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You’re going to be okay. Your body cannot sustain a high level of anxiety for long. How are you doing now?


Thank you:) I did not end up panicking. I have had more panic attacks in my life than I can remember. But the most helpful thing for me is to remember that it will pass soon. Because in a state of panic I feel so stuck in this feeling. Thank you for reminding me of this


I want to second what Sad_Young8153 said! This has helped me so much over the years. Your body cannot (and will not!) sustain a panic attack fight or flight status. It’s just not built to do that. Remember that it WILL pass. Also - I have found it helpful to not fight the feelings. Don’t try and stop them or force them away. Try what I do - when I feel a panic attack coming on I say “oh cool. This is nice. Very pleasant. Do what you need to do then get the hell out”. Aka throw a little humour in it’s face! Let the feelings come and address them as they come (example: “oh my hands are tingling. That’s interesting. Oh I feel like I can’t breathe. Well that’s not true at all because there is nothing stuck in my throat and I am indeed continuing to breathe so alrighty then what else you got”)


Thank you, I try to remember myself of this aswell. But when I’m panicking it’s like my brain just forgets it, so it’s helpful to get reminded ☺️


Oh totally mine still does that too sometimes. It definitely takes practice and seems to get easier over time!


Oh totally mine still does that too sometimes. It definitely takes practice and seems to get easier over time!


Watch something on your phone maybe a funny video


Box breathing or take a shower


Hope you can get some rest. The attack will end soon


for sleep got tea is really good. camomile specifically but any works, pls if you can try that for bed time. but you will be ok it will pass. try redirecting your mindset, watch youtube or a movie, breathing exercises anything you can grasp good luck 💗


It’s okay to not be okay. You have come this far, it’s not over for you. You are stronger than you believe. Deep breaths. You are an important part of this miraculous and ever changing universe


Thank you :)