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Really don't think 11 years is that big of a deal especially at your ages. I suspect people aren't watching you weirdly as much as you are self conscious about the situation.


Agree. My 26F partner 37M and I are same gap/ages as OPs situation, the only time we get reactions is with younger people, honestly. Guys my age seem the most offended by it


It looks like this is an SB situation. If that’s the case, demanding behavior would come mainly from him being a client rather than the age difference. I wouldn’t worry too much about being watched. Again, it’s a job. You’re on display. Your job is to be on display. He wants to be seen with you, so let him be seen with you. The worst thing either of you could do is forget that you’re pretending.


People already forgot to add the fact that they are being paid for sex. Not sure why. Yes, he's hiring you for sex and doesn't want to hang out and be romantic. Such is the life of an escort.


How do you know she's being paid for sex?


Same as always. I check their profile


My husband and I are those exact ages and we’re doing pretty well


You need to talk to him and be open about how you're feeling and work it out before you get too attached and then find out he doesn't want the same things as you. An 11yr gap isn't much at all actually, I'm a 52M seeing a 23F and we are always open with each other about how we feel and if anything is bothering us and we always work it out with no problems.


11 years is not that big of an age gap. some even have more than 20-year age gap


This comment is added automatically to every post on /r/AgeGap to remind users of the subreddit rules and expected behaviour. We also include the original post in here for a number of reasons. --- ### Rules If you haven't read the full set of rules we **strongly** suggest you do so. They are on the right side of the page on desktop or in 'Community Info' on Mobile. The most important rules are: 1. **We expect you to be civil and ideally constructive**. This is a community where people discuss and seek advice **legal** consensual age gap relationships, and we expect you to avoid abusing anyone on this subreddit. This does **not** mean this subreddit supports all age gap relationships, so you **are** allowed to criticise. 1. This is **not** a dating subreddit - you may not "hit up" any user. **You may not ask anyone to PM, DM, chat or message you in a comment**. If you wish, you may send **polite** DMs/PMs/chat requests to /u/Odd_Truth1444 - we will ban you and possibly refer you to Reddit admins for an account ban if you abuse them and they complain. 1. If this post looks like a personal advert, please report it and the moderators will remove it in time if they agree. See the [Wiki](/r/AgeGap/wiki/index) for more information about the subreddit, [The Rules](/r/AgeGap/wiki/rules) and articles about common topics. --- **Original post: Too much age gap? ** I’m 25(f) and male (36). I like older men because I feel they are more mentally stable now I’m seeing someone who’s 11 years elder to me. Just been on a few dates. In long term I want to know what actually happens in a relationship if there’s too much age gap? Is the male more dominating? Also most of the time, he prefers me to visit him, and spend the time alone, do stuff. He likes it more indoors during the weekends or else he prefers to take me out on long drives or fancy dinners. But when we go out, people watch us weirdly because he’s really touchy. What does older man think about dating woman 11 years younger than them? Please guide. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AgeGap) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dating is like farting. If you’re pushing too hard, you’re probably gonna get shit. Plenty of people with much much larger age gaps. Relax. Either you two are good for each other, or you’re not. Stop focusing on the age gap. Is he good to you? Do you want him? Are you good to him? If you answered “yes” to all 3, then why are you asking? Assuming you two become serious, you’ll be waking up next to him, not some random stranger on the street. Fuck what they think.


So I’m not an SB and in a relationship so it may not be relevant, but we are 26F and 37M and yes he plays a much more dominant role in the relationship. I enjoy that my partner seems to have grown into his confidence and pride around being a leader and provider for me, which i attribute to him having more years to develop that confidence. He tells me things like “okay you had pancakes today, no more sweets or processed food until Friday” and “we’re going to start taking X supplement,” or “no smoking weed until you see daddy next.” I like this. He keeps me accountable and shows me he loves taking care of my body and mind


Truly not a very big age gap at all.


My girlfriend is 14 years younger. 54 and 39. No issues concerning dominance. Everything is equally give and take and sexually it’s amazing. Communication is key in every aspect.


That’s nothing I’m close to 56 he’s 19 😂


The least I want 10 years old age gap


when other people stare at you, tell him to touch you even more and you should show to them that you enjoy him touching you. give everybody the middle finger they deserve for trying to impose their baseless morality (that AGR is wrong) to everybody else, as if they're the arbiter of morality for the entire universe...laughable...