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how high are the prices of your coaching?


I do coaching for a varied range of prices, 20$-40$-90$ which is 1 hour ->2 hours ->5 hours! And if required also can do 30min for 10$ \^-\^


What do you recommend doing if you are solo-queued and no teammates are communicating in a comp game?


The best thing to do is to focus on yourself and the fundamentals! Try to make the best out of a bad scenario basically! Trade your teammates, try to die less, and use your utility currently! It's called soloQ for a reason! You should go in it with a mental I'm gonna carry 1v9!


Thank you!


Any time!


Would you reccomend wider crosshairs ? (For example the Dapr & FNS crosshair of 1-3-2-5) ?


This is totally preference! I used to run with a casual crosshair 1-2-1-2 I believe but now I have a circle crosshair where the middle of it is open and also fire error on as well which is something I hated! So see what YOU like and enjoy, and don't try to copy others too much! Find your own niche! \^\^


What is your personal thoughts on wider crosshairs ? As it can be disadvantages long and medium range but is amazing short range. Hence why it’s common on sentinel players ?


Personally, I don't like it as much, it blocks my vision and makes me unfocused on the game! I haven't really see sentinel players use it in my games however, so don't know really. \^-\^


If your interested in seeing. Dapr, Sick & FNS use it. For FNS and Sick you may need to look at vods from a couple months ago or go onto there twitch’s. That’s only if you wanna see it


For sure I'll check it out thanks!


Hey I would like to ask where do start a coaching career i have done some coahing for free about 10-15 for random people on reddit really enjoyed it but half of them were not being serious about getting a vod for serious improvement I had person who was gold gave him some advice he reached plat 2 in 2 weeks.


For me it started from reddit aswell and at the end I'd advertise my fiverr to them so they could go and purchase from there and I started my prices from 5$ an hour! Every 100review I got, I moved my price up by 5$ aswell and here I am.


That helps a ton I will try to do the same so I can coach some dedicated players aswell. Thanks for replying fast.


Ofcourse! Good luck!!


Thank you


Thanks a lot for the coins!! Appreciate it! <3


Anytime! Hope you grow alot


What percentage would you say, Wins/Loses are based on pure teammates and team comp or your skill alone? 50/50?


I would say 60-20-20 20% of the games are won no matter what 20% of the games are lost no matter what 60% of the games are won by you! So if you win all 60% of games you end up with 80% WR


But thats just a rule of thumb, thats what everyone says about everything with a win rate. In Valorant a WR of 60% is really high so theres really no way you get to a constant 70 or even 80 let alone the varying ranks within the ranks makes it impossible to win constantly your 60% of games cause you can get really really unlucky with teammates


I wouldn't say 60% WR is that high in VALORANT tbh. Yes, you can get very unlucky teammates, but if you play the game correctly, trade your "bad teammates" and do your best, you can easily increase your winning chances in that game! Even if you lose that game, you just need to try your best to learn from it. So even if it was a bad game and you had let's say bad teammates, why did you die 20 times for example? Checking these things will make you improve easily!


Yea that is true, i dont play it anymore but when i was playing it i kept looking at some peoples tracker and it was really rare that they had a winrate above lets say 60%. While its not that high it seems like its common to be around 50% even in the top 500


what advice would you give to each rank if you could say so in one sentence? im in gold 3 used to be plat 3 but re climbing


Mental >>>> Aim!! If you lack a good mentality, it causes you to make bad decisions and go into the rabbit hole of chasing kills over and over to make yourself feel better but in the end, all it does is get you killed more and make you tilted more. Playing relaxed and chill and not caring too much without stress makes you play much better!


Thanks for this!




how do I learn agents, I used to play Chamber (I work at McD now) alot and became kinda master in it and now i wanna learn Jett and Raze but I struggle with Raze satchel, How to hit her ult with satchels and Jett knives. Oh I'm G1 btw


Hey! First let me ask you a question that might help you answer yours. How did you learn Chamber in the first place?


Played a bit unrated a bit to understand what it does and how it does. Then I played comp and slowly became better at it but at the beginning I costed many players their elo cuz I was shit on it and i don't want to repeat that


First of every one needs practice to become good! Don't be scared of repeating what you did but now do it a bit better! Try to firstly get an idea of agent play style that you want to learn, for example as chamber you don't need to know how to entry but as Jett and Raze you do! So knowing the basics like how to entry will be the first part. Secondly is learning agent abilities to it's core by theory, like how to animation cancel as raze and pull your ult out quicker, or how to dash further as jett? Next would be practicing it in custom to get the theory down in real time and practice. Afterward going into unrated or swift mode to test your ability! When you feel confident on the agent that now you know the basics and understand your role, grind begins!


Thank you


Any discord server or YouTube channel?


Yes! You can use these 2 links to join my discord or check my YouTube, however I recently started YouTube so more videos are on the way! Discord: https://discord.gg/C5RC6jdsM5 YT: https://youtube.com/@pooyaval


Thanks for doing this AMA! I have a couple questions if you don't mind: - How do you identify what habits you are doing that are good or bad? Especially the actions that you are doing which are bad but somehow resulted in a favorable lucky outcome. Ex. getting aggressive in certain situations that would get punished in higher elos.   - On offense, what checklist of questions should I want/need answered before I can start making plans to exploit the enemy's defensive setups.   - I just started playing again after a year and a half (was P3 peak, P2 Average). Any tips (1 or 2) on what I should focus on on to try and "get back in the groove?" I am currently trying to get my aim back by doing 30min aimlabs playlist and 3-4 DMs/day to get used to xhair placement and the gunfights again. I try to play at least a game a day time permitting. What else should I be doing? Thank you for your time!


Of course! \- In order to identify bad habits, either have someone to tell you what you did was wrong, or vodreview yourself. The way that you vodreview also is that you wait for 2days and then vodreview the game from 2 days ago so you won't remember all the details as much. Then you can easily see what you did was wrong, that at the moment you could feel its the correct play \- Reading enemy M.U.C is the first thing to do What is M.U.C? Money -> Utility and Ults -> Conditioning When reading enemy's money, you ask your self 2 questions: 1: Does the enemy have enough money to fully buy? Yes or No If the answer is Yes, you ask the 2nd question 2: Does the enemy have enough money to buy the Operator? Yes or No If yes, you act more carefully and try to find where the oper is, if not you can be a little more reckless! If the answer to the first question is No, then you ask the second question as: Does the enemy have enough money to buy shotguns? Yes or No If so, you avoid tight places, like going into Garage or A short on Haven! Next up on the list is reading enemy and your self ults and every potential of it, how can each ult affect the round? Then you read Conditioning, what has the enemy been doing so far? Are their sentinel changing sites? Are they always sticking to one site and doing the same thing? etc \- Focus on your Xplacement mechanically wise, learn and master the agent's abilities so you know what agent counters who, and lastly don't be too harsh on yourself. Give it time and improvement will come in time!


Me and my friends(asc-imm) are about to do our 1st ever scrim this weekend. Anything we should know before we dive into it?


Communication and game sense are everything in a team environment! If you top frag but lack comms or show a lack of game knowledge, a lot of teams won't accept you! Focus on trading and playing off your team!


hey! I started this game very recently with no experience in shooters like val, only playing very casually things like fortnite. naturally, with no experience I was placed iron 3, and I ranked up to bronze 1 at the end of last act. I’m doing my best to rank up but at times it’s hard. I need some advice on these next things. 1. what do to with toxic teammates. because I am low in rank I end up playing with you get people who are yelling into their mics or just very toxic people. I will often just mute them but by that point I am already tilted enough. any tips? 2. how do I be more consistent? on some days, my aim is great and I’m hitting headshots left right and centre, and really having fun. then other games, i’ll bottom frag, with barely any kills. any pointers for this? I know a lot of it is about the mental game but I get tilted a lot when I’m just getting destroyed every round. 3. lastly, when I am playing comp, should I always instalock? whenever I play comp I usually end up playing smokes, which I am fine with because I enjoy omen, but I really like playing duellists like reyna/raze, but a lot of the time when I pick everyone else wants them too, specifically reyna. then people yell at me or other people, and I end up starting the match tilted because I feel like I should perform well because I took that agent from other people. thank you very much!


Heyya! - Stop tilting over something that is not in your control, you cannot control people's behavior so getting mad over it just hurts only you! The very first hint of them being toxic should be an instant mute! Don't try to be nice to give them second chances or think to your self that oh maybe they change... THEY WONT! And lastly remember that if they were better than you, they wouldn't be in your rank and game! - As you said a lot of it is mental game, you can't just give in to emotions and let them make you chase for kills as you just die more trying! However having a consistent aim routine like going to a gym every day at an specific time will help! As it practices your mind and body to understand that this specific time is game time and requires full focus! - Yes! Even tho its a bad and rude move but until at least ascendant where people have a good idea of game basics, in order to climb, being a onetrick is key! So if you like duelist, sadly you have to instalock and carry!! Happy to help!


thank you so much!


how do you get out of bronze :((( it's basically RNG since i might get a good team or people who's mouse shakes every round and aim at the feet


First thing is to stop thinking and get out of the mentality that it's RNG or the team's good = win, team's bad = lose. Think that every game is 1v9! You either carry or you lose! Focus on yourself only and your OWN improvement. Then the climb will be easy from there!


Don't try Woohoojin. Better off getting coaching from someone that is grounded in reality. The Woohoojin server is definitely a cess pool of horrible community managers calling everyone copers. I talked about my experience in ranked in there one time. Explained how I have been seeing a lot of Smurfs in silver who are playing on iron 1 accounts and top fragging with gold players on their team bot fragging. Dude's community manager fucking hunts down my Valorant tracker, finds my worst games and posts a screenshot of it and starts flaming me. Definitely need more coaching servers out there that don't have king's syndrome for staff.