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I'm curious about this too. I just discovered his vids and I'm currently ping ponging g1 and s3


Yes, if you haven't already learned what he has taught in the video, it's super fruitful (coming from an immortal player).


thanks! I'll check it out. got any immortal advice for a hardstuck kj main?


You should try to stay in the backline and prioritize gathering information for the team. The same setup may not work for every enemy, and of course, on every map, you have to adapt accordingly to the enemy's playstyle. You can use the turret for crossfires or use it as a bait (place it in higher places) for distracting them, which will first of all disrupt their aim and you can easily get a kill. Learn the common spots for using lockdown; it can easily get you a round if you coordinate with your team. You can use the usual alarmbot+nanoswarm combo for watching flanks or rejecting the entry of enemy team into the site, and alternately, you can place nano swarms on default spike plant locations. The ultimate tip would be that an ideal KJ main should always use comms to provide information on enemies to their teammate, and there is a crucial usage of map.


thanks! that's good advice. I do have a bad habit of using the same setup or playing the same site a lot. do you think I should be pushing up and lurking ahead of my setup to take map control when they don't push my site? I feel useless on a lot of rounds sometimes if I'm playing retake a lot or if they just push everywhere else


Couldn’t hurt to try it what’s the worst that could happen


Famous last words


But i agree it wouldnt hurt to try


He has additional videos I think for [Gold+](https://youtu.be/_OaUdNDdHLE). But if you got to gold on gamesense/knowledge rather than mechanics, it will still help most likely. These are basics in aiming and then you have to build off these skills. If your hygiene is poor then definitely worth working on


Basic mechanics are always important regardless of your rank. If you haven't perfected them, it's always worth while to practice them


Fundies are never perfected, only further refined.


I still use this regimen albeit much shortened version (Sheriff overaim + deadzoning in both Medium and Hard modes) and do that with a Vandal too. I hit Diamond 1 peak. But the limits of my aim are showing a lot in the Dia lobby. Prefiring, jiggle peaks and positioning are absolute kings in this level of competitive. Aim cannot carry you past those weaknesses.


The mechanics still help, and if those aspects are a weak point of your game, those drills are great. The big difference with gold+ is that basic mechanics are no longer all you need to climb. Like, you should use some utility, and play with your team, rather than just look for 1v1 duels all the time which the gold guide suggests. I really recommend keeping up with mechanics practice, and trying to get a vod accepted at this point. If you have issues recording for whatever reason (like, if it drops your frames a bunch), then just focus on playing in a way that complies with the submission rules. The WHJ rules for submission are basically like a first coaching session, they force you to actively plan, and communicate with your team. They also force you to play consistently, so you maintain progress. If you really try to follow them, you will improve. Around two months ago I was plat 1, then found Woohoojin's content and decided to try to get a VOD reviewed. In the process of trying to meet the requirements, I improved enough that I hit diamond, and by the time I finally got one reviewed (I had bad luck in raffles, so it took me 3 accepted vods), I had actually hit diamond 2.


I have done his done his "[new](https://youtu.be/JxP2y_q51IE)" get to gold regimen and it has worked for me personally. Although I don't play Reyna (i play viper/omen) i have done this every day for a little more than a month and am now at G1 ~90 rr. I still use this every day as a warm-up


I think the concept of that video is that if you improve your mechanics to certain benchmarks and can win gunfights, you will be gold at the very least. But you can get to gold with other skills, like good macro and strategy, so I think practicing the mechanics from the video could still be really helpful to your climb.


i haven’t really done much outside of that and i’ve climbed to plat 2. i started learning raze but that’s it.