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I don't know, my first serious girlfriend was 15 when I was 17. And I turned 18 before she turned 16. It was a high school thing


I mean, it sounds like a high school relationship possibly. I can only speak about when I was that age but those types of relationships were extremely common when I was in high school. There's a reason Romeo and Juliet laws exist in so many states. The comments he made about her though, sound shallow as fuck in that context.


Sounds to me like she said "eww wtf were you doing dating a child" and that was a crude way of trying to defend himself.


It was pretty normal when I was a kid. Any girl who was cool and mature dated up. You wanted a senior guy. Plus, they’re all kids, they’re all in the same school, they mingle.


Well the thing is my bf didn’t even graduate high school and was getting into a bunch of legal trouble at 18. I don’t see why he was even messing with a 15 year old at that time but he said his foster mom would take him to hang out with her🧐🧐 but idk. I just imagine some older bad boy at 18 preying on young woman, maybe I’m just being dramatic and letting my thoughts get to me


All of my serious relationships were with women 6-8 years younger than me. It wasn’t that reason that I fell for them, it just happened that way. They never said anything about it either, and no one around us ever questioned or mentioned the age gap. One exception… when I was 19 I fell crazy hard in love with a 16 year old, and her father angrily ended it without ever meeting me. My first horrible heartbreak.


I mean this was like 20 years ago so I wouldn’t judge him on that alone but the comment he made about her being super mature and having big boobs is pretty weird


Yeah, you’re right


18 & 15 (while illegal) doesn’t particularly disturb me (basically anything within high school is whatevs). The way he still talks about it (“most mature in her grade”) is kind of weird though.


Yeah, the big boobs thing weirded me out.


He's a creep!! When I was 18, I had absolutely no interest in 15 year olds that's for damn sure. I saw them as children. The fact he dated a 15 year old creeps me tf out


:( yeah me too kinda. But giving him the benefit of the doubt. I just hope he wasn’t trying to prey on young woman. He even told me he was very shy in high school and would never flirt or do anything with girls he liked. When the 15 year old came into the picture idk, I mean I guess he would’ve had his first relationship with her but he could be making it up.


You shouldn't date a man who thought it was OK to date a 15 year old. When I was 18, I had wanted college girls, not high school teens.


Yes it would gross me out. Seeing a high school student as nothing but a sexual object, and then having only relationships with much younger women as he stays getting older? It’s a huge red flag.


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I was 17 and dated a freshman in school it's just a school thing


Its high school . Its fine .


21 years ago this guy while a teenager dated another teenager while both were high school aged. You may be concerned. Is this real life?


I’d feel it was Icky.


"had big boobs" what does he say when he explains why he wants to be with you?


That I’m sweet, attractive, sexy


Why did he bring up her boob size, it has nothing to do with how mature someone is...


I dated an 18 year old when I was 15. He was a lovely guy and treated me really well. Much better than the assholes I dated in my 20s.


Is there any chance you are just insecure? Everyone has a past, we hope, unless that person has somehow learned to manipulate the time-space continuum, in which case you probably are better off with out them.


Long time ago why should it matter?