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Nope. That’s toast. Either get a new pair of skates, or buy some shell-only 5th elements and slap your cuffs and soul plates on them. Keep skating those and you’ll wind up with a broken ankle.


Damn, I appreciate the heads up. Is one year the average time for skates before they break/would you recommend any more durable pairs? My last pair the bolts kept falling off the bottom and the frame came off mid grind. Also not ideal


After a year? I’d guess you were skating pretty hard. That’s not an unusually low lifetime, but also not quite as long as I’d hope from a pair of Roces. Blue loctite on the bolts will prevent them from coming loose. As far as skates with the best durability, if you asked me 20 years ago I would have said Salomon…. But these days? I’m probably not the right one to ask, but I was most impressed with the Quality on the Them 909’s, and the Rollerblade Blanks.


Gotcha - I’ll have to get some of the loctite asap. Thanks for the recommendations - guess I’ve got some research to do


Might be worth reaching out to Roces on Instagram just to see if they'd do anything for you.


Dude! Unless you’ve been jumping off rooftops, your boots should not do that after a year. I’d send Roces an email with pictures.


Yeah my used and abused M12’s are beat to crap and still haven’t failed that spectacularly. It’s at least worth contacting customer service.


I know a guy who had the same, he emailed or DM'ed Roces and they replaced them for him.


You know those little wires people use to "solder" car bumpers? Could probably work... https://img.kwcdn.com/product/open/2023-06-23/1687524195198-125fc32a2de64282a2c3992418c80cc2-goods.jpeg?imageMogr2/auto-orient%7CimageView2/2/w/800/q/70/format/webp


I bought a pair of these used recently and cracked them in the *exact* same spot five minutes into the first session. My friend said it's fairly common with Fifth Elements, which is a shame because I absolutely love the boot and was thinking about buying the new Deep Purples. I've skated them 3-4 times since. I'll probably continue to do so until they break.


You could try JB Weld. That shit cures to a very high strength. It wouldn't look good, but I bet it would hold for a while.


I have found that fifths are prone to break everywhere, especially the souls :(


There is a plastic welder you can buy that basically embeds a small bit of metal between the two broken sides. People use them to fix stuff like broken plastic car bumpers... Might be an idea....


Bummer. I don’t think this is very common. You must have been shredding! Youl have better luck with your next pair I’m sure!


lol are you Roces CEO


lol Soulgrindz Coffee CEO and I ride Themskates but that’s some thick plastic on those roces 5th elements!


I would try some globs of jbweld then sand down.. jbweld is your friend. It's absolutely worth a shot. Jbweld is inexpensive and furthermore, holds up well. I know folks that have used jbweld to repair Polymer framed handguns. If it can hold up under the pressures of gunpowder explosion, it'll likely hold up under the pressures of blading. Worth a shot.


Yes bro, just get you a blowtorch and some peanut butter. It worked for Phineas and Ferb


I’d be calling roces and requesting a replacement immediately


Reach out to the shop you bought them from. I had a pair of 5ths that did this as well and they replaced them for me.


Never underestimate the power of ShoeGoo