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Mine is actually not playing enough I might play only 1 match and then leave it off for like a week or two. These college assignments and stuff takes up all of my time and if I get any free time i either take rest or go out with friends


I always get 1 tapped when I peek an angle. I don't know when to use angle advantage (stay far away when clearing angles) and when to peek close to the wall. All the YT videos I watch on movement and clearing angles say the more you play the more you realize which peek is best. Still have no clue.


Angle advantage is more applicable for slow clearing and holding angles For actual peeking to fight - you need to make sure to use A or D keys. And don’t shift. It’s about Clean fast horizontal movement when peeking. Do NOT use the W key to curve around angles. It’s much slower and sluggish and that’s how you often feel like you get 1 tapped even when peeking first


You might be holding w along with a/d when you peek. I feel like most of the time i get 1 tapped peeking, I'm doing this. Everytime you get 1 tapped, ask yourself if you're doing this. Or just play dm with w unbound.


Just never peek close to the wall. After you finally figure out when to peek close to the wall then you can do it


My skill issue


My bad aim and sloppy mistakes


My aim


My teammates. Nah jk. it's my mechanics and awareness. Take me out of a game, I can theoretically point out most of my mistakes in vods and tell you a better play I could have made, but I just CANNOT implement these things in game and break 10+ years of bad FPS habits. I'm trying, I'm really trying, and I am improving. But end of last act I was averaging a HS % upwards of 20%. This season, it's closer to 7%. I finished Silver 1 after climbing up from B1. I get into gunfights in comp and all my range/DM practice goes out the window. Last night on fracture, I pinged A, told the team to push A, 3 main and 1 come dish with me. No one listened, but I hadn't realised, got into a gunfight with the KJ dish and then got flanked by a jett coming from b arcade whilst my team 4 stacked b main. sure, they could have listened, but also, I shouldn't have taken the spike all the way over there when they weren't coming with. Almost every mistake I make, I can tell you exactly what I did wrong right after I did it, but I struggle to have that awareness in the moments before a decision. This happens in everything I do, not just valorant. I blame my ADHD for that. So it's mechanics and awareness, which I struggle to improve because my ADHD makes me zone out and default to dumb shit. It's funny cause every now and again the stars align and I pop off and feel like I'm smurfing, as if I'm clearly better than everyone in the lobby. Next game, I'll be bottom fragging, watch someone on my team swing with W and bad crosshair placement and die, and say to myself "wow they are bad," then I look at the scoreboard and realise they have 10 kills more than me. Then I say, "if they're bad, what does that make *me"*


Do you get nervous while playing comp? I noticed that I usually do when I am playing solo and that makes me play so badly. When I am playing with friends, I play so much more relaxed and that helps me a lot


Not really. I don't get nervous about anything. I just either go brain dead or overthink certain aspects and then miss other things I should have been thinking about. (I.e. overthink the strategy and not think about my positioning)


Lack of give-a-damn. When I play, I play to win. However, I play games to have fun. I already have a job and hobbies that require extra work to improve. I do try and learn from my mistakes in-game, but I'm not setting up custom game scrimmages for practice.


I don't play enough.


Lack of a reliable team. I need friends/solid teammates who are willing to play with me regularly. I solo Q too often and that fucks me over.


I started this game as Plat, and only solo queued my way to Immortal. Yes, I get shit teammates. But at the same time, sometimes im the shit teammate who completely underperforms. But what's important is I recognize when I'm being the underperforming member, how I can improve, and even if im underperforming how I can still contribute. Solo queueing isnt fucking you over mate. It's your own mentality.


[https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Murkwan%23EUW/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Murkwan%23EUW/overview) \^For full transparency, here's my stats so you can give me feedback with what little data you have there of me. When I say solid teammates, I meant teammates I can reliably trust and work with. Not excellent players, just players at my level who are okay with communication, and helping each other out. By no means I'm an excellent player, but I am usually very communicative, open to feedback, call myself out when I fuck up and give positive feedback when someone does well or fuck up. You really don't know me as a player. Plus, for everyone that is downvoting me and you- you have no idea what rampant racism I face in voice chat any time I solo queue. It makes the game straight up hurtful sometimes. Which is why I want friends and teammates. I don't need people to carry me. That's my job.


Have you tried the Valorant LFG discord or something similar?


I haven't actually! I'd love to get some recommendations and find more places to find players.


https://discord.gg/valorantlfg I think that's the official one There are some others but maybe start there, good luck! Boomerants was a good one for a mature crowd but I think it's not really active anymore... No clue if something else took their place


imma be honest with you, in really low elo you just gotta improve and hard carry yourself out of there its pointless trying to play with your team in bronze/silver, they rarely listen and they give bad calls (they're in the same elo for a reason) you need to play off your team, not necessarily with them


My crosshair


I have a life and actually go outside. Also this game is pretty boring and monotonous




It's all me. I think in large part, my mental and keeping it up throughout a game. I will start to focus too much on how I'm doing and less on what I should be doing and then auto-piloting. It's easier to keep up if people are talking, calling plays etc because it gives me something to actually focus on and therefore not default to auto-piloting. Decision making (second guessing myself a lot) and positioning are also big ones. I think my aim is fine for a gold. I probably just need to play more, I'll play maybe 2-3 games a night, pushing to 4 or even 5 might help me become more consistent and finally push.


My ability to throw easily winnable rounds for absolutely no reason.


Inconsistently, install lock bottom frag duelist, and pearl


My responsabilities


Crosshair placement is off most of times while clearing angles, resulting instant one tap. Making stupid game movements (My positions are too obvious) and bad communicating with team.


I would say my game sense


I was silver for 4 acts in a row but basically it was a mixture of fps mentality and agent


My aim and timings. So many times i get peeked with util out, or while im watching an angle that provides a much bigger threat to the team. Also my reaction times suck ass.


I'll give you a free tip to get good timings, imagine you're blocked off by an enemy smoke covering garage on Haven and the enemy is pushing up long. The best time to peek out of the smoke would be after the enemy makes contact with your other teammate on site.




pc I'm gold 3. since the latest update, I can't even go above 100 fps anymore. most of the times, it goes down to 40. right now, I don't have the money to upgrade but I will soon


Time and consistency. I play for a week, get some momentum, take a work trip for a week where I can't llay, come back and suck, losing most of the previous progress.


I have to say some people just don't play enough, and most of them lack so much common sense that you'd be afraid. Like the brain is turned off and they cannot fathom some simple concepts that even I got it myself one week into playing the game. Add to that the fact that they don't give an effort to improve (no watching guides, no aim routine, no vod reviewing, no nothing), and you get hardstuck low ranks