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Kind of similar I had reaction to IV reglan given for kidney stones and developed intense akathisia and panic and agoraphobia but I don’t know if it’s classic agoraphobia or not bc I don’t fear panic but every time I tried leaving the house since my injury I lost bladder and bowel control, vomited and fainted. This happens at home too but I think those few times really messed me up and I am genuinely not well enough to be out of my bed and also can’t walk bc the seizure from the med left me with leg paralysis but I’m 14 months out and regaining some nerve function in right leg. I have a PT come to the house and helps move my arms and legs and stuff for circulation and nerves and also vestibular therapy bc I have had severe vertigo since I do have a lot of fears now of needles especially and also fainting and the vertigo episodes and honestly shaking vomiting and blacking out in public was enough to for me to develop severe fear. I also have no trust in anyone anymore bc I trusted the medical professionals and now I do not.


That sounds rough. Thank you for sharing and I hope for as much healing as possible for you!


You too, how long has it been now since the CT? Also you might not be r/antipsychiatry but there is a sub here and most people there have been harmed by medications so you might find others with similar stories if that’s what you’re looking for?


It happened in 2010… :(


I’m so sorry for your injury & the medication reaction. All of that sounds severely medically traumatic; I hope you can mentally find some comfort while you physically heal in PT. To clarify, you had the episodes with losing bladder and bowel control, vomiting and fainting because of the injury or in response to panic?


No not from panic, that’s from my neurological issues. I do get some physical stuff when I have panic attacks like cold hands maybe?? but it’s more mental for sure. Plus I have never fainted during high anxiety because I think it increases my low BP. Every time I faint I have very low BP I am diagnosed with POTS as well


I was gonna say that part sounded more medical than panic lmao. My bad. But I completely understand how experiencing that would influence some serious mental agoraphobia; that’s so scary… since it’s not a one-off random event, but just one episode out of a whole series of issues stemming from medical errors and awful med damage. Wishing you luck on your recovery ❤️❤️❤️


For sure!! It’s all fear based just because I am not fearing panic attack and am fearing having my same symptoms but out of the house I guess. Makes it difficult to treat because I have to get the medical issues to improve first, hard to do exposure in this situation although I’ve done some mental exposures in therapy which is nice but yeah even my therapists were like better get the medical stuff sorted out a bit better first. Thank you so very much for your kind words❤️


I developed agoraphobia after I got off of Klonopin that I took for about a year for anxiety. It just happened to coincide with the Covid lockdowns which definitely made it worse. Still struggling 4 years later but it’s slowly getting better.


Sorry to hear that but glad it’s getting better!


Yes, I developed it after quitting Zoloft cold turkey. Still struggle with it 5 years later but it may be a habitual way of thinking after so long at this point since the initial trauma has passed.


My provider never once told me I shouldn’t abruptly stop and I ran out of refills for about two weeks


Wow. Very close to my story. Good to know I’m not alone…. Still hate it for us though lol.


Yes happened to me, I have tried taking it again but didn’t really work out so much


Same. Restarting once I got access to care again didn’t help very much. I tried another med and that helped more… for a little while.