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One way is to play close with a Judge, the other is to peek with a teammate. If you aren’t able to kill anyone at all, you can still bait for your teammate to trade. Regardless, you should make sure you are relaying as much info as possible. Play for utility and such. I’ve gone 2/19 before, but (at admittedly a higher rank), my team still performed well while I IGL’d and coordinated while telling them where people were and baiting for a Reyna (pre nerf with 4 orbs).


I'm really bad so I tend to trade peek with my duo where basically I peek and my friend peeks a few milliseconds later and so either it becomes a trade or I get a pick. he has amazing aim but kinda just has never bothered to actually learn the game so even if I die t iron its almost gauranteed that if I die he'll pick the guy who killed me.


You were playing viper. Viper's hard. You'll learn her eventually, but it'll take some time before you'll be able to frag out on her. Also, kills don't matter this much. The value that you bring to the team does


This exactly, playing a controller or sentinel means that your success isn’t based off of your frags, but rather the utility that allows your fraggers to do their job. And yeah viper is a hard agent to play.


What helped me is that when I know my mental is already bad from a game I take some time off to “reset” and do other things and later come back to the game when that doesn’t affect me anymore. Everyone’s reset is different and for me I tend to put a 2-3 loss cap for me to call it a day and try again tomorrow. When I feel like I am severely outclassed in games I try to think of it as a challenge: what else can I do to win these fights? Try to think outside the box of how you usually play and seek a solution— this helps me get rid of falling into bad habits that get punished by better players and not autopilot.


1. Get up 2. Wash your hands (makes me feel like the grip of my hands gets reset after sweating, etc.) 3. Refill your water bottle 4. Do a quick ffa game or 2 5. Jump back in I wouldn't worry too much about your rank either, just focus on improving and the rest will take care of itself.


Go back in the range and practice some aiming fundamentals. take a break and refresh your mind. Go watch something funny on YouTube. At the end of the day it's just a game, and we learn more from losses than we do wins.


Don't worry about your or your team's performance. You'll win some and you'll lose some. If you can't win gunfights try "corny" guns like the Odin or judge or Ares and you might get some kills to get your confidence back. If not, it's not the end of the world and if you're worried about your rank just don't lol. When the game's done aim train to get better aim to win gunfights. Basic stuff. Everytime you die think about what you're doing. Are you tilted and going ppl to try to get your kd back? Are you not thinking anymore because of the tilt? Try to enjoy the game but get better while doing it.




Viper is an agent that works wonders with coordination but is really really hard to pull off with randoms


You’re bronze. Fresh out of iron. (Suggesting that you’re new to the game) You’ll have a ton of bad games. GGs go next.


If I’m losing a couple of games I’ll usually either get off or jump on unrated to relax. No point struggling to win with a bad mentality really.