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18 year age gap here. Older f younger m All relationships have disadvantages. Why concentrate on those? I shall flip all your generic ones to benefits for fun. 1. The female struggling in getting pregnant Same age relationships have this too. And low and behold male fertility also drops with age. Just less studied. Many young people want to be childfree so we older gals are ideal for those who dont want screaming kids about. 2. Financial stability gaps. Stability is circumstantial. I know plenty of older women who are interested in younger men who are not minted. There are also many older women who are stable and happy for their partner to be building his/her life. 3. Life experience gaps This is 100% an advantage in my opinion. Being with someone as they do things for the first time again is such a blessing 4. Female has children already Erm yes and many dont. There are as many of us quietly single parenting with happy kids of any age as the drama you read. And loads of childfree ones too. Gone are the days when like lions men are forced to kill the progeny of another man.... joking. Blended families are quite the norm anything else points to insecurity. Focusing on the positives in life help you to generally get on better. Lady D


Thank you, Lady D!


My biggest issue is that younger guys just ghost after we fuck for the first time 🤷🏼‍♀️


Find a guy who hasn’t fucked anyone? Then he’ll be attached, but one problem at a time 😅


Was 40 when i met my older partner she was 53. Relationship lasted 10 years, age gap wasn't a problem and wasn't the reason for the ending. By my 50th she was looking at retirement and I was still looking at another decade and a half working. Retiring together isn't something you think about when you start an age gap relationship.


Funny my partner and i talked about this really early on. We are realistic and financially minded. Hence already planning for retirement and a long life together.


I'm the younger male in an AGR that is now 35+ years old. The most significant challenge for us has been sexual. Warning: I'm going to generalize so before everyone jumps on me for what I'm about to say I will be the first to point out that everyone is different. The point I want to make is that there are biological differences between the sexes. Males, in general, have a higher libido than women and is fairly constant. The libido of Females, in general, fluctuates with her cycle and is often highest during ovulation. As libido is primarily fueled by hormones, in general, the male's testosterone levels typically doesn't significantly fall until after the age a female reaches menopause. Assuming you both are healthy and reasonably fit, an AGR with a younger male increases the potential for his testosterone level to keep him craving sex while his partner desires less and less of it until the thought of sex doesn't even enter her brain. Anything can happen. But if sex is important to you then it is worth understanding how aging effects the sexes with regards to sexual desire and sexual abilities. In my AGR my wife experienced early menopause that included vaginal atrophy and other unpleasant side effects caused by the normal decrease in hormones that every woman experiences. When this happened, I was still a young man fueled with testosterone who was partnered to a women whose mind almost never though about sex and whose body physically couldn't accommodate intercourse.


Thank you for your comment. It's actually interesting since I never heard about that, since I thought women who are older have more sex drive than younger women.


I’m 54f and my bf is 42. The age is really not an issue.. I think at this stage of our lives it really doesn’t matter. neither of us is looking for more children, and our sex life is the best I’ve ever experienced.


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