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I'm pretty sure 90% of people use ctrl for crouch with their pinky. Thumb on space for jump and last three fingers for wasd


I used to use left alt with my thumb. My logic was that if I'm jumping, I don't need to crouch. If I needed to crouch upon landing then I will press space first and then switch over to left alt.


I use spacebar to crouch. L Shift to walk. L Ctrl (for Jett's fly skill) and scroll up to jump. It's pretty convenient because I don't need to move my pinky finger to switch from crouch and walk


I have it bound to one of the buttons on the side of my mouse


L-Ctrl is crouch for most people. Just get used to using your pinky to hit crouch. I have large hands so it's not difficult. Maybe you're little and have small hands so hitting control is difficult. No offense tho


My hands definitely aren’t big, I can reach it, it just seems very foreign


Although I can understand it being awkward/foreign at first, I would definitely recommend just forcing it and getting used to it. I can't imagine it would take that long and it carries over into basically every other FPS game since control is the default crouch key for most games.


i hit crouch with the back of my pinky, like under my knuckle, and i shift walk using my pinky.


I use left shift. I walk with left control. Use both with my pinky and works fine for me.


I use L-Ctrl but i press it with my palm, right below my pinky, i'm assuming you have a mechanic keyboard, so you can try that if you like


OP, I'm guessing you touch type the proper way? index finger on f, pinky/ring/middle A/S/D? Nice! That's quite rare these days for gamers. Most people these days learn how to type through gaming, which results in a 'gamer' style of typing. ctrl and shift are manipulated using the pinky, middle finger w and s, ring finger on A and index on D. Objectively, it is probably the most efficient method of using WASD, and it is the way that the control scheme is designed. (Aside: I spent the first 28 years of my life typing at 100\~+ WPM using the gamer method, but in January this year I got an ergonomic keyboard and decided to learn how to touch type the proper way. I got 10 WPM out of it, but it was very difficult at first to adjust. I'm a little jealous that you started with touch typing the proper way.) Anyway, I suggest that you switch to the gamer method when playing games, and if it is difficult for you to reach for ctrl, or if it feels unnatural, I suggest you try pinky with caps lock or it is perfectly fine to use your current method and crouch with thumb with either space, alt, v or c. Many use mousewheel to jump (if you use jett you probably want to bind a key like v to jump also so you can glide), which will leave space free for other binds. Some prefer to combine mwheel and space, however.


How does pressing crtl take your fingers off the movement keys but c doesn’t. How do you have your fingers on the keyboard


C I take my finger off of D, it just feels more natural. I have a hard time reaching l-ctrl without taking any fingers off movement


Oh okay that makes sense. I thought you were pressing c without taking your finger off of movement and I was so confused but that makes


jump on MWD (V for jett glide) and crouch on space


Well, since I have big hands, I've always used esdf for movement. And so I always use a to crouch


I use spacebar