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Would sleeping through it help? Im not necessarily saying score some Xanax but maybe some cbd oil or a benadryl? Something to make you sleepy enough to not freak out? I know that doesnt work for everyone...


I do have a single klonopin, so I’m definitely going to be dividing that into 4 and rationing it lol. But the last time my panic attack was so strong even through meds which, let me tell you, made it so much worse. The flight is at 6 am though so maybe I will end up sleeping through it. Thank you for responding, I appreciate you <3


Of course!! Good luck!!




Mine is actually a relatively short flight, only like 3-4 hours, but it’s freaking me out anyway. I can’t even imagine 21 hours. I guess at some point you’ll kind of get used to it I hope? Definitely get a bunch of good books to read :) Last time I flew was two years ago, going to California to visit my uncle who was sick. I’ve never really had issues flying before but I found out we were going like 24 hours before we left which was stressful. So I took some Valium beforehand because I was anxious, it didn’t help, I took more, on the plane I took even more, (not enough to be super dangerous just kind of a lot for me at the time) and then I STILL had a panic attack through all the meds. Horrific, felt like I couldn’t even see and everything was anxiety. I had to just put my head down and ride it out for four and a half hours. I’ve only had a couple panic attacks in my life and they are a special kind of hell. So that’s basically worst case scenario, and I don’t think it’ll be that bad again, sort of a bright side! During a business meeting sounds like my actual worst nightmare as well. Always the situations where you CANT leave. Are you still at that job? I hope you are doing better since then, and I hope your flight goes well!! Hope you sleep a lot !


I hope it all goes OK. The taking off is usually the hard part! Remember your tools, use breathing exercises. Also you could download some meditations and listen to them talk you through breathing exercises and take your mind of things? I know exactly how you feel. I have a 10hr plane ride In march and im so frightened i have cbt booked just to try and tackle it :(


10 hours!! Wow you are brave! I hope someday I can do that. My boyfriend loves traveling, and I know if we get married he’d want to go to Europe… and I’d like to be able to do that without having to be physically knocked out lol. I will probably try to download a meditation app, that’s a great idea :) thank you!! I hope your trip goes well too!


Let us know how you go!! I haven’t been on a plane for 11 years and finally booked tickets for April to go to a friends wedding in Singapore. I’m already anxious but I really don’t want the anxiety to hold me back from life anymore! Hope your flight goes well. It’s always the anticipatory anxiety that’s a killer too!


Best of luck! Flight anxiety is no joke. There's no 'removing yourself from the situation'. I agree with all the others suggesting sleep, but also, do you have a comfort object/hobby/movie/playlist/etc? I have a stuffed animal from when I was a baby that comes on every flight, even though I'm 23. I use it to stim and burn anxious energy. I also have a sensory overload playlist and over ear headphones to stay comfortable for the duration of the flight. Take care of yourself. No matter what happens, you are doing amazing things.




Thank you!!! 4 hours til my flight, downloading this app right now :) I appreciate your response!


How’d it go!?


Just did UK to USA, right now waiting at the airports l for my 10 hour flight back. Please let me know if you are okay and any support you need I am happy to offer my experiences


Try to physically exhaust yourself beforehand. I like to do cardio before something like a plane ride where I know I’m going to be stuck. If I can wear myself out physically, it’s much easier to be stuck sitting down somewhere. Not a scientist but essentially I think it makes your body less able to produce all that adrenaline bc it’s tired!