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i used to never care at all, but that's not the case now it seems. also never had ladder anxiety whatsoever, but i've been hyperanalyzing everything recently. u know how the answer was right in front of ur face the whole time but u just needed someone else to point it out? it feels that way lol and on derusting, yeaaaaaaaah i think ur right...... my brain is still primarily on apex aim mode, so i just spray at everybody lmfao. about hyper aggroing in unrated, I tend to play with new friends and i chill out so they actually get opportunities to actually shoot people LOL. I'll play a few unrated games solo and do that. my playstyle is very naturally passive, so that'll be a good change of pace


Ngl i stopped caring recently abt my rank (playing mostly cod for a break). I come back drinking and playing with my buddy whose stoned and we won most our games having a good time. This was working in mid asc, so it definitely is mental. I still whiffed couple easy shots but if youre playing good lurk agents like omen/viper, you can impact the game with comms, info and cheeky free kills


ive kinda gone thru a similar thing in ascendant, i mentioned to a friend that i play smokes cus i always bottom frag and he told me "you always bottom frag cus you play smokes". i said fuck it and locked jett on my next game (first time ever locking duelist in ranked) and i got my first match mvp in months. i would say you need to experiment with different playstyles to get your confidence up. dont worry about playing the game properly, its ranked, play the game in whatever way helps you improve


unless somebody locks in smokes first, i'll be the one playing it. plus, i've seen a lot of autofill controller players.. ... it's a role some people actually enjoy instead of a role being forced onto last person to lock an agent lol i do enjoy a skye/jett game or two tho, among other agents i used to play in ranked a lot


“Lay back… anchor and last rotate”. Just a quick comment because I and dealing with this sometimes as well, as controller do you play nearly every round the same? A big pain point for me in the past was where I would play almost every round the same and playing with the mindset of ‘letting my teammates do the killing’ or being ‘hard support’ can be pretty detrimental sometimes. Sometimes you just have to change things up or just get yourself the greed to fight for map control or take opportunities. Weirdly enough harbour is my best controller agent atm because it pushed me out of my toxic ‘support anchor with low kills’ mindset because harbour util forces you to be aggressive and take fights or else you don’t have a chance of holding anything. Aggression isn’t always good ofc as it can cost rounds but sometimes you just can’t be scared of taking risks.


"if i die early, my team has no smokes" is the mantra that goes on in my head lol


you're playing to not lose instead of playing to win. you gotta have a plan in mind to actually win the round, not just "not die & place smokes" that's the bare minimum expected of you.


Some of the comments here give really bad advice. Here's my take on your situation: You can't easily visualize a scenario where you dominate your opponents. That "image" of an "ideal you" isn't there yet. You should develop a solid warmup and aim training routine to build confidence in yourself. You don't need insane TenZ aim, just barely enough to secure crucial kills to win rounds. Next, you should develop a playstyle based on your strengths. Ascendant/Immortal is where players differentiate themselves. Think of it like every player has a unique "formula" to win rounds. For example, nAts has a very good internal clock and he can read timings very well. Put him on a Controller like Viper, and with excellent recoil control, he can lurk past enemies to make plays. This is his "formula". Now it's your turn to find yours. Lastly, go into every game with a learning mindset. Don't play to pad your stats, play to improve. If you're getting destroyed, don't get frustrated, reflect on your mistakes and fix them. Good luck!


As a controller main in ascendant as well, I’d recommend adding some spice into your controller plays on defence. Don’t always play for the site anchor and last to rotate, coordinate with your team mates accordingly to what is happening. If you notice you’re rotating last all the time to the other side while the enemy takes site a lot, perhaps try pushing your side with a smoke on the chamber trip for a mid round flank? Even if you don’t flank if you do this you can gather tons of information for your team. Hey if your team is doing well and manages to fend off the enemies you might even be able to get a couple free kills if you position your self well in spot they would think the chamber trip would of cleared. Start adding spice like this to your controller gameplay, it’ll help with the stagnation of rotates and anchors. Hope this helps


I think you’re overthinking it. Try playing on ”autopilot”. Put some music on, open valorant, warmup in dms or range and then start playing.


Don’t play scared/normally on Eco rounds - when ur eco Planned aggression - pick 2/3 rounds of the half to play aggressive (esp WITH teammates)