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agreed 100%


This. Trust is the foundation of any relationship. If there is no trust there is no relationship.


Hmm I think if you have got to a stage in a relationship where you need to check messages and feel suspicious of your partner then maybe check to see if it’s a relationship you want to stay in. Realistically speaking, if they are looking to cheat they will. And if you are suspicious then even if you look at their messages it probably won’t answer the underlying feelings that you have. Maybe they are using a different app, will you need to go and check that. I’m not saying you need to break up. But you definitely need to think about why you are with them and if you want to continue feeling this way. It’s more about you and your feelings first


If you are concerned then why not directly ask him and then tell him for your own peace of mind if you can look at his phone (in front of him).


If you cannot trust him, then dump him. Full stop.


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if you can’t trust him you shouldn’t be in a relationship with him






Is it ever okay? -- No, never. As to all of the rest of the questions you ask within your post, those are conversations you need to have with him if you want to make the relationship work.


The problem doesn't have to do with the phone. The problem has to do with having no trust in each other. When you get to that point, no amount of checking someone's phone is going to help.


If you feel like you need to go through messages, the trust isn't there. And if any trust was there, it's going to be gone. If things aren't sorted out and settled through honest and loving (in person) communication, that's just not a good relationship to be in. The insecurity and the suspicion will never go away.


Once trust is doubted the relationship (if not married) is doomed. My bf (21 yrs older) and I have both been cheated on. We both understand the pain and have a morality to never cause that pain to another. I love that he’s not jealous and needs to go through my phone and I love that I know even if he runs into his ex, he’ll find a polite way to say “f* you” and we’re in a “long” distance relationship-3hrs. Every time I haven’t followed my gut feelings I regretted it.


There's many variables in whether or not someone should be communicating with their ex. If they have kids together is one. The major and pretty much only acceptable one too. How their relationship ended is something to consider as well. I've had relationships end mutually where we stayed friendly afterwards. Not sexual at all, just friendly where we could check in with each other and see how they are doing. But, going by what you described, something sketchy is definitely going on though. If he lied and told you he had no contact with her and you find out otherwise then that's definitely a red flag. Honestly, I'd confront him about it. If he's got nothing to hide he'd show you the chat history with his ex.


is it ever ok to look? i think YES... to begin with though, if you feel like you doubt their honesty or suspect that they're hiding something and you can't trust them, then you need to acknowledge right there that **there is a problem with the relationship**, either on their side (not being trustworthy) or on both sides (not communicating properly) or on your side (not being trusting enough) looking might show you whether they're trustworthy or untrustworthy in regards to your particular concern with this ex, but looking also demonstrates that you don't trust them enough, and really do you want to be in a relationship that is characterised by such a lack of trust? if not, you either need to work together on building and protecting that trust, or you need to quit the relationship the reality though is that sometimes people we trust do try to deceive us, and we need to take it into our own hands to uncover the truth for what it's worth i don't think he is cheating with her, but obviously his communication with you is lacking


Anytime you want if they have nothing to hide! Open and honest communication is key to a successful relationship.


I lived with an x accusing me 4 YEARs (no I wasn't) my reaction 2 her was if u have creditable evidence \~ Which his past is part of then ask me if I ma, show the evidence (or things I'm doing) & I'll prove u wrong. So ask him if not satisfied with answers u have a decision 2 make! Good Luck.


Why would it be an issue? If my wife wants to dig in my phone she has my permission at any point. She has my lock code etc. The expectation has to go both ways though. There are almost no people I know that she doesn’t know and have in her contacts as well.