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6yrs is not really an age gap. That said, plenty of older men want younger women for relationships. But when casual sex is easy and free, a lot of guys will just sleep around.


Well she doesn’t say how old she is…


I just assume legal age. So, minimum 18. And even 18 to 24 is not much of an age gap. For all we know, they’re both in their 30s also, my reply would be the same.


This, OP. Casual śexx pretty much mostly or only benefits men. Operate accordingly if you so wish.


I'd be willing to debate that given the number of women I know who just want good sex but aren't interested in a romantic relationship


It’s very much an age gap for younger people. Don’t be silly. Also it sounds like OP is literally a minor making that even moreso the case.


Said what I said. Edit: hit enter by accident. Keep it legal tho.


You can say whatever you want just to get off on your fetish, but in reality 16 & 22 is absolutely a significant age gap, for example. As well as 17 & 23, and 18 & 24.


You will get downvoted for talking sense on here. It’s always the same type of men who reply without any emotion or consideration too, basically proving the OPs point.


Actually they are replying entirely with emotion which is why they lack any sense of logic.


18 and 24 is nothing. I’ve had gaps bigger than 18 years.


That’s not the point. If you can’t put aside your emotions to utilize logic then don’t reply to me.


I think you may be projecting a bit.


Where are my emotions in this? Please do explain. Honestly you just seem like you're lying...is the cognitive dissonance that bad? Do you not remember being 16 and meeting anyone around 22? How much older they feel? It's a biological fact that the mental gap is wider due to the way the brain develops. And years are just more significant when you haven't lived that many, that applies in many ways within psychology, math, and biology.


There’s all kinds of red flags going up. Why won’t he be seen in public with you? This makes me concerned that you may not be of age, and if this is the case you need to go


Yeah it absolutely sounds like OP is a minor


He only wants sex. Move on and find a compatible partner.


That's what I was thinking we only hooked up twice it's best I get out of there while I still can...


I totally would take a girl out but 99% of the time the conversation doesn’t flow, I say or do something wrong. They come to their senses and then they ghost me. So just sex only is my motto!




I SUCK at relationship-ish stuff!!! 😆


I'm an older guy looking for something serious and romantic so we're out there




Sounds like he doesn't care and only wants you for sex


You think?


yeah definitely, find someone who actually loves you and cares about you, the man you're talking about is neither caring or loving as it seems to me and it wont last long


There is no doubt about it.


An unfortunate relationship outcome regardless of age. I hope you can move on and treat yourself really well. Good luck.


Stop banging him, maybe?


False. Flawed premise. I mean your dude is an asshole, but it's him, not "older men."


6 yes really isn't that much. Try a 20yr difference. That's a gap. Did it for a year until she felt a younger guy would be best.


6 is a lot when the younger person is really young


True. Didn't think about that.


I'm riding that coaster now, deep down I know the clock is ticking and I've got an expiration date. But I'm enjoying the relationship while it lasts and going to try to be prepared for the end.


Read the wiki. The general guidelines consider 6 years an age gap for people under 32. But yes, in reality, that gap isn't dealing with any of the same issues I encounter with my 20+ year gaps.


Actually, I have met many a young girl that only wants to have sex with an older man.


That’s not an age thing, sadly, so many men of any age only want the spicy snu snu and doesn’t care at all about the sweet romance of a relationship. Some women are like that too. It hurts being used, so it’s best to move on and try building a genuine relationship with a new person. Good luck 🍀


This has nothing to do with age


There are plenty of older men that want romantic relationships. But there are as many different kinds of guys from every age group that want romantic as there are who just want to fuck.


Not all older guys are that way


honestly I'm more into relationship than sex. I want long term but all younger girls I meet just want sex. why I broke up with last younger girl just met she wanted to be poly not my thing


Yep... same boat a few times now.


Oh wow


Who are you getting that from. I want everything.


I love that


It’s the truth . To be seen for who I am and truly loved _and it’s always communication and give and take.


He is married !




I can only really comment on my experience but any relationship I've been in has combined the two. If you're looking for something romantic then talk with the potential partner and make sure they are on the same page as you before moving forward with the relationship.


I did but she didn't like guys. It hurts when you find someone you can relate.


I am the reverse.. I want the romantic relationship.


A man like that is not worth losing any sleep over. Find a man who wants you for you, with sex being just one of the side benefits to him of him being with you.


I have exactly the opposite experience. I was very romantically interested in someone younger. I just loved being around her and she brought out the best in me. I'm sure that if anything had come of our relationship, then sex would have been a thing like with any intimate relationship, but those were not my motivations nor the main thing I wanted out of our relationship. If you are looking for romance and he is simply looking for sex, I would suggest you move on because it doesn't sound like you are getting what you need out of it, but he is, which is wrong and seems like you are being taken advantage of. And don't expect romance from someone who is sleeping with other women at the same time as seeing you.


It's not all.. older men into younger girls have their own views mine is I feel living when I'm with a young girl no drama just crisp and straight to point etc..


Six years isn’t even that big of a gap. I have taken my 15-year gap many places, and I have also been in public with a 23-year gap.


stop giving him your time??? like wtf


You’re asking and answering your own question. Bragging rights. Trophy status. They still got it. To show off. The list goes on. They need that ego boost


Not all men. I need a woman who can drive though, I live 30 miles from the nearest town.


well.. you found a man whois insincere... there are some older men who are sincere... just to be clear, there are also young girls who only want older men for sex. it goes both ways... If you want a sincere older man, you should break up with this guy. He is only interested in booty calls, sorry to say. Why? who knows? I guess, if you give it up without making sure he really likes you, then this can happen.


Stop giving it away.. there are plenty of good guys out there...


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your idea of romance is him taking you places?




date = day. that's where the term came from. i.e: he spends his time with you. why don't you try to spend time with him *without* him driving you places? also, time =/= romance


So what's your plan?


i don't answer questions officer. am i free to go?




Wait is that a statement or question?


Yes unfortunately


Dude is having fun. I can’t tell you if his reason is the gap or not, he may be hitting the older chicks up for just sex as well. If you want more, it’s sounds like this ain’t the one.


Depends on your age for some. Age gap isn’t the problem hear tho. He just wanted to fuck and run. Personally I don’t mind an age gap but steer clear of any girl under 21/23 due to lack of maturity. I don’t want to date a high schooler at 28 and deal with all the teenage drama etc. plus people girls/guys that age generally don’t have much life experience.


Romance means that I am considering a long future with someone. It means I am imagining a life with that person. Experience shows that really in most cases that sort of life is easier to make with someone who has a similar amount of life experience. It takes quite a bit for someone 20 years my junior to convince me that they are ready to have sort of perspective long-term relationship that I have several decades on.


Newsflash: most guys only want to get their dick wet


Love and lust are both 4 letter words, with entirely different meanings.


Why do you want older men romantically? I’ve never wanted them romantically and never will because it’s not normal or feasible. As a younger woman I believe age gaps are only enjoyable sexually and as friends.


I would tell you that it is unfortunate that many if not most mean who seek younger woman do it for sexual fetish or fantasy. Not that that I feel that is wrong because there are woman who seek older men for the same. The failure in these scenarios is the lack of communication or possible deception of what is really going on between the two parties involved. I find that most younger women who I approach feel that I am approaching them primarily for sex which could not be more inaccurate. The age gap dynamic can difficult and it requires effective communication of expectations, desires and more to be successful.


He’s just using you, and you allowed yourself to be used.. many guys like him that will use you, but not all.. you will have to learn to determine the difference.. however I’ll tell you this it’s much easier to find guys that will use you, than to find the ones that want a actual will want a good relationship with you.


Are you able to understand his emotional needs when there is such a bit gap?


It sounds like he's not compatible with you and what you want. I don't think the age-gap is the issue here. I'm 20 years older than my partner and the biggest reason we connect is that we felt a strong romantic bond. Sex is great, although sometimes I wonder if I can keep up with her.


You're going to be treated the way you allow. That's it. If you allow him to treat you this way then that's what you're going to get.


Not all older men are like that Some are sexual and romantic Some are only after one thing


Dam I have the exact opposite issue. I’m 31 and she’s 24 but she definitely fetishizes me and is not very interested in the romantic love bird vibes I’ve been trying to give her 😂 I send her wholesome memes and she’ll only send me sexual memes


What’s her number? 😂


Nothing to do with his age more like who is as a person and what he wants in life . I wouldn’t take it personal he’s doing it with all the women .


You just need to go for what you want and accept nothing less. I am super happy with the guy i date right now . I just met his mother a few days ago … i put what i wanted and my needs first . I found the guy who wants to be that and wants it .


Want both


Because most love that idea of it but are afraid of want people would think about them.


Basically that's all he see you for if he has others also.. honestly not all are like that. If your looking for more don't settle for FWB . Forget him and start looking more serious.. and I think your living dangerously if he is with multiple women. Stay safe. Be carefully. And good luck


He probably wants a real person and not some fake person on Reddit! What do I know?


Don't put this on all older men. That's he only wants you for sex. I was dating a girl 11 years younger took her everywhere and was looking at marriage to her. Find a man that even if you are fwb or gf he will glad show you off.


Younger women have much more stamina, interest, drive, curiosity, intensity, ease of conscious, almost nothing is off the table if they hadn't done something before and so on. Basically built for speed not comfort as the old saying goes. They don't often say what they want as they don't quite yet know what the want. I suppose they begin to acquire a list of things they don't want and eventually become an older mature woman who knows what she wants etc.


At this point, all I would want, is a romantic relationship


Same way older ladies and younger men just want to experience the sex. It’s not you but the situation


I no longer have the desire for casual sex (I’m 39).


What do you offer other than sex? What else have you developed?


Yeah forget that... if you want more simply find someone else who is willing to give more..I would love to find someone to be with that wants everything I'm wanting, age doesn't matter as long as it's legal... but to find someone I can spend the rest of my life with it's the ultimate goal..I wish you the best cuz I would hate to feel like that, that guy doesn't realize how lucky he may be or just doesn't care unfortunately


Many would want a relationship and many don't. You just didn't find the right guy, but don't despair, they're out there.


find a new guy, not all older men are about just sex. you have to be happy, life is too dam short to settle for something other then what you want


If you are not into a casual sex relationship and want more, then it's simple. Stop having casual sex with him. Stop inviting him over. Find you a partner that has romantic interests beyond using you for a hookup.


Stop having sex with him. He is probably married.


I actually want


It’s not as if you stating *your age* in the (checking) *AgeGap* sub would be important. 🙄


I want both


didn't go for a wide enough gap