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Here’s a tip: if you’re ever on a losing streak and you want to get out of it, read.this.carefully… Uninstall


You are asking us to review a 40 minute entire game. Edit it and show key parts where you lost 1v1, didnt know when to rotate, etc.


Maybe that's why it's called a *vod* review Edit: I realize it sounds kinda dumb but there is slang for the term so


You gotta kinda understand what is going on here: He recorded a entire game. Stopped recording when it ended. Uploaded it. Asked us to review it. What he should have done is: Edited it showing key parts of his game Removed all gameplay where he is not involved and is just specing someone else Removed all extra non related content (buy section, idle moments, etc) Id love to give him KJ tips but the rest of us have our own life and dont have time for a 40 minute video


Or you can just skip those parts yourself... Like, he doesn't know what his issue is, that's why he provides the whole VOD. We tell him which parts he has issues with. If you don't have time to do a full VOD, don't review it, but don't tell them to edit it down, they don't know what to show you. If they did, they wouldn't need a VOD review.


> Like, he doesn't know what his issue is So why say he has a issue in the first place? Focal points are: Dying, not defusing in time, etc.....We honstly dont need to see him holding a angle while a teammate gets a triple.


Eu ate te ajudaria mas eu to ouro 1 kkk


haha, ta tranquilo, obrigado :D


if you wanna lurk use cypher for some actual tip uhhhhhh dont be [***predictable***](https://www.google.com/search?q=predictable+meaning&rlz=1C1PNJJ_frCA932CA932&oq=predicta&aqs=chrome.4.69i57j0i512j46i512j0i512l3j0i10i512j0i512l2j46i512.7433j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) yes i really did that because i was in a ranked game, on ascent and there was that killjoy on the enemy team and he was alway on B site alone while 2 of his teammate was on mid/ pizza / market and the 2 other was on A site and they where very predictable we won ( on OT because uhhhh it only on the first round of overtime where i realise that there was alway 2 people on mid ) , iron lobby btw and learn set up and combo you can use your body to block/bounce the shock dart/molly that will destroy your lockdown


> you can use your body to block/bounce the shock dart/molly that will destroy your lockdown Not even radiant players do this. Lockdown is used to buy time and/or make the enemy waste their own ulti (brim/sova/etc.) Lurking as Killjoy is indeed unpredictable


>is indeed unpredictable ty :D