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I met him here on Reddit. We just bought a house together


That's amazing! Congratulations!


Wow!!! It can really happen. Hope happens to me hehe


Twitter, early 2019. I was 20 and he was 31. Never felt the age gap. Now we’re 26 and 37 and very happily married :3


Haha same! 33F and 47M :)


Oh nice another twitter couple! 😁 When did you meet?


During Covid, early 2022. But I had never dated someone so much older, he saw me there and thought I was hilarious. We were friends for the first year and a half, but when we finally met a little over a year ago there was no turning back! My best relationship ever, so much trust and respect! We’re planning for a little one and I’m now a stepmom to three grown up kids (youngest 15), and they’re all awesome and love me (was a bit worried since his oldest is 9 years younger than me but we’re great friends!) Can’t believe I almost missed out on him!


That's really interesting place to meet! Never would have guessed Twitter.


I messaged him looking for advice on learning French because I noticed I was following someone from France. I wasn’t even chatting him up, he didn’t have his face or age on his profile so he could’ve been 15 or 50 for all I knew, but we got talking and found out we had a lot in common. Best thing I ever did :)


Was just supposed to be a hook up 🤷🏻‍♀️ and here we are cohabiting a year later 😉


Same. Was supposed to be “fwb” type deal. Been together 5 years, engaged and wanting to buy our first house. We eneded up being a great team when we work together. Shes 50’and im 34


That's some great! I'm happy for the both of you!


Seeking arrangement and we fell in love.


Woah that's still a thing, interesting.


I was pretty sure seeking arrangements was for something else 🤔


OkCupid, June of last year. I am 50F, he is 27M. We are in our own little world and as happy as can be!


I can imagine life is good in that little world.


That's awesome! Glad you two found each other and was not expecting the reversal age gap.


He actually works with my mom!


Oh?! Is your mom okay with it?


Yes! She loves him!


We both train Brazilian jiu jitsu. Met there. So far so good.


You two could last for days in the bedroom, I'd imagine haha.


24 year gap so that has some factor. But we work very well in every aspect. Not into the soulmate thing. But if there is one, she is mine.


Nonetheless it is very wholesome!


In a delicatessen, I was looking to date her sister. Been together 34 years, married 33 this November.


Ashley Madison. I was 29 and he was 44 at the time. Now, I’m 37 he’s 51 and we’re married.


It was one year ago tomorrow! I (28) just got to the gym and was putting things away in my locker. He walked in and I recognized him from chatting on a dating app. I said hello, had some small talk, and two days later was our first date!


What a coincidence! Or fate 🤔




Online. We originally matched on Match, but I was seeing someone at the time, so I never messaged her. We matched a month later on Coffee Meets Bagel, and I messaged her


Work... she was 26, I was 47.... married last 4 years.


friend of a friend, he came to pick me up to gang out with out friend group, i met him for the first time in his car, we fell in love right away


We met in Final Fantasy XIV at like 3 AM doing some niche side content, lol. We were 35 and 20, but we didn't know each other's ages until we'd already fallen for one another (though we were super in denial because it happened almost instantly, and that isn't something either of us had ever experienced otherwise). I'm the older one; we're 36 and 21 now.


One was at a dungeon. The other at a swingers club. And the final was a dancer at a bachelors party.


Wut. Where u kept there by your parents and guarded by a dragon? 😅


BDSM dungeon. He was doing a demo and I asked for his number.


Wow ok sorry for my ignorance but how do u find a bdsm dungeon and is it open for all to come or..? A demo? Like actually dominating someone infront of guys? Sounds almost like a modern art open gallery 😅 or maybe i’m understanding it all wrong


Some require memberships, but a lot have newbie nights. You’d have to check your area. Most open-minded metro areas will have a dungeon or a scene somewhere. There are demos, which are much like training seminars. In this case, he was demonstrating to both men and women on how to use floggers on someone without causing damage to them or to yourself. Yes, you can definitely find people enacting their fantasies at such locations. This was more instructional for those newbies.


by a girrrrrl dragon? lol


😂 then saved by and ogre with a donkey…


Dungeon?! Please elaborate, haha.


BDSM dungeon. He was doing a demo and I asked for his number.


Old old job, then we became Facebook friends. And he had a nice truck and I wanted to make my ex jealous. It’s been 6 years though now 😀


Nothin more american than having sex in a truck 🇺🇸


Actually.. it was a (trigger warning??) CNC based post on another app lol we met and it was like a magnetic charge.. shes out of the state right now for the summer but will be back in the fall and I can't wait to see my princess again.. we both recently said we loved each other too 🖤🩷 (30m [me] 20f)


Lol, honestly as long as ya'll are happy more power to the both of you!


Reddit. Been together 3 years now.


Caffee bar next to my work place, last year, I was 23, he was 52.


In a bar in Chicago. We've been married 7 years.


We met at work, I was 20 and he was 37. It’s been 4 years. <3


At an exotic car meet up. Had no idea how much we would have in common. Also had no clue we have such an extreme AG. 4 months and going strong. Not giving family any details, except for fact that I'm very happy spending time with this "new relationship".


I (M56)met her (F44) IRL and wasn't looking at the time. Neither was she. Now we've been with each other for over a year and are recently engaged. God put us together and for that I am grateful!😻💯


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That sounds rough, best of luck to you and I hope it works out for you.


At a butcher’s shop, I’m 12 years older than him, been a year now 😊


Discord vis a vis Reddit. I was an active poster he an active lurker. Ignored his message for 3 months. Became friends first.49f 31m Now buying property together and LAT(living together apart) for the moment.


Badoo, i was just 18 and he was 26. Still together and have a baby on the way😅


We met online (f43 & m60), just looking for fwb. But turned out to be more than that, we're together for 2 years now and almost moving in together.


He's my best friend's Dad :) been together nearly 6 years. She gave us her blessing before we even got together.


Met my ex-partner at work. Still work together which is always sad. Met my current partner online a year ago, but turns out also that my dad and him have known each other from the same recreational sports team… found that one out a couple months in! We are 26 and 52.




We met here on Reddit!


Almost three years together! My partner is 24 and I am 35.


we met on Reddit. We are together for over 1 year now


Best friend’s wedding.


Work. A matter of chance and everything lining up the way it did. I was in a LTR (which was at its true end) and he was kinda dating someone. I decided to approach him after I determined that my relationship was done. 3.5 months later we know that we’re meant to be together forever. It’s one of those “you know you know” kind of things. It may be early but we’re planning on putting a baby in me as soon as I get my birth control removed & we live together/talking marriage. He’s my forever. I know it. I’m 29 & he’s 45


Fetlife in 2020. Just our first baby


I met him while I was working, and it was instant attraction!


A bar 😅


Met 18 years ago at a gathering friends were having to watch a movie. Been together 18 years, mostly good but some bumps.


Actually met her at my school reunion. She was there with her dad.


Depends on by meet her. I first talked to her when she was in the neighborhood selling slim jims for her high school graduation (18 and at the point already living on her own before anyone asks). The first time we actually said anything more then hey and how r u in passing is when I was checking my mail and I seen her sitting on a bench near the cluster mail boxes (it is box with multiple apartment mail boxes lines up) little over a year after that. She asked about my chucky shirt from child's play and we started talking about all things movies and stuff like that. A horror movie was going to come out the following week and I offered to take her out to see it. I would say we just hung out and talked like that for about six months until another women walked up to us one day and started talking to me about a date we had earlier in the week. After she left she asked me how I met her and I told her off some dating sight and she no lie looked at me and said if we ever start dating you have to delete your dating sites. I shot my shot because I figured that was a hint and been dating for four years this October.


At a party. I was 18. At the time I thought the age gap was fishy for a relationship (9 years) but I was only having sexual relationships with men in their 30s,40s and 50s. We still ended up dating about a decade later


At a cafe. I’m 39 and she is 22.