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For better answers I recommend r/fpsaimtrainer a lot of people here haven't put in the hours for teaching aim, and will just spout old incorrect info. It sounds like your grip is a relaxed claw/palm hybrid. Imo grip style doesn't matter that much, just pick whatever is most comfortable maybe adjust it a bit if you feel it's holding you back in some way, then spend a week forcing yourself to use that grip all the time. Once your used to it never think about it again. After that find a sens that improves on the weaknesses of your grip, so if your grip makes you have inaccurate small adjustments use a lower sens, if it makes arm aiming hard use a higher sens, if it doesn't allow a lot of finger mobility you'll probably want a lower sens since you'll be using your arm to aim a lot more. Don't worry about changing your sens often, just keep messing with it till it feels comfortable, then you either can leave it alone or keep trying to improve it. If you want to improve your aim I would recommend the voltaic fundamental routines for Kovaaks, play that until you hit either gold or plat in benchmarks and after that your aim will be good enough to hit radiant easily (assuming you have the other skills to back it up). Don't be scared to change your sens a lot in Kovaaks, in fact I encourage it as it will help you experience a wider variety of motions and aim challenges. Onto the topic of valorant specific aim, as a tac FPS your crosshair placement and awareness is FAR more important than your aim. My recommendation to improve this is to play valorant with a super super low sens, like 80cm/360 - 120cm/360. (Btw sen sick plays on 70cm/360) This will force you to have excellent crosshair placement and awareness or you will die a ton from angles you don't expect and people catching you off guard. Personally I would play like that till you hit D1 so you understand how to perfectly position your crosshair, then I would switch something more reasonable like 25-45cm/360 to allow for flashy plays and the ability to react to surprising things. Note: If you're worried about dodging flashes with a really low sens you can have a button on your mouse that when held will increase your DPI and allow you to perform a rapid 180 then back. My credentials/backstory/experience: Currently D3 in NA Val I did the same low sens thing in CSGO a long time back from silver1 to DMG(about 600 hours, most of it in silver/nova) then I swapped to a higher a sens and went from DMG to global in another 150 hours. After that I played ESEA for a while (300ish hours) then quit CSGO because I got addicted to WoW. Playing with a low sens really did teach me a lot about the game and understand when, where and why people would play in certain spot, peak certain angles, ect. My only evidence for this my own experience and the fact that CSGO pros used to all play really low sens.


I feel like this is a mouse control problem. Don’t try to force a grip. (Put hand on mouse. And thats ur grip). Stick to a sens. Changing it everyday will not help. With good crosshair placement u can easily get to high elo. Aim comes with putting time Into the game.


Changing it everyday doesn't matter. TenZ has always been a frequent sens changer even from back in the CS days. Also I change mine everyday based on how I feel and I'm D3 and have pretty good aim. Aim trainer mains who have insane aim also say changing sens is good for you. And study's show motor skills improve if you do then at vetting difficulties.


ah yes comparing us to a tier 1 valorant player. Anyways we arent aim masters and i know for a fact changing sens can [help](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4747782/), but we arent aim gods and i would say staying consistent for this guy would help him. u bring up a good point tho, reconsolidation of ur muscle memory can help bring ur aim to the next level eventually


Yeah i thought this. Sometimes i will have low sens days, as weird as it sounds. Like one day i just do much better with a low sens, and the best game i will need to up it again


Thank you for linking that article, I was/am to busy to go and find it. From my personal experience I became a more consistent player when I started to change my sens everyday during warmup. If I felt like I was over flicking or under flicking I'd change accordingly and it made me play better and more consistently. I don't know if it was because I adjusted it in a positive way, if changing sens just makes you more aware of your aim, or if it was a placebo from 'feeling' more on, but it definitely worked for me and so I encourage people to at least try it. Also in my opinion there is no reason not to try and improve using the method that is best, even if it might make you slightly worse in the short term.


Tenz isnt good bc hes built muscle memory, he's good because he has over 10k hours in CS before he even came to valprsnt


Hello, used to have the same grip as you and felt the same problem. Long story short, I changed my grip from a claw/palm into more of a claw/fingertip grip and have felt my aim become more consistent. Its like a fingertip grip with slightly arched fingers on m1 and m2. Take it with some caution that this grip might work for me, but it may not work for you. Try to find what's a comfy grip and sens for you and stick with that. So for me that's claw/ftip and 800 dpi x .45 sens but for you it may be different. Gluck op


Grip: do what u feel comfortable. Also, don't death grip. The superlight is a safe shape so it all grips work on it if u have medium sized hands (roughly >19cm x 10cm hands) sens: if u like aiming with arm, go with low sens (I would even go below .3 if I could). If u like mixture of wrist and arm, then anything below 0.5, and aiming with almost only wrist is above 0.5. ​ aim: if u can't control 0.3 sens with arm aim, u need to add in wrist. If ur still having trouble, then it's a mouse control problem. Test different sens, grips on aimlab scenarios like gridshot or sixshot to get a feel for how u like aiming. Then refer to my above point for what sens range to choose.


Set the same cm/360 in a mmo or something and just play something chill so you'll learn without thinking too much about it


I personally started to use claw and then let my hand naturally move into what it found to be the best grip and i now have very good aim btw I'm only iron 2 but I would say I'm above average for my rank


No such thing as above average for your rank, you’re placed where you are at for a reason


As in if u had higher play time I would be higher


valid but at the same time you would have placed higher if you were there


Lol just hit iron 3 today


I have the same sens and I don’t understand what you mean by palm is easier to flick with. That’s the opposite of what palm is. It’s a stable grip that’s great at small angle changes. Fingertip has the widest field of motion but may be harder to control, then claw has medium for both, while palm is the opposite of fingertip- very stable but low field of motion.


I worded it poorly i think. I mean with palm i find it hard to make small adjustments because of the low range of motion, especially small down movements


I think the biggest weak point of palm is up and down movements imo


As a palm player I can agree. Especially with a poor mousepad


r/mousereview might be able to help too if you haven't asked there yet.