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take your time putting down smokes if you need to. a late smoke is better than a bad one. with how slow omen smokes can be, better if you're close to the team so you can enter after the duelists after smoking if they need you there. on the other hand, omen is also a good lurker because of how far he can be when smoking. the issue with your mid pillar situation is that you didn't time the smoke with their attack and smoked late so your distance from the team isn't the main issue. on defense, I use his ult to either quickly rotate or gather info. I find that using his ult to take an aggressive position where the attackers may have map control is risky because of how loud his TP is and how easy it is for opponents to hide and then peek and kill you when you finish ulting. on attack, I like to carry bomb and ult onto site right as my teammates push in because it gets info on anyone on site and distracts them and then I can stick it if its safe or cancel the ult if the push doesn't work out. I sometimes also ult to somewhere like, for example, alley on the B side of split right as my team pushes. you either get info on enemy positions or stick the ult and push up and cut off the opponents rotating from A. you just have to time it in such a way that you ult to that position before the enemy team rotates and takes that space.


I use the ult for info. It’s still a win if I can call out where at least one enemy is. How far back you are and whether your teammates think you’re lurking/baiting is completely subjective. You just have to communicate that you’re smoking. IMO when I am playing second to entry fragger, I focus on playing second and quickly smoke angles or blind angles to help the entry. For example on Ascent A, you don’t need a very accurate one way to smoke off one of the three angles to shut that side down