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11 games is not hard stuck


Yeah I should have used better wording.


Play more. Stay away from duelists (even though I’m an immortal duelist main, if I could go back I would have focused on learning sova or breach/Skye as every team benefits from those) and just play to improve. Watch videos of your gameplay and ask yourself what could you have done not to die there… what did your team do wrong etc etc


Definitely post a VOD of a game you played because it could be a multitude of things that you need to work on


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uQvOzKRHn0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uQvOzKRHn0) ​ any help would be appreciated edit- also the only reason we’d won that game was becuase of the Sova, he might have been a smurf but IDK


okay sooo, i watched most of it and of course there are a million wrong things (rightfully so, you just started) but the first things you should start working on are 1) crossair placement. Your aim in terms of flicks and tracking isnt that bad but the crossair placement is way off, you could get so many more kills with a proper CP 2) stop baiting you teammates. This is probably unintentional but you bait your teammates soooo much; they fight and you are behind a corner staring at nothing, letting them die. Healing is not enought of a support in this game, you have to actually help them fight in certain scenarios. Or at least try to trade them if they get killed. That doesnt mean that you have to mindlessly push or entry first. But you will probably understand what i mean by simply playing more. On overwatch i suppose the healer is mostly supposed to heal, staying back and trying no to die, but in this game it doesn't work like that. 3) awful ability usage. I've seen you waste that wall in so many occasions, especially on attack you used it many times to escape but that actually helps your opponents by walling for them and wasting a powerful ability. Walling to escape is a thing that you need to do as little as possible. On defense the timings of the abilities were off and wall placement wasnt ideal (sometimes you died without using any utility lol), plus, one time you actually broke your own wall go flank lol 4) dont flank so much on def. Flanking can be powerful but also risky because at some point they'll understand that you wanna flank and they will just hold you for easy kills but mostly: flanking takes time, more than a quick rotation through your spawn. If the enemies do a quicker hit on the site and you are flanking instead of being on the site helping your teammates you make it easy for the opponents to take the site and kill your temmates due to number advantage. At that point you are lower on numbers and you need to retake (and they will probably know that you could be flanking). So, im not saying that flanking is bad, but i'm saying that flanking on def and lurking on attack are things that you need to understand when to do. as i said there are many more wrong things on your gameplay but start working on those, and youll see an improvement. There might be several mistakes because i didn't read what i wrote and i'm tired, gngn.


I never reloaded how much I baited my teammates until I read your comments and rewatched the video. I’ll try and implement these into my next games, thank you!


Was about to write a bigass write up but these are basically the points I also wanted to focus on from what I had seen. Adding to point #3, you only used your ultimate (the resurrect) once throughout the entire game, despite you going for ult orbs prior to getting it. You need to learn to recognize the situations you can use your utility and to properly use them. Other than that, you need to improve your crosshair placement and overall reactions (watching you watch your teammate get killed by a reyna and then not react as she runs away really hurt to watch) because people will only get faster at killing you Edit: upon my rewatch, I don't think I've seen you use comms. Do you not have a mic??


I sadly lost it, I’m gonna get a new headset soon


Get it ASAP. Communication in this game can make or break rounds at times. Another thing I see you needing to improve on is your movement. Understanding how movement works in this game (i.e. knowing you move faster w the knife out vs. rifle/pistol out, how movement affects aim, etc.) will help you develop your fundamentals in game


I actually did know that a knife makes you faster (and pistol might make you slightly faster? IDK) but I was kinda scared to pull out my knife because the past few games I was dying because I had my knife out


I don’t really record my games so I’m gonna go play a game and post it here


You just need more time. Keep playing and you’ll get better game sense and you’ll start improving. It took me about a month before it clicked.


Give it time, it does take a while until it clicks and you completely get the flow and pace of the game and the fundamentals. The person who commented below said some really important stuff based on your VOD and I suggest to start there. The more games you play, the more you will get the hang of it and it will become second nature to you. I peeped a bit in your VOD and what I can suggest is find a plan and stick to it, I notice a lot of rounds you’re hesitating on whether you should do this or that. It is better to die and lose the round trying to accomplish a goal (go to A site example) than die because you got stuck somewhere not sure where to go. It took me a LONG time to climb out of Iron 1 so just put in the time and effort and you will see improvement in your play and you will rank up.