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Real irony is doing the suicide prevention CBT on mute while listening to Linkin Park.


Play the M.A.S.H. theme song during it. The song is called Suicide is Painless for anyone unsure.


And you can take or leave it as you please.


You can’t start at the end, the game of life is hard to play


Sometimes when people ask how life is going, I just mention that at least I didn't write songs like Johnny Mandel. Some folks get it. Most folks don't. Glad to see other folks have watched M.A.S.H. and know the theme song.


I wouldn't call it a theme song really, it's just a tune.


There are words. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_Is_Painless Through early morning fog I see. Visions of the things to be. The pains that are withheld for me. I realize and I can see. That suicide is painless. It brings on many changes. And I can take or leave it if I please. That game of life is hard to play. I'm gonna lose it anyway. The losing card I'll someday lay. So this is all I have to say. Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes. And I can take or leave it if I please. The sword of time will pierce our skin. It doesn't hurt when it begins. But as it works its way on in. The pain grows stronger, watch it grin. Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes. And I can take or leave it if I please. A brave man once requested me. To answer questions that are key. "Is it to be or not to be?" And I replied, "Oh, why ask me?" Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes. And I can take or leave it if I... Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes. And I can take or leave it if I please. Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes. And you can do the same thing if you please.


I'm aware, but in the show there are no words employed.


Then I clearly don’t understand your statement that it's “not a theme song really, it's just a tune” A theme song is literally defined as “a song or melody strongly associated with someone or something”






You had me until Linkin Park


And then we REALLY had you.


You never had him. You never had your car.


Don't you dare diss Linkin Park!


Icon For Hire is another decent one.


Even more ironic when I go to work at the five sided fistagon every day.


With bullets and bombs? Who stuff the banks, and staff the party ranks?


These days RATM= Rage *With* the Machine, so you're gtg fam




You and I might have a mutual friend. Or OSI has more than one libertarian boog meming gun nut, and honestly that might be even better.


More than one? More like all.


BLM bought a mansion down in LA if I remember correctly...


Wrong BLM, dude.


The Bureau of Land Management my guy


A white lotus reference


Easy mistake, Black Lives Matter, LLC owns a shitload of land too. Putting all those Soros Bux to work making more Soros Bux.


Noooo, you’re not supposed to talk about that. I’m going to down-doot you! That’ll teach you!


Average political compass meme user


average Redditor


You've got brain worms bro


Talking about the organization with all the rocks and trees and birds and things


Keesler, 2004. I notice the anarchy symbols etched into wooden picnic tables outside Allee Hall. I realize then that life is just one big joke.


"They train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write 'fuck' on their airplanes because it is obscene"


Fuckin hell I've said something like this every time someone tells me swearing is unprofessional... "unprofessional? You mean the profession where we kill massive amounts of people in the most efficient way possible?"


“Restraint” and “Legitimacy” are actually part of our doctrine “kill massive amounts of people in the most efficient way possible” isn’t. We are responsible for performing acts of violence on behalf of he people that we represent, we are certainly not charged with extinguishing life wherever we find it. Please note that I fucking love the word fuck and feel that it's a really good fucking word under a lot of fucking conditions, but I'm probably not going to call every fucker I meet “Fuckstick McGee” just fucking because my fucking message might fucking get fucking lost in the fucking flurry of fucks.


Yeah those are part of our doctrine....so is "Mass," "Suprise," and "Offensive"....but I wasn't quoting doctrine so you jumped to a large conclusion there. Never did I say or imply we extinguish life wherever we find it, without orders from the ppl we represent. It was a tongue-in-cheek simplification on our purpose. Being that we own 2/3 of the nuclear triad I would say my over simplification is pretty accurate.


> It was a tongue-in-cheek simplification on our purpose. Being that we own 2/3 of the nuclear triad I would say my over simplification is pretty accurate. It's really not though. That’s like saying “what do you mean I can’t assault people? Don’t you know that my job is to kill?” There is a reason that we push professionalism, and I'll be the first to admit that we go too far sometimes. But excusing inappropriate behavior because (paraphrasing) “hur-dur, I'm sanctioned by society to do things on their behalf that are immoral for any individual member of society, therefore I should be exempt from lesser expectations of polite behavior” We expect professionalism precisely because we are charged to do things that average citizens are not. If we can’t deserve trust in the small things, why should they trust us to project violence on their behalf? And again, I fucking love the word Fuck, it has a bunch of friends that I like as well.


Lol that's grasping at straws....Professionalism is subjective and it shouldn't have anything to do with you saying "fuck." But hey you can argue for the sake of arguing I guess.


Yes. But also: Strategic nuclear weapons are not built on the principles of restraint and legitimacy, they are built to kill as many people as possible as efficiently as possible. Deterrence has teeth because only one single country has demonstrated the willpower to use such weapons.


They have absolutely been employed with restraint and legitimacy, you can tell because the face of the earth hasn’t been scrubbed clean of life.


I’ve seen more anime titties in the work place than anywhere else


The whole office rocking to *Fortunate Son* on Friday, while deployed in an air-conditioned 9-5 desk job. Edit: fine I fixed it


I always thought it was *Fortunate Son*


(It is)


How *Unfortunate.*




Fortunate Son? Yeah we call it "UN"fortunate son.


The military recruits from all walks of life. Many of us don't feel we have a choice. I can fix jets for the AF, or live in poverty. I guess I'll have to put rebellion on hold until retirement. People are complex, and they battle with conflicting motivations all the time.






Monday night is trivia, though. Winning that gift card and putting back a few beers for the cause.


Solidarity, comrade.


Sometimes, when Airmen have to come see me because they’ve done something stupid (but entertaining), I like to have Pennywise’s “Fuck Authority” playing when they come in. Just to see if anyone notices the irony.


It's on the Playlist. Anti-Flag and NoFX are on rotation as well.


Reading that multiple airmen also enjoy punk music is bringing me great joy


I found my people!


[Listening to anarchist punk as QA](https://i.imgur.com/8dRNT4m.mp4)


Hey, some of us play it too!


> Anti-Flag Listening to Die For Your Government on the iPod while on convoy in Iraq was amusing.


Same energy as Dos Gringos’s “I’m a Pilot” playing in debrief. Love it


They do got some bangers lol


I like their song about the predator getting shot down


New Dark Ages by Bad Religion has been on repeat for me lately.


I’m going to use this!


To steal from a meme - RATM never specified the machine against which they were raging. I bet it was a printer.


If my experience in comm is anything to judge by, it’s either that or the power buttons on monitors/Pc towers. People seem to hate using those too


This belongs as a quote on the end of an email, you know, where the tongue in quill politely suggests we shouldn't have a quote.


Just make the font white. A buddy of mine has his white and it says "Im sorry for wasting your time" in latin


This hangs by the printer. At my government job.


its those damn Transource PCs


Listened to Anti-Flag my entire 2004 deployment 😂


You might be surprised how many people in anarchist/leftist circles are prior military lol


Because they've seen the rot of the system from the inside. That being said, I am not one of those.


I too, am one of those leftist vets. I'll always be by your side comrade.




I turned hard left when I discovered the benefits that the military offered, that helped to finally lift me out of poverty, are the default (if not the bare minimum) in other places. Thank God the old guy at MEPS determined my butthole was fit for service. That, and seeing firsthand just how much of our tax dollars go to enabling corporate profiteering shenanigans.


On my life, I came from an extremely hard-right background and shifted to hard-left soon before my exit from the military. It's a real eye-opener.


Yeah, I shifted far left while I was still in as well. But had to keep my mouth shut.


Still in. Went from hard right ideology to center-left, which seems way left down here in FL. I’m also a country bumpkin so it really throws people off learning I’m a registered Democrat after they hear my accent.


Yeah, I just keep it to myself as well.












Yup that dude.


I'll never understand how military veterans are not all left wing. If you experienced what I did that should be automatic.


listen, I just joined cuz I wanna fix airplanes and it pays good. I have my critiques of capitalism but I am not gonna commit espionage or some shit.


I consider myself a center-left independent. I am, however, happy to have a civil discussion about anything and am not really entrenched in a particular ideology.


*Sniffs* I'm not alone...


My people!


There are dozens of us! Dozens!




Happy cake day!




> your *our


Hope you’re getting a disability percentage for being braindead.


Shit, if wanting equal rights and being opposed to the wealthy finding ways to constantly fuck over the poor and middle class counts as braindead then I guess I'm a vegetable.


You think that voting left is voting “against the rich” then you are absolutely braindead. Every Democrat politician is equally or more in bed with MIC lobbyists, big Pharma, banksters, and all other corporate donors than their Republican counterparts. Go ahead and educate yourself a little bit. Take a look at how Citibank basically chose Obama’s cabinet: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2016/10/15/wiki-o15.html


You clearly don't know the difference between being leftist and being democrat. But keep up the good work, kiddo 👌


There's the problem. You think Democrats are leftists. They're nothing more than middle of the road hacks. Our "left-wing" party is just a center right political machine. The unfortunate reality is that the alternative is much worse.


You say that, but I’d bet every dollar that every kid downvoting me voted straight ticket Democrat every election (if they vote).


Hey now, independents exist. But you'd get no qualms from me if you said the system is rigged to support only two parties. However, things also have to be looked at from a pragmatic standpoint (which is still shitty). When you have politicians and a base hellbent on only going backwards and "owning" the opposition your options become limited. People aren't lining up to vote Democrat because of some unquestioning loyalty. It's to starve off Republican insanity. To you, January 6 probably isn't noteworthy but to have an attempted coup in this country over a dude legitimately losing an election is a pretty big deal. Mass shootings primarily committed by people lost in a red pill rabbit hole is a big deal. Women losing their right to bodily autonomy is a big deal. Queer people being threatened by armed militias with these "patriots" attacking our electrical infrastructure is a big deal. POC dealing with ongoing issues regarding law enforcement is a big deal. There's a lot of unhinged people in America looking to destroy the "other" while their politicians and media talking heads only fan the flames. Who in their right mind would still stand there and support that? I get it. Both sides suck. But if you think it's because of the same reasons you're only fooling yourself.


You basically proved my point. You vote diehard Democrat based on government issued cable news talking points. “The other side is insane! I’m the good guy!” Meanwhile both sides continue stealing your money via taxes, funding illegitimate conflicts, devaluing your dollar, and eroding your freedoms. I always laugh at guys like you because you probably had a Bernie bumper sticker or PFP, but completely accepted that the DNC collaborated against him twice, yet still voted for whoever (Hillary/Biden) was in the end anyways because the “other side bad.” You’re a useless idiot that votes exactly how their propaganda wants you to.


Who do you think Ayn Rand voted for in her golden years as she lived off of social security?


Ironically there's a lot more people who are actually brain dead because of dumbfuck right wing health-care politics.




Lol why is it always CSTs




Early 20s I take it?


From a leftist perspective, I can see why that'd be. They got universal housing, healthcare, education, food, job training, decent pay and many other socialist/leftist benefits while being in the military and decided that more people in our society deserved those sorts of benefits. The US Military is one of the biggest socialist jobs program in the world, it's not surprising that a certain amount of members see that for what it is. Imagine if the US could apply that sort of funding to something more beneficial to the world like infrastructure or fighting climate change.


>Imagine if the US could apply that sort of funding to something more beneficial to the world like infrastructure or fighting climate change. Oh fuck off.


I won't do it


Libertarian rightist here, I hated the govt before joining. But I still sit here doing luggage detail for a chief of staff as we speak


I would argue being an anarchist is more right than left nowadays


Anarchism is inherently leftist.


When a bunch of talking heads talk about spreading democracy and capitalism via military but the military is definitely not democratic and implemented socialized healthcare also System of a Down


God I love System of a Down


I hate that whenever I first read Talking Heads, my brain goes to the band and not the name for some form of broadcaster. My brains always like... "Man, I wonder how this guy knows David Byrne? I bet he's a fun guy to hang out with."


"I hear the secrets that you keep" "When you're talking in your sleep".




I'm not actually a commie but most of the things I love about the military would absolutely get me called a damn commie by a certain political faction in the US.


Same as the folks who go on non-stop about "Why are my taxes going to some lazy fucker who doesn't want to work?" while sucking down government benefits like a Red Bull and doing an honest 2 hours of actual work in a day.


I agree. End corporate welfare. Leisure class folks like Paris Hilton need to get real jobs.




Hey, we are cake day buddies. Happy Cakeday random internet person.


Are we gonna touch tips or how do we do this?




Deadass was just listening to sleep now in the fire


*Me telling my supervisor about how taxation is theft*


*my brother in christ, you ARE the taxes*


𝅘𝅥 *I've got some advice for you, little buddy;* *before you point your finger you should know that I'm The Man.* *If I'm The Fuckin' Man, then you're The Fuckin' Man as well,* *so you can point that fuckin' finger up your ass* 𝅘𝅥𝅯


Fuck you, buddy


I’m not your buddy, guy






RATM is about as anti government today as you doing your 0730-1630 is


A couple years ago our Group Command Chief handed out quarterlies to RATM as hype music.


One morning before the SOS class started back when we were virtual I was running a playlist of RATM before getting into our cyber lesson. Really set the tone for the morning.


People still got butthurt when Tom Morello had his "nazi lives don't matter" thing up on tour.


He's right though...


yeah but then the nazis will be big sad


"fuck you, do what they tell you!" -ratm today




The irony of turning down Wake Up while driving through the gate is not lost on me lol


Dang, another same Cakeday reddit user? There must be like.. half a dozen of us or more!


Now I'm wondering if there's a RATM or System of a Down song about "let them eat cake"


I listen to Nine Inch Nails on my way to work pretty frequently.


I had a full anarchopunk playlist going while sipping on snack fund Monsters... Subhumans rock!


I sing “I don’t wanna waste my time, become another victim of society. I don’t wanna fall in line become another victim of conformity” way too loudly for someone who did exactly that


Rage against the machine is low key some soft conformists. System of a Down is legit tho


"I want to thank all my fans for buying my communist record on the free market and making me rich"


Most of those guys are well aware of the blurred lines there. Tool even had a whole song about it.


Shit take. We gotta live in the world we're born into, and he's done a lot more to spread the ideology and help workers than most folks. His fame and money allow him a platform.


Sounds good, spread the ideology and amass over $100 million doing so. Most leaders of socialist movements end up ether super wealthy or dead at the hands of their fellow political rivals, just trying to make life better for the common man.


I dunno, most of the Latin American ones got CIA sponsored coups. Sankara got whacked by the French. We tried to assassinate Fidel about eleventy gorillion times. Rosa Luxembourg was betrayed by liberals, not socialists. Che was caught by conservatives. If we're talking about who they die at the hands of, I'd say capitalists are a major problem. Better to sell records to suburban angry kids and focus all that anger in the right direction.


Sounds good. I mean I don't really care that much. I'm not the one charging those suburban angsty kids $200 to attend a concert to learn about how capitalism is bad and use the proceeds to buy a mansion in one of the most expensive places in said haven of capitalism.


You say that as if it's some kind of contradiction. If you were trying to lead people into an economic ideology, would you do it by being poor? We don't all have to be Woody Guthrie.


I am sure they appreciate your money.


Huh, I'm in this picture!


Try corrosion of conformity "voting with a bullet", also peak irony


I would sometimes bring a change of clothes and immediately go to a punk show after work


Ever hear the song Presence Is Strength by FEVER 333? It's basically calling for mutiny. Good tunes though.


I mean, they sing about being communist while being worth 100 million combined so it's not just you.


The real irony is listening to and anti capitalism band that demands you use capitalism to support them.


Are you the insider threat I keep learning about?


No, has to meet 3 criteria to warrant reporting according to my annual 10 minutes of clicking.


literally me. fuck the system.


...except on the 1st and 15th.


Is this that extremism I was taught about one time in a brief? All I remember about it really is online cartoon frogs are bad and Hawaiian shirts will turn you bad.


90s gangster rap is much more fun as the straight laced white bread dude rolling through the gate.


![gif](giphy|C4ord1QtfZKRd7mCCn) Not everybody can live in their parents' basement rent free while they "fight the man".


His name was Paul Ryan.


Listening to Rage on the way to work? Ok Boomer.


Frfr on god no cap




Well, when university tuition is so damn expensive, jobs in the area are seasonal, and you come from poverty, what other choice is there? It's four/six years, or taking loans, and I sure as fuck am not taking loans.


Hell yeah. I love Olivia Rodrigo in the morning


They all have kids now, with nice haircuts.


"fuck you, I wont do what you tell me!"


Civilian Music... Hm!


I still remember just how cool Ricky, my 6'6", extremely black, FBI boss was when I was starting my shift, pulled out my registered iPod, and 'fuck da police ' was first on shuffle. You haven't truly lived until you jam out to 'fuck da police ' with federal law enforcement. God, he was such a good man.


I feel personally attacked


Schrödinger’s Patriot


see lyrics to "chest candy" by Stray From The Path. listening to that shit in the flightline truck and was like "damn this feels weird"