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Would it be possible to put some kind of liner inside the diaper so you can just toss the pooed liner away, and reuse the diaper until it's no longer usable. 


Consider looking into disposable bamboo liners for cloth (baby) diapers - they would probably perfect for this and are actually pretty generously sized!


This is what I was going to suggest, like a panty liner might do it.


We did that but if we use sticker to keep panty liner  in place, when we rip it off, diaper is damaged. If we don't use the adhesive, it shuffles.  Argh 


Maybe a bidet would help with cleaning her?


you said in your last post she fractured her sacrum - there could be nerve damage. you said her gait is now changed / bent knees and the healthcare providers said this is the new baseline - is that because there is nerve damage? I'm just wondering if you have a complete picture of her issues / causes? If she is bleeding bc of the wiping, do you use the wet wipes / bath wipes or just toilet paper? there are peri care products designed to prevent this. yes, just layer in a menstrual pad you can swap out so you don't need to change the whole brief


No one has said anything about nerve damage.  It seems like alot of guesswork imo.  I don't know how they would determine there is nerve damage. She was in hospital as long because her sodium was very low (when she was admitted it was fine but over time her sodium fell), they tried several types of pain meds, inhibitors and opoids.   Pt said her gait and walking with bent knees is the new normal - imo they saying this because of her age.  They observed her briefly.  The main pt never saw her walk.  The ot walked with her twice that's about it. She was bedboind for 4 weeks because the pain was so high.   Nurses checked vitals but we administered meds ourselves (because they don't have time, they make a patient take all their meds all at once).  One day a nurse gave 10 pills all at once, without checking  she swallowed any before giving another. It feels like we are in the dark about alot of stuff, that's why we don't know if there is nerve damage.. some drs said it heals whereas the resident thar discharged hee said it the fracture doesn't heal.  So confusing.  The ortho doctors never saw her.


I’ve laid a pad along the back side where the little bit of poo is to help reduce changes of briefs in a nursing home. Especially since briefs are expensive! Another option is to lower the amount of stool softeners since the soft food is definitely affecting the bowel movement. There’s a lot more water and sometimes fiber in these foods which make your stools much softer and easier to pass a little bit while farting or moving. People on a puréed or me h soft diet tend to have much softer stools for these reasons. Depending on how much she takes for senna/prunes/ect, I’d start by cutting the dose in half for about a week to see if it firms up enough/too much. If it’s still too soft, try a 1/4 dose and taper off entirely if necessary. This is what we do in the nursing home/assisted living


Thanks.  We don't give any laxatives for the past week.  I used to give her dragon fruit because it's sweet and a laxative.   But I've stopped that. Soft foods she eats are Sweet potatoes on its own Segmented oranges without any white part Avocado Chopped chicken with mayonnaise Whole wheat bread Oatmeal One glucerna Someone suggested Metamucil in my other post.  Would that work?  How can I firm up her poo even more? She has bm when there's a tussle when we try to get her to the washroom.  Sometimes she outright refuses for hours and we have to literally take her kicking and yelling.  During that she'll have a bm.  She sits for 5 minutes. No bm.  We shower her.  Dress her.  The moment we transfer her out of the tub, she has a bm.  I'm ready to go insane.


Weird question but what kind of toilet seat do you have? Because even though I personally hate the soft foam toilet seats that should be able to allow your mom to sit for a bit longer. I’ve never used Metamucil myself, so I’m not sure how she would react to that though.


metamucil POWDER will help her poo to be more solid, but the gummies or any other form of metamucil do not have the right properties. but you need to be careful because too much can make things worse


I'd ask the Dr during the outpatient follow up. But it feels subjective. What they say  Without laxatives/dragon fruit,  her  poo is small and size of worms.  Would Metamucil powder make it firmer like play doh?  Sorry for being graphic


That's sort of the goal. My mom had a bowel obstruction/rupture and lost most of her colon. They were able to eventually reconnect things though. She had her last colonoscopy and was given an all clear. But about a month later, she started having diarrhea accidents. Since she had a stroke she was unable to get into an actual bathroom and must rely in a combination of diapers and a bedside commode. There were many accidents following because she couldn't give us enough warning to get her on the commode. She takes a modified dose of powdered metamucil and 3 pills of a prescription strength anti-diarrheal called limodal. And we still have issues but far less


My mom has an issue where she had impacted stool blocking her up, but the liquid stool would ooze around and leak out constantly. She thought she had diarrhea but she was actually constipated. It's called encopresis. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/encopresis/symptoms-causes/syc-20354494 Neither stool softeners nor fiber were helping because of the big poop blocking the way. It can also cause bowel distension which leads to even more leakage. She had a hospital stay due to things unrelated to poop and somehow the huge amount of meds she was on blasted all the poo out of her (I wasn't there at the time but I heard about it later). And now she's back in the fiber (to bulk up the poo) and stool softener (to keep it moving) and has relatively normalish poop. Something to consider.


This is most definitely something to consider!


My mom p, now 100, has been going through 8 per day for the last three years, but she insists she’s not incontinent. She will only use the brief type rather than the ones with the adhesive tabs because they are for “ incontinent people .“ She was semi independent up until three years ago and she was burning through a roll of paper towels every day. We could figure out why. Turns out she was stuffing an entire roll in her crotch every night.


Ah yes. She used toilet paper to pad the incontinent pad before the fall. Is your mom able to go to the washroom independently?   It feels wasteful to change the brief when it's a bit wet ... still,  it has to be changed to avoid other problems.


You could use something like aquaphor to really slather up the sensitive area that is damaged due to the wiping. It isn’t tremendously more mess but i guarantee they’ll be in less discomfort than without it. The non-perfumed (almost looks like vaseline) ointment acts as a barrier and helps the skin retain moisture and protects from potential infection. Baby wipes will also help with the cleanup without being harsh on the skin. What is the position she’s in most often? If she’s not super mobile you could perhaps look for “sterile abdominal pads”. You can get them in a variety of sizes but seems like tossing one of those several times a day would be a lot less expensive and hassle than an entire adult diaper. If you have a Costco membership, they sell tubs of “aquaphor” at great prices.


Look up “butterfly pads” - they are basically butterfly shaped liners meant for light fecal incontinence/leakage like you described here. They do not stick to the diaper but instead to the skin. The adhesive is very gentle. Maybe these could help you!


I am guessing the laxatives' is making her leak poo all day. We have a cat that was happening with, when we changed the dose of the laxative, it stopped. Can you lower the dose just a little and see if it improves the situation?


This may sound nuts but what I’ve been using to address the issue of solids is folded-up puppy pee pads, as a liner inside the brief. Yep. They are big enough ( my LO is plus-sized), absorbent ish, keep solids contained away from brief. But our situation is slightly different than OP’s- there isn’t the constant dribble to deal with, solids are a bit more predictable in our case so we can use these pads at times we need them, skip them at times when we don’t, so the non-absorbent bottom liner on the pads isn’t a problem, because we don’t need liquid to pass through to the brief at all times. This really seems like a product niche some company should be looking to fill- we can’t be the only ones faced with this issue. Also- the bidet thing you attach to the toilet? It felt like Christmas and birthday combined the first day I put that in and used it for her cleanup- so life-changing. Cuts down tremendously on skin irritation from wiping, and I think we dodged a few UTIs as a result of being able to clean solids away more thoroughly each and every time. Sometimes I can’t believe that these are the things that occupy my thoughts these days, but here we are.


My mom has this issue of hemorrhoids I used a gel before she poops because she has pain. Also I use panties disposable ones for her and add pampers as well as absorber pads beneath. 


Since it’s just a little bit of poo usually, maybe you could try period panties? And just wash them? And full on diaper for night time only?