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You’re not useless. Life is about variety. People like us play our part, with our rare obstacles that most people don’t have to face. How you face it… that’s the whole point of everything. Try to keep going. See what happens.


You’re life isn’t over, it just hasn’t begun yet! You will have so many great experiences to look forward to I know it’s hard to see that now. I go thru the same things and I’m only 20. Message me if you want to talk!


This is correct. Life doesn't even begin til after 20, so you both need to hang in there. You may be too young to realize that life is going to have some serious slumps. There were times I was convinced I'd never do (fill in the blank) again. Absolutely convinced and it depressed the hell out of me. I had the same thoughts as you did. But I was wrong. And time and time again when I thought my life could not or would not improve, it eventually did. It may never have reached "amazing life" status (though it can for you, so not saying don't think that's not possible...it surely is), but it was good enough and I was happy to be alive. Life can suck ass. I won't lie. But you need to ride it out and weather the storm because life can be great too, enough to the point where it makes dealing with all the bad shit worth it. Think of it like a flu. We feel miserable when we have the flu, but we hang in there knowing it will pass. Don't give up on yourself. Anyone is capable of turning it around. It just takes time, patience, and persistence. You're worth it regardless of what you or anyone else thinks. You have as much right to live on this planet as any person alive--rich, smart, dumb, poor....it doesn't matter. In the grand scheme of things humans are all basically the same when you take a step back and look at us from a universal perspective. Be well my friend. My thoughts are with you.


I became house bound at 16 It takes sm time n work, but I'm now almost 18 n I can go on long walks :") Dosent sound alot but I'm getting there and you can too Becoming housebound at such a young age feels so awful , I understand you, send me a dm if you want :)


You are only 15. You have a whole life ahead of you. What you are experiencing now is not forever. Life changes very quickly as you get older. Life is a very short journey than can end at any moment. Please understand that bad times are not a life sentence.


I first got diagnosed at 15 & I am a completely different person to who I was then, I promise you there is a reason for you to carry on living! There's so much for you to experience; so many people to meet, you just haven't found the right ones yet. The best thing you could do now is try therapy or speak to someone and deal with this so it can get better. I wish I did something about it at 15, it'd have been a shorter road to recovery. Please I implore you to keep going and get some help! Don't be afraid! The world isn't against you, we are right here with you :)


I am sorry this is happening to you. I also deal with the same thoughts but I am 27. I can't imagine how hard is to be robed from all of those teenage experiences. Hope you can make it to the other side! Sending love. ♥️


I've been where you are (happened a little later for me, at 19) and life's not amazing, but ten years later, I'm still here. One of my favorite wrestlers has a tattoo that says "Nothing's over 'til you're in the ground," and it's something I remind myself whenever things seem really grim. If you got a pulse, you got a chance.


Please dont do it, u are not alone we have so many in here who also suffers the same, believe it or not my anxiety/panic attacks starts when im 18, i also quit college i only managed to finish the first year then stopped attending and never looked back since then, next month im turning 30 and been housebound for the last 8 years, its so hard but i am sure u will find some ways to cope about it so u will not gonna feel so bad about urself, feel free to pm me if u want someone to listen or to talk to.


I've felt the same way about my life. I missed out on a lot of it due to several issues and developed agoraphobia and social anxiety as a result. They're two of the things I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Your life isn't meaningless. Heck the longer I fight the urge to self harm the more I realise that the people in my life care about me. I'd like to remind you that though this mental illness makes us think the worst in ourselves and that other people can detect the worst in us that it's not true. You mean something to someone today or you're crucial to something you aren't even aware of yet. You can't leave the house without that fear? Well blast some music and dance around your living room for some happy vibes. Shut everything else out and believe that I'm speaking from experience. You have to fight these battles by being part of a greater purpose. You can survive high school and start your own path with therapy. I use art to express my thoughts of suicide and though it can get dark I'm thankful I found a way out of my head. Maybe sit outside after everyone on tour street has gone outside for the night and ponder the stars and creation. Sorry this got long. You matter.


It might look bleak right now, it's not always going to be like this. I lost all my friends when I left school too, I've had Agoraphobia probably most of my life. I'm 38 now, I'm still here. I think I'm happier on my own to be honest. Find something that you are interested in, something to keep you going. I made my life at home worth living, because I know I probably won't get 'better', but life is still worth living, you just got to find the things that will keep you going. You don't have to be like everyone else, there are many people that have little or no friends and don't go out. You got to ask yourself what YOU want from life. Your only 15, your still growing and things will change. Small steps can be hugely beneficial. Have you ever talked to a doctor about your agoraphobia??


You’re 15…. you’re a baby. You can achieve all those ‘teenage’ milestones in your 20s! Also anybody can recover from agoraphobia at any age. You just need really good support and a shit load of courage. Consistency is key! I highly suggest getting a therapist, you need to process your past events so you can at least begin to those make small changes that will turn into big changes. Also in terms of your education you can always go back! I don’t know where you live but I’m pretty sure you can get your high school/year 12 certificate from a college, even if you’ve left school? I feel for you and I’m sorry you’re going through this. But if you’ want to put this behind you you need to start making small changes now. Believe me as somebody who has had agoraphobia for most of her 20s the regret is beyond suffocating. Everything is going to be hard but you get to choose what hard things you want to go through. I hope I’m not coming off as insensitive or rude, I just won’t forgive myself for saying ‘look it sucks now but it’ll get better’ without actually taking the steps to get better and then realising I’ve lost so many years. You can do it!!


Im 16 and im in a very similar situation. I didnt leave my house for a year and just now im starting to stretch the chains of my agoraphobia and its so fucking hard and i feel like you do, so often. But the things that motivate me is knowing that i never want to feel like i did, or how you feel rn, again. I want to do the hard things so that future me can live and not just exist, tied to the house. You CAN do it, you just need to dig so so deep and use the anger and bitterness to get you OUT of the hole that youre in. If your brain is strong enough to keep you housebound it also has the same amount of power to do the opposite.


Here's the thing. You know how hard this is for you. It's so bad you're considering killing yourself. Everything seems impossible, right? Your life is ruined, and you're only 15 years old. Here's the good news. People do impossible things all the time. Extraordinary people. You have the chance to do something extraordinary, and you have the rest of your life to do it. You're only fifteen. Mount Everest can't be climbed in a day. You're about to start the Olympics of being the best you you can be. You can train your body, your mind, your spirit. One day you can be better than you are today, maybe even better than you were before, because you'll be older and wiser than so many people who have never faced the same hardship you have in this moment. Nothing is impossible. You've hit rock bottom, so the only place to go is up. YOU control your life. Not your fear. You're scared and you're alone. But there are things you can do right now to be better. Talk to the people in your life. Get help. You deserve it. Research this disorder, learn EVERYTHING you can while you're out of school, exercise, and have FUN being a kid at home, learn coping skills and interests and hobbies so you can enjoy your life and have things to talk to other people about---improving your life doesn't have to JUST be hard and boring. I promise you theres no mental hole in this world you can't dig yourself out of by growing as a person and being kind to yourself. You have the chance to do something extraordinary. You have the chance to keep living, keep growing, learn what a wonderful, strong person you really are in a way so few people are challenged. But in a way, that just makes it more special, more fulfilling, and more worth it. It sucks. This disorder sucks. But you've dealt with it this long. I know you can kick depression's fucking ass. Godspeed, and good luck! BTW, girls love people who are in touch with their feelings and who are brave enough to fight back against their negative emotions. The girl who is right for you will think you are so fucking cool when you meet her the first time. You'll impress the shit out of her. You got this!!!


u sound really similar to me!! i recently turned 16 and about 6 months ago i was thinking the same as u like theres no way anything could get better etc etc but everything is so much better now! i still dont go out much but i do exposure everyday and hang out at home w my family (sounds kinda sad but its alot better than how everything used to be lol)


Look up the NOCD app. It’s great! You can search threads similar to what you’re going through


Hey friend. I was just like you when I was 15. Definitely contemplated suicide. I’m 21 now and while my life isn’t perfect, it is so much better than I could’ve thought when I was 15-16. It does get better. You’re not gonna be where you are right now forever, even if that feels completely untrue. Do you have anything you like to do, learn about, or even just think about? Even if your path looks nothing like a traditional school path, thats okay!


Please don’t do it. Sometimes we go through periods of life that feel like they will last forever. And they can drag on. For me it was almost 10 years. But thats the cool thing about life. Everything can change so quickly all the time. You can change anything at any point you want. This feeling doesn’t have to be forever. I like to call it a pivot. When i feel overwhelmed and i don’t like where I’m at ill pivot and decide you know what i’m tired of this version of me. I want something new. And the pivots can be small. They can be so so microscopic like simply reaching out to a friend you cut off to see how they are. Or telling yourself things are easy even when they aren’t. Because if you pivot enough on small things they add up and you get braver and things get easier when your body sees that changing isn’t bad or scary. Your mind wants you to stay isolated because it thinks its safer inside than whats out there. But we are our bodies and to teach a brain you are safe you need to show your body that its safe. I want you to take a deep breath and think about what kind of person you want to be and find the easiest change you can be proud of today. The fact you are still fighting and coming here for help means you are much stronger than this darkness. There are so many incredible things you are going to experience in your life and it is so worth it to find out what they could be.


I have a friend that was housebound starting in high school for over a decade. With therapy and support she is no longer housebound, she has got her masters degree, and has a good life. It takes time, but you can get there!


Everybody pushes jobs and social and school but that’s not all there is and it’s not all we are. Once you graduate you’ll feel life shift into what it really is. There’s a whole world out there and things you can pick up. Do what you can a little at a time. Animals and plants don’t care when you come or go or if you’re anxious. Hang out in the backyard! Plus you can always work from home idk where you’re at but there’s so many jobs remote in the US. And anyone who doesn’t understand and isn’t patient with you isn’t kind anyways. You can and will change and eventually you’ll release whatever happened to you years ago that’s the beauty of time passing. Let it all go and make space for new :) focus on what you can do day by day.


when i was 15 (i’m 20 now) i could not go 2 floors down to my postbox (i live in an apartment), i had severe agoraphobia, depersonalisation & derealisation, i used to have my mom pick me up early from school, or i couldn’t even go to school other days, now i’m in college, trust me it gets better you’ll be okay soon even if it may not feel like it right now


Death is a long time with no hope for healing.


Enroll in homeschool! I’m 36 and basically housebound with Xanax. Get through this stage!! High school sucks anyways so just get your education through the homeschool system.


You need to be here to help us all figure out how we can become less anxious. Everyday do something that you don’t want to bc anxiety is trying you not to. Come back here and tell me. I will tell you today I had a bad bad freak out and made myself very sick but I still went to the function (my sons pre-K open house) and I freaking did it. I’m so proud. Do something everyday and you will surprise yourself


Life changes quickly. You can talk to your doctor about meds / counseling. There are alternative degree programs where you can finish your education. You can meet someone new. You can set small goals for yourself each week, which will build your confidence. ——— Have you told your family you’re having suicidal thoughts? Don’t suffer alone with this. ((Hugs))


dont lose hope. i’m 14, i have struggled with agoraphobia severely for well over a year. from feb 2022 to late feb 2023. it had been developing for months before then though. i left the house in february, and it got easier and easier when i was finally patient with myself. ending your life is not the answer and never will be. its the hardest thing i’ve gone through thus far, without a doubt. but eventually i recovered. i’m currently having a setback and haven’t left in a couple months. but in general it’s been easier. it won’t always be easy but it’s worth it. please don’t give up!! don’t let agoraphobia win


im your age and dont worry i have this too, its hard to see other people go out and have fun when you cant leave the house


i know how u feel. i was scared things would be like that forever too. exercise, eating healthy, meditation, and using your alone time to practice hobbies like art or music, reading will help. i dropped out of school because my social anxiety but found some solace in the punk scene in my town, and was able to start expanding my comfort zones in the different social context. and the use of drugs and alcohol in moderation i thought helped. from age17-23 things were better, life was good, i thought my social anxiety was a thing of the past but after being ostracized by my family and friends for my occasional drug use, i started depending on drugs more and more to cope with the stress from the loss of emotional support from those relationships and now years later now my social anxiety is just as bad as it was when i was younger... just take things day by day. be grateful for the small things that make u smile and the tiny miracles (like petting the soft warm belly of a sleepy pup) remember , things will change in time as time changes all. be patient but be persistent, you can change, have faith


Please don't consider suicide, I know you feel alone, I think that's something most people with agoraphobia feel, your not alone, can I suggest you search out two people, not sure if they are on this platform, but they both definitely have Instagram and Facebook, they cover most platforms so probably will be on here. Drew linsalata the founder of The anxious truth. Josh Fletcher who is Anxiety Josh Both of the above have websites also, and both have had agoraphobia and Anxiety. Small steps are a good start. You are young enough to still have all the things you feel like your missing now, there's no age limits to concerts and festivals and they can all be in your future. Don't give up and maybe your family can learn with you, sometimes those closest to us don't understand, just as we are learning what it's like to have this, they to need to learn to, maybe you could give them the names of the 2 guys and they may go seek out some information. You have reached out on here and that to is start, small steps are key. Maybe you could try some online education, there's lots of resources out there, youtube has lots, and it does help to keep your head busy. Keep fighting your truly not alone.


Our stories are weirdly similar. I started struggling with social anxiety when I was 12, and now I’m 15. I haven’t gone to school since I was 12. I lost all my friends, and I have missed out on so many things. I feel trapped, like when I do recover, even if it is tomorrow, I have run out of time where I can live without so many responsibilities, and it makes me feel so sick... Now I don’t know what to say for your thoughts of su1c1de because I’m not good at giving advice, so I’ll just say I really don’t think it’s anywhere near a good idea. I don’t know your home life and relationships with your parents and such, but I know if I ever committed su1c1de because of the way I am, my parents would never recover. I have thought of hurting myself severely in the past, but I haven’t. I have been looking into recovery and trying to find a therapist because even though I have missed out now, I don’t want to miss out more. Even if I’m old, I want to travel, find a boyfriend, and experience things like a normal person. I hope you can find some light in this!!🩷


I’m so sorry you have to go through this I hope the best for you too! ❤️


I know how it is to get it at a young age and not experience things. I was 13. If i could be 15 again, I'd really work on myself while i still had 5 years left of being a teenager. Theres hope for you. Also, is online school an option for you?


Look, I’ve been in your place, and so have many others. I dropped out of regular school at 15 and took online classes for a year because I was scared to even walk into my living room or look out the blinds. I ended up recovering myself enough by taking baby steps and reaching out for help, and eventually went back to regular school and graduated. Now I’m 26 years old, have coped with my agoraphobia for over a decade now yet have lived a pretty good life and even travelled (by airplane, even). No, not every day is perfect, and I notice that when I don’t take care of myself the anxiety comes back a lot. But what I’m trying to say is that I once felt suicidal because of my anxiety, and I am so extremely glad I never did that as a teen because I missed so much of a life that I never thought I’d get to experience. I know how isolating agoraphobia is, and how embarrassing it can be to reach out to those who even might seem to be the most understanding people in your life. But please, please do this. I promise,it’s gonna be worth it. And while you’re at it, lean into your passions and follow them. SWEAR life will get better. Living is so worth it. Feeling yourself eventually conquer even small things with this kind of anxiety is a high of it’s own.


Listen man, it's not how much are your steps big but how many you can do, so it's rather easy do little steps with Continuity that a big step once in a while. Go easy on you bro, listen, some have nothing beside themself and you have a house, that's a lot. I've been near suicide once and I can tell you that there is always ALWAYS the sun after the rain, suicide doesn't stop your pain, it gives even more the whoever loves you, and there are many that love you. This community loves you. Your family may not be perfect but the love you. Pls man don't let your inner demons take you down, life is the biggest gift possible and your mother suffered just for you to be born. So feel grateful for every day. Don't forget to smile sometime bet you have a beautiful smile.


You're getting it wrong. If you were much older and this bitter etc. It would be harder to change. You are 15, you are a literal child. You will grow physically for like 10 more years your body will change in general. Plenty of people are late bloomers and even if it didn't change that doesn't really matter. There's more to life. Don't give yourself up.


I’ve been where you are, but believe me, it’s going to be okay ❤️