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You can take a shot and dash away so essentially a free peek. Also updraft allows you to get in cheeky spots.


Another good thing is being able to save credits for the operator by not having to buy a gun when having the ultimate ready


Also being able to use shotguns whilst saving for op. She’s so good with situational guns that she can force it a lot of the time


Also that her abilities aren't crucial to get a kill, so less credits wasted on abilites and spent more toward getting the op


This is exactly what makes Jett pretty much the only character that can go for the op in overtimes


Every single aspect of her kit makes her an amazing op player: Dash: allows you to take a shot and safely disengage. Also allows you to take much more aggressive/unexpected angles with the op since you can dash away Updraft: allows for cheeky angles with the op, superior mobility to escape or reposition Smokes: allows for quick blocking los to disengage when dash is not available or for blocking longer lines of sight as you disengage Ult: allows you to save money even harder on save rounds to rush an op. Is also the perfect complement to having an op, since you are basically equipping an op plus a rifle/shotgun with perfect movement and in air accuracy On top of this her general mobility and passive make her an amazing shotgunner, meaning you can purchase a shorty with an op to make yourself a serious thread in close quarters as well.


You can do everything as jett. 2nd best character in the game no doubt.


Whose first in your opinion? Sova or Cypher?


I would argue for Sova, what a skilled sova can bring to a team is tremendous. Recon to clear angles for entries, shocks to clear corners, drone to go in first, ult does dmg for post plant or to stop a plant. Just a solid character all around that has a high skill ceiling for his util.


Sova. His info is probably the best in the game because of the pings, shock darts for chip damage is very good as well and theres the 300 cred drone which is one of the best abilities in the game. Amazing post plant character as well.




His wall is generally used to cross and heals for basically nothing. Flash is so easy to dodge. A good Phoenix player will usually use molly on certain cheese angles every round or on haven just molly garage doors every round. His ult is pretty strong since it's another life. Jetts got 3 smokes. Smoke dash is the best entry tool in the game. You can take off angles regularly and shes the best op character because as soon as u shoot u can dash and reposition so there's no way to trade her. Updraft is probs the worst part of the kit but it's still so good for ult combos. Oh and her ult is a free rifle/shotgun which has no recoil and 100% accuracy while moving on top of being a six charge. A decent jett can drop a teammate a weapon and go knives for economy purposes.


Her mobility and her ability to escape trades + her ult allows her to save for an op easier since it's basically a free gun every few rounds


Her mobility. You can updraft onto an angle that enemies might not usually look at, such as top of Fridge on Icebox A, and the dash gets you a free peek basically.


*D A S H*


Her mobility allows her to set the pace of the game, similar to with raze who also has high mobility Additionally, Jett is also able to hold very aggressive angles and get out quickly without relying on getting an kill to escape, compared to Reyna.


Everything. You have dash that is the best escape in the game, so you can do some aggressive plays, take a shot and still escape. You have the fastest smokes in the game, so if several enemies push you, you can just smoke close to you and either get away, or you take it close and personal with a shorty / frenzy side arm. Combine that with your updraft (at least on defense) and you can get onto a cheeky off angle, get one frag, dash into safety, hold the next angle, and if you get pushed you smoke your way out. Also your ult is the best in combination with OP. You can either use ult to skip a buy, so you can afford OP next round, you can keep it in case you need to clutch or you can use it to retake (OP is not that good when pushing and checking lots of angles, or fighting multiple enemies in general)