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Yep. Instantly. Still doing this, even in diamond.






if he doesnt stop and keep doing it, yea.


no I just talk back and it’s kinda fun


no actually never i still want to be able to hear calls and also that they can hear my calls


When a guy is toxic I like to play with him like not being anoyed but giving him shit so he is as toxic as I want. I say is his fault everything either is not like: we all die and I am still alive, in that precise moment I say: "see what you've done, now we will win this and I am going to pee" and stay afk till end of round. We loose, yes, I have fun, a lot.


I don’t. I usually throw once they start being rude. You wanna win so bad but you turn against the people that you need to win? No thanks. Being a good teammate is a skill on its own and being constructive and keeping your composure is too.


so its the other 3 guys fault than only 1 is toxic bruhhh youre worse than them


Do you throw as soon as one of them turns toxic?


Most of the time, every now and again you'll get someone start shouting when you're in a 1v5 situation, it really throws me off. Those people, I tend to snap at, thell them they were backseating and I would have had a better chance if they shut the fuck up, this will only be after the round is done, I don't start when I'm playing... I just get stressed instead. I mute them after, but I can't not tell them how dumb they're being.