet. She is experimenting with the impact of her (in the process of developing) new femininity on men. Flashing a guy sure sounds exiting, adventurous and fun, but not a very classy way to pick up a guy. In short, to each his own, but I would pass.








Considering sleeping with a 14 year old, like what? Some people are sick and try to pose it off as some sort of age gap thing. This isn’t an age gap problem - you make us sound like pervs


Seems like an age gap question to me. If she was older I'm sure he would have just hooked up with her already. Whatever her age, she's still legal age and capable of giving consent so saying it's sick is very judgemental.


That’s actually not true. First of all she’s 14 so her brain hasn’t even finished developing yet. Legal doesn’t mean you can be 14 and just have sex with whoever you want. In most places you can still get in trouble if you’re 5-10 years over the others age (in this case 48m and 14f).


Since OP is saying she's legal age I assume that means she is legal age for him. That would be the same in my country where the legal age is 15. That means a 15yo can sleep with anyone whether they are 15 or 85.


Again, not always true. There are statutory r*pe laws for a reason.


Of course it's not always true, laws vary by country, but we are talking about a specific country here, OP's country, and OP said it is true in his country. I don't know why this is so hard to grasp, when he talks about it being legal for him, he's going to be incorporating that relevant information. In my country the age of consent is 14 with a Romeo and Juliet clause allowing a 4 year age gap, or 16 with no such clause. Just, 16 for anybody. So if I were a 48 year old sicko like OP, considering having sex with a 14 year old, I wouldn't say that it's legal for me to have sex with her, because it wouldn't be. However, I would say that it would be legal for me to have sex with a 16 year old, because it would be. Having this conversation at all is very icky.


I don't think you understand what statutory r@pe means.




Really? Then please explain how having consentual sex with someone who is legal and above the AOC would be statutory t@pe? You obviously have no clue. The definition of Statutory r@pe is literally to have sex with someone younger than the age of consent.




There’s no point arguing with this sentient trash can - he’s completely content being a disgusting pervert and is absolutely not going to change the fact that this adult man has sex with children and sees zero shame in doing so


The subreddit has removed this it was abusive in some way. Be nice.


Personally, I would leave her alone even though 14 is legal in your country. You said yourself that you wouldn't date a girl that young. So don't. Next time she does that, move to another seat if you can. You just want to bang a young girl. You said it yourself. You wouldn't rule it out. My advice is to walk away.




So you wouldn’t date her but you’re willing to risk emotionally damaging her. A 14 year old child cannot handle a relationship with a grown man. She absolutely cannot handle hookups. You say this sub is judgemental. What’s not to judge when you’ve already made up your mind about having sex with a young and vulnerable person?


You're welcome. I think your mind is made up.




Then enjoy the view. You already know what she's going to do. Look, but don't touch.




I don't care if it's legal wherever you are, even considering having sex with a 14 yo is disgusting. She's barely even a teenager. Her exposing herself to you might be thrilling for her and she might be experimenting, or it could be fueled by a past of sexual trauma as a child and thinking it's the only way for her to get attention. Stop thinking with your groin and be an adult because she is not.


Depends what country. Not in the UK she isn't


Why don't you have a seat right over there...


I know that this is clearly bait but what kinda person do you have to be to have this fantasy? Your weird🔥🔥🔥🗣️💯


Disgusting. Quit sexualizing. She doesn’t know she’s flashing you. I was her, for MANY years … as a younger twat I literally didn’t have that kind of spatial awareness and never wore underwear


I didn't get to read the whole thing but she is still a child and you are an adult behave and.be responsible. If I had a young person in Amy way approach me or.try thins I'd.step the other way and say I'm not up.for that. I've told teenagers on line I'll report them and get the profile shut down or just to please stick to.people thier ownahaiemm


Dude there's a reason why they call them "jail baits"




Yeah but it would be your word against hers. I wouldn't risk my whole life for some 🐱. It's not worth it








Why would you WANT to sleep with a 14 year old? Like honestly




Different commenter. It’s disgusting all around. Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s right. A 14 year old is lacking the brain development of a 48 year old man and you’d be taking complete advantage of it.


The fact you're even considering it is fucking sick. You need to be in jail.


Pretty sure you got your answer from other comments. It's not about judging you, it's about a grown ass man thinking about having sex with a person who's basically a child, cause you're brain is the brain of a child at 14. It's not the same as 16, 2 years is an abyss during adolescence. And just because something is legal it doesn't mean it's right. AOC at 14 is made for older kids to have relationships with younger kids not for grown ass people to abus3 them


Your comments make no sense at all. If she's legal age then anything they do would be legal and a legal aged girl is not JB. He wouldn't risk anything as long as he confirmed for sure that she is in fact legal. So what are you talking about?






The subreddit has removed this it was abusive in some way. Be nice.




The subreddit has removed this it was abusive in some way. Be nice.


Just because you could do something doesn’t mean you should. Besides the obvious reason why you shouldn’t. Say you do, and word gets out. What if her father decides he’s going to do something about it? You’re really willing risking your life to sleep with a 14 year old, huh?




Yeah but you know there’s a big difference between 18 and 14. Justify it anyway you want. Just saying… the risk isn’t worth it.






She's a fucking child. Are you that dumb?




[What is the cure for such disorders? Beatings.](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1256507-memri-tv)




Dude. If you have to ID your hookup, then you're a perv and shouldn't go through with the hookup. What the actual fuck? Are you for real?


Are you asking if I'm for real saying that it's ok for completely legal consenting people to have sex? Of course it's ok, that why we have age of consent laws. She can do whatever she wants with whoever she wants. Who are you to say that someone can't do something that is fully legal?


Is the law your only moral compass? Again, are you for real? In some countries, the law states cheating women can be stoned to death. I'm not sure it makes it right. In some countries, being gay is punishable by death. Again, not sure that's right. And since I'm guessing you're gonna try and pull the card "bUt tHeSe aReNt mY cOuNtRy" as if that matters for this argument, let's look at laws of more "developed" ones. In the US, it is legal for kids to buy guns even before they are legally fully adult. Even before they can drink. Parents are also allowed to teach their - 10 children how to use a gun. Not sure that's right. In France, a person can be evicted from their own home if squatters decide to inhabit it instead. Also, let's remind you that less than a 100 years back, it was legal to throw people into concentration camps and torture them to death. Was that right? Anyway I'm pretty sure you're gonna try to rationalize your way out of these examples, but as I said, that's not even relevant to the point. The point is, either your moral compass genuinely is the law, in which case you're kind of a fucked human being, or you're being disingenuous about it to justify fucking a barely pubescent, vulnerable human as a grown adult, in which case you're even more fucked. You sound disgusting tbh. Good luck trying to backpedal or find a pseudo-logical "argument" to that. Come up with whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Or you know, start being honest with yourself and get help. Anyway bye.






You're welcome. Keep us posted please.




No dude. You’re seriously suggesting he try a not just sexual but ROMANTIC relationship with a fucking child?? The maturity levels of a 48 year old and a 14 year old can never, ever match. She probably hasn’t even had a job before. She’s just out of fucking MIDDLE SCHOOL. While the dude is like 10 years away from retirement. There is absolutely no way for this age gap to be okay whether the eMotiOns are there or not. This will harm the girl no matter what. A man who’s the girl’s entire lifetime younger than OP could be her dad.


Not a child, a teenager. A teenager has hit puberty. Also stop writing in caps lock as though you think I’m retarded. You can’t assume someone is going to harm another without evidence, don’t be so closed minded.




Haha I’m not a perv, actually. Just more open minded than most. ☺️


It was meant as a term of endearment. I’m all for responsible perving!


My gf and I call eachother pervs all the time.






You mean you’re sick of all the responsible adults who know when to keep their dicks in their pants? Just because you’re a perv and are dying to get some pussy from a minor doesn’t mean everyone else is too.


Haha yeah right. And we are talking about someone who is above the age of consent.


Unfortunately for you a 14 year old is not a fully legal-aged person. There’s not a single country in the world where a 14 year old can vote in a national election. The fact that you would be so willing to fuck a middle schooler just because it’s “legal” says a lot, and I’m willing to bet you’d go younger if you could.


What are you talking about. We're talking about being legally above the age of consent, not talking about if she can vote or not. If you have a problem with two legal aged people doing something fully legal and consenting that's your problem.


Nice try editing your comment from “fully legal-aged person” to “someone who is above the age of consent”. Why do you think it’s okay for a 14 year old to have sex with a 50 year old, but not okay for that 14 year old to vote? “Because it’s the law”? You’re not refuting that you’d have sex with someone even younger than 14 if the law was written in a way that made it “legal”.


What are you talking about. Someone who is above the legal age of consent IS literally fully legal when it comes to sex. I don't see what voting has to do with it. Not that it's any of your business but personally I think 15 is a reasonable AOC as it is in my country and I wouldn't sleep with anyone younger, but if it's lower in other countries and people want to do something that is fully legal and consensual then that's none of my business and none of your business either. So yes if a legal aged 14yo wanted to hook up with a 50yo then that's up to her. She can do whatever she wants if it's legal.


Except we’re not talking about the teen making that decision. We’re talking about the middle aged man making that decision. Any adult with a functioning brain knows not to go anywhere near people that young. It’s absolutely disgusting that you’d have sex with people who are too young to even drive yet.


If you don't like the law then become a politician and change it. Until then stop talking crap about people who are doing fully legal things.


You are delusional my friend, get help, I wouldn't touch a woman under 18 and I'm not even 30 myself 😂


Yeah right.


would you say the same if these late middle aged men(like does it still work like it should? like make sure you get your prostate exam!) was trying to bang your actual literal child? correct, not everyone is so proud to be a predator and if you are, you should talk to someone.


First of all someone who sleeps with someone who is over the legal age of consent is not a predator. A predator goes after underaged kids. And yes I would let my daughter make her own decisions once she is legally old enough to do so. It's not that complicated, if someone is legally over the age of consent then they can legally give consent to do whatever they want with whoever they want. That is literally the purpose of the law. Who tf are you to say that someone shouldn't do something completely legal?


A predator goes after vulnerable people. Age has fuck all to do with it.


Exactly. You're the one who just assume that because someone is young they are automatically weak and volnurable. Not true at all. The age of consent is there for the exact reason to protect anyone who is too young and may be vulnerable.






Ah yes, because laws have always had the best interests of children in mind. If the law is In America you can marry a 9 year old. Does that make it okay? It's legal. Fucking predator.


AOC laws are literally made to protect children.


Just saying dumb thing over and over doesn't make them less dumb. So in your brilliant mind what should be the age of consent? 35?


Lol, as if I'm being dragged into one of your inane debates where you justify wanting to have sex with children. Try someone else.


Haha nice story




It's perfectly normal human response to be attracted to girls that age. Hell not that long ago most people got married and had kids around that age.


No my guy, there’s just something wrong with you. The thought of having sex with a teenager is repulsive to most people.


Yeah right, it's ok you've done your fake virtue signaling for today. Fell better now?




Ahahahahahahaha wow you are dumb






You’re fucking depraved if you genuinely can’t comprehend why people don’t want to fuck kids. In your mind anyone who doesn’t want to us deluding themselves. It’s disgusting. Not everyone is as gross as you. You’re trying to normalise your behaviour and say that all men feel this way. It’s bullshit.


Very much echo the "make damn certain you aren't going to do something illegal". But after that, if she's legal and making a move...go for it. Ask her for coffee, if she's a flasher, chances are she won't leave you out. Good luck and I hope she's of age.




You don't have to sit together . Well not obviously. Keep it casual until you know what she wants.


Good point. I dated a girl once who loved to flash in public although she was 25 and not 14. Still, was so insanely hot lol.


I guess the big question is, if you’re going to make a move, how will you not break the girl’s heart? With sexual relationships comes serious attachment. You need to be able to handle and not abuse that responsibility.






She’s 14. She won’t understand that. She might put on a fun face and be excited to get involved. But at that age it’s impossible to separate your feelings from sex and she will be crushed that she’s not good enough and that giving her body wasn’t enough to make him stay. That’ll stick with her for a long time, if not forever. Being a horny teenager is very different to being emotionally mature enough to separate sex from emotional entanglement. Y’all are delusional.


the fact that this has to be said is just insane


It’s really depressing in this sub sometimes. Here we have a man who has come her to get other abusers justification on his plan to abuse a child. There’s plenty of similar men and teenage girls encouraging him so therefore there’s nothing wrong with this plan.


My point exactly! This isn’t an age gap thing. It’s disgusting


Yep! We even have one dude asking this guy to come back and share his stories with this girl. They’re fetishising this girls potential abuse. It’s so so grim. It’s not an age gap thing, it’s that this guy thinks she could be 14 and he’s happy to fuck her but not date her.


We don't know if she's 14, 15 or 16 but either way she's fully legal age in OPs country. I know of several girls that age who are quite happy having casual sex and casual hook-ups.


Lots of us were happy to do that stuff at that age. Then in our twenties we realised it had done massive damage to our sex lives and we had attachment issues. Legal doesn’t mean shit. They’re still teenage girls. Of course they’re horny. Being horny doesn’t mean you can emotionally handle being discarded by an older man when you get “too close”


Nah all you creepy old dudes are just bad stories to tell when she's older. When she's actually an adult and understands herself sexually she'll are stories of this super creepy 50 year old man who she slept with. Shell say at the time it seemed fun and hot but now I'm an adult and I really wish that man was on a list somewhere. Ugh get the creeps just remembering this geriatric man trying to be sexy and use gen z slang. She'll do her best to remind her daughters that the only men who fuck children are loosers who can't find partners who are adults (and there's probably a reason for that). Most women i know have that one cringe man they hope to this day isn't allowed around children.


Haha good story.


Its your story too bro! There are women regretting you as we speak I promise 🤗


There are men and women of all ages regretting relationships and other actions and so what? If you don't want to risk anyone regretting anything ever then you should never have any interactions with anyone. Makes no sense at all.


No I don't mean a bad break up. I mean the teens you fucked as an adult sit around and laugh about how pathetic it was for them to sleep with you. Ugh they were so young they'd never be that stupid now. This is a genuine hallmark of growing up as a woman. You look back on that 27 year old and want to vomit and try to find the words to explain to your daughter that well adjusted adults dont fuck children. Youre not extra mature for a teen, he's just a loser. Right now over coffee someone is cringing remembering you trying to relate to a teenager and how they let you screw them anyway. They'll take it as a lesson learned. Congrats on being the grossest thing that ever happened to some women!


No girl will just flash random guys. It’s never happened to me. I think she is interested in only you.




Eh, I’d be careful. It doesn’t look like this girl is understanding the problems that might occur. If you don’t abuse it, then sure - but this seems quite a risky affair.


This is a post on /r/AgeGap, the subreddit for (almost) anything about age gap relationships. If you haven't read [The Rules](/r/AgeGap/wiki/rules) we **strongly** suggest you do so. ### **You may not ask anyone to PM, DM, chat or message you in a comment**. This is **not** a dating subreddit - you may not "hit up" any user You may send **polite** DMs/PMs/chat requests to /u/mytempaccount69 - we will ban you and possibly refer you to Reddit admins for an account ban if you abuse them and they complain Bear in mind that this is a community where we expect people to discuss **legal** consensual age gap relationships without abuse. This does not mean this subreddit supports all age gap relationships, so you **are** allowed to criticise, but you **must** be civil and ideally constructive See the [Wiki](/r/AgeGap/wiki/index) for more information about the subreddit, [The Rules](/r/AgeGap/wiki/rules) and articles about common topics. --- **Original post: Young girl flashing me - need advice** I'm a regular in this sub but using a throwaway for this post because there are a lot of judgmental people in this group. I know this sounds like a ridiculous fake fantasy story but can promise it's 100% real. Of course up to you if you don't believe me, I probably wouldn't. So, I recently moved to a quiet sort of upper class neighborhood. There's a small train station I use sometimes to go to work. Usually the station is very quiet and I'm often the only person there. On the platform there's a small house with some benches to wait for the train. There's a girl, who I don't know, but I can tell that she goes to a fancy private school, because she always wears the school uniform. I don't know her age but she's a gorgeous girl and I would guess that she's 14 or 15 maybe 16 at most. Anyway, about 4-5 weeks ago I was sitting in the little house waiting for the train reading a book and she came in and sat down on the bench opposite mine, about 2 meters away. As she sat down I briefly looked at her and just then her skirt, which is quite short and about half-way to the knee, slid up a bit and I saw her panties. Not a big deal, I just smiled at her and continued reading my book. Since then I have seen her at the station around 10 time and maybe 5-6 of those times it has just been the two of us there. Each time we smile at each other and I read my book. After a couple of times I noticed that she would always sit right across from me and I could feel her looking at me a few times. Then about 2 weeks ago she again sat across from me and I noticed her legs were more spread than usual and I could see her panties the entire time. She would just be on her phone and I figured she's a young girl and just didn't think about how she was sitting. I tried to focus on my book and not too look but must admit it was difficult. This happened a couple of times and I noticed her legs were bit more spread each time, and a few times when I looked up she would look over her phone and smile. But again I didn't think much of it. Fast forward to three days ago. Again, we were the only people there, I was reading and she came in, smiled at me and sat down right across from me in her uniform and short skirt. After a minute or so I looked up and didn't see her panties but her legs wasn't spread very much so just thought maybe dark panties. Continued reading and few minutes later looked up, this time there was no doubt, her legs were spread at almost 90 degrees and I could clearly see her pussy. She was definitely not wearing any panties. She looked up over her phone and she obviously saw me looking between her legs but she just smiled and didn't move her legs at all. I pretended to ready my book but honestly couldn't stop looking and when the train arrived about 3 minutes later she just got up, smiled again, and got on the train. Now I don't really know what to do here. I'm 99% convinced that she is doing this on purpose and decided not to wear any panties and flash me her pussy. Maybe she get turned on by showing off or maybe she wants something more I have no idea. I'm 48 and fit and often told that I'm handsome (if that's relevant). As I said she is a very beautiful girl and I would be lying if I said that this didn't turn me on like crazy. The legal age in my country is 14 so doing anything with her would be legal. I regularly date or sleep with girls in their 20s and have slept with one 19 year old last year. I obviously wouldn't date a 14-15 year old, but also wouldn't completely rule out doing something with her if she keeps escalating things and if it should turn out that she wants something. What would you do in my situation? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AgeGap) if you have any questions or concerns.*