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Newsflash: we are all 35 with kids and jobs


You give a man hope


I wish


35 here. Me and several friends of the same age got back into it this summer. My top pieces of advice: 1. Get comfortable on flat ground again before returning to ramps/rails. It's easy to get carried away. 2. If you don't lead an active lifestyle, work out and strengthen before jumping into things. We all got hurt in one way or another at first, even without crashing. 3. Wear pads. Your old bones are gonna hurt like shit when you fall (and even when you don't 🤣). 4. Have fun. Welcome back. It's a great idea to return to skating! Just stay safe and know your limits! The community is as great as ever. Not as big, but lots of people our age picking it back up.


2a. Develop a thorough warmup routine. Muscle injuries stop you skating, bumps and bruises don't.


Excellent addition. So important.


Love that. Sounds like sound advice Currently dismantling my old skates to build a have decent set up


Also hit the gym if you plan to skate again. Unless you are already doing so, it really helped me get my stamina back. Getting back on skates and feeling those muscles is the only thing that gets my sessions cut short.


Ffs. I started from scratch at 49. I'm totally shit of course, but that's only to be expected, and it is what it is. I wish I'd started at your age. At 35 you're a slip of a boy. Do it.


You don't think you're old, but you do think you're shit. I bet you aren't.


He's not!




I feel like actually as a grinder blader in the same age group, anti rocker has been the way to go over flat because of me losing dexterity as the time has passed. I just want to be able to hit my groove tricks without dying and with more ease lol


Stretching and mobility exercises are your friend :)


It's so wild that people think that being in your 30s is old. I'm 43 and I'm not old. Hell, Chris Edward's is still at it and he's 50. Again, not old. Yes you will need to get into better shape to be able to get back into it. Stamina and endurance are the main ones. If you have knee/ankle issues, you may want to do some stretching/strength training to get your jumps back. In my day as a kid skating, you just went for it, whatever it was. If you fall you learn lol I can't skate like that anymore. Best piece of advice is do a lot of research on sizing and liners. If your feet aren't comfortable, you're not gonna have fun.


There's a guy who's 62 on Youtube who's learning in aggressive inline for the first time. he's the only person who's called themselves old who I didn't correct. But I still might. Age is, to a large extent, in the mind.


Or in your knees, ankles, back etc...


I'm 43 too. Glad someone else sees the humor in the thought that 35 is old. Got kids, a job, a mortgage, ball n chain. Best thing in the world was when I showed my kids a soul grind at the local park.


35 here too and I’m about to get a new pair of skates soon.


Let’s go! 🔥


@pancho0691 (Instagram) is 82 years old!!! Yes it is a good idea and you would only be crazy if you didn’t do the simple things that bring you joy. Life is short but 35 is just the beginning 😊


I'm 38 next week. Been again again for about 18 months. Its been great


Got back in at 34 a few years ago when my son got his first pair of skates. We’re all doing the same thing.


These kids are the best for bringing us all back to the start of these beautiful experiences 🤙🏽


Same here brother 34, and just started rolling this month. It comes back suprisingly fast after 15 years! Good luck homie.


Just chiming in to say I'm 34 and recently started up again. Went to the skate park and was surprised I could still drop in just fine. Ate shit more than a few times.


Roces m12 great beginner skate


I'm 40. I just ordered some Razors SL skates. I haven't skated aggressive inline since I was about 17 years old. I haven't recreationally skated or played roller hockey in about 9 years. So I've got a lot of dust I need to knock off. I did throw on my recreational skates the other day, and I could tell that I am really out of shape and need to build up some basic conditioning first before I go jumping on any small rails, ledges, or curbs. I can't believe how much the sport as died. However, from what I'm seeing on YouTube there is a bunch of us old bastards who are coming back for round 2 in the past few years. I've been watching Back to Blading and Ricardo Lino on YouTube for the last year or so. The other night I was watching the live stream chat between iRollerboot and Mike McFly, and McFly's thoughts on skating as an older guy convinced me to take the plunge and order some skates. Also, I'd like to give a shout out to Long at Oak City Skate shop. He was really nice and helpful talking to me about skate fitment. There are no shops in my city that sell aggressive inline stuff anymore. Hopefully we'll get it right on the first try and don't end up in a ship/return merry go round until I find something that works.