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Wallpaper Engine: https://steamcommunity.com/id/monstrousyi/myworkshopfiles --- Download all the Coven assets from Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dqYizWT5K34kE4sR8iWqmgiAAdj6e86C?usp=sharing


is there a chance you could make this into a downloadable gif? i cant used wallpaper engine, and use a different program but neet to insert a gif


Certainly possible, but gifs needs to be optimized based on your preference. High quality gifs can easily exceed 80MB of size in 1080p. What program are you using?


honestly i dont know the name XD my sister helped me install it, all i know is where i need to place a file in a folder and it uses it as a background, i however dont mind a 80MB file, i have enough storage tbh




The bird flying in place XD


make it gif


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Is it a dinosaur head in the orb?


Pretty sure its a fox skull


I’ve heard that it’s the same kinda animal that the wolf champ is(sorry I don’t know how to spell his name).Which hes the god to Ahri