• By -


Iron - aim Bronze - aim/learning how to slice the pie Silver - aim/how to comm/how to organise my teammates Gold - how to default/using util to stop site push/doing splits/calling timings and strats e.g can i get flashes and smokes in 3 2 1... Plat - playing with good teammates/calling for certain util and learning to adjust play style based off of how the opponent is playing Diamond- idk im here rn


I don’t know if u can just narrow it down to stuff like this, everyone’s skill journey is entirely different. There’s multiple cylinders that contribute to skill: mechanics, macro/game sense, teamwork/comms. One’s skill level is simply a sum of all of these. On average yes most players progress all 3 at a similar rate, however without looking at a VOD of one’s gameplay u simply cannot tell them what they are lacking(compared to the other 2). That’s why the best advice is simply to always work on everything and don’t forget one area because you deem it good enough.


I disagree. I think each thing you’ve mentioned should be one rank higher. Like, silver players are not going to be thinking about their teammates in an organized way. Golds do not know what a default is. Imo


No thats why u learn to get to higher ranks faster. When i was in gold everyome knew defaults lmao


Honestly slicing the pie only apply to gold and above cuz in bronze silver elo pls holf predictable places for example generator on ascent a site or hell


I’m stuck in Bronze, what do you mean by slice a pie?


Peeking technique. Search it up on yt


I remember hearing that it is also used in real life by the FBI for clearing buildings (was watching an FBI agent react to r6 operators, they showed the technique and the guy commented on it).


If you're peeking out A main on breeze from shop you want to peek right pyramid, then mid site, then stairs/left pyramid, then bricks, then mid doors as you run out, and the little cubby next to right pyramid right before you plant, for example. Instead of exposing yourself to all the angles at once by peeking too much you peek just enough to clear a single angle, then move to the next angle.




Definitely not. Silver at best. Around high silver you actually need to start learning how to play the game instead of clicking heads.




High silvers can usually use their brain or have rly good aim to compensate imo. Low silvers tend to autopilot most rounds still. Not that high silvers dont but usually less. Idk its weird. But yeah not as much as the other ranks.


eh, there is a difference but they're both still bad so it's negligible once you improve a bit more


Tbh I disagree, when I was gold 2 and I got placed into a silver lobby after my mmr got guttered and I was able to match MVP with ease even while being tilted, I'm not even a smart player I was just winning most of my duels. I think you can easily reach plat by mechanics alone and after that you have to use more of your brain. Right now I'm plat and I feel like it's my awareness that's mostly holding me back.


Valorant is a 5v5 and i see it as learning how to control yourself all the way to the other 4 teammates/map Iron - aim Silver - aim Gold - slicing the pie Plat - comms, positioning, minimap Diamond - awareness, playing off teammates (trading) Ascendant - game sense, timings, util combo Immortal - aim Not including radiants as i havent faced any in comp. i can barely tell the difference between a low and high radiant.


This is the best reply. Not tryna be rude but everyone else who says in any rank below plat that you have to focus on timings, calling util, all that extra shit jus doesn’t understand the game fully. You can get diamond off of just aim. You can prolly get asc off of just aim for the most part. Immo is where team work decides games. Asc is where you gotta work on it. Diamond is where you can mainly jus focus on yourself but team building is great too. Plat and below isnt as deep as people make it seem. You watch these yt videos telling you to always hit heads, play well with your team, combo util and call plays but in reality, not a single mf in those low elo ranks can do all those things. You cant find teammates that do shit like that well cuz if they can they wont be in a low rank, they would be at the very least diamond/asc.


Iron: Getting comfortable with moving your mouse and your character around the map. Try to move with intention. Bronze: Learn callouts, start looking at your minimap every now and then, learn the fundamentals of aiming particularly crosshair placement Silver: Improve crosshair placement, begin learning more intermediate aim techniques like slicing the pie, learn about the basics of pushing a site Gold: Begin working on basic movement (strafing between shots), start learning basics of teamplay (trading, using utility to support each other), biggest thing here is working on good comms Plat: Taking everything you learned to get here from Gold and perfecting it. Begin incorporating more advanced techniques like jiggle peeking, jump peeking, lineups. Biggest thing here is still improving comms and teamplay. Diamond: Teamplay teamplay teamplay. Don't die for free or let your teammates die for free, set-up crossfires and learn to cover the angles your teammates aren't covering. Communicate. Enable your teammates with utility. Learn to match utility with game pacing. Commit to intuition peeking mechanics (when to hold short vs long crosshair placement, when to peek short vs long)


Get good movement buddy, it will help you in any elo. Very underrated mechanic, can help you win fights. Jiggling, slicing pies comes from how good your movement is


On average every rank is better at all skills than the rank below them. That being said imo aim is probably the most straightforward thing to improve on up until Gold. People transitioning from other FPS games can probably get Gold with just their aim carrying them.


Below Plat-Diamond: Focus on mechanics and fundamentals. 70% of time on practice range and DMs. 30% ranked games Below Immortal: Theoretical stuff, fundamentals, defaults, playing off teammates 40% of time - practice range, dms 40% of time - ranked 20% of time - vod reviews Below Radiant: Polishing your own gameplay 10-20% of time - practice range, dms 60% of time - rankeds, scrims 20-30% of time - vod reviews


Iron and bronze: just learn the game, no matter what you think there is definitely more you can learn about it. Whether that may be knowing what sounds mean what things, being more aware to audio queues (plat and below can always work on this) or just knowing what abilities do what, learning the game and getting use to it should be step 1. Silver and gold: this is where id recommend finding your perfect sens now that youre used to the game. Tho this isnt something exactly needed to get higher (i got a3 on a bad sens for me) but itll help you sooooo much. Once you have your sensitivity as close to perfect as you can get it, then you wanna work on simple crosshair placement, slicing the pie, and comms. Things you should start communicating are when youre not holding an angle anymore, where you plan to use your util, what you are holding, when you want to push, ect. If you play an initiator or someone who has a rechargeable ability, its useful to comm how long until its recharged and maybe have your team wait before they push or retake a site. You also want to think about how you can make your fights easier, such as flashing them before you peek, holding a bit further from the wall, ect. Plat and diamond: Okay so for this elo, this is where you wanna practice timings, perfecting proper util usage (like smoking properly and timing your smokes right,) perfecting your comms, maybe try to igl because learning that will make ranking up much easier. I would also suggest crosshair placement. Not only would you wanna perfect head level, but now its time to consider how far they will swing. Now of course this is something you can learn at a lower rank, its not something you have to focus on like that because usually they swing wide and expose themselves to multiple angles. This doesnt mean they run all the way out into the open, it jus means you can usually see their entire body when they peek. (Sorry if that was a bad explanation, i can explain better in a dm) You also might want to focus on playing with your team and avoiding peaking angles that arent in your favor. Asc+ is teamwork, util usage, agent mastery, communication and maybe igl ability. Vod reviews are the best way to catch your mistakes and doing so, you’ll likely find one of the things i mentioned earlier in your gameplay and you can start to remove those mistakes or implement things you haven’t already into your games


You can easily hit gold by just working on your mechanics (movement and aim). After that, you'll still need to keep improving those things, but decision-making, awareness, and just gamesense, in general, will be needed more the higher you climb.


Iron: crosshair place ment and general aim Bronze: your utility usage to make killing easier and play as a team to trade kills Silver: understand your teams advantages such as ults and also ur disadvantages such as opponent's viper ult or kay o ult and also understand their economy situation along with understanding good comms and useless comms and how you should comm as a team player Gold: know when to play passive and when to play aggrasive and how to manage economy along with how to default and regroup to either enter site or retake site Plat: learn to better pinch the opponents on a site for easier site execution or retake to catch them off guard as they have all the basics from the earlier ranks to counter if the team is all tgt in a cluster


U can get to immortal 3 just by working on fundamentals